Can underlying parquet files be deleted without negatively impacting DeltaLake _delta_log - apache-spark

Using .vacuum() on a DeltaLake table is very slow (see Delta Lake (OSS) Table on EMR and S3 - Vacuum takes a long time with no jobs).
If I manually deleted the underlying parquet files and did not add a new json log file or add a new .checkpoint.parquet file and change the _delta_log/_last_checkpoint file that points to it; what would the negative impacts to the DeltaLake table be, if any?
Obviously time-traveling, i.e. loading a previous version of the table that relied on the parquet files I removed, would not work. What I want to know is, would there be any issues reading, writing, or appending to the current version of the DeltaLake table?
What I am thinking of doing in pySpark:
### Assuming a working SparkSession as `spark`
from subprocess import check_output
import json
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
awscmd = "aws s3 cp s3://my_s3_bucket/delta/_delta_log/_last_checkpoint -"
last_checkpoint = str(json.loads(check_output(awscmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")).get('version')).zfill(20)
s3_bucket_path = "s3a://my_s3_bucket/delta/"
df_chkpt_del = ("parquet")
.withColumn("deletionTimestamp", F.from_unixtime(F.col("deletionTimestamp")/1000))
.withColumn("delDateDiffDays", F.datediff(F.col("deletionTimestamp"), F.current_timestamp()))
.where(F.col("delDateDiffDays") < -7 )
There are a lot of options from here. One could be:"path").toPandas().to_csv("files_to_delete.csv", index=False)
Where I could read files_to_delete.csv into a bash array and then use a simple bash for loop passing each parquet file s3 path to an aws s3 rm command to remove the files one by one.
This may be slower than vacuum(), but at least it will not be consuming cluster resources while it is working.
If I do this, will I also have to either:
write a new _delta_log/000000000000000#####.json file that correctly documents these changes?
write a new 000000000000000#####.checkpoint.parquet file that correctly documents these changes and change the _delta_log/_last_checkpoint file to point to that checkpoint.parquet file?
The second option would be easier.
However, if there will be no negative effects if I just remove the files and don't change anything in the _delta_log, then that would be the easiest.

TLDR. Answering this question.
If I manually deleted the underlying parquet files and did not add a new json log file or add a new .checkpoint.parquet file and change the _delta_log/_last_checkpoint file that points to it; what would the negative impacts to the DeltaLake table be, if any?
Yes, this could potentially corrupt your delta table.
Let me briefly answers how delta-lake reads a version using _delta_log.
If you want to read version x then it will go to delta log of all versions from 1 to x-1 and will make a running sum of parquet files to read. Summary of this process is saved as a .checkpoint after every 10th version to make this process of running sum efficient.
What do I mean by this running sum?
version 1 log says, add add file_1, file_2, file_3
version 2 log says, add delete file_1, file_2, and add file_4
So when reading version no 2, total instruction will be
add file_1, file_2, file_3 -> delete file_1, file_2, and add file_4
So, resultant files read will be file_3 and file_4.
What if you delete a parquet from a file system?
Say in version 3, you delete file_4 from file system. If you don't use .vacuum then delta log will not know that file_4 is not present, it will try to read it and will fail.


read only non-merged files in pyspark

I have N deltas in N folders (ex. /user/deltas/1/delta1.csv, /user/deltas/2/delta2csv,.../user/deltas/n/deltaN.csv)
all deltas have same columns, only information in columns is different.
i have a code for reading my csv files from folder "deltas"
dfTable ="csv").option("recursiveFileLookup","true")\
.option("header", "true).load("/home/user/deltas/")
and i gonna use deltaTable.merge to merge and update information from deltas and write updated information in table (main_table.csv)
For example tommorow i will have new delta with another updated information, and i will run my code again to refresh data in my main_table.csv .
How to avoid deltas that have already been used by deltaTable.merge earlier to the file main_table.csv ?
is it possible maybe to change file type after delta's run for example to parquet and thats how to avoid re-using deltas again? because im reading csv files, not parquet, or something like log files etc..
I think a time path filter might work well for your use case. If you are running your code daily (either manually or with a job), then you could use the modifiedAfter parameter to only load files that were modified after 1 day ago (or however often you are rerunning this code).
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
timestamp_last_run = ( - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT-%H:%M:%S")
dfTable ="csv").option("recursiveFileLookup","true")\
.option("header", "true).load("/home/user/deltas/", modifiedAfter=timestamp_last_run)
## ...perform merge operation and save data in main_table.csv

Databricks Delta Live Tables - Apply Changes from delta table

I am working with Databricks Delta Live Tables, but have some problems with upserting some tables upstream. I know it is quite a long text below, but I tried to describe my problem as clear as possible. Let me know if some parts are not clear.
I have the following tables and flow:
Landing_zone -> This is a folder in which JSON files are added that contain data of inserted or updated records.
Raw_table -> This is the data in the JSON files but in table format. This table is in delta format. No transformations are done, except from transforming the JSON structure into a tabular structure (I did an explode and then creating columns from the JSON keys).
Intermediate_table -> This is the raw_table, but with some extra columns (depending on other column values).
To go from my landing zone to the raw table I have the following Pyspark code:
cloudfile = {"cloudFiles.format":"JSON",
"cloudFiles.schemaLocation": sourceschemalocation,
"cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes": True}
def inc_view():
df = (spark
<Some transformations to go from JSON to tabular (explode, ...)>
return df
table_properties = {'delta.enableChangeDataFeed': 'true'})
This code works as expected. I run it, add a changes.JSON file to the landing zone, rerun the pipeline and the upserts are correctly applied to the 'raw_table'
(However, each time a new parquet file with all the data is created in the delta folder, I would expect that only a parquet file with the inserted and updated rows was added? And that some information about the current version was kept in the delta logs? Not sure if this is relevant for my problem. I already changed the table_properties of the 'raw_table' to enableChangeDataFeed = true. The readStream for 'intermediate_table' then has option(readChangeFeed, 'true')).
Then I have the following code to go from my 'raw_table' to my 'intermediate_table':
#dlt.table(name='V_raw_table', table_properties={delta.enableChangeDataFeed': 'True'})
def raw_table():
df = (spark.readStream
.option('readChangeFeed', 'true')
df = df.withColumn('ExtraCol', <Transformation>)
return df
Unfortunately, when I run this, I get the error:
'Detected a data update (for example part-00000-7127bd29-6820-406c-a5a1-e76fc7126150-c000.snappy.parquet) in the source table at version 2. This is currently not supported. If you'd like to ignore updates, set the option 'ignoreChanges' to 'true'. If you would like the data update to be reflected, please restart this query with a fresh checkpoint directory.'
I checked in the 'ignoreChanges', but don't think this is what I want. I would expect that the autoloader would be able to detect the changes in the delta table and pass them through the flow.
I am aware that readStream only works with append, but that is why I would expect that after the 'raw_table' is updated, a new parquet file would be added to the delta folder with only the inserts and updates. This added parquet file is then detected by autoloader and could be used to apply the changes to the 'intermediate_table'.
Am I doing this the wrong way? Or am I overlooking something? Thanks in advance!
As readStream only works with appends, any change in the the source file will create issues downstream. The assumption that an update on "raw_table" will only insert a new parquet file is incorrect. Based on the settings like "optimized writes" or even without it, apply_changes can add or remove files. You can find this information in your "raw_table/_delta_log/xxx.json" under "numTargetFilesAdded" and "numTargetFilesRemoved".
Basically, "Databricks recommends you use Auto Loader to ingest only immutable files".
When you changed the settings to include the option '.option('readChangeFeed', 'true')', you should start with a full refresh(there is dropdown near start). Doing this will resolve the error 'Detected data update xxx', and your code should work for the incremental update.

Databricks - Creating output file

I'm pretty new to databricks, so excuse my ignorance.
I have a databricks notebook that creates a table to hold data. I'm trying to output the data to a pipe delimited file using another notebook which is using python. If I use the 'Order By' clause each record is created in a seperate file. If I leave the clause out of the code I get 1 file, but it's not in order
The code from the notebook is as follows
dfsql = spark.sql("select field_1, field_2, field_3, field_4, field_5, field_6, field_7, field_8, field_9, field_10, field_11, field_12, field_13, field_14, field_15, field_16 from dbsmets1mig02_technical_build.tbl_tech_output_bsmart_update ORDER BY MSN,Sort_Order") #Replace with your SQL
print("Exception occurred")
if dfsql.count() == 0:
print("No data rows")
dfsql.write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header","false").option("delimiter", "|").mode("overwrite").save("/mnt/publisheddatasmets1mig/smetsmig1/mmt/bsmart")
Spark creates a file per partition when writing files. So your order by is creating lots of partitions. Generally you want multiple files as that means you get more throughput - if you have 1 file/partition then you are only using one thread - therefore only 1 CPU on your workers is active - the others are idle which makes it a very expensive way of solving your problem.
You could leave the order by in and coalesce back into a single partition:
dfsql.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header","false").option("delimiter", "|").mode("overwrite").save("/mnt/publisheddatasmets1mig/smetsmig1/mmt/bsmart")
Even if you have multiple files you can point your other notebook at the folder and it will read all files in the folder.
To accomplish this I have done something similar to what simon_dmorias suggested. I am not sure if there is a better way to do so, as this doesn't scale very well but if you are working with a small dataset it will work.
simon_dmorias suggested: df.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header","false").option("delimiter", "|").mode("overwrite").save("/mnt/mountone/data/")
This will write a single partition in a directory /mnt/mountone/data/data-<guid>-.csv, which I believe is not what you are looking for, right? You just want /mnt/mountone/data.csv, similar to the pandas .to_csv function.
Therefore, I will write it to a temporary location on the cluster (not on the mount).
df.coalesce(1).write.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header","false").option("delimiter", "|").mode("overwrite").save("/tmpdir/data")
I will then use the"/tmpdir/data") command to list the directory contents and identify the name of the csv file that was written in the directory i.e. /tmpdir/data/data-<guid>-.csv.
Once you have the CSV file name, I will use the dbutils.fs.cp function to copy the file to a mount location and rename the file. This allows you to have a single file without the directory, which is what I believe you were looking for.
dbutils.fs.cp("/tmpdir/data/data-<guid>-.csv", "/mnt/mountone/data.csv")

Dataframe not able to write on S3

I am creating a dataframe from existing hive table.Table is partitioned on date and site column.Now, when i am trying to overwrite the data in this same table after some computation with previous day data.It is successfully getting loaded.
But when i am trying to write final dataframe at S3 bucket. I am getting error saying file not found.Now the file it is mentioning is previous day file which is now overwritten.
If i write dataframe first and then overwrite table then its running fine.
For writing at S3 location , what it has to do with table partition file?
Below is the error and code. No such file or directory: s3://bucket_1/DM/web_fact_tbl/local_dt=2018-05-10/site_name=ABC/part-00000-882a6e29-eb6a-477c-8b88-6fe853956674.c000
fact_tbl = spark.table('db.web_fact_tbl')
fact_lkp = fact_tbl.filter(fact_tbl['local_dt']=='2018-05-10')
fact_join = fact_lkp.alias('a').join(fact_tbl.alias('b'),(col('') == col('')),"inner").select('a.*')
fact_final = fact_join.union(fact_tbl)
spark.sql('INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dm.web_fact_tbl PARTITION (local_dt, site_name) \
Before last line fact_final is just a "lazy" dataframe object that contains definitions only. It does not contain any data. But it has pointer to exact data files, where data is stored actually.
When you try to perform actual operations (does not matter it's writing to S3, or executing query like fact_final.count()) you'll get the error as above. It looks like partition local_dt=2018-05-10 does not exists anymore (files/folder that sits behind it does not exists).
You can try to re-initialize dataframe once again, before final write (it's another lazy operation - all work is done in your case while you writing it on S3).

Parquet file format on S3: which is the actual Parquet file?

Scala 2.12 and Spark 2.2.1 here. I used the following code to write the contents of a DataFrame to S3:
When I go to com.example.mybucket on S3 I actually see a directory called "mydata.parquet", as well as file called "mydata.parquet_$folder$"!!! If I go into the mydata.parquet directory I see two files under it:
Whereas I was just expecting to see a single file called mydata.parquet living in the root of the bucket.
Is something wrong here (if so, what?!?) or is this expected with the Parquet file format? If its expected, which is the actual Parquet file that I should read from:
mydata.parquet directory?; or
mydata.parquet_$folder$ file?; or
The mydata.parquet/part-<big-UUID>.snappy.parquet is the actual parquet data file. However, often tools like Spark break data sets into multiple part files, and expect to be pointed to a directory that contains multiple files. The _SUCCESS file is a simple flag indicating that the write operation has completed.
According to the api to save the parqueat file it saves inside the folder you provide. Sucess is incidation that the process is completed scuesffuly.
S3 create those $folder if you write directly commit to s3. What happens is it writes to temporory folders and copies to the final destination inside the s3. The reason is there no concept of rename.
Look at the s3-distcp and also DirectCommiter for performance issue.
The $folder$ marker is used by s3n/amazon's emrfs to indicate "empty directory". ignore.
The _SUCCESS file is, as the others note, a 0-byte file. ignore
all other .parquet files in the directory are the output; the number you end up with depends on the number of tasks executed on the input
When spark uses a directory (tree) as a source of data, all files beginning with _ or . are ignored; s3n will strip out those $folder$ things too. So if you use the path for a new query, it will only pick up that parquet file.
