LSTM Sequence Learning -- Prediction Result Issues - keras

I am attempting to implement sequence learning in Python 3.5.2 | Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit) on my windows 10 machine. I have scoured the internet in order to get as far as I have, but documentation lacks the details I need. I will share my code and then ask my questions.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow
import keras as krs
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, LSTM, Dropout
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from sklearn.preprocessing import QuantileTransformer, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
DF = pd.read_csv("./integer_seqn/train.csv", delimiter = ",")
N = DF.shape[0]
data = []
# turn pandas df into list
for rows in DF['Sequence']:
fix = rows.split(",")
fix = [int(elem) for elem in fix]
# for now I am working with one sequence at a time
D = data[0]
D = np.reshape(D, (len(D),1))
D = D.astype('float64')
# scaling needed since LSTMs are sensitive to large data values
# for this first sequence I use quantile scaling since the data is skewed
scaler = MinMaxScaler((0,1))
X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(D)
# split each sequence into a training and a test set
train_size = int(len(X_train_scaled)*(0.90))
test_size = len(X_train_scaled) - train_size
train, test = X_train_scaled[0:train_size], X_train_scaled[train_size:len(X_train_scaled)]
# creates a data set so that the first column
# is every n-th element in a sequence
# and the second column is every (n+1)-th element in a sequence
dataX, dataY = [], []
time_step = 2
for i in range(0,(len(train)-time_step)):
dataY.append(train[i+time_step, 0])
dataX = np.array(dataX)
dataY = np.array(dataY)
testX, testY = [], []
for i in range(0,(len(test)-time_step)):
testX = np.array(testX)
testY = np.array(testY)
# need to reshape the data so that will accept it
dataX = np.reshape(dataX, (dataX.shape[0],dataX.shape[1],1))
testX = np.reshape(testX, (testX.shape[0],testX.shape[1],1))
# build RNN-LSTM for a sequence
# the number of LSTM nodes is adjustable
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units = 20, input_shape = (1,1)))
model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer = "adam"), dataY, epochs = 100, batch_size = 1, verbose = 0)
# predict using the model (validation with the train set and test with the test set)
trainPredict = model.predict(dataX)
testPredict = model.predict(testX)
# "unscale" the data
trainPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(trainPredict)
dataY = scaler.inverse_transform(np.reshape(dataY,(len(dataY),1)))
testPredict = scaler.inverse_transform(testPredict)
testY = scaler.inverse_transform(np.reshape(testY, (len(testY),1)))
I am testing this code on an integer sequence
data[0] = [1, 3, 13, 87, 1053, 28576, 2141733, 508147108, 402135275365, 1073376057490373, 9700385489355970183, 298434346895322960005291, 31479360095907908092817694945, 11474377948948020660089085281068730]
I am getting some pretty poor predictions. When I do model.predict(dataX), the order of magnitude is significantly larger than the true predictions. Additionally, the predictions provided are all the same. Most recently, I get a 7x1 numpy array filled with the value 1.2242328e+32. I get a similar occurrence with model.predict(testX), where I get a 3x1 numpy array filled with the value 1.2242328e+32, but at least this prediction is closer (though not as close as I would like) to the final element in testY.
My specific question is: why is my prediction array filled with the same value?


Is it normal for the r2 score to drop after the crossvalidation process? (Linear regression model)

Car price prediction code:
# importing pandas
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score,mean_squared_error,mean_squared_log_error,make_scorer
import warnings
import os
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
if is_file==False:
# merging two csv files
df = pd.concat(map(pd.read_csv, ['audi.csv', 'bmw.csv','toyota.csv']), ignore_index=True)
df.to_csv("audi-bmw-toyota.csv", index=False)
print('csv files have merged...')
print("The file already exists.")
# loading the dataset to a pandas DataFrame
dataset = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Desktop/car_price_prediction/audi-bmw-toyota.csv')
print('transmission_value-counts:\n',dataset['transmission'].value_counts()) #4 type
print('fueltype_value-counts:\n',dataset['fuelType'].value_counts()) #5 type
print("Manual transmissioned cars:\n", dataset.loc[dataset['transmission'] == 'Manual'])
print("Hybrid fuel typed cars:\n", dataset.loc[dataset['fuelType'] == 'Hybrid'])
print("Other fuel typed cars:\n", dataset.loc[dataset['fuelType'] == 'Other'])
# correlation
df_corr = dataset.corr()
fig=df_corr[['price']].plot(kind='barh',color="r",figsize=(5, 5))
fig.set_title("Price and Variables's Correlation")
#data preprocessing
X["model"]=X["model"].str.replace(' ','')
le1=LabelEncoder() #model column has so much diffrent group. That's wyh LabelEncoder is useful.
X.loc[:, 0] =X_0
X["model"] = pd.DataFrame(X_0, columns=['model'])
#categorical variables
df_transmission = pd.get_dummies(dataset["transmission"]
,prefix = "transmission"
,drop_first = True) # Preventing Multicollinearity
X1 = pd.concat([X, df_transmission[['transmission_Manual', 'transmission_Other', 'transmission_Semi-Auto']]], axis=1)
df_fuelType = pd.get_dummies(dataset["fuelType"]
,prefix = "fuelType"
,drop_first = True) # Preventing Multicollinearity
X2 = pd.concat([X1, df_fuelType[['fuelType_Electric', 'fuelType_Hybrid', 'fuelType_Other','fuelType_Petrol']]], axis=1)
X3 = X2.drop(['transmission', 'fuelType',0], axis=1)
#Feature Scaling
#training and test set
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X3,
model =, Y_train)
Cross validation and hyperparameter optimization
# Number of trees in random forest
n_estimators = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start = 200, stop = 2000, num = 10)]
# Number of features to consider at every split
max_features = ['auto', 'sqrt']
# Maximum number of levels in tree
max_depth = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(10, 110, num = 11)]
# Minimum number of samples required to split a node
min_samples_split = [2, 5, 10]
# Minimum number of samples required at each leaf node
min_samples_leaf = [1, 2, 4]
# Method of selecting samples for training each tree
bootstrap = [True, False]
# Create the random grid
random_grid = {'n_estimators': n_estimators,
'max_features': max_features,
'max_depth': max_depth,
'min_samples_split': min_samples_split,
'min_samples_leaf': min_samples_leaf,
'bootstrap': bootstrap}
rf_random = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator = rf, param_distributions = random_grid, n_iter = 10, cv = 3, verbose=2, n_jobs = -1), Y_train)
base_model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 2000,min_samples_split=5,
random_state = 42).fit(X_train, Y_train)
the link of dataset:
Hello friends, I have combined audi.csv, bmw.csv,toyota.csv files to obtain a new CSV file. In the car price estimation algorithm, the test cross-validated RMSE value is greater than the test RMSE (not validated) value. Also, r2_score drops a bit after cross-validation Is this process normal, or what exactly am I doing wrong?
Is the problem related to the regression model?
Before cross validation:
r2_score_test: 0.961865129046153
RMSE: 2293.040184587231
After cross validation:
r2_score_test: 0.9604039571043385
RMSE_based: 2336.5572047970254
X=dataset.iloc[:,[1,3,4,5,6,7,8]] #removing of car model column
#data preprocessing
X['no_year'] = (2022) -X['year']
X.drop(['year'],axis = 1,inplace=True)
Before cross validation:
r2_score_test: 0.941560662538529
RMSE_test: 2838.5932576738546
After cross validation:
r2_score_based: 0.9603626850597086
RMSE_based: 2337.7746165658878

How can the coefficients of the multiclass logistic regression model be used to predict the probabilities of class membership of observations?

I am trying to solve one problem that resembles that of Fisher's irises classification. The problem is that I can train the model on my computer, but the given model has to predict class membership on a computer where it is impossible to install python and scikit learn. I want to understand how, having received the coefficients of the logistic regression model, I can predict the belonging to a certain class without using the predict method of the model.
Using the Fisher problem as an example, I do the following.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score
# data preparation
iris = load_iris()
data = pd.DataFrame(data=np.hstack([,[:, np.newaxis]]),
columns=iris.feature_names + ['target'])
names = data.columns
# split data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data[names[:-1]], data[names[-1]], random_state=42)
# train model
cls = make_pipeline(
LogisticRegression(C=2, random_state=42)
cls =, y_train)
preds_train = cls.predict(X_train)
# prediction
preds_test = cls.predict(X_test)
# scores
train_score = accuracy_score(preds_train, y_train), f1_score(preds_train, y_train, average='macro') # on train data
# train_score = (0.9642857142857143, 0.9653621232568601)
test_score = accuracy_score(preds_test, y_test), f1_score(preds_test, y_test, average='macro') # on test data
# test_score = (1.0, 1.0)
# model coefficients
cls[1].coef_, cls[1].intercept_
>>> (array([[-1.13948079, 1.30623841, -2.21496793, -2.05617771],
[ 0.66515676, -0.2541143 , -0.55819748, -0.86441227],
[ 0.47432404, -1.05212411, 2.77316541, 2.92058998]]),
array([-0.35860337, 2.43929019, -2.08068682]))
Now I have the coefficients of the model. And I want to use them to make predictions.
First, I make a prediction using the predict method for the first five observations on the test sample.
preds_test = cls.predict_proba(X_test)
>>>array([[5.66019001e-03, 9.18455687e-01, 7.58841233e-02],
[9.75854479e-01, 2.41455095e-02, 1.10881450e-08],
[1.18780156e-09, 6.53295166e-04, 9.99346704e-01],
[6.71574900e-03, 8.14174200e-01, 1.79110051e-01],
[6.98756622e-04, 8.09096425e-01, 1.90204818e-01]])
Then I manually calculate the predictions of the class probabilities for the observations using the coefficients of the model.
# define two functions for making predictions
def logit(x, w):
return, w)
# from here:
def softmax(z):
assert len(z.shape) == 2
s = np.max(z, axis=1)
s = s[:, np.newaxis] # necessary step to do broadcasting
e_x = np.exp(z - s)
div = np.sum(e_x, axis=1)
div = div[:, np.newaxis] # dito
return e_x / div
n, k = X_test.shape
X_ = np.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)), X_test)) # add column with 1 for intercept
weights = np.hstack((cls[1].intercept_[:, np.newaxis], cls[1].coef_)) # create weights matrix
results = softmax(logit(X_, weights.T)) # calculate probabilities
>>>array([[3.67343725e-14, 4.63938438e-06, 9.99995361e-01],
[2.81976786e-05, 8.63083152e-01, 1.36888650e-01],
[1.24572182e-22, 5.47800683e-11, 1.00000000e+00],
[3.32990060e-14, 3.08352323e-06, 9.99996916e-01],
[2.66415118e-15, 1.78252465e-06, 9.99998217e-01]])
If you compare the two results obtained (preds_test[0:5] and results[0:5]), you can see that they do not coincide at all. Please explain me what I am doing wrong and how I can use the model's coefficients to calculate predictions without using the predict method.
I forgot that a scaler was applied. If you change the code a little, then the results are the same.
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_test_transf = scaler.transform(X_test)
def logit(x, w):
return, w)
def softmax(z):
assert len(z.shape) == 2
s = np.max(z, axis=1)
s = s[:, np.newaxis] # necessary step to do broadcasting
e_x = np.exp(z - s)
div = np.sum(e_x, axis=1)
div = div[:, np.newaxis] # dito
return e_x / div
n, k = X_test_transf.shape
X_ = np.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)), X_test_transf))
weights = np.hstack((cls[1].intercept_[:, np.newaxis], cls[1].coef_))
results = softmax(logit(X_, weights.T))
np.allclose(preds_test, results)
There are two values for every predict_proba. The first value is the probability of the event not occurring and the probability of the event occurring. predict_proba(X)[:,1] to get the probability of the event occurring.

Tensorflow classifier.evaluate running indefinitely?

I've started trying out some of the Tensorflow API's. I am using the iris data set to experiment with Tensorflows Estimator's. I'm loosely following this tutorial except that I load my data in a little differently:
My problem is that when the code below executes and I get to the section with:
# Evaluate the model.
eval_result = classifier.evaluate(
My computer just runs seemingly without end. I've been waiting for my jupyter notebook to complete this step now for an hour and a half but no end in sight. The lastoutput of the notebook is:
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
Problem statement: How can I adjust my code to make this evaluation more efficient I'm obviously making it do much more work than I anticipated.
So far I have tried adjusting the batch size and the number or neurons in the layers but with no luck.
#First we want to import what we need. Typically this will be some combination of:
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
%matplotlib inline
#Extract the data from the iris dataset.
df = pd.read_csv('IRIS.csv')
le = LabelEncoder()
df['species'] = le.fit_transform(df['species'])
#Extract both into features and labels.
#features should be a dictionary.
#label can just be an array
def extract_features_and_labels(dataframe):
#features and label for training
x = dataframe.copy()
y = dataframe.pop('species')
return dict(x), y
#break the data up into train and test.
#split the overall df into training and testing data
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)
train_x, train_y = extract_features_and_labels(train)
test_x, test_y = extract_features_and_labels(test)
print(len(train_x), 'training examples')
print(len(train_y), 'testing examples')
my_feature_columns = []
for key in train_x.keys():
def train_input_fn(features, labels, batch_size):
"""An input function for training"""
# Convert the inputs to a Dataset.
dataset =, labels))
# Shuffle, repeat, and batch the examples.
return dataset.shuffle(1000).repeat().batch(batch_size)
#Build the classifier!!!!
classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
# Two hidden layers of 10 nodes each.
hidden_units=[4, 4],
# The model must choose between 3 classes.
# Train the Model.
input_fn=lambda:train_input_fn(train_x, train_y, 10), steps=1000)
# Evaluate the model.
eval_result = classifier.evaluate(
input_fn=lambda:train_input_fn(test_x, test_y, 100))
print('\nTest set accuracy: {accuracy:0.3f}\n'.format(**eval_result))
Had to switch a lot of things up but finally got the estimator working on the IRIS data set. Here is the code below for any who may find it useful in the future. Cheers.
#First we want to import what we need. Typically this will be some combination of:
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn import preprocessing
%matplotlib inline
#Extract the data from the iris dataset.
df = pd.read_csv('IRIS.csv')
#Grab only our categorial data
#categories = df.select_dtypes(include=[object])
le = LabelEncoder()
df['species'] = le.fit_transform(df['species'])
# use df.apply() to apply le.fit_transform to all columns
#X_2 = X.apply(le.fit_transform)
#Reshape as the one hot encoder doesnt like one row/column
#X_2 = X.reshape(-1, 1)
#features is everything but our label so makes sense to simply....
features = df.drop('species', axis=1)
target = df['species']
#trains and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
features, target, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
#Introduce Tensorflow feature column (numeric column)
numeric_column = ['sepal_length','sepal_width','petal_length','petal_width']
numeric_features = [tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = column)
for column in numeric_column]
#Build the input function for training
training_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn(x = X_train,
#Build the input function for testing input
eval_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.pandas_input_fn(x=X_test,
#Instansiate the model
dnn_classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(feature_columns=numeric_features,
model_dir = "dnn_classifier")
dnn_classifier.train(input_fn = training_input_fn,steps=2000)
#Evaluate the trained model
dnn_classifier.evaluate(input_fn = eval_input_fn)
# print("Loss is " + str(loss))
pred = list(dnn_classifier.predict(input_fn = eval_input_fn))
for e in pred:
#pred = [p['species'][0] for p in pred]

How do I prepare the test set shape for the model.evaluate with keras and tensorflow?

I'm trying to run a simple example with a NN using the MNIST dataset provided by tensorflow itself, running on Google Colab. I want to get the raw data and mount by myself the structure that has the data. I'm able to train the NN, but when I try to predict one example from the test set, I get the error
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_input to have shape (784,) but got array with shape (1,).
Could somebody help me with this issue? I'm pretty new to Python and Keras/TensorFlow.
When I run
I get (784,) and not the (1,) as the error says.
I have also tried to evaluate the test set using
test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(test_input.T)
, but I also get the error
ValueError: Arguments and signature arguments do not match: 25 27.
The source code is the following:
# Importing stuff
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import keras
# Functions
def normalize(images, labels):
images = tf.cast(images, tf.float32)
images /= 255
return images, labels
# Getting dataset
ds, meta = tfds.load('fashion_mnist', as_supervised=True, with_info=True)
test_ds, train_ds = ds['test'], ds['train']
# Preprocess the data
train_ds =
test_ds =
num_train_examples = meta.splits['train'].num_examples
num_test_examples = meta.splits['test'].num_examples
# Making the train set
train_input = np.empty(shape=(784, num_train_examples))
train_label = np.empty(shape=(1, num_train_examples))
i = 0
for image, label in train_ds:
image = image.numpy().reshape((784, 1))
train_input[:, i] = image.ravel()
label = label.numpy().reshape(1)
train_label[:, i] = label
i = i + 1;
# Making the test set
test_input = np.empty(shape=(784, num_test_examples))
test_label = np.empty(shape=(1, num_test_examples))
i = 0
for image, label in test_ds:
image = image.numpy().reshape((784, 1))
test_input[:, i] = image.ravel()
label = label.numpy().reshape(1)
test_label[:, i] = label
i = i + 1;
# Network
input_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=784, input_shape=[784])
h1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu)
output_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax)
model = tf.keras.Sequential([input_layer, h1, output_layer])
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']), train_label.T, epochs=3, steps_per_epoch=100, batch_size=1)
test_loss, test_accuracy = model.evaluate(test_input.T)
inp = test_input[:, 0].T
res = model.predict(inp)
All the API functions expect an input shape containing the batch size first. In your case, you're trying to feed only 1 example and thus no batch size is given. You just need to specify your batch size as 1 by reshaping the data.
Using numpy:
res = model.predict(np.reshape(inp, len(inp))
The argument to the predict method now receives the array with shape (1, 784) in your case, specifying the batch size as 1.
When you give the function more examples to evaluate by stacking them on top of one another, the batch size is implicitly given by the shape of the array, so no further transformation is necessary.

ValueError: Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex

For a Multilabel Classification problem i am trying to plot precission and recall curve.
The sample code is taken from "" under section Create multi-label data, fit, and predict.
I am trying to fit it in my code but i get below error as "ValueError: Can only tuple-index with a MultiIndex" when i try below code.
array(['DefId', 'DefectCount', 'SprintNo', 'ReqName', 'AreaChange',
'CodeChange', 'TestSuite'], dtype=object)
Test Suite is the value to be predicted
X_train = train_df.drop("TestSuite", axis=1)
Y_train = train_df["TestSuite"]
X_test = test_df.drop("DefId", axis=1).copy()
classes --> i have hardcorded with the testsuite values
from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize
# Use label_binarize to be multi-label like settings
Y = label_binarize(Y_train, classes=np.array([0, 1, 2,3,4])
n_classes = Y.shape[1]
# We use OneVsRestClassifier for multi-label prediction
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
# Run classifier
classifier = OneVsRestClassifier(svm.LinearSVC(random_state=3)), Y_train)
y_score = classifier.decision_function(X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score
import pandas as pd
# For each class
precision = dict()
recall = dict()
average_precision = dict()
#n_classes = Y.shape[1]
for i in range(n_classes):
precision[i], recall[i], _ = precision_recall_curve(Y_train[:, i], y_score[:, i])
average_precision[i] = average_precision_score(Y_train[:, i], y_score[:, i])
Input Data -> Values has been categorised
