Resharper show potential fixes (ctrl + .) not working with stylecop - resharper

I very often use ctrl + . resharper shortcut to fix errors in my code. It works perfectly with "standard" errors, but after installing StyleCop.Analyzers I can no longer open suggestions with a shortcut. IDE even suggest to use ctrl + ., but after pressing it either nothing happens or a window with other unconnected options pops up. In order to fix anything I need to hover with mouse and then correct context menu shows up. For example:
After pressing ctrl + . what I can see is:
How do I fix it so I can use ctrl + . shortcut with StyleCop errors?
I'm using VS2019 with ReSharper 2020.


shortcut to see all the properties of widget in flutter

I m new at flutter, I m using android studio and I want to know is there is any shortcut to see all the property of any particular widget at the time android studio it self, without going to the documentation page.pls help, it really help to reduce the development time.
In my case it's ctrl + space. But I'm not using apple's mac mini keyboard.
So "In my case" ctrl + space is the most useful. Then you can click on some widget e.g Text and press ctrl + j to see documentation. You can also press cmd + p to see all properties in inline mode.
This feature is called Code Completion:
On my MacbookPro & Android Studio Smart Code Completion -> fn+^+space was working. However Basic key shortcut ^+space was shadowed by MacOs keyboard input settings. So disabling the select the previous input source solved this shadowing. Now both shortcuts are working.
In Mac it's (control + J), if not working go to preferences or settings, then head to keymap, and then there search for documentation. you will get the shortcut.
Also try ( command + p ), I think that would work for what you are trying to find.

Visual Studio 2012 Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys not working for shortcut assignments?

I just started using Resharper and am liking it so far, except it changed the way Alt-Up and Down moved lines of code around in the text editor, Resharper wants that to mean Goto Next / Previous method. I wanted to keep it as the original, and assign the Gotos as Ctrl + Alt Up / Down or Alt Gr + Up / Down.
It seems that assigning commands to Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down arrows keyboard shortcut is not possible in Visual Studio, can anybody confirm this? Why is this I wonder.
This is not specific to Resharper I don't think, can anybody that's not using Resharper try to assign some command to Alt Gr + Up / Down arrows and see if it works?
Warning: If you have Intel Graphics running, the Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down arrows are set to flip the screen around 180° - which I never use. You can disable this by right clicking on the desktop, selecting Graphic Options, Hot Keys and Disable. I have disabled these but I wonder if they are interfering still?
found it! I had this issue with CTRL+ALT+LEFT OR RIGHT ARROWS and I killed the igfxHK Module process and it worked! Even though I'd already disabled Hot Keys that didn't do it, the module was still holding on to the key combination for some reason.
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio Code. Killing the igfxHK module fixed it.

Accessing suggested actions in VS2012 using keyboard

When I've added a reference to a class but forgot to add using directive, R# would suggest automatic insertion of it. I'd access that by alt+enter.
Now, I'm on a system without R# and that forces me to use the mouse to unfold that tiny thingy to unfold a suggestion menu. How can I do that from the keyboard? Is it possible at all?
What you're looking for is to expand the Smart Tag menu.
This can be done by pressing the Ctrl + Period (.) shortcut.
You can also use Alt +Shift + F10 shortcut for this.
And if by any chance the combo above doesn't work for you, you can re-activate it like this:
1 .
Tools > Customize > Keyboard... (notice the Keyboard... button is at the bottom right of that screen)
2 . Find the View.ShowSmartTag command and set it back to the Ctrl + Period (.) shortcut.

ReSharper set GoToNextHightlight to navigate to the errors first

ReSharper manages to find the errors without compiling but they don't seem to have higher priority than other hightlights . When I have a file with a lot of warnings (like unknown css class) I want to ignore, I can't use F12(go to next highlight) shortcut without going through all warnings. Of course I can use the scroll bar to go that error but it would be better to use keyboard shortcut. Any suggestions for this this?
Depending on your keymap:
if using the R# keymap, press ALT + F12
if using the VS keymap, press SHIFT + ALT + PgDn
This will invoke the "Go to next error" command, which ignores warnings, suggestions, etc.

How to remove shortcut command Ctrl+E in Management Studio

I'm really frustrated by this shortcut because I commonly use both Emacs and Management Studio for different projects. However accidentally pressing CTRL + E in MS and expecting cursor to move to the end of the line, which it does in my Emacs configuration, can be really bad in MS if you are programming modifications to a database and, say, are not finished with your WHERE clauses.
I have found no way of redefining CTRL + E to something else, or remove the shortcut entirely. I know I can rightclick the EXECUTE button in the toolbar (no can do in Query menu) and remove the ampersand symbol there but it does not take, CTRL + E still executes my query.
Any help appreciated
For now, there is workaround (map Ctrl + E to some other software):
But apparently it cannot be disabled until next version (SQL 2011) :
You could install SSMS Tools Pack(it's free). All of its features allow for keyboard shortcut binding, so all you need to do is open the options for one of its features and rebind the shortcut to Ctrl+E. I just tried it now for a coworker who has an identical problem as you. Works great!
