How to log every single command executed from shell script - linux

I am trying to find a way to record every single command that is executed by any user on the system.
Things that I have came across earlier.
It is possible to view shell commands executed from the terminal using ~/.bashrc_history file.
There is a catch here, It logs only those commands which were executed interactively from bash shell/terminal.
This solves one of my problems. But in addition to it, I would like to log those commands also which were executed as a part of the shell script.
Note: I don't have control over shell script. Therefore, adding verbose mode like #!/bin/bash -xe is not possible.
However, this can be assumed that I have root access as a system administrator.
Eg: I have another user that has access to the system. And he runs the following shell script using from his account.
and run as "$ sh"
Now, What I want is "nmap" command should be logged somewhere once this file is executed.
Thanks in advance. Even a small help is appreciated.
Edit: I would like to clarify that users are unaware that they are being monitored. So I need a solution something at system level(may be agent running with root). I cannot depend on user to log suspicious activity. Of-course everyone will avoid such tricks to put blame on someone else if they do something fishy or wrong

I am aware that you were asking for Bash and Shell scripting and tagged your question accordingly, but in respect to your requirements
Record every single command that is executed by any user on the system
Users are unaware that they are being monitored
A solution something at system level
I am under the assumption that you are looking for Audit Logging.
So you may take advantage from articles like
Log all commands run by Admins on production servers
Log every command executed by a User

You can run the script in this way:
execute bash (it will override the shebang)
ts to prefix every lines
logs both in terminal and files
bash -x |& ts | tee -a /tmp/$(date +%F).log
You may ask the other user to create an alias.
You may also add this into /etc/profile (sourced when users login)
exec > >(tee -a /tmp/$(date +%F).log)
Do it also for error output if needed. Keep it splited.


Linux crontab script log into a local user in ssh

At work on a Linux server, I try to find a way to execute a script by crontab(in root) for:
Log into a local user by ssh with the command ssh -X user#localhost
answer at the password question for the user
execute a command
wait the end
exit ssh session
I make the process because it works when I do this manually.
I can't use crontab Otherwise than in root.
I try to add a public key for avoid the password step but I don't succeed into.
I must execute my command log into a specific user.
And finally I find a way to get environnement variables with the options -X ... if I log into the specific user with the command su -l user ... my command won't works.
I don't know if I am clear, I am sorry because my knowledge in Linux environments are limited and I try my best to explain to you in an approximate English (I'm French)
Best regards
Sorry I may not enough explicit I will try differently
First of all my first message is not too specific because I don't know if my way to deal with my issue is the best way that why I had explain it in a general way
Like I said I must configure crontab with root user, but the command (specific command of an application installed on my Linux server) that I try to execute automatically must be execute with a specific server user.
With all those constraints I try to develop an except script
spawn ssh -X specific-user#localhost
expect "assword :"
send "PASSWORD\r"
sleep 10
SpecificUtility + some parameters
Expect "localhost #"
Send "exit\r"
interact [/code]
If I execute this script manually it is ok but in crontab the sequence if not respected
I do something wrong but I have no clue
I hope explain it better
Best regards

no job control in this shell

Quick question regarding this error in Bash. I have some bash scripts that I run at work on some servers. We have been trying to implement Rundeck as a way to automate. When I call these scripts through Rundeck I get the error bash: no job control in this shell. Now I am new to linux and shell scripting but what I have figured is this is due to interactivity of the shell. The scripts I am calling will call other scripts (perl and shell) as part of their operation. But since I am not logged on in a terminal, they can't do this and fail. That is the best understanding I have.
I have tried adding a -l to my #!/bin/bash in my script I send through Rundeck. I have also tried to utilize the ad-hoc command option through Rundeck and run the jobs individually. Still not luck. I thought perhaps it was a pathing issue so I tired setting the path PATH=$PATH but no change.
Basically I need to allow these scripts to open their subprocesses. So the question is, how I modify how I call these scripts so they have full control? Is that possible? Sorry if this lacks info, I just don't know how properly put it out there. let me know what other info is needed. Thanks
Edit: Some code snips on where the message comes in:
system "pntadm -R $Net >/dev/null 2>&1";
system "pntadm -C $Net $BUILD{$Net}{netmask} $MYip";

Why does my crontab not work?

I am planning to run some bash scripts every minute, and I wrote:
* * * * * bash ~/Dropbox/temp_scripts/run_all_scripts
in crontab.
It was supposed to run every minute, but it did not work. Does anyone have idea why this happens?
Transferring a comment into an answer.
Add I/O redirection to the command line in the crontab entry:
>/tmp/run_all_scripts.out 2>/tmp/run_all_scripts.err
Review the contents of the files after a minute or two has passed. Consider recording the environment to see if that's part of the problem. And consider using bash -x instead of just bash.
If you still don't get anything (the files in /tmp are not created), then you've got issues with cron; the daemon isn't running, or your user does not have permission to use it (but crontab isn't telling you that), or you've not submitted your crontab to the program (what does crontab -l say?), or … whatever is really wrong.
Note, too, that the output from cron jobs is normally (well, at least sometimes — on Mac OS X for a system I currently use, and Solaris for another that I've used previously) emailed to the person whose job it is. You should review the email on the system.
Thank you! I have already fixed it! The reason why it does not work is I used "ls -a .sh" in the script, and when the crontab did not find any *.sh files in the folder it was executing. When modifying it to "ls -a $HOME/Dropbox/temp_scripts/.sh", everything works! This debugging technique is quite helpful!
It is, in many ways, the most basic of debugging techniques — make sure you see what is actually happening. If you're not sure why a shell script isn't working, make sure you can see that it is executing and what it is producing in the way of output, and (very often) make sure you can see what it is executing with bash -x or equivalent. (AFAIK, all shells support -x to trace the execution.)

How to History of commands with dates in linux?

How to get history of commands with i need complete log of my system what ever commands executed in machine, from which Ip they logged in at that time and and What is command executed?
Is it Possible?
Not easily.
You can see who logged in from where with who or last.
You can see the history of the commands of the last shell which exited in their home folder in the file $HOME/.bash_history. BASH doesn't log the timestamp in this file, though, so there is no way to tell when the commands were executed. You can see this when you execute
HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d/%m/%y %T " history
A lot of the commands in the history will have the same date/time and if you look more closely, you'll see that this is in fact the date/time of the file .bash_history.
It should be possible to download the sources for BASH and compile your own version which does more extensive logging. Just be careful that you don't log commands read from script files (or your computer probably won't even boot anymore).
Also note that you need to do the same for all the shells which your users are using. And you need to make sure that they don't have their own copy of the shell.
How to log all Bash commands by all users on a server?
HOWTO BASH Audit / Command Logger

shell script not running via crontab, runs fine manually

I have tried exporting my paths and variables and crontab still will not run my script. I'm sure I am doing something wrong.
I have a shell script which runs a jar file. This is not working correctly.
After reading around I have read this is commonly due to incorrect paths due to cron running via its own shell instance and therefore does not have the same preferences setup as my profile does.
Here is what my script looks like today after several modifications:
#!/bin/bash --
. /root/.bash_profile
/usr/bin/java -jar Pharmagistics_auto.jar -o
those are the most important pieces of the script, the rest are straightforward shell based.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Try specifying the full path to the jar file:
/usr/bin/java -jar /path/to/Pharmagistics_auto.jar -o
I would just tell you what you have already ruled out: Check your path and environment.
Since you have alredy done this, start debugging. Like write checkpoints into a logfile to see how far your script gets (if even started at all), check the cronjob log file for errors, check your mail (cron sends mails on errors) and so on ...
Not very specific, sorry.
"exporting my paths and variables" won't work since crontab runs in a different shell by a different user.
Also, not sure if this is a typo in how you entered the question, but I see:
...and I can't help but notice you're not specifying the fully qualified path. It's looking for a directory named "usr" in the current working directory. Oft times for crontab, the cwd is undefined, hence your reference goes nowhere.
Try specifying the full path from root, like so:
Or, if you want to see an example of relative pathing in action, you could also try:
cd /
A few thoughts.
Remove the -- after the #!/bin/bash
Make sure to direct script output seen by cron to mail or somewhere else where you can view it (e.g. MAILTO=desiredUser)
Confirm that your script is running and not blocked by a different long-running script (e.g. on the second line, add touch /tmp/MY_SCRIPT_RAN && exit)
Debug the script using set -x and set -v once you know it's actually running
Do you define necessary paths and env vars in your personal .profile (or other script)? Have you tried sourcing that particular file (or is that what you're doing already with /root/.bash_profile?)
Another way of asking this is: are you certain that whatever necessary paths and env vars you expect are actually available?
If nothing else, have you tried echo'ing individual values or just using the "env" command in your script and then reviewing the stdout?
provide full paths to your jar file, and what user are you running the crontab in? If you set it up for a normal user, do you think that user has permission to source the root's profile?
