Azure B2C - Display Control - Send email verification with Mailjet - azure-ad-b2c

I am following the sample as well as the document that describes custom email verification with Mailjet. I get the password reset journey to work but cannot figure out why I have 2 sets of UI elements as shown in the pic. The one below seems to be the one configured to use Mailjet because the email is formatted as I specified in Mailjet. The one on top sends with the default MSFT email verification format.
Thanks for your help! :)

You must have an OutputClaim verified.Email in your technical profile that also references your DisplayControl. Remove that output claim and it'll disappear, leaving only the custom email control.


Service account to send Docusign eSignature requests

I've signed up for a developer account with Docusign. We have about 15 users that access a Windows Forms page from another program where they fill out the proper information and click a button that calls a NET Core Web API which creates an envelope and sends to the signer. Those 15 users don't have accounts in Docusign and don't need them to. I want to use one admin or service account that will send and receive the emails, but I can't figure out how to do this.
I used my name for the developer account and now all my (test) Docusign emails show they are from me and once the signer signs, my email receives the signed documents. I've tried creating another "Admin" account, but I don't see any way to associate that user as an "API User". When I try using that user's GUID as the ImpersonatedUserID, my RequestJWTUserToken request comes back with "consent_required". But, when I go to the link I just get an error with "The client id provided is not registered with Docusign".
Everything in the Web API is working perfectly except for the emails showing they are from me and then the signed docs coming back to my email. This should be an easy thing to change the user, but apparently it's not, or I just can't figure it out.
You were on your way to fix this, but didn't follow through.
Create new user (you did it)
Find the new userId (you did)
Update JRequestJWTUserToken (you did)
Consent error - expected, the new user did not consent.
Obtain consent. You need to have a URL built correctly like this to do this:
Once you do 5, you need to log in with the same new user account you created (you may be automatically logged in with your original developer account, so log out) and provide consent.
Then step 4 will work just fine.

Docusign - Control download and print & Notification

I have researched enough and went through the API and could not find what is the right object to set to not to let users download / print documents once they finish signing. All the documents are submitted using envelopeAPI and controlling all the eventNotifications via api.
Would like to control the following also via API.
Not to send completed email to the recipient.
Once the document is signed, the recipient receives an email as shown below.
What is tried so far -- Tried to change the Email preference for Api user and User and did not see
any difference in notification.
Disable download and print option for the recipient.
when the recipients finish signing they are redirected to a page as shown below.
If possible I would the recipients not be redirected to this. If not at least disable download/print
As a matter of law in most jurisdictions, people who sign using an electronic signature must have the ability to view/download/print the signed document.
That said, you can use an embedded signing ceremony. In that case, you control the emails.

Firebase password reset customization

I need to change the forgot password link in firebase authentication template emails from a URL to a 6 digit verification code only.
The code will be generated on 'forgot password' and emailed to the user, once received the user would need to enter this verification code into the app... and after confirmation, he/she can change their password. How can I achieve this in firebase.
If you check the Customize account management emails and SMS messages documentation you can see that the oobCode is generate and added directly to the URL, and you cannot generate it otherwise.
On this community post a similar problem to yours is suggested and the proposed solution is to generate you own verification mechanism, although it is possible it represents a lot more work on your end than using the pre existing email with url configuration.

Editing Signature Request email in resource file

I opened a ticket with DocuSign enterprise support and was instructed to post my issue to StackOverflow.
We are working on a new feature for a client in our demo account and would like to know how to override the content of the Signature Request email that is sent to a signer recipient when an envelope is created from a template. See the attached screenshot—we would like to change the name and email address that appear in the body of the email. Currently, it shows the main account holder’s information. I have looked through our Email resource XML and do not see an element that pertains to this email.
According to the Resource File guide, it seems like I might be looking for a <data name=”DigitalSignaturesPending_HtmlBody”> element. However, I do not see one in the resource file. I see elements for editing other emails that go to recipients, but not this email. Therefore, I cannot remove the desired fields. I appreciate any help. Thank you.
If the goal is to hide the sender's icon, name and email, you can do so in the Signing Resource File: Change DocuSign_HideIntroductionSenderProfileImage = True and DocuSig
n_HideIntroductionSender = True
If you want to change what appears in that block, check the Email Resource File. Look for lines that start with [[Conditional:ShowIntroductionSender]] and contain [[Data:SenderName]] and [[Data:SenderEmail]] and edit those accordingly. Note that you can only hard-code a name and email so that all notifications sent with that Brand will show the same data.
You will probably need to make several changes, as there are many notification types.
If you want to change who owns the envelope, consider setting up an Envelope Transfer Rule that fires Prior to First Send. You can have envelopes sent from your account transfer to a generic/faceless user, so all notifications will have that profile on them. Note that you may want to set up Envelope Sharing so that sending users can still view envelopes they've sent.

Using web input to build conditional Docusign response

I'm only mildly technical and not the web lead for my company, but I am the membership lead and I'm hoping to use your API for my workflow. This is what I need:
A web form on our website that asks for Name, e-mail, age, and a drop-down box of predetermined locations.
Using the above, I'd like the age to decide whether the requestor receives the Over 18 or Under 18 version of my form. Then I'd like the name to be auto-filled into the correct form. I'd like the form to be then e-mailed to them for a signature, and I'd like the signed, returned form to not only come to my primary e-mail address, but also to use the location to send a carbon copy to their local representative.
Can it be done? Thank you all for your help!
Yes you can use DocuSign to easily achieve the workflow you've stated. There's probably several ways you can implement this, I'll focus on the first that comes to my mind which is using DocuSign Templates.
Using Templates you can upload documents into your DocuSign account at design time, add workflow, tabs, routing, etc, then at run-time your app can reference these templates and match specific recipients to placeholder roles configured in the template.
For example, your flow would be:
Create 2 templates in your DocuSign account, one for 18+ case and one for Under 18 (note: you have unlimited templates in your account).
Add a Carbon Copy recipient as the second recipient for each template, make sure to give a routing order = 2 by setting the signing order.
Once your web form receives all input data from the user (ie Name, email, age, and location) use the Envelopes: create API to create an envelope with the form data populated in various tabs.
By default, once they are done signing the platform will email them a copy of the signed document (you can control this through account settings).
The Carbon Copy recipient will also receive a copy of the signed document once signing is complete, you can store a static email in the template or provide new recipient information at run-time when making the API request.
For more info see the DocuSign Developer Center. I also recommend you have a look at the Tabs section and Templates section for some highly useful information.
