Django move models classmethod to another file - python-3.x

I have model
name = models.Charfield()
print('do soemthing')
What I want to do is to move do_something method from my model to another file.I want to do it because I have several other big methods in this model and want to structure the code, don't like lengh of this file. It's getting big > 700 lines of code.
So I want to move my method to another file and import it, so it still can be used like modelmethod
like this:
Any ideas?

Use inheritance -- (wiki)
# some_package/
class MyFooKlass:
def do_something(cls):
# do something
return 'foo'
# my_app/
from some_package.some_module import MyFooKlass
class Order(models.Model, MyFooKlass):
name = models.CharField()


Python create dynamic class and set multi bases from imported module

I found several example here, but is not what exactly looking for, will try to explain here
from this answer tried to achieve my result but is not what looking for
How can I dynamically create derived classes from a base class
i have a module that holds many classes
importing the module
import importlib
# are awalable many classes here
forms = importlib.import_module('my_forms')
Now, based on forms i need to create a new class and add bases to my new class all classes that are availabe in forms
this what i tried, but can not find a way to assign the bases
import inspect
def create_DynamicClass():
class DynamicClass(BaseClass):
for form_name, class_name in inspect.getmembers(forms):
for i in class_name():
# here the code to added all bases to DynamicClass
return DynamicClass()
example how my_forms module looks
class MyClass1(BaseClass):
attr1 = 1
attr2 = 2
def prepare(self):
# some code for each class
class MyClass2(BaseClass):
attr3 = 3
attr4 = 4
def prepare(self):
# some code for each class
class MyClass3(BaseClass):
attr5 = 5
attr6 = 6
def prepare(self):
# some code for each class
The result that i want to achieve is the following, will make a static class to show desired result but need to be dynamic
I need to create my class dynamic because in my_forms module can be any amount of classes
# inherits all classes from my_forms module
class MyResultClass(MyClass1, MyClass2, MyClass3):
# here get all available attributes from all classes
def prepare(self):
# as well need each prepare function for each class as well
yield MyClass1().prepare()
yield MyClass2().prepare()
yield MyClass3().prepare()
Simply declare the dynamic class with all of your base classes. To do so, put all of your base classes in a list, and unpack the list in the class definition statement with the * operator like this:
def createClass(baseClasess):
class NewClass(*baseClasses):
return NewClass
DynamicClass = createClass([class1, class2, ...])
i have managed to find a solution, will post here, if any recommendation to make it better will appreciate
forms = importlib.import_module('my_forms')
class Form(BaseForm):
def prepare(self):
for form_name, class_name in inspect.getmembers(forms, inspect.isclass):
yield class_name().prepare()
except TypeError:
def createClass(meta):
for form_name, class_name in inspect.getmembers(forms, inspect.isclass):
Form.__bases__ += (class_name, )
for field in class_name():
field_type = fl.SelectField() if hasattr(field, 'choices') else fl.StringField()
setattr(Form,, field_type)
except TypeError:
return Form(meta=meta)

How to make a django model singleton

I have django model which stores file and uploded peron but i need my django model to be a singleton how can i acheive this?
class Mymodel(BaseModel):
title = models.FileField(
person_uploaded = models.Foreignkey()
for the OP, please follow some tutorial about model relationships on official site just like the comments suggested.
for visitors who searched the title and tried to implement a table of constants.
I thought about this through architecture initially, and played around. then django taught me a tough lesson, you better not mess model structure, do with what you normally use, otherwise something may go wrong, so I ended up implementing this:
import math
from django.db import models
# Create your models here.
class Constants(models.Model):
pi = models.FloatField(default=math.pi)
e = models.FloatField(default=math.e)
def setup():
except Constants.DoesNotExist:
instance = Constants()
def instance():
return Constants.objects.get(pk=1)
# only create 1 and save 1 allowed, other abort
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self._state.adding:
except Constants.DoesNotExist:
# create 1
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
# save 1
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
which only allow pk=1 exist, and always use that instance, you can update it, and remember to run setup to initialise first instance and default values after deploy to server. this saves performance, and will causing any bug.

python: multiple functions or abstract classes when dealing with data flow requirement

I have more of a design question, but I am not sure how to handle that. I have a script where I read a .csv file of text column that I would like to preprocess by removing punctuations, characters, ...etc.
What I have done now is that I have written a class with several functions as follows:
class Preprocessing(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.my_data = pd.read_csv(file)
def remove_punctuation(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('#','')
def remove_hyphen(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('-','')
def remove_words(self):
self.my_data['text'] = self.my_data['text'].str.replace('reference','')
def save_data(self):
def preprocessing(file_my):
f = Preprocessing(file_my)
return f
if __name__ == '__main__':
although it works fine, i would like to be able to expand the code easily and have smaller classes instead of having one large class. So i decided to use abstract class:
import pandas as pd
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
my_data = pd.read_csv('/Users/kgz/Desktop/german_web_scraping/file.csv')
class Preprocessing(ABC):
def processor(self):
class RemovePunctuation(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('#', '')
class RemoveHyphen(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('-', '')
class Removewords(Preprocessing):
def processor(self):
return my_data['text'].str.replace('reference', '')
final_result = [cls().processor() for cls in Preprocessing.__subclasses__()]
So now each class is responsible for one task but there are a few issues I do not know how to handle since I am new to abstract classes. first, I am reading the file outside the classes, and I am not sure if that is good practice? if not, should i pass it as an argument to the processor function or have another class who is responsible to read the data.
Second, having one class with several functions allowed for a flow, so every transformation happened in order (i.e, first punctuation is removes, then hyphen is removed,...etc) but I do not know how to handle this order and dependency in abstract classes.

Loading a class of unknown name in a dynamic location

Currently I am extracting files to the temp directory of the operating system. One of the files is a Python file containing a class which I need to get a handle of. The Python's file is known, but the name of the class inside the file is unknown. But it is safe to assume, that the there is only one single class, and that the class is a subclass of another.
I tried to work with importlib, but I am not able to get a handle of the class.
So far I tried:
# Assume
# module_name contains the name of the class and -> "MyClass"
# path_module contains the path to the python file -> "../"
spec = spec_from_file_location(module_name, path_module)
module = module_from_spec(spec)
for pair in inspect.getmembers(module):
print(f"{pair[1]} is class: {inspect.isclass(pair[1])}")
When I iterate over the members of the module, none of them get printed as a class.
My class in this case is called BasicModel and the Output on the console looks like this:
BasicModel is class: False
What is the correct approach to this?
As the content of the file was requested, here you go:
class BasicModel(Sequential):
def __init__(self, class_count: int, input_shape: tuple):
self.add(Dense(128, activation=nn.relu))
self.add(Dense(128, activation=nn.relu))
self.add(Dense(class_count, activation=nn.softmax))
Use dir() to get the attributes of the file and inspect to check if the attribute is a class. If so, you can create an object.
Assuming that your file's path is /tmp/mysterious you can do this:
import importlib
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import sys
path_pyfile = Path('/tmp/')
mysterious = importlib.import_module(path_pyfile.stem)
for name_local in dir(mysterious):
if inspect.isclass(getattr(mysterious, name_local)):
print(f'{name_local} is a class')
MysteriousClass = getattr(mysterious, name_local)
mysterious_object = MysteriousClass()

How to get data of a variable from one class into another class in python?

so I am writing code where I generate certain data in a class and save it in a dictionary. I want to use that data in the second class . The first class is as fellows:
class DataAnalysis():
def __init__(self,matfile=None):
self.matfile= matfile
def get_alldata(self):
print('all dict data accessed')
return bodedata_dict
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj1= DataAnalysis(matfile=matfile)
"do some work"
I then access the dictionary in the second class as:
from A import DataAnalysis
class PlotComaparison(DataAnalysis):
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj= DataAnalysis(matfile=None)
obj1= PlotComaparison(obj)
dict_data= obj.get_alldata()
But when I run the script with the second class, it gives me the following error:
File "", line 301, in get_alldata
NameError: name 'bodedata_dict' is not defined
I am very new to the concept of classes in python, so please help me with how I can use data from one class into another.
The get_alldata() method in the DataAnalysis class you defined is returning a bodedata_dict which isn't defined anywhere. It's like printing the content of a variable without defining it first.
Looking further into it, bodedata_dictin the first example comes from outside the class. You would likely want to change the flow of your program so that when DataAnalysis has it's get data method called, it doesn't depend on an outside state.
