How to validate large csv file either column wise or row wise in spark dataframe - apache-spark

I have a large data file of 10GB or more with 150 columns in which we need to validate each of its data (datatype/format/null/domain value/primary key ..) with different rule and finally create 2 output file one is having success data and another having error data with error details. we need to move the row in error file if any of column having error at very first time no need to validate further.
I am reading a file in spark data frame does we validate it column-wise or row-wise by which way we got the best performance?

To answer your question
I am reading a file in spark data frame do we validate it column-wise or row-wise by which way we got the best performance?
DataFrame is a distributed collection of data that is organized as set of rows distributed across the cluster and most of the transformation which is defined in spark is applied on the rows which work on Row object .
Psuedo code
import spark.implicits._
val schema = => {
val errorInfo : Seq[(Row,String,Boolean)] = Seq()
val data = schema.foreach(f => {
// f.dataType //get field type and have custom logic on field type
// // get field name i.e., column name
// val fieldValue = row.getAs( //get field value and have check's on field value on field type
// if any error in field value validation then populate #errorInfo info object i.e (row,"error_info",false)
// otherwise i.e (row,"",true)
data.filter(x => x._3)
data.filter(x => !x._3)


Spark dataset : Casting Columns of dataset

This is my dataset :
Dataset<Row> myResult ="number")
, col("document")
, explode(col("mask")).as("mask"));
I need to now create a new dataset from the existing myResult . something like below:
Dataset<Row> myResultNew ="number")
, col("name")
, col("age")
, col("class")
, col("mask");
name , age and class are created from column document from Dataset myResult .
I guess I can call functions on the column document and then perform any operation on that."document")));
private String extract(final Column document) {
XMLParser doc= (XMLParser) document // this doesnt work???????
My question is: document is of type column and I need to convert it into a different Object Type and parse it for extracting name , age ,class. How can I do that. document is an xml and i need to do parsing for getting the other 3 columns so cant avoid converting it to XML .
Converting the extract method into an UDF would be a solution that is as close as possible to what you are asking. An UDF can take the value of one or more columns and execute any logic with this input.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col;
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf;
UserDefinedFunction extract = udf(
(String document) -> {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
XMLParser doc = XMLParser.parse(document);
String name = ... //read name from xml document
String age = ... //read age from xml document
String clazz = ... //read class from xml document
return result;
}, DataTypes.createArrayType(DataTypes.StringType)
A restriction of UDFs is that they can only return one column. Therefore the function returns a String array that has to be unpacked afterwards.
Dataset<Row> myResultNew = myResult
.withColumn("extract", extract.apply(col("document"))) //1
.withColumn("name", col("extract").getItem(0)) //2
.withColumn("age", col("extract").getItem(1)) //2
.withColumn("class", col("extract").getItem(2)) //2
.drop("document", "extract"); //3
call the UDF and use the column that contains the xml document as parameter of the apply function
create the result columns out of the returned array from step 1
drop the intermediate columns
Note: the udf is executed once per row in the dataset. If the creation of the xml parser is expensive this might slow down the execution of the Spark job as one parser is instantiated per row. Due to the parallel nature of Spark it is not possible to reuse the parser for the next row. If this is an issue, another (at least in the Java world slightly more complex) option would be to use mapPartitions. Here one would not need one parser per row but only one parser per partition of the dataset.
A completely different approach would be to use spark-xml.

SparkSQL: Am I doing in right?

Here is how I use Spark-SQL in a little application I am working with.
I have two Hbase tables say t1,t2.
My input being a csv file, I parse each and every line and query(SparkSQL) the table t1. I write the output to another file.
Now I parse the second file and query the second table and I apply certain functions over the result and I output the data.
the table t1 hast the purchase details and t2 has the list of items that were added to cart along with the time frame by each user.
Input -> CustomerID(list of it in a csv file)
Output - > A csv file in a particular format mentioned below.
CustomerID, Details of the item he brought,First item he added to cart,All the items he added to cart until purchase.
For a input of 1100 records, It takes two hours to complete the whole process!
I was wondering if I could speed up the process but I am struck.
Any help?
How about this DataFrame approach...
1) Create a dataframe from CSV.
or something like this in example.
val csv = sqlContext.sparkContext.textFile(csvPath).map {
case(txt) =>
try {
val reader = new CSVReader(new StringReader(txt), delimiter, quote, escape, headerLines)
val parsedRow = reader.readNext()
Row(mapSchema(parsedRow, schema) : _*)
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("converted from Arg to Op except")
2) Create Another DataFrame from Hbase data (if you are using Hortonworks) or phoenix.
3) do join and apply functions(may be udf or when othewise.. etc..) and resultant file could be a dataframe again
4) join result dataframe with second table & output data as CSV as in pseudo code as an example below...
It should be possible to prepare dataframe with custom columns and corresponding values and save as CSV file.
you can this kind in spark shell as well.
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").
option("header", "true").
val df2=df.filter("quantity <= 4.0")
val col=df2.col("cost")*0.453592
val df3=df2.withColumn("finalcost",col)
Hope this helps.. Good luck.

I have to insert records into Cassandra using a Pojo Object Mapping

I need to Insert records into Cassandra ,so I wrote a function whose input is a csv file. Say the csv file's name is test.csv. In Cassandra I have a table test. I need to store each row of the csv file into the test table. Since I am using spark java api , I am also creating a POJO class or DTO class for mapping the fields of the Pojo and Columns of Cassandra.
The Problem here is test.csv is having some 50 comma seperated values that has to be stored in 50 columns of test table in cassandra which having is total of 400 columns. So In my test POJO class I created a constructor of those 50 fields.
JavaRDD<String> fileRdd = ctx.textFile("home/user/test.csv");
JavaRDD fileObjectRdd =
new Function<String, Object>() {
//do some tranformation with data
case "test" :return new TestPojo(1,3,4,--50); //calling the constructor with 50 fields .
test : javaFunctions(fileObjectRdd).writerBuilder("testKeyspace", "test", mapToRow(TestPojo.class)).saveToCassandra();
So here I am always returning the Object of the TestPojo class of each row of the test.csv file to an Rdd of Objects . Once that is done I am saving that rdd to the Cassandra Table Test using the TestPojo Mapping.
My Problem is In future if the test.csv will have say 60 columns , that time my code will not work because I am invoking the Constructor with only 50 fields.
My Question is how do I create a constructor with all the 400 fields in the TestPojo, so that no matter how many fields the test.csv has My code should be able to handle it.
I tried to create a general Constructor with all 400 fields but ended up with a compilation error saying the limit is only 255 fields for the constructor params.
or is there any better way to handle this use case ??
Question 2 : what if the data from test.csv is going to multiple tables in cassandra say 5 cols of test.csv going to test table in cassandra and 5 other cols are going to test2 table in cassandra .
Problem here is when I am doing
JavaRDD fileObjectRdd =
new Function<String, Object>() {
//do some tranformation with data
case "test" :return new TestPojo(1,3,4,--50); //calling the constructor with 50 fields .
I am returning only one Object of TestPojo. In case the data from test.csv is going to test table and test2 table , I will need to return 2 objects one of TestPojo and another of Test2Pojo.

Spark DataFrame created from JavaRDD<Row> copies all columns data into first column

I have a DataFrame which I need to convert into JavaRDD<Row> and back to DataFrame I have the following code
DataFrame sourceFrame ="orc").load("/path/to/orc/file");
//I do order by in above sourceFrame and then I convert it into JavaRDD
JavaRDD<Row> modifiedRDD = sourceFrame.toJavaRDD().map(new Function<Row,Row>({
public Row call(Row row) throws Exception {
if(row != null) {
//updated row by creating new Row
return RowFactory.create(updateRow);
return null;
//now I convert above JavaRDD<Row> into DataFrame using the following
DataFrame modifiedFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(modifiedRDD,schema);
sourceFrame and modifiedFrame schema is same when I call output is expected I see every column has corresponding values and no column is empty but when I call I see all the columns values gets merged into first column value for e.g. assume source DataFrame has 3 column as shown below
_col1 _col2 _col3
When I print modifiedFrame which I converted from JavaRDD it shows in the following order
_col1 _col2 _col3
As shown above all the _col1 has all the values and _col2 and _col3 is empty. I don't know what is wrong.
As I mentioned in question's comment ;
It might occurs because of giving list as a one parameter.
return RowFactory.create(updateRow);
When investigated Apache Spark docs and source codes ; In that specifying schema example They assign parameters one by one for all columns respectively. Just investigate the some source code roughly class and GenericRow class doesn't allocate that one parameter. So Try to give parameters respectively for row's column's.
return RowFactory.create(updateRow.get(0),updateRow.get(1),updateRow.get(2)); // List Example
You may try to convert your list to array and then pass as a parameter.
YourObject[] updatedRowArray= new YourObject[updateRow.size()];
return RowFactory.create(updatedRowArray);
By the way RowFactory.create() method is creating Row objects. In Apache Spark documentation about Row object and RowFactory.create() method;
Represents one row of output from a relational operator. Allows both generic access by ordinal, which will incur boxing overhead for
primitives, as well as native primitive access. It is invalid to use
the native primitive interface to retrieve a value that is null,
instead a user must check isNullAt before attempting to retrieve a
value that might be null.
To create a new Row, use RowFactory.create() in Java or Row.apply() in
A Row object can be constructed by providing field values. Example:
import org.apache.spark.sql._
// Create a Row from values.
Row(value1, value2, value3, ...)
// Create a Row from a Seq of values.
Row.fromSeq(Seq(value1, value2, ...))
According to documentation; You can also apply your own required algorithm to seperate rows columns while creating Row objects respectively. But i think converting list to array and pass parameter as an array will work for you(I couldn't try please post your feedbacks, thanks).

non-ordinal access to rows returned by Spark SQL query

In the Spark documentation, it is stated that the result of a Spark SQL query is a SchemaRDD. Each row of this SchemaRDD can in turn be accessed by ordinal. I am wondering if there is any way to access the columns using the field names of the case class on top of which the SQL query was built. I appreciate the fact that the case class is not associated with the result, especially if I have selected individual columns and/or aliased them: however, some way to access fields by name rather than ordinal would be convenient.
A simple way is to use the "language-integrated" select method on the resulting SchemaRDD to select the column(s) you want -- this still gives you a SchemaRDD, and if you select more than one column then you will still need to use ordinals, but you can always select one column at a time. Example:
// setup and some data
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext._
case class Score(name: String, value: Int)
val scores =
sc.textFile("data.txt").map(_.split(",")).map(s => Score(s(0),s(1).trim.toInt))
// initial query
val original =
sqlContext.sql("Select value AS myVal, name FROM scores WHERE name = 'foo'")
// now a simple "language-integrated" query -- no registration required
val secondary ='myVal)
Now secondary is a SchemaRDD with just one column, and it works despite the alias in the original query.
Edit: but note that you can register the resulting SchemaRDD and query it with straight SQL syntax without needing another case class.
val secondary = sqlContext.sql("select myVal from original")
Second edit: When processing an RDD one row at a time, it's possible to access the columns by name by using the matching syntax:
val secondary = {case Row(myVal: Int, _) => myVal}
although this could get cumbersome if the right hand side of the '=>' requires access to a lot of the columns, as they would each need to be matched on the left. (This from a very useful comment in the source code for the Row companion object)
