parsing in Logstash whole files as one event each - logstash

I want to monitor with Logstash a directory with individual files, that each describe an event and consist each of key-value pairs
> /var/log/dir/history.*
> head /var/log/dir/history.1234
key1 = value1
key2 = value2
The kv filter plugin can parse the key-value pairs, however the input needs to be some kind of multiline as to conflate each file into one event.
The multiline input plugin requires a pattern to match as well the what-keyword, if the event starts/ends at the pattern match.
Since I consider the whole file as one event, I have no real regex or so to match.
How can I parse one file as input as one event with logstash's multiline or is there a better input plugin for this use case?

taking the solution from
i.e., to ingest a whole file, the trick is to match on a not existing pattern
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^Spalanzanidonotmatchinanycase"
negate => true
what => "previous"
auto_flush_interval => 2


Logstash Grok regex parsing

I am trying to do a parsing on a plaintext message using Grok; my goal is to explode the plaintext to a JSON log.
The message has a quite rigid format, as follows:
<timestamp> <loglevel> <greedydata> field1=value1, field2=value2, .... fieldN=valueN
Where the number of fields is not fixed.
It's possible to capture every field=value pair using a named capturing group, being able to use the same "field" name as the key in the output message?
TL;DR - use dissect instead of grok
You want something like:
"timestamp": <timestamp>,
"loglevel": <loglevel>,
"field1": value1,
"field2": value2,
"fieldN": valueN
Where the keys (field1, fieldN etc) are dynamic.
You cannot use grok to do this. Even using a pattern like this (then using array position indices) won't work:
( field[0-9]+=%{DATA:value})+$
You need to handle this a different way. Your options are:
handle this before it hits logstash
use a ruby filter
use the dissect filter

How to define grok pattern for pipe delimited log message?

setting up ELK is very easy until you hit the logstash filter. I have a log delimited 10 fields. I may have some field blank but I am sure there will be 10 fields:
7/5/2015 10:10:18 AM|KDCVISH01|
afkh akla 487234 &*<Exception>
1- I am confused how grok or regex pattern will pick only the field that I am looking and not the similar match from another field. For example, what is the guarantee that DATESTAMP pattern picks only the first value and not the timestamp present in the last field (buried in stack trace)?
2- Is there a way to define positional mapping? For example, 1st fiels is dateTime, 2nd is machine name, 3rd is class name and so on. This will make sure I have fields displayed in Kibana no matter the field value is present or not.
I know i am little late, But here is a simple solution which i am using,
replace your | with space
option 1:
filter {
mutate {
gsub => ["message","\|"," "]
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:time} %{WORD:MESSAGE1} %{WORD:EXCEPTION} %{WORD:MESSAGE2}"]
option 2: excepting |
filter {
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:time}\|%{WORD:MESSAGE1}\|%{WORD:EXCEPTION}\|%{WORD:MESSAGE2}"]
it is working fine : check here.

logstash grok filter for logs with arbitrary attribute-value pairs

(This is related to my other question logstash grok filter for custom logs )
I have a logfile whose lines look something like:
14:46:16.603 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] INFO METERING - msg=93e6dd5e-c009-46b3-b9eb-f753ee3b889a CREATE_JOB job=a820018e-7ad7-481a-97b0-bd705c3280ad data=71b1652e-16c8-4b33-9a57-f5fcb3d5de92
14:46:17.378 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] INFO METERING - msg=c1ddb068-e6a2-450a-9f8b-7cbc1dbc222a SET_STATUS job=a820018e-7ad7-481a-97b0-bd705c3280ad status=ACTIVE final=false
I built a pattern that matched the first line:
%{TIME:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:http} %{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE}%{WORD:logtype} - msg=%{NOTSPACE:msg}%{SPACE}%{WORD:action}%{SPACE}job=%{NOTSPACE:job}%{SPACE}data=%{NOTSPACE:data}
but obviously that only works for lines that have the data= at the end, versus the status= and final= at the end of the second line, or other attribute-value pairs on other lines? How can I set up a pattern that says that after a certain point there will be an arbitrary of foo=bar pairs that I want to recognize and output as attribute/value pairs in the output?
You can change your grok pattern like this to have all the key value pairs in one field (kvpairs):
%{TIME:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:http} %{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE}%{WORD:logtype} - %{GREEDYDATA:kvpairs}
Afterwards you can use the kv filter to parse the key value pairs.
kv {
source => "kvpairs"
remove_field => [ "kvpairs" ] # Delete the field afterwards
Unfortunately, you have some simple values inside your kv pairs (e.g. CREATE_JOB). You could parse them with grok and use one kv filter for the values before and another kv filter for the values after those simple values.

Logstash: Reading multiline data from optional lines

I have a log file which contains lines which begin with a timestamp. An uncertain number of extra lines might follow each such timestamped line:
extra line 1 2
extra line 3 4
The extra lines would provide supplementary information for the timestamped line. I want to extract the 1, 2, 3, and 4 and save them as variables. I can parse the extra lines into variables if I know how many of them there are. For example, if I know there are two extra lines, the grok filter below will work. But what should I do if I don't know, in advance, how many extra lines will exist? Is there some way to parse these lines one-by-one, before applying the multiline filter? That might help.
Also, even if I know I will only have 2 extra lines, is the filter below the best way to access them?
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "^%{SOMETIMESTAMP}"
negate => "true"
what => "previous"
if "multiline" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{SOMETIMESTAMP} %{DATA:firstline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)%{DATA:secondline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)%{DATA:thirdline}$" }
# After this would be grok filters to process the contents of
# 'firstline', 'secondline', and 'thirdline'. I would then remove
# these three temporary fields from the final output.
(I separated the lines into separate variables since this allows me to do additional pattern matching on the contents of the lines separately, without having to refer to the entire pattern all over again. For example, based on the contents of the first line, I might want to present branching behavior for the other lines.)
Why do you need this?
Are you going to be inserting one single event with all of the values or are they really separate events that just need to share the same time stamp?
If they all need to appear in the same event, you'll like need to resort to a ruby filter to separate out the extra lines into fields on the event that you can then further work on.
For example:
if "multiline" in [tags] {
grok {
match => { "message" => "(?m)^%{SOMETIMESTAMP} %{DATA:firstline}(?<newline>[\r\n]+)" }
ruby {
code => '
event["lines"] = event["message"].scan(/[^\r\n]+[\r\n]*/);
If they are really separate events, you could use the memorize plugin for logstash 1.5 and later.
This has changed over versions of ELK
Direct event field references (i.e. event['field']) have been disabled in favor of using event get and set methods (e.g. event.get('field')).
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} %{LOGLEVEL:level}%{DATA:firstline}" }
ruby { code => "event.set('message', event.get('message').scan(/[^\r\n]+[\r\n]*/))" }

Multi-value fields only store last value

I'm relatively new to ELK and grok. I'm trying to parse a log file that may contain 1 or more repetitions of the same value. For example the log file could contain:
For this example, I'm using the following grok pattern:
This appears to work properly, and parse each value. The problem is that the "tag" field only contains the last value (ie value900). All of the previous values seem to be overwritten.
Is there a way to gather all of the values and store them into an array instead of only getting the last value?
Simply use mutate:
mutate {
split => ["tag",";"]
This will split the value that's in the tag field into an array. So just match the whole string in your grok ((?<tag>[a-z0-9;]+) and then split it from there.
