Is there a way I can create projects in code blocks? - graphics

I am a novice programmer .I started off by learning all the basics of c programming. After I finished I wanted to now create real apps . but I am completely stuck. I don't where to begin. I am here for guidance on what I should do to create an app in c language. Please I will be very grateful for your guidance. To be specific i need to understand how i can implement the code that I have written. Thank you

From the 'file' menu, choose 'new' and then 'project'.
This command starts the wizard for choosing the type of project you want to create. It can be, for example, a console project, or with a GUI interface or with OpenGL graphics, etc.
When you have chosen between the different options, CodeBlocks will create a directory (which will be called with the same name as the project).
Warning: the path you choose must not contain spaces (for example it's ok: C:/cpp/MyFirstProject)


Sublime, altering behavior of highlighting definions upon mouse-hover

I have a project with several classes which partly share functions while at other times the functions are different in code, but use the same name.
When hovering over a function name, Sublime highlights every file and line where that definition is found.
In my opinion it would be better if it actually included which class the different highlights belong to.
Is it possible to edit this in some way ?
Assume systems.js contains 4 different classes (1 base, 3 children). I would like to append or prepend the shown strings by the class definition (fetchable via prototype).
The hover popup mentioned in your question is powered by Sublime's internal symbol index, which is created in combination with the syntax definition that's used to syntax highlight files that you're editing. The Sublime syntax system is fairly context free; it parses the structure of the code but it doesn't contain any real structural information about it.
So for example it can determine that getShots is a function or method because of the syntax that was used to define it, but it doesn't know what class it came from.
The code for the hover popup is available in Default/ (you can use PackageResourceViewer to examine it) and associates symbols under the cursor with other places that it's seen symbols with that name in other files in the project; it literally only knows the information that you see in the popup; places where things by that name are defined and places where things of that name are referenced.
So in one sense, the answer to your question is No; core sublime can't do that because it doesn't have enough code intelligence to be able to figure that sort of thing out; this is exacerbated by dynamic languages like JavaScript where things can theoretically change at runtime as well.
The primary reason for that is because Sublime is extensible enough to support literally every programming language instead of just focusing on one or two (as e.g. PhpStorm does), so it doesn't have the core code to determine the information required.
All that said, since Sublime is indeed extremely extensible, it's possible that external code that does specialize on a language could be leveraged by a package in order to provide the appropriate information.
Two examples of that are SublimeCodeIntel and LSP for example. I don't use either of them myself, so I don't know for sure how good a fit they might be in your workflow.
I highly recommend you shift to Visual Studio Code majorly because sublime is an editor whereas vs code is an IDE. Also, it has very great extension support for all languages. I would recommend you to use jshint which the most popular plugin for js code available for almost all popular editors and IDEs. But still if you want to go with Sublime I suggest you following plugins:

How to use J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line

i'm trying to create J2ME app with J2ME sdk 3.0 with command line and i'm confused on how to compile and preverify my source code.can anyone show me how to please ?
Pretty much all IDE's allow you to run and compile the code inside them, rather than having a separate pipeline to edit the text files, compile them and run them.
For example, in IDEA you have a "Run" menu that you can use to access all those functionalities.
I suggest that, especially if you are inexperienced, you switch from a "manual" process using separate tools (text editor, compiler, runner) to a more unified one, that will sort out most of the details for you letting you focus on the writing of the code / logic.

Tool to identify items in Qt interface

I'm trying to automate Skype on Ubuntu using LDTP which has a GUI that is written with Qt. LDTP requires that I know the names of the frames I'm interacting with and their objects. I don't have the Skype source code, but I was hoping there was some tool that might exist for extracting information about a Qt window or that it might at least confirm for me that automation is impossible for the window I'm trying to play with.
The reason I think this exists in the first place is that AutoIT had a similar application on Windows.
To find out if a window is able to be automated using LDTP, you can use the getapplist() and getwindowlist() functions as shown in the tutorial which can be found under doc on the github. To list the objects of this window, you can use getobjectlist().

Getting started with Xcode 4.2

I have recently got a Mac and I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 from the store. I am trying to get to grips with iPhone development but I am having real troubles. All the tutorials I seem to find online, when they create a project, they had a resources folder, and inside that there is xib file which allows them to use an interface builder.
This does not appear on 4.2, so makes it kinda hard to follow majority of tutorials have the resources folder. How do I get this back? Or how do I access this file on 4.2?
Also, I could someone explain to me where the objects list is? I started following this tutorial
as it seemed to be using Xcode 4.2, but when I get down to the storyboard section, it says
"Of course, we really want another tab on there so we can see the switching between the two – so lets drag in another Navigation Controller from the Utilities (objects) list and plonk it down somewhere. "
Except I cannot find this objects list? How do I open this objects list? What am I missing?
Sorry if these questions seem very basic, I am new to both Macs and iPhones. Android development seems a HELL of a lot easier from what I can see so far.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Also would be grateful if anyone could point in direction of any good up to date tutorials
I have a post on it will give you a nice understanding of how most stuff fits together, I don't use Interface Builder at all since it only makes the app bigger. Have a look at my blog post, still need to do styling, and add more posts but it is a nice beginner guide.
Most posts you are finding still use XCode 3 that's why you can't find certain things.
Also have a look at
What they are referring to as the object list, in XCode 4 it is found in the bottom right corner of Interface Builder. In XCode 4 Interface Builder is part of XCode and no longer an external application. Therefore when ever you open a XIB file Interface Builder also automatically opens

Non-blocking Dialog box in Applescript

I have to write a small script to deploy a patch for our Application. The patch
will replace a couple of files in the application.I decided to depploy the patch using Applescript. The files to be copied are quite large and it takes some time for the files to be copied. I wanted to know if there is any way I can get a dialog box which doesn't block the execution of the script so that I can display some message like Updating.. etc while the patch is applied and then close the dialog box after wards.
There's a scripting addition called Akua Sweets (oldy but goody) that has a display progress command. Get it at it's in the 'most popular' section at the top of the page.
Oh, bugger, that's only for OS9. It was really useful back in the day, I remember using it a lot (of course everything took a lot longer in those days so progress bars were more in demand).
another edit
You got me inspired, there's a couple of scripts I use that need progress bars, so I went looking and found this scripting addition at
and again
here's a basic tutorial for how to do it in interface builder. I think that's probably the right way to do it.
I myself ran into the same problem. Unfortunately applescript doesn't provide an easy way of implementing a progress bar.
I ended up using the stop loop example found here to build an application. This guy has a bunch of applescript studio xcode projects to download and mess around with. It's some really great sample code if you aren't too familiar with applescript studio.
