Profiling Node.js web application on Linux - node.js

Which would be the best option to profile a Node.js application on linux? I tried and (this is based on nodetime), but they both seem pretty experimental. What surprises me the most is that the results reported by these tools are different.
The major disadvantages for look are that the heap snapshots aren't very relevant and you can't CPU profile for more than 1 minute.
With node-webkit-agent the Chrome browser is running out of memory.
I'm doing profiling while sending requests using JMeter to my web application.

Not sure if you're willing to use an online service instead of a module, but you could give a try, it's free and has worked quite good for me.


Profiling arbitrary CUDA applications

I know of the existence of nvvp and nvprof, of course, but for various reasons nvprof does not want to work with my app that involves lots of shared libraries. nvidia-smi can hook into the driver to find out what's running, but I cannot find a nice way to get nvprof to attach to a running process.
There is a flag --profile-all-processes which does actually give me a message "NVPROF is profiling process 12345", but nothing further prints out. I am using CUDA 8.
How can I get a detailed performance breakdown of my CUDA kernels in this situation?
As comments suggest, you simply have to make sure to start the CUDA profiler (now it's NSight Systems or NSight Compute, no longer nvprof) before the processes you want to profile. You could, for example, configure it to run on system startup.
Your inability to profile your application has nothing to do with it being an "app that involves lots of shared libraries" - the profiling tools profile such applications just fine.
I've been looking for the process attach solution too but found no existing tool.
A possible direction is to use lower CUDA API to build a tool or integrate to your tool. See cupti:

How to collect memory dump from meteor/nodejs application?

I'd like to learn to analyze my meteor and node services' performance and memory usage better than just trying to log various thing to console. I've read couple articles about memory management in Node and some baby steps about analyzing the memory dumps with Chrome developer tools.
The question is, how do I get those memory dumps from my apps in the first place?
This memory and performance analysis is done on the server side service. As far as I know, the memory dumps got from Chrome browser are client side memory dumps.
It seems that this node package
can be used to collect heapdumps on server side. Still need to figure out how to properly use it and then time to analyze those dumps.
At the moment I am just writing a single heapdump every time I start my app, but maybe more sophisticated writing method is needed to actually get something done.

nodejs memory profiling

Need to profile node process. i've some memory leaks in production, after some days of running node process.
i've tried node-inspector + v8, but it doesn't work, in new version of node-inspector there is no Profile tab. and in old version when i start profiling error is fired and debugging stopped.
i've also tried, but it doesn't show what i need, also it takes too much memory, it's not for production.
i've also tried dtrace ( but it doesn't give me necessary information.
so what information i need for profiling memory:
get live instances, instances count, size in memory, instance types
do u know how to get that information?
You can try to use look module. It based on nodetime but works locally.
I've found node-memwatch useful.
The downside is you have to embed it in your application and have a bit of code for it, but it's useful for checking the heap at various places to see how much it changed after you did something.

Monitoring Node.js application running into Windows Azure

Is there a way to enable Performance Counters to monitor Node.js application performance in Windows Azure?
I haven't experimented with it myself yet, but there is node-perfmon which is a wrapper around typeperf. That says it allows you to write performance counters, as well as simple memory / cpu monitoring. Is this the sort of monitoring you were looking for?
Just adding more to above answers..
For application stats monitoring on Node.js you can use Hummingbird. It supports status over http so you can integrate the code in your node.js app add one port to get the monitoring data over HTTP. No need to use Azure Storage Diagnostics and all info in real time in same machine. It's still in pre-alfa, but is handling with few tasks really well.
I know about the node.js "monitor" plugin which is the best for Linux machines for system specific performance and also use HTTP to provide system specific data. I am not sure if that can be ported to Windows Server but if can that is one great choice. Read more about monitor usage here:
You may want to also look at these, they aren't directly using perfmon, but allow you to monitor the performance of your Node.js server:
The NPM registry is a great tool for finding Node.js packages.

How to monitor memory usage on heroku (node.js)

There is New Relic for Rails, but I could not find anything available for node.js. Is there any tool or an API to monitor memory usage of heroku dynos?
This may not be the full solution you're looking for, but you can get the current memory usage of a Node.js process via process.memoryUsage().
Use node-usage, additionally you can see the CPU usage too.
Although not as full-featured as New Relic, the nodetime npm package (and matching site) does provide memory usage, latency and similar monitoring.
