MongoDb $inc auto increase by twice - node.js

In my code, I have to push some value in the reported array of collections of activity doc. so i use this code
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const logData = {
'reportedBy': body.reportedBy,
'reportedAt': new Date().toISOString(),
'reportReason': body.reportReason
await model.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: },
$addToSet: { 'reported.log': [logData] },
$inc: {
'reported.count': 1
{ new: true }, (err, activity) => {
createError(err, reject);
After successfully submit it show me count increase by 1 but in MongoDB, it shows a count 2 can any please guide me about what I miss in the above code.

You are using async & callback styles which makes the operation execute twice. Pick one style.
See also UpdateMany in MongoDB running twice with $inc


How to update many documents on mongo and return that updated document?

How can I update many documents on mongoose and return those updated documents so I then I can pass the updated docs to a different service on my code? This is seems like something simple to do but I'm getting confused on my head on how to implement it
In my current code I just update the documents on batch with updateMany, but as the mongo documentation says the writeConcern returned is just the # of docs updated {n: 0 } not the actual documents.
Current Code:
const checkAndUpdateSubscription = () => {
const filter = {
"payments.0.stripeSubscriptionEndDate": { $lte: today },
hasPaid: true,
const update = { $set: { hasPaid: false, isSubscriptionNew: 0 } };
const options = { new: true, useFindAndModify: false };
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ModelModel.updateMany(filter, update, options)
.then((response) => {
console.log('response inside checkAndUpdateSubscription', response)
.catch((error) => {
I would like to change it to something similar to my pseudo code below.
What I would like to do:
const checkAndUpdateSubscription = () => {
const filter = {
"payments.0.stripeSubscriptionEndDate": { $lte: today },
hasPaid: true,
const update = { $set: { hasPaid: false, isSubscriptionNew: 0 } };
const options = { new: true, useFindAndModify: false };
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// 1. ModelModel.find where stripeSubscriptionEndDate $lte than today ..etc
// 2. Update the document(s)
// 3. Return the updated document(s)
(//4.) .then(updatedModel => sendUpdateModelToOutsideService(updatedModel))
I don't know if this is necessary in the context of this question but the checkAndUpdateSubscription method is a function that runs every 1min in my db for all my users (# ~thousands)
You can do those as alternative solutions
(maybe there is simpler way, but those will work i think)
Find the ids
find to get those ids
ids = find(your_filter,project_keep_id_only), and then make ids=[_id1, _id2 ...] an array of the ids
update with filter _id $in ids
update({"_id" : {"$in" : ids}},your_update_set_etc)
find to get the updated documents
docs=find({"_id" : {"$in" : ids}})
*if ids are not too many it will be fine i think
Mark the updated with extra field
on update set one extra field with the update_id
after the update, do a find based on that update_id, to get the documents
and if you want your remove that extra field after
If this run parallel, this extra field could be an array, with many update_ids, that you remove them after you get those documents back.

I have 2 issues with mongoose aggregation and index method

I have 2 issues
I am trying to make review schema that a user should add 1 review per bootcamp
ReviewSchema.index({ bootcamp: 1, user: 1 }, { unique: true });
It doesnt work .. and the user still can add more than one review
I am trying to calculate the averagerating of reviews but it doesn`t get added to the db when am fetching the bootcamps
// Static Method to get the avg rating of reviews and save
ReviewSchema.statics.getAverageRating = async function (bootcampId) {
const obj = await this.aggregate([
$match: { bootcamp: bootcampId },
$group: {
_id: '$bootcamp',
averageRating: { $avg: '$rating' },
try {
await this.model('Bootcamp').findByIdAndUpdate(bootcampId, {
averageRating: obj[0].averageRating,
} catch (err) {
//Call averageRating after save'save', async function () {
await this.constructor.getAverageRating(this.bootcamp);
//Call averageRating before remove
ReviewSchema.pre('remove', async function () {
await this.constructor.getAverageRating(this.bootcamp);
** It doesnt work and the averagerating never gets added to the database (as a bootcamp`s field)**
I Did the same as the tutorial and it didn`t work at the first but then i figured out that missing a semi-colon.

$setOnInsert doesn't work with bulkWrite in MongoDB

I have millions of record in source collection, I am trying to perform operation bulkWirte with $setOnInsert, like if incoming record already exists in destination collection then just skip it.
But somehow this operation is not working, I don't know if there is change in behavior of $setOnInsert or it doesn't work in bulk update case.
If I perform same operation without bulkWrite then its working as expected.
This is code part of code where I tried with batch update
updateOne: {
filter: {
date: { $gte: new Date(from).getTime(), $lte: new Date(to).getTime() }, "uid": mergedObj.uid, "baseId": mergedObj.baseId,
"lessonId": mergedObj.lessonId, "pageId": mergedObj.pageId, "site":
update: {
$setOnInsert: mergedObj
upsert: true
if (bulkArr.length % batchSize === 0) {
batchCounter = batchCounter + 1;
db.collection('saq_temp_jan').bulkWrite(bulkArr, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
bulkArr = [];
console.log('Upserted count>>>', result.nUpserted);
console.log('Matched count>>>', result.nMatched);
console.log('Batch counter>>>', batchCounter);
Any suggestion would be most welcome.

MongoDB - find one and add a new property

Background: Im developing an app that shows analytics for inventory management.
It gets an office EXCEL file uploaded, and as the file uploads the app convert it to an array of JSONs. Then, it comapers each json object with the objects in the DB, change its quantity according to the XLS file, and add a timestamp to the stamps array which contain the changes in qunatity.
For example:
after the XLS upload, lets say we sold 10 units, it should look like that:
"stamps":[{"1548147562": -10}]
Right now i cant find the right commands for mongoDB to do it, Im developing in Node.js and Angular, Would love to read some ideas.
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
{"_id": products[i]['id']},
You would need two operations here. The first will be to get an array of documents from the db that match the ones in the JSON array. From the list you compare the 'product_quantity' keys and if there is a change, create a new array of objects with the product id and change in quantity.
The second operation will be an update which uses this new array with the change in quantity for each matching product.
Armed with this new array of updated product properties, it would be ideal to use a bulk update for this as looping through the list and sending
each update request to the server can be computationally costly.
Consider using the bulkWrite method which is on the model. This accepts an array of write operations and executes each of them of which a typical update operation
for your use case would have the following structure
{ updateOne :
"filter" : <document>,
"update" : <document>,
"upsert" : <boolean>,
"collation": <document>,
"arrayFilters": [ <filterdocument1>, ... ]
So your operations would follow this pattern:
(async () => {
let bulkOperations = []
const ids ={ id }) => id)
const matchedProducts = await ProductDatabase.find({
'_id': { '$in': ids }
for(let product in products) {
const [matchedProduct,] = matchedProducts.filter(p => p._id ===
const { _id, product_quantity } = matchedProduct
const changeInQuantity = product.product_quantity - product_quantity
if (changeInQuantity !== 0) {
const stamps = { [(new Date()).getTime()] : changeInQuantity }
'updateOne': {
'filter': { _id },
'update': {
'$inc': { 'product_quantity': changeInQuantity },
'$push': { stamps }
const bulkResult = await ProductDatabase.bulkWrite(bulkOperations)
You can use mongoose's findOneAndUpdate to update the existing value of a document.
"use strict";
const ids = => x._id);
let operations = => {
return ProductsDatabase.find({
_id: {
$in: ids
}).then(products => {
return => {
return ProductsDatabase.findOneAndUpdate({
_id: // or product._id
}, {
sku: xlProductData.sku,
product_name: xlProductData.product_name,
product_cost: xlProductData.product_cost,
product_price: xlProductData.product_price,
Warehouse: xlProductData.Warehouse,
product_quantity: productData.product_quantity - xlProductData.product_quantity,
$push: {
stamps: {
[new Date().getTime()]: -1 * xlProductData.product_quantity
updated_at: new Date()
}, {
upsert: false,
returnNewDocument: true
Promise.all(operations).then(() => {
console.log('All good');
}).catch(err => {
console.log('err ', err);

getting sequence number from mongodb always undefined

I am trying to get by code the next sequence number but it always says "undefined".
I did this in my mongoDB before:
_id: "editorID",
seq: 0
my code (name is editorID):
function getNextSequence(name, db) {
var collection = db.get('PresentationCollection');
var ret = collection.findAndModify(
query: { _id: name },
update: { $inc: { seq: 1 } },
new: true
return ret.seq;
You're missing the callback. Callback-based asynchronous functions generally do not return anything meaningful. See the documentation for findAndModify in the node binding's readme.
I had the same problem from following this link and it is indeed the callback not being specified and your code not waiting for the returned result - mongo db documents create auto increment
Here is what I did to solve it. Keep in mind I am using Q for promise helping but you could use straight up javascript promises.
function _getNextSequence(name) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
{ _id: name }, //query
[], //sort
{ $inc: { seq: 1 } }, //update
{ new:true }, //options
function(err, doc) { //callback
if (err) deferred.reject( + ': ' + err.message);
if (doc){
return deferred.promise;
