Acumatica, generic inquiry related to budgets - acumatica

In Acumatica, I'm trying to build a generic inquiry related to budgets. What table has the budget per month data?
I have gathered the YTD information from the 'GL Budget Line' table. But I need further information.
Please help. Brandon

The amounts allocated for each particular period may be found in the GLBudgetLineDetail table (and through the corresponding DAC). Each record in this table presents data for a particular Account, Subaccount and Financial Period.
The columns that may be of particular interest for you are Amount and ReleasedAmount. The first one stores the editable budget amount - that is actually what user edits through the Budgets screen. The second reflects the released amount of budget for the period, account and sub - this field is populated with the value of Amount during the budget release process.


Pivot Table project - Avoid using many INDEX and MATCH functions that make Excel crash

I need some help with an Excel Project that's giving me headaches. I succeeded to achieve everything I wanted but the result is too heavy for Excel and it crashes all the time. I'm over-using the INDEX and MATCH functions on large tables (50 000+ lines) and Excel doesn't like it. I'm looking for a way to do the same thing in a lighter way for Excel.
Here's what I achieved : I created a report that helps me analyzing my employees's performance VS their billing targets. To create such a report, I used a Pivot Table.
That Pivot Table needs this information as its source :
Each sales that every employee made (amount in $ and date)
The hourly rate of each employee (which changes for every period, see TABLE1 below)
The billing target for each employees (which changes for every period, see TABLE1 below)
Here's my setup. I have 3 tables :
TABLE1 (See attached image) - A table where I manually input data for each of my employees (hourly rate and billing target). Their billing target and hourly rate change every period. So, each period has a different line and I indicate the first day of the period and the last day of the period.
TABLE2 (See attached image) - Table that contains sales data exported from another software I use. Each line represents an amount sold by an employee to a customer on a specific date. This table is pretty heavy and contains more than 50 000 lines. Moreover, the last 2 columns of this table use Index and Match functions to get the right hourly rate and the right billing target from TABLE1. That means that each of those 50 000 lines uses the INDEX and MATCH functions twice… This part is too heavy for Excel and I need a workaround.
Moreover, TABLE2 is getting refreshed every few days with new data coming from my other software (an ERP). So the solution I need to find must take that into account and must be permanent (I try to avoid steps that will have to be done everytime I refresh TABLE2 with new data).
TABLE3 - A Pivot Table that uses TABLE2 as its data source. I use the slicer to select the name of an employee and a timeline to specify which months I want to display. Then the Pivot Table shows my employee's statistics grouped by months. The main statistic is the amount of "billed hours" for each employee, which is in reality the amount of sales made by that employee, divided by their hourly rate on a specific date.
My thoughts :
It is absurd that TABLE2 uses that many INDEX and MATCH functions. For example, if Employee1 made 500 sales between 2020-07-01 and 2020-07-31 (the same month, thus the same period, thus the same hourly rate and billing target), there will be 500 different lines that will use INDEX and MATCH to get the same hourly rate and billing target from TABLE1. That leads to a lot of duplicated calculation and a lot of duplicated data.
Would it be possible for a Pivot Table Calculated Field to use INDEX and MATCH in its formula? And would it be lighter for Excel to do so?
Another way would be to add, at the bottom of TABLE2, 12 lines per year (1 for each month) for every employee where I would write their hourly rate and the billing target. That way, the Pivot Table would be able to display an hourly rate and a billing target for each month, for each employee. That solution would work and would be lighter for Excel, but it would create a high risk of making mistakes while manually inputting the data.
I'm open to all suggestions including VBA!
Thank you very much for your precious time!
As requested, here's my INDEX AND MATCH formula that is in TABLE2 and gets the hourly rate from TABLE1 :
=INDEX(TAB_Employee_Data[[#All];[Hourly_Rate]];MATCH([#[Date (Cell)]]; IF(TAB_Employee_Data[[#All];[Name]]=[#[Employee(Cell)]];TAB_Employee_Data[[#All];[First day of the period]]);1))
TAB_Employee_Data is the tab that contains "TABLE1".
I translated the names of the fields since all my work is in French.
This formula does the following : it searches the name of an employee in TABLE1 and finds the period which fits the date of a line in TABLE2.
Also, to work properly, I need to sort the lines of TABLE1 in chronological order.

Business Central: How to retrieve revenue gross (incl. VAT) from posted sales invoice lines table with Power BI?

I use Power BI to retrieve & visualize sales data from Business Central and so far I did not find any ways to:
retrieve revenue gross on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve revenue gross on header level (invoice number) of my posted sales invoice
retrieve VAT on line level (per invoice and item number) of my posted sales invoice, in order to calculate the revenue gross based on the revenue net
Anyone with an easy solution (i m sure there is one as it seems to be a fairly classic request)???
Best and let me know if you need any extra info,
There's an 'Amount' and 'Amount Including VAT' column on the Sales Line table, those should give you everything you need.
Annoyingly these are not on the 'Power BI Sales List' query/web service as default, nor the Sales Lines page. If you're a BC developer you could write your own extension to publish a better query.
If not, there is a 'Sales Document Line Entity' page (6403) which includes them as 'Amount' and 'AmountInclVat'. This page is published by default (in SAAS at least) as the 'workflowSalesDocumentLines' web service and you can access it from PowerBI, you will probably want to also include workflowSalesDocuments, the two are related on a composite of Document Type AND DocumentNumber, so that's another challenge for you!

NetSuite Saved Search: How can I create an average daily number of transaction created by a certain individual?

I'm not sure whether this is possible or not, but is it possible to create a saved search that displays the average number of daily transactions created by an individual? For example, I'm trying to create a Productivity KPI and would like to see how many Purchase Requisitions or Purchase Orders are created by an individual per day.
Is this possible within NetSuite? I tried averaging the created by transactions, but the formula field only will average non-text transactions.
Any help would be much appreciated.

In Excel, creating new rows based on presence of data in columns

I am very new to most of this. I am trying to analyze account attribution a large Excel spreadsheet containing invoice information. My columns A:AF are all the data describing each invoice in our system (name of provider, name of person billed, date received, date billed, etc...). These invoices are assigned to several different GL numbers (up to 22 per invoice). I was given a long string which I was able to break down into columns 4 columns per GL attribution and which I appended to the end of every invoice, where applicable (AG:EL).
Each GL attribution has 4 columns (always in the same order):
GL number
Billed amount before taxes
Amount of tax 1
Amount of tax 2
I would like to see whether there is any way I can have rows created automatically to have one entry per GL attribution instead of one entry per invoice. I would like for the general invoice information (A:AF) to be copied onto the newly created rows. I would really appreciate your help on this as I feel rather lost!
Thank you in advance! :)
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to accomplish from your description, but if you look into using VBA and make an "if...Then..." statement that will copy and paste the information you want depending on the value of the GL columns that should be a good place for you to start.

NetSuite: WorldShop/OZLink overwriting NetSuite Shipping Price

I've got an online store powered by Netsuite where I am charging customers a fixed rate for shipping. So we take an order, and we tell the customer the shipping is $10. (for example)
We use WorldShip to actually do our shipping, and so we then weigh the package, enter a weight, etc.
The problem is, whatever our shipping costs actually are from WorldShip are overwriting the amount we promised the customer, and then when we go to charge the card it can't because we're only authorized.
What's the best approach to fixing this? When charges are created, have custom scripts that run that take the amount from the Sales Order instead of the amount from the fulfillment record? Is there a way to have WorldShip only overwrite the shipping amount on offline orders and not on online orders?
For this scenario, we've created a custom transaction body field on the sales order called "Shipping Charge Exception". This field holds the shipping amount that we've promised to the customer and automatically gets copied to subsequent invoices or cash sales.
Then we have a workflow on the creation of invoices and cash sales (Before Submit) that copies the value of the Shipping Charge Exception field into the Shipping Cost field on the invoice or cash sale.
The item fulfillment will still hold the actual shipping cost but the invoice or cash sale will get the amount promised to the customer.
