shell script Key value compare 2 files [closed] - linux

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Need help on shell script.
I have to compare the 2 files file1.txt and file2.txt .
when key matches from both files, We have to verify the value is greater or equal for that key compared to first file.
when ABC1 matches in 2 files it's value is compared. 10 (ABC1 in fil1.txt) is less than 20 (ABC2 in file2.txt) it shouldnt print, for second ABC2 20 is greater than 10 it has to print in output
when i run the shell script, it has to show below output.

I think you're looking for something like this?
for line1 in $(cat $1)
key=$(echo $line1 | sed -E 's/(.+):.+/\1/')
val1=$(echo $line1 | sed -E 's/.+:(.+)/\1/')
for line2 in $(grep $key $2)
val2=$(echo $line2 | sed -E 's/.+:(.+)/\1/')
if (( $val2 <= $val1 ))
echo $line1
If you save this as and make it executable then you can compare your files with
$ ./ file1.txt file2.txt


how can I remove some numbers at the end of line in a text file [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have a text file which contains a series of same line except at the end.
how can I remove the last number? it goes upto 250
to change in the file itself
sed -i 's/[0-9]\+$//' /path/to/file
sed 's/[0-9]\+$//' /path/to/file > /path/to/output
see example
You can do it with Awk by breaking it into fields.
echo "lesi-1-1500-2" > foo.txt
echo "lesi-1-1500-3" >> foo.txt
cat foo.txt | awk -F '-' '{print $1 "-" $2 "-" $3 }'
The -F switch allows us to set the delimiter which is -. Then we just print the first three fields with - for formatting.

Shell command to print the statements with N number of words present in other file [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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Suppose I have a file with 3 lines:
I used the command wc -l output.txt to get no. of lines
i got output as 3
Based on the above output I have to execute a command
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 1p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 2p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 3p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n np OUTPUT.txt)
Can you please suggest a command to replace 1 2 3 .....n in the above command based on the output i get (i.e., no. of lines in my file)
I just gave a sample explanation of my use case. Please suggest a command to execute n no. of times.
You just need one command.
sed 's/^/CREATE FROM /' output.txt
See also Counting lines or enumerating line numbers so I can loop over them - why is this an anti-pattern?

How to create a Unix script to segregate data Line by Line? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have some data in a MyFile.CSV file like this:
100,tom cruise,USA
101,Johnny depp,USA
What will be the shell script to take the above file as input and segregate the data in 2 different files as per the country?
I tried using the FOR loop and then using 2 IFs inside it but I am unable to do so. How to do it using awk?
For LINE in MyFile.CSV
If grep "USA" $LINE >0 Then
$LINE >> Out_USA.csv
$LINE >> Out_India.csv
You can try with this
grep -R "USA" /path/to/file >> Out_USA.csv
grep -R "India" /path/to/file >> Out_India.csv
Many ways to do:
One way:
$ for i in `awk -F"," '{if(NR>1)print $3}' MyFile.csv|uniq|sort`;
echo $i;
egrep "${i}|country" MyFile.csv > Out_${i}.csv;
This assumes that the country name would not clash with other columns.
If it does, then you can fine tune that by adding additional regex.
For example, it country will be the last field, then you can add $ to the grep

Formatting Diff output in Shell Script [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently using (diff -q directory1 directory2) to output the files in each directory that are different and printing them to a table in html.
Current output: "Files directory1/file1 and directory2/file2 differ"
What I want: "file1 has changed"
I do not want to use comm or sort the files because other applications are pulling from the files and are sensitive to ordering. Any idea on how to get this done?
you need to grep diff output for file that differ then use awk to print file name with your new format
diff -rq dir1 dir2 | grep "differ" | awk '{print $2 "has changed"}'
Will this work?
diff -q $file1 $file2 | awk '{print $2 " has changed"}'

How can i took specific word from line basic in linux [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Suppose i have one line Script :
Script Name is has below line on it -
# sh #
So how can i take only name from
What I have done is below but that is not fully fruitful to me get the exact output that I want.
while read line
called_script= awk -F ':' '{print $1 }' final_calling_script_name
qwe= grep '*.sh' $called_script
echo $called_script " : $qwe"
Can anybody help me?
If what you want here is basically "the second word" you can use "cut"
echo "sh" | cut -d ' ' -f 2
The -d ' ' tells cut that the "delimiting character" is a space, the -f 2 tells cut that you want column number 2.
echo "sh" | { read a b; echo "$b"; }
After you've clarified your requirements in the notes below, I would propose this command:
echo "script1.ksh script2.pig" | grep -oe '\w*\.sh'
