When IIS is stopped how to show Custom html page - iis

I want to know when the IIS is stopped can I show a custom html page instead of 404 error message? I stop IIS with help of cmd(net stop WAS ). I have tried app_offline.htm. it works fine. But when I start deploy by stopping the IIS the html page is not shown. I have searched a lot for this. But everywhere the Q is about only stopping the site. I want to know the reason why I can't show and also if there is any solution to that please help me. I am almost new in professional line. And my senior won't believe me because I can't explain why doesn't it work.

The web page is able to be showed due to that the IIS provides the hosting service. As long as the related IIS service is stopped, these web pages no longer been served.
The blog written by IIS official shows the IIS core service used to host the web page.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.


Website hosting service problem with loading

I have a website that I have hosted for a while now... It seemed to work fine, but now it just shows a blank page when I visit it.
Could this be a hosting error? If not what else?
Your question really needs more details for anyone to be able to give you any help.
I this page just a static HTML file, or is it a database-driven site (WordPress or Drupal for example).
Have you checked the error logs for your hosting provider and have you tried contacting your hosting provider to see what they say.

SharePoint Designer: Error when connecting to my customer production server

Every time I try to connect to any SharePoint site running on my customer server I get the following error.
An error occurred accessing your Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site
files. Authors - if authoring against a Web server, please contact the
Webmaster for this server's Web site. WebMasters - please see the
server's application event log for more details.
I already checked the sharepoint options in CA and in every site in the mentioned server. Everything seens correct but the error persists.
It looks like there is no direct relation to SharePoint and something else in the server but I was not able to determine what could cause such behaviour.
Hope someone here has something to say.
Well... After a very long and painful headache we were able to find out what was causing this malfunction.
It was a .net agent from New Relic. This agent is used to analyse traffic, page load time and some other cool things. It basicly add some javascript to the head session of every response our IIS make and this code send some data to New Relic servers that will be processed to build some reports about the applications running in the IIS.
In the end, I just disabled it and SPD turned back to life.
PS: Boland was in the right path. I were able to find out the solution using Fiddler to analyse the responses from IIS. Thanks.
You have to check the event log. Do you see any error there? If not, it must be a network issue. Firewall is rare, because SPD works on TCP/80.

not able to access mywebsite in webbrowser

my website opens with xx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address till friday it was working fine..after wards not able view the site in webbrowser...what could be the problem ? how can we solve it?
My server with this IP is working and can able to view the updated data in database ..but not able to view, or open the page of website.before the website under IIS configuration was stooped and now started again..still no use..am couldnt view Login page at all.My application was developed in classic asp long back.Kindly give me any suggestion to this...its very urgent...
I tried browsing the website in IIS manger(server) .It showing page cannot be displayed.
Thanks in advance.
First, Don't Panic. Staying calm can avoid further damage.
While it's hard to tell what could be the problem, the first thing you can do is to "ping" the domain from terminal.Can you login remotely? "wget" (on linux) will download the files from website, and could help you see if the files on the site are still accessible. Check from different browsers or machines, if possible. I'm no expert in asp or IIS, so won't advice on that front. But once I had faced the same situation with my website. So I just called up the hosting service provider, and it turned out it was their problem, and they brought the server online. If it's okay from their end, you might have changed some configurations in your server or application or there might be some up-gradation changing parameters, or even an accidental deletion/ moving/ renaming of files. Just try to remember what are the things you did with your server and application, before it went down, and also ask your server administrator. That will surely help you understand the problem better, if not help to solve it right away.
Good Luck.

Is there a website level setting in IIS that would prevent an ASP page from being served?

Trying to copy a website to a new server as the old one is dying. :(
I tried copying over the files and setting it up manually, but some specific user accounts needed to be used and the guy who set all this up left the company nearly 5 years ago. And is even worse at documentation than I am.
Anyway, at that point the ASP pages were serving, but getting errors. Ok, fine... I went back and exported the configuration from the old server (lucky that worked at all) and created a new website from that config on the new server. On the new website, from the config file, the ASP pages are giving 404 errors.
The Active Server Pages extension is enabled, and I can actually get the asp pages to serve from another website on the server... so I'm thinking it's something at the website level. No idea what though.
Any ideas?
Back when I was doing classic ASP development we used Parent Paths. This is at the top of your ASP file you'll see something like;
<!--#include file="../../resource/includes/MSSQLconnection.asp"-->
This isn't enabled by default in IIS. It may not be answer but worth looking at. But was a long time ago now.
Hope this helps,
404 is a file not found error.
Start by checking you can access a 'hello world' HTML file in the folder using http: //localhost/path/toyour/HelloWorldFile.htm
Hello World
is all you need in the file = you don't need to bother with any HTML markup to test what we're interested in.
This will check that your virtual directories, application settings etc are correct before you move on to the Active Server Page settings.
Once you've got your paths sorted out and you know you are looking for your application in the correct place move on to a 'hello world' ASP file
<%="Hello World"%>
is all you need in that file!
You ask about settings in IIS which will stop ASP from working. These come to mind as the most obvious.
Depending on the OS (or more specifically the IIS version) you may also need to activate ASP pages.
These instructions from msdn cover Windows 2003 (IIS6) and Windows 2008(IIS 7.x)
If you can get your hello world script working you can move on to debugging your application.
It will be a great help when debugging the application if you can see what's going wrong so I recommend that you turn off friendly error messages if you are using Internet Explorer. Also set IIS to pass error messages on to the browser
http: //learn.iis.net/page.aspx/564/classic-asp-script-error-messages-no-longer-shown-in-web-browser-by-default/ --excuse the link formatting but SO's newbies can't post more than 2 hyperlinks in a message was getting in the way of me trying to be helpful and earning enough rep to post more!
(that may only be relevant to IIS 7.x I don't have an IIS6 installation lying around to refresh my memory.
Make sure you are browsing your application on the server using http: //localhost - this should ensure you see any errors
Good luck

IIS Issue? Site not coming up all of a sudden

So I have a site setup on a server. It has been working for ever. All of a sudden it stops working. I tried going to it even by IP. It just says, "Under Construction..
Under Construction
The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured..."
I check to make sure it was pointing at the right virtual dir and that the default page was set in the documents list. The default page does exist in the dir too....
Nothing has been changed via code. Nothing has been altered on the server. I have a bunch of other sites running on the same server and they are all coming up. Just wondering if there was something that may have happened or overlooked. Any thoughts or ideas?
Thanks a million.
Double check your bindings are set correctly. Perhaps a new site was created which conflicts with the bindings of your site?
Make sure .net is set to the right version. I've seen where pages are not served up when the web is set to 1.1 on a 2.0 site.
Also does the site work locally on the box? Have you ruled out firewall issues / changes or other network related elements.
It sounds like your request is being handled by another IIS site. Make sure that the host header is set correctly.
With your comment, the "Bad Request" error means that the default web site was handling the request. There are a couple of things you can check:
If this is not the site that you expected to serve your app, then you still have a website identity issue.
If your app is hosted on the default web site, then make sure that the default document is set correctly.
Also make sure that you don't have a file named "app_offline.htm" in your app's root.
Well we rebooted the server and now it works again. I guess I should have tried that in the first place. It was just odd that all the otehr sites were working. Anyway thanks for suggestions everyone.
