Problems working out the re.compile mask/cypher - python-3.x

I have working code using re.compile that searches for a given key and extracts specified bytes from that line.
Working cypher
Searches for 'S0' at the start and '11' further in (the intervening alphanumeric changes with each file)
S012PA041 11 1001650953.34N 72627.05E 426930.97227906.7 285.3227033224
I am trying to use the same method for a different input file but I can't work out the correct mask/cypher. There are several lines starting 'P1' so that in not exclusive enough; the 'P1....,V0' is the exclusive key. Again the numbers between the keys change with each event and file.
I have tried these but with no success:

After running more combinations than an safe-cracker on Red Bull, I've finally got the right sequence for the regex.
Line to be identified using 'P1' and further in 'V01' as search keys
re.compile code to identify it.


Dynamic test tag pattern execution in karate [duplicate]

I'm wondering if you can use wildcard characters with tags to get all tagged scenarios/features that match a certain pattern.
For example, I've used 17 unique tags on many scenarios throughout many of my feature files. The pattern is "#jira=CIS-" followed by 4 numbers, like #jira=CIS-1234 and #jira=CIS-5678.
I'm hoping I can use a wildcard character or something that will find all of the matches for me.
I want to be able to exclude them from being run, when I run all of my features/scenarios.
I've tried the follow:
--tags ~#jira
--tags ~#jira*
--tags ~#jira=*
--tags ~#jira=
Unfortunately none have given my the results I wanted. I was only able to exclude them when I used the exact tag, ex. ~#jira=CIS-1234. It's not a good solution to have to add each single one (of the 17 different tags) to the command line. These tags can change frequently, with new ones being added and old ones being removed, plus it would make for one real long command.
Yes. First read this - there is this un-documented expression-language (based on JS) for advanced tag selction based on the #key=val1,val2 form:
So you should be able to do this:
And even (here s will be a string, on which you can even do JS regex if you know how):
valuesFor('#jira').isEach(s => s.startsWith('CIS-'))
Would be great to get your confirmation and then this thread itself can help others and we can add it to the docs at some point.

Compare two text columns to find partial match and new rows

I have two lists of messages. The first one is short messages and the second one is a master file which has longer texts which includes the short messages in the first list but also has many new messages. I want to find the new ones in master file (second list) which has no partial matches.
something like above. then NO means they are new errors
I tried =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(""&A2&"",C:C,1,0)),"No","Yes") but it is other way around. it will find short messages within master file with big messages. I want to check big messages which have the short messages inside compare with the list with short messages and if there is no (partial) match label it as new.
This should work, currently can't test it though
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(FIND(" "&$A$2:$A$8&" "," "&B2& " "))),"YES","NO")
Note the use of spaces otherwise aaa would be found in kkaaa

Combining phrases from list of words Python3

doing my best to grab information out of a lot of pdf files. Have them in a dictionary format where the key is a given date and the values are a list of occupations.
looks like this when proper:
'12/29/2014': [['COUNSELING',
However, occasionally there are occupations with several words which cannot be reliably understood in single word-form, such as this:
'11/03/2014': [['DENTISTRY',
Notice that "osteopathic medicine & surgery" and "speech-language pathology" are the full text for two of these entries. This gets hairier when we also have examples of just "osteopathic medicine" or even "medicine."
So my question is this - How should I go about testing combinations of these words to see if they match more complex occupational titles? I can use the same order of the words, as I have maintained that from the source.

file transfer Extra attachmate appends username to host file name

Hi when I try to download a file from mainframe, using attachmate extra it appends the username also along with it. I dont know where to turn it off.
like for example - file name is, then when i try to transfer of file it transfers
in 3.4 the option to append user name is turned off. Still its happening
Enclose the entire dataset name (including the high-level qualifier) in single quotes. This is a TSO (not JCL) convention - if you refer to a dataset without single quotes, it pre-pends your user ID as the high-level qualifier; however if you place single quotes around the dataset name it will take it 'as is' (well, it will uppercase it, since all z/OS dataset names are uppercase, but otherwise it will be 'as is').

How to replace every occurrences except the first one on every line - VIM

I have data that looks like this:
備考,note, remarks, NB
基本形,,fundamental form, basic form, basic pattern, basic model, basic type, prototype
受身,,the defensive, passive attitude, passivity, passiveness, the passive, passive voice, ukemi (the art of falling safely)
受身形,passive voice, passive form
否定,negation, denial, repudiation, NOT operation
不規則,irregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly
How to replace every occurrences except the first one on every line?
I want to replace every , on every line except the first occurrence of , on every line.
基本形,REPLACEDfundamental formREPLACED basic formREPLACED basic patternREPLACED basic modelREPLACED basic typeREPLACED prototype
受身,REPLACEDthe defensiveREPLACED passive attitudeREPLACED passivityREPLACED passivenessREPLACED the passiveREPLACED passive voiceREPLACED ukemi (the art of falling safely)
受身形,passive voiceREPLACED passive form
否定,negationREPLACED denialREPLACED repudiationREPLACED NOT operation
不規則,irregularityREPLACED unsteadinessREPLACED disorderly
You can use positive lookbehind for this:
Since there is a space character after each comma except the first on each line you could do the following.
%s/, /REPLACED /g
The second command takes care of multiple consecutive commas, like on the third line.
