NetSuite modify packing slip URL - netsuite

in netsuite how can I modify the URL below so that it can display packing slip based on multiple ID. as example I want new window to display packing slip for id= 366646 and id=361518 on the same window. is this possible?

There is no way to print multiple picking tickets by default as the hotprint function can only process one ID at a time. You could do the following:
Build a suitelet that can handle both ID's and use the hotprint for each.
Merge the two resulting PDF's together and display that in a popup window.
I will dig around for an example code I did for multiple sales orders.


display locationquanityavailable on Netsuite Sitebuilder Site

Trying to figure out how to set the location of a multi-location Netsuite so that on the web store it only will display the quantity of that location only. Currently it displays ALL locations (sums).
I would like js in the header possibly that will set the location to one location and then when using locationquantityavailable it will grab that locations quantity and displays it.
Anyone been able to display just a locations quantity?
You can mark your locations as making their inventory available in the web store. Then the standard sitebuilder tags quantityavailable and quantityonhand will pull from those.
If that doesn't work you could manage this by various forms of scripting.
Script your inventory affecting transactions so that inventory changes from the desired locations update custom item fields.
Create a Suitelet that takes a page's item ids as a query string and returns current inventory for those items.
create a non-stored custsom item field that populates with the results of a saved search. I doubt this option will work in the context of the web store but it's very low effort to check. Search for "Creating Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results" in the Netsuite online help for details.
I've used the first two of these in production to achieve the result you're looking for.
each of these has advantages and disadvantages so there's a trade off between how busy your back-end is vs how busy the site is.

Need help in custom screen

I have two GI screens, which takes CustomerID as input and show data from different screens. My question is, I want to create a custom screen and add tabs Sales Orders, Invoices, and want to display that GIs data in these tabs. The main purpose is instead of checking data in multiple GI screens want to display all information on one screen.
I have one ways maybe it can help, but i'm not sure.
First, you create virtual view like usrGI_CD or GI_CD in CacheExtension<GI-DAC>
Next, you handle it in your code like:
GI-Graph graph = CreateInstance<GI-Graph>();
GI-DAC giResult = PXSelect<GI-DAC, Where<Field1, Equal<Required<Field1>>>>.Select(graph, valueField1,......);
You can add a lots field you want same with Field1. After that you will have row of value that you want and you can use PXUIFieldAttribute.SetValue(cache, giResult.value) to set value in your DataView.
Hope this help!

How to Customize the NetSuite Calculate Shipping Button

How can I customize the Calculate Shipping button (the calculator icon) on Sales Orders under the Shipping tab? I've written my own app using the UPS API and I would like to fire that instead of the native NetSuite shipping calculator. So how can I make the Calculate Shipping button fire my custom code?
Sorry but there is no way to do that via API. You could hack it but probably more trouble than it's worth.
to make your custom calc work:
Associate it with a shipping method (or methods) that have flat rate of $0. If you don't use $0 then NS will re-apply the flate rate charge at various inopportune times.
when something changes trigger the API lookup OR
add a button on the SO form that you can click.
You can also add buttons various other ways with more or less degrees of control. One way is to include an inlinehtml field containing the html for a button and have a script show that when one of your associated methods is selected. I'd back that up with a save page client or before submit user event script to re-calc the value when needed.
When I've done this sort of thing I've made a hash of the shipping address and item ids and quantities and stored that as a body level field. Then you can re-calc the hash in a before submit event and call your API only when the hash has changed.
An another way would be to add a new button using
form.getSublist('item').addButton(name, label, script);
//button would be added in item sublist section
In your script parameter specify the onclick script, the onclick script would be a client side javascript in which you should be able to get SO lines and then fire a AJAX to your suitelet [even nlapiReuqstURL should work smoothly here] which in turn can make calls to your UPS APIs and fetch the rates from there.
Now, the challenge remains is getting rid of the natural calculate shipping button. Probably, you can make it a zero cost one or make the label of new button more appealing to click over the standard one.

What would be the best way to make a website that lets a user fill a form and receive data (such as real estate listings)?

I want to make a website that will allow the user to input the zipcode in which they are looking for houses and that will notify me of what their search criteria is (such as homes for $250K in the ##### zip code). What would be the best way to start this project?
You could create a form which would ask for the user to fill in their details and when they submit you receive an email with their details.
You can look into simple bootstrap form and use PHP to implement it
Have a look at this example
Simple Form Example
You could create a form that gives price range option.
Then create an input field with validation applied that checks for a certain amount of characters and that the input is integers to help with span.
Finally a submit button that you can set up to email you the results or if you are working with a database you can send it there and monitor it or create a page that displays the requests you get. The email structure would be pretty easy to set up.
This can all be done with simple php and html.

Change the site look based on user's list item property

We have a list containing the ADUsername and Boolean field (Yes/No) columns. Based on the logged in user we are fetching this list item and corresponding value for yes/no field.
Now we want to change the look of the SharePoint site based on this value.
Yes=Blue suitebar and top bar.
No=Green suitebar and top bar.
Possible solutions we have envisioned:
Composed looks (we have worked on this but not sure if they can be changed on run time)
Master page (creating master page with hardcoded blue/green color, but not sure if it is possible to call master page at runtime)
I believe both above methods will fail as there will be multiple users accessing the site at same time and changing the master page/composed look at run time is not feasible.
The 3rd method we were thinking of is to use Javascript on the Master Page using client object model to detect the list item (yes/no) value and change the CSS colors/file dynamically.
Let me know your views on this approach or other possible solution. Thanks.
