Debugging .NET Core under Linux - linux

Currently I am trying to debug a Linux .NET Core application under Linux.
The trouble is, it fails somewhere right in the beginning, and I cannot get where. Logging is impossible under current circumstances.
As far as I can see on the Internet, and (severely avoiding any kind of systematizedness and consequtiveness) on MSDN specifically, the only currently available options for Linux are:
debug remotely (would not do well in my case);
Rider EAP by Jetbrains (proprietary decision);
using lldb.
So, my questions are:
Is there any way to launch the .NET Core self-contained app (via the "dotnet Some.dll" command) in such a way that it instantly breaks (i.e. as if there was a breakpoint) at the entry point?
If not, how can one launch lldb for a .NET Core console application attached (since numerous examples and issues over the Internet all show attaching to the already-running .NET Core process)?
Once again, there is the dotnet-dump utility, which works with already-running processes as well - so that, even dumps are an unavailable ooption for processes that crash almost instantly. I expected there might have been ways to make it dump like (imaginary) "dotnet-dump collect SomeInvocation.dll" along with (actully existing) "dotnet-dump collect --process-id 1234". Is there such a way?


"Skipped 75 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread." running empty Compose app

i'm learning how to use jetpack compose in android project.
i just created new project and choose empty compose activity template,
after build finished i run application on Android Emulator.
it successfully run but in Run logs it keep showing info log as
I/Choreographer: Skipped 75 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
i'm worried about this issue.
can anyone please help me for this issue i will be very thankful.
log error snapshot
That's nothing to worry about. Emulator performance isn't necessarily representative of real device performance and is often slower due to the overhead of running a second operating system (Android) within your operating system. This is especially true if you don't have the emulator's various hardware acceleration options enabled.
Also, apps run from Studio are debuggable, which disables a number of the optimizations that ART (the Android runtime) would be able to perform on a release app. Plus it needs a bit to load the code into memory and perform just-in-time compilation of the Compose framework.
Bottom line: Don't worry about performance unless you see issues in release mode on a real device.

Profiling arbitrary CUDA applications

I know of the existence of nvvp and nvprof, of course, but for various reasons nvprof does not want to work with my app that involves lots of shared libraries. nvidia-smi can hook into the driver to find out what's running, but I cannot find a nice way to get nvprof to attach to a running process.
There is a flag --profile-all-processes which does actually give me a message "NVPROF is profiling process 12345", but nothing further prints out. I am using CUDA 8.
How can I get a detailed performance breakdown of my CUDA kernels in this situation?
As comments suggest, you simply have to make sure to start the CUDA profiler (now it's NSight Systems or NSight Compute, no longer nvprof) before the processes you want to profile. You could, for example, configure it to run on system startup.
Your inability to profile your application has nothing to do with it being an "app that involves lots of shared libraries" - the profiling tools profile such applications just fine.
I've been looking for the process attach solution too but found no existing tool.
A possible direction is to use lower CUDA API to build a tool or integrate to your tool. See cupti:

Consequences of not calling WSACleanup

I'm in the process of designing an application that will run on a headless Windows CE 6.0 device. The idea is to make an application that will be started at startup and run until powered off. (Basically it will look like a service, but an application is easier to debug without the complete hassle to stop/deploy/start/attach to process procedure)
My concern is what will happen during development. If I debug/deploy the application I see no way of closing it in a friendly and easy way. (Feel free to suggest if this can be done in a better/user friendly way) I will just stop the debugger and the result will be WSACleanup is not called.
Now, the question. What is the consequence of not calling WSACleanup? Will I be able to start and run the winsock application again using the debugger? Or will there be a resource leak preventing me to do so?
Thanks in advance,
I think that Harry Johnston comment is correct.
Even if your application has no UI you can find a way to close it gracefully. I suppose that you have one or more threads in loops, you can add a named manual reset event that is checked (or can be used for waits instead of Sleep()) inside the loop condition and build a small application that opens the event using the same name, sets it and quits. This would force also your service app to close.
It may not be needed for debugging, but it may be useful also if you'll need to update your software and this requires that your main service is not running.

Profiling Node.js web application on Linux

Which would be the best option to profile a Node.js application on linux? I tried and (this is based on nodetime), but they both seem pretty experimental. What surprises me the most is that the results reported by these tools are different.
The major disadvantages for look are that the heap snapshots aren't very relevant and you can't CPU profile for more than 1 minute.
With node-webkit-agent the Chrome browser is running out of memory.
I'm doing profiling while sending requests using JMeter to my web application.
Not sure if you're willing to use an online service instead of a module, but you could give a try, it's free and has worked quite good for me.

Silverlight Sculpture generated application locking up on service calls (on some machines)

We have an application generated using the Sculpture software package. That means the project is roughly equivalent to the code in a Prism application.
Part of their model is that all WCF Service calls are performed synchronously, but on background threads (actually they are async calls as well, but the Sculpture background thread methods wait around for the response before executing any following code).
When we deployed the application, we found that around 50% of all machines tested would not get past the first service call. We cannot see any pattern in the machines that fail as they are have a mixture of both Debug and Release Silverlight runtime and Windows 7 on machines that work as well as fail. It fails the same on different browser so is machine specific. The only clue is they all seem to be older PCs.
Ideas anyone?
Found the cause. There is a schoolboy error in their generated service calls.
What's wrong with this picture?:
while (true == userState.IsBusy)
Ignoring the old-school use of true == (not needed in C#), basically their while loop locks up so tight on some machines the IsBusy state is never set. It also means that the application is always running 100% processor use whenever a service call was made.
We have fixed the problem by adding Thread.Sleep(100) in all the service call while loops. e.g.:
while (userState.IsBusy)
Our app is now working on all Silverlight capable machines (as it should) and is using a lot less processor to boot.
To be fair we are not using the very latest release of sculpture, but it was quite suprising to see such a silly mistake in a commercial package.
