How to remove shortcut command Ctrl+E in Management Studio - keyboard

I'm really frustrated by this shortcut because I commonly use both Emacs and Management Studio for different projects. However accidentally pressing CTRL + E in MS and expecting cursor to move to the end of the line, which it does in my Emacs configuration, can be really bad in MS if you are programming modifications to a database and, say, are not finished with your WHERE clauses.
I have found no way of redefining CTRL + E to something else, or remove the shortcut entirely. I know I can rightclick the EXECUTE button in the toolbar (no can do in Query menu) and remove the ampersand symbol there but it does not take, CTRL + E still executes my query.
Any help appreciated

For now, there is workaround (map Ctrl + E to some other software):
But apparently it cannot be disabled until next version (SQL 2011) :

You could install SSMS Tools Pack(it's free). All of its features allow for keyboard shortcut binding, so all you need to do is open the options for one of its features and rebind the shortcut to Ctrl+E. I just tried it now for a coworker who has an identical problem as you. Works great!


Is there a way in Android Studio to use Ctrl+tab to navigate to recently used editor?

Is there a way in Android Studio to use Ctrl+tab to navigate to recently used editor?
Android Studio has two types of switching methods, as can be seen on the keymap settings:
"Recent Editors" - shows a list of recent editors but you need to leave the ctrl key and click up/down keys then another click to select the relevant editor.
"Switcher" - shows a quick list of recent editors. Setting Ctrl+tab to this will behave like many of the other editors in the market: Notepad++, Visual Studio, Eclipse ADT, etc...
You can use Ctrl+E to list last opened or edited files, use arrow key to move up and down.
Ctrl + tab is already doing that! it shows the switcher having the most recently used editor highlighted, after releasing Ctrl key it will switch to the editor, if you keep holding the Ctrl then there are 2 ways to navigate through the switcher, either by Tab, or by up and down arrows with Enter.
Another way is Navigate-> Back/Forward which will move cursor between edit locations in same file and move along to other files, the default key mapping for those are (Alt +Ctrl + Left)/(Alt +Ctrl +Right), which conflicts with windows mapping, Personally I am using Eclipse key mapping, so they are (Alt + left)/(Alt + right).
Don't forget that you can change any key mapping or add an extra key mapping from File->Settings->Keymap

How to run current line in Spyder 3.5( ctrl +f10 not working)

I am very new to Python and I am used to R studio so I choose Spyder. On the Spyder layout I saw a button 'run current line (ctrl +f10)'. But it doesn't work by pressing the button or c+10. Am I missing something? I can only select the script and 'ctrl+enter ' to run current line which is not convenient at all. I am using ubuntu with Anaconda distribution.
The key to run the current line by itself is F9. The shortcut ctrl+F10 is used if you are in debugging mode.
You can see a list of shortcuts by selecting Preferences in the Tool menu, and then clicking on Keyboard shortcuts.
Coming from R studio I imagine you were hoping to have a command that runs the next command, rather than just that one row (which can break a command into several parts and cause errors).
The exact equivalent doesn't exist yet but if you get accustomed to adding #%% before and after chunks ("cells") you want to run together then you can use the following commands to run the whole chunk.
Run cell: Ctrl + Return
Run cell and advance : Shift+Return
F9 is the key that does the job for you.
To replicate the RStudio style, go to Preferences in Tools menu and go to Keyboard Shortcuts.
Since Ctrl + Enter is assigned to another function, change that first.
Then assign the F9 key value to Ctrl + Enter. Now Spyder is the same as RStudio. Atleast in a way.
Some keyboards have a different layout than others in terms of what the keys are supposed to do. For me running happens if done via Fn + F9.
Control Enter is a quick way of executing a line or block of code in both R Studio & Python.
In Spyder, make sure the line or block is highlighted before you hit 'ctrl-enter'

Visual Basic 2013 - Pressing ALT gets me out of code

I just installed my Visual Basic and this is a problem I couldnt find an answer to. Everytime I press ALT it gets me out of code, and because I use SHIFT+ALT to change keyboards a lot while writing code, this is really disturbing to have to click in code again to be able to write.
Any ideas ?
Are you referring to the normal Windows way of accessing the menu via keyboard? This has nothing to do with Visual Studio; it will work similarly in almost any Windows application.
E.g. pressing Alt+F will open the File Menu etc. Just pressing Alt will highlight the menu (you should see the shortcut letters underlined for each item) and pressing a letter key will then open the menu. Instead, press Alt again to return to what you were doing before.

Visual Studio 2012 Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys not working for shortcut assignments?

I just started using Resharper and am liking it so far, except it changed the way Alt-Up and Down moved lines of code around in the text editor, Resharper wants that to mean Goto Next / Previous method. I wanted to keep it as the original, and assign the Gotos as Ctrl + Alt Up / Down or Alt Gr + Up / Down.
It seems that assigning commands to Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down arrows keyboard shortcut is not possible in Visual Studio, can anybody confirm this? Why is this I wonder.
This is not specific to Resharper I don't think, can anybody that's not using Resharper try to assign some command to Alt Gr + Up / Down arrows and see if it works?
Warning: If you have Intel Graphics running, the Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down arrows are set to flip the screen around 180° - which I never use. You can disable this by right clicking on the desktop, selecting Graphic Options, Hot Keys and Disable. I have disabled these but I wonder if they are interfering still?
found it! I had this issue with CTRL+ALT+LEFT OR RIGHT ARROWS and I killed the igfxHK Module process and it worked! Even though I'd already disabled Hot Keys that didn't do it, the module was still holding on to the key combination for some reason.
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio Code. Killing the igfxHK module fixed it.

Can resharper navigate to a method?

I know how to navigate to a file or a class, but can I navigate to a class's method?
Oh and say I am viewing a different class's file
With respect to my correctly configured keybindings, all of the previous answers seem outdated/invalid to me.
I say:
Hit Alt + \ to list all file members.
Then find your method in the list and navigate to it.
If you use "Resharper 2.x or IntelliJ IDEA" keyboard scheme:
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N -> navigate to symbol
In Visual Studio Scheme:
Shift + Alt + T
For future reference and other options check
If you are using Resharper IDEA Scheme, do ctrl + F12 and you can enter a member name, fastest way to navigate to a method, property etc on that file
Ctrl + Click (or Right Click > Go To Declaration). Works on Methods, Fields, Properties, Types, and just about everything else.
With VS2015 and ReSharper 10 press Ctrl + T. This will search for types, symbols and files. It will search through everything in your solution.
Update: works the same in VS2017 and ReSharper 2017.2.
You can also press Ctrl + T followed by / mm to search for just methods.
Another tip for the current file is to use the File Structure window - can also drag and drop members around from the window.
I have used Dpack (f/oss) for years and it can go to methods and/or properties by pressing a shortcut and then start typing. For those who get Resharper's ctrl-T working it is like that one but within the file.
Dpack provides the same functionality for finding files and open files. The former is a better version of Visual Studio 2015's ctrl-;.
(I have done some remapping of keys too but in my experience something (resharper?) overwrites my changes from time to time.)
(Also with VS2015 and R#9.2 I think Dpack does a better job at this.)
