terraform output map value from lists of maps - terraform

I want to get a specific map element from a lists of maps in Terraform's output.
For example, how would I access account in properties.json for each map item
and print a list as output conditionally for type also.
I tried for loops and splat expressions as below but it does not return exact value.
It seems that the props below is also a list.
output "resources_by_name" {
description = "Resource name of all machine type resources from a vRA deployment"
value = [
for props in deployment.deploy[*].resources.*.properties_json:
if jsondecode(props).type == "vsphere"
I am not sure how to use nested for loops or access map items within the lists.
"id" = "b5336bf7-07fb-4026-aa3d-479bd974ca45"
"name" = "test1"
"properties_json" = "{"account":"test0","constraints":"anothertest4"}"
"type" = "vsphere"
"id" = "67a3380b-8008-4f9c-9c13-2a1a935d5820"
"name" = "test2"
"properties_json" = "{"account":"test1","constraints":"anothertest3"}"
"type" = "gcp"
"id" = "eeddd127-cba2-4b34-a2d7-e56dda5d2974"
"name" = "test3"
"properties_json" = "{"account":"test2","constraints":"anothertest2"}"
"type" = "aws"
"id" = "81de1857-c0c9-4c9e-8fbd-d8a1da64fa3c"
"name" = "test4"
"properties_json" = "{"account":"test3","constraints":"anothertest1"}"
"type" = "az"

Here is working example. I had to fill out the blanks missing from your question, thus you may need to modify it to suit your needs:
locals {
properties = [
"id" = "b5336bf7-07fb-4026-aa3d-479bd974ca45"
"name" = "test1"
"properties_json" = "{\"account\":\"test0\",\"constraints\":\"anothertest4\"}"
"type" = "vsphere"
"id" = "67a3380b-8008-4f9c-9c13-2a1a935d5820"
"name" = "test2"
"properties_json" = "{\"account\":\"test1\",\"constraints\":\"anothertest3\"}"
"type" = "gcp"
"id" = "eeddd127-cba2-4b34-a2d7-e56dda5d2974"
"name" = "test3"
"properties_json" = "{\"account\":\"test2\",\"constraints\":\"anothertest2\"}"
"type" = "aws"
"id" = "81de1857-c0c9-4c9e-8fbd-d8a1da64fa3c"
"name" = "test4"
"properties_json" = "{\"account\":\"test3\",\"constraints\":\"anothertest1\"}"
"type" = "az"
output "resources_by_name" {
value = [for props in flatten(local.properties):
if props.type == "vsphere"
resources_by_name = [


Combine list and object in terraform

How do I combine something like
[for x in var.variable : { "key" : x , "value" : true}]
{ "key" : "*", "value" : true}
Say var.variable is an array/list with values [1,2]
and then I need to perform a jsonencode on the above result in terraform.
I have tried merge, join, concat but somehow nothing seems to work or maybe I dont know how to use them correctly.
I need the final output something like -
"key" : 1,
"value" : true
"key" : 2,
"value" : true
"key" : "*",
"value" : true
You can do that as follows:
variable "variable" {
default = [1,2]
output "test" {
value = jsonencode(concat(
[for x in var.variable : { "key" : x , "value" : true}],
[{ "key" : "*", "value" : true}]))

print from json with a given condition in terraform

I'm into the terraform world recently and learning based on the requirements. I've a question on printing the values with a given condition
json file:
"team1" : [
"engg_name" : "Alex",
"guid" : 1001,
"scope" : "QA"
"engg_name" : "Trex",
"guid" : 1002,
"scope" : "QA"
"engg_name" : "Jessica",
"guid" : 1003,
"scope" : "QA"
"engg_name" : "Tom",
"guid" : 1004,
"scope" : "DEV"
"team2" : [
"engg_name" : "Roger",
"guid" : 2001,
"scope" : "DEV"
"engg_name" : "Jhonny",
"guid" : 2002,
"scope" : "DEV"
What I'm trying:
print the engg whose scope is DEV from the json file
locals {
teams = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/teams_info.json"))
engg_with_scope_dev = flatten([for i in local.teams : i.teams if keys(local.teams).scope == "DEV"])
engg_with_scope_dev = flatten([for i in local.teams : i.teams if keys(local.teams).scope == "DEV"])
| local.teams is object with 2 attributes
This value does not have any attributes.
Can someone suggest me what's the right way to just print based on the condition?
output must be as following:
engg_with_scope_dev = ["Tom", "Roger", "Jhonny"]
You need an embedded for loop for this:
locals {
teams = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/teams_info.json"))
engg_with_scope_dev = flatten([for team in local.teams : [
for engineer in team : engineer.engg_name if engineer.scope == "DEV"
Other solution would be to use a concatenation of the lists with ellipsis operator:
locals {
teams = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/teams_info.json"))
engg_with_scope_dev = ([
for engineer in concat(values(local.teams)...) : engineer.engg_name if engineer.scope == "DEV"
But also, a simple flatten with values would work as well:
locals {
teams = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/teams_info.json"))
engg_with_scope_dev = ([
for engineer in flatten(values(local.teams)) : engineer.engg_name if engineer.scope == "DEV"

Nested loop based on json response in Terraform for multiple resource target

regions = [
{name: "region1"},
{name: "region2"},
{name: "region3"},
{name: "region4"},
{name: "region5"},
{name: "region6"}]
"region1" : ["cluster1"],
"region2" : [],
"region3" : ["cluster1"],
"region4" : ["cluster1","cluster2"]
resource "type" "name" {
count = length(regionLength)
name = "region-name/cluster-name"
I need resource created with such name output like this
Can we achieve this too:
Final = []
For r , cs in arr:
for oc in regions:
if r == oc.name:
for c in cs:
oc[‘cluster’] = r-c
Thanks in advance.
You can achieve that as folllows:
variable "regions" {
default = {
"region1" : ["cluster1"],
"region2" : [],
"region3" : ["cluster1"],
"region4" : ["cluster1","cluster2"]
locals {
region_list = flatten([for region, clusters in var.regions:
[ for cluster in coalescelist(clusters, [""]):
which gives:
region_list = [

Terraform: nested for loop from yaml

I am trying to run nested for loop on terraform.
I have the following Yaml file:
- Department:
- Dev:
- name: "danielf"
role: developer
email : danielf#example.com
firstname : daniel
lastname : folsik
- name: "johnb"
role: developer
email : johnb#example.com
firstname : john
lastname : belk
- Ops:
- name: "benol"
role: devops
email : benol#example.com
firstname : ben
lastname : olkin
- name: "pauld"
role: devops
email : pauld#example.com
firstname : paul
lastname : dempler
I am using locals to get the yaml data:
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
I want to run into the list of objects on "Dev" and "Ops" lists using for_each.
for example, I want to run on the "Dev" list to get the following list of objects in the first iteration:
key = "email"
value = "danielf#example.com"
key = "firstname"
value = "daniel"
key = "lastname"
value = "folskin"
The next run on the for_each will be:
key = "email"
value = "johnb#example.com"
key = "firstname"
value = "john"
key = "lastname"
value = "belk"
How can I do it on terraform?
If I understand correctly, all you are trying to extract is the details portion of that yaml file ...
Here is what I would do to get all:
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
expanded_names = flatten([
for e in local.ou_config.Employees : [
for d in e.Department : [
for key, person in d : [
for key, value in person : [
output "test" {
value = local.expanded_names
And if we want to filter we add an if key == "Dev"
locals {
ou_config = yamldecode(file("employees.yaml"))
expanded_names = flatten([
for e in local.ou_config.Employees : [
for d in e.Department : [
for key, person in d : [
for key, value in person : [
] if key == "Dev"
output "test" {
value = local.expanded_names
A terraform plan on that will look like:
Changes to Outputs:
+ test = [
+ {
+ email = "danielf#example.com"
+ firstname = "daniel"
+ lastname = "folsik"
+ {
+ email = "johnb#example.com"
+ firstname = "john"
+ lastname = "belk"
That format should be easier to loop in the final resource than the key value you suggested

Is it possible to perform nested iterations in HCL resulting in a flat list without calling flatten?

Is it possible with HCL to have nested iterations returning a flat list(map) without resorting to flatten?
I have this:
locals {
mappings = flatten([
for record_type in var.record_types : [
for host in var.hosts : {
type = record_type,
host = host
I would like to remove the need for flatten like this:
locals {
mappings = [
for record_type in var.record_types :
for host in var.hosts : {
type = record_type,
host = host
But it seems like each for .. in must return data.
One alternative I could think of to only have a single for-loop is using setproduct():
variable "record_types" {
default = ["type1", "type2"]
variable "hosts" {
default = ["host1", "host2"]
locals {
mappings = [
for i in setproduct(var.record_types, var.hosts) : {
type = i[0],
host = i[1],
output "mappings" {
value = local.mappings
after terraform apply resulting in:
mappings = [
"host" = "host1"
"type" = "type1"
"host" = "host2"
"type" = "type1"
"host" = "host1"
"type" = "type2"
"host" = "host2"
"type" = "type2"
Of course, the two variables need to be independent sets here.
If you want to support duplicates or have dependent inputs, flatten() with two loops is the way.
