How to define an array of numbers with a formula - excel

I have a project where I need to break people into 3 buckets with task lists that rotate quarterly (Phase A = task list 1, B = task list 2, C = task list 3). The goal here is to sort people into the buckets based on a departure date, with the ideal being that they would depart when they're in the C phase. I have a formula already set up that will tell me the number of quarters between the project start date and the person's departure date, so now I'm trying to figure out how to get Excel to tell me if a person's departure date falls within their bucket's C Phase.
I have this formula in a column called DEROSQtr:=ROUNDDOWN(DAYS360("1-Oct-2020",[#DEROS],FALSE)/90,0)
Now the easy way to approach this would be to build a static array and just see if that formula results in a value in the right array, where the numbers in the array define which quarter from Oct 2020 that the bucket's C Phase is going to be in:
ArrayA = {1;4;7;10;13;16} ArrayB = {2;5;8;11;14;17} ArrayC = {0;3;6;9;12;15}
The formula that pulls this all together is then:
Now while this will work for as long as I build out the static array, I'm trying to figure out how to define each of these buckets with a formula that Excel can work with, i.e. bucket A hits phase C in 3n + 1 quarters where n is the number of cycles through all 3 phases, so ArrayA = 3n+1, ArrayB = 3n+2 and ArrayC = 3n. What I'm hunting for here is the best way to define each of the arrays as a formula.

After some additional digging and looking back at how to define each array, I came across the MOD() function in Excel. I was then able to rewrite the formula that does the checking as =IF([#EFP]="A",IF(MOD([#DEROSQtr]-1,3)=0,TRUE,FALSE),IF([#EFP]="B",IF(MOD([#DEROSQtr]-2,3)=0,TRUE,FALSE),IF([#EFP]="C",IF(MOD([#DEROSQtr],3)=0,TRUE,FALSE),"-"))), replacing ArrayA(3n+1) with MOD([#DEROSQtr]-1,3), ArrayB(3n+2) with MOD([#DEROSQtr]-2,3), and ArrayC(3n) with MOD([#DEROSQtr],3).

Since I do not have the data you are calculating your quarter, its difficult to give you exact answer. However, as I understand your have a column which has the formula to calculate the quarter say "Formula_Col"
Solution will be to add a new column and flag it based on the values in "Formula_Col".
If you can give some sample data I can provide exact answer.


How can I extract a total count or sum of agents who made their first sale in a specified month?

I am trying to extract some data out of a large table of data in Excel. The table consists of the month, the agent's name, and either a 1 if they made a sale or a 0 if they did not.
What I would like to do is plug in a Month value into one cell, then have it spit out a count of how many agents made their first sale that month.
Sample Data and Input Output area
I found success by creating a secondary table for processing a minif and matching to agent name, then countif in that table's data how many sales months matched the input month. However I would like to not have a secondary table and do this all in one go.
=IF(MINIFS(E2ERawData[Date Group],E2ERawData[Agent],'Processed Data'!B4,E2ERawData[E2E Participation],1)=0,"No Sales",MINIFS(E2ERawData[Date Group],E2ERawData[Agent],'Processed Data'!B4,E2ERawData[E2E Participation],1))
=COUNTIFS(ProcessedData[Month of First E2E Sale],H4)
Formula in column F is:
This is how it works (we'll use 01/03/2022 as example)
COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$8;E3;$C$2:$C$8;1) This counts how many 1 there are for the proper month (in our example this part will return 2)
COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$8;"<"&E3;$C$2:$C$8;1;$B$2:$B$8;SI($A$2:$A$8=E3;$B$2:$B$8)) will count how many 1 you got in previous months of the same agents (in our example, it will return 1)
Result from step 2, because it's an array formula, we sum up using SUM() (in our example, this return 1)
We do result from step 1 minus result from step 3 (so we get 1)
Finally, everything is inside a MAX function to avoid negative results (February would return -1 because there were no sales at all and agent B did a sale on January, so it would return -1. To avoid this, we force Excel to show biggest value between 0 and our calculation)
NOTE: Because it's an array formula, depending on your Excel version maybe you must introduce pressing CTRL+ENTER+SHIFT
If one has got access to the newest functions:
=LET(X,UNIQUE(C3:C9),VSTACK({"Month","Total of First time sales"},HSTACK(X,BYROW(X,LAMBDA(a,SUM((C3:C9=a)*(MINIFS(C3:C9,D3:D9,D3:D9,E3:E9,1)=C3:C9)))))))

Incorrect result for nested condition in MEDIAN-IF excel

I have a following excel spreadsheet which consist of following fields:
Col A: Timestamp
Col B: Numerical result
Col C: Time duration taken for calculation of result
Now, I'm trying to find the median value of col C (Duration) for various month and year combinations.
e.g. For the month of march in 2019, what's the median value of duration?
I could've used the MEDIANIFS, but sadly it didn't exists. I'm trying the below thing also, but it's not giving the correct result(G1 is a drop-down which consists numerical valued years i.e. 2019, 2020 and so on)
MEDIAN(IF(YEAR(A3:A100) = G1, IF(MONTH(A3:A100) = 3, C3:C100)))
I also tried ANDing the conditions but it also didn't worked:
MEDIAN(IF((YEAR(A3:A100) = G1) * (MONTH(A3:A100) = 3), C3:C100))
If I put one condition inside the Median(If()), it's working fine. But, whenever I nest or concat conditions, it's not giving the correct result.
Any help/pointers will be highly appreciated.

Excel CUBEVALUE & CUBESET count records greater than a number

I am writing a series of queries to my workbook's data model to retrieve the number of documents by Category_Name which are greater than a certain numbers of days old (e.g. >=650).
Currently this formula (entered in celll C3) returns the correct number for a single Days Old value (=3).
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[34]")
How do I return the number of documents for Days Old values >=650?
The worksheet looks like:
1 Date PL Count of Docs
2 10/1/2018 ALD 3
3 ...
UPDATE: As suggested in #ama 's answer below, the expression in step B did not work.
However, I created a subset of the Days Old values using
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[all].[650]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[3647]}")
The cell containing this cubeset is referenced as the third Member_expression of the original CUBEVALUE formula. The limitation is now that the values for the beginning and end must be members of the Days Old set.
This is limiting, in that, I was hoping for a more general test for >=650 and there is no way to guarantee that specific values of Days Old will be in the query.
First time I hear about CUBE, so you got me curious and I did some digging. Definitely not an expert, but here is what I found:
MDX language should allow you to provide value ranges in the form of {[Table].[Field].[All].[LowerBound]:[Table].[Field].[All].[UpperBound]}.
A. Get the total number of entries:
D3 =CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All]")
B. Get the number of entries less than 650:
E3 =CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel",
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[0]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[649]}")
Note I found something about using .[All].[650].lag(1)} but I think for it to work properly your data might need to be sorted?
C. Substract
C3 =D3-E3
Alternatively, go for the quick and dirty:
"[Measures].[Count of Docs]",
"{[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[650]:[EDD_Report_10-01-18].[Days Old].[All].[99999]}")
Hope this helps and do let me know, I am still curious!

Any simple way to do VLOOKUP combine "linear interpolation" in excel?

I'm making an excel sheet for calculating z-score for infant weight/age (Input: "Baby Month Age", and "Baby weight"). To do that, I need get LMS parameters first for a specific month, from below table.
(For Integer Month number, this can be done by vlookup Method without issue.) For Non-Integer Month number, I need use some kind of "linear interpolation" approach to get an approximate LMS data.
The question is, both Trend method and Vlookup method are not working for me. For Trend method, it is not working as the raw data, like L parameters is not linear data, if I use Trend method, for the several top month, return data will far from existing data. As for Vlookup method, it just finds the closest month data.
I had to use multiple "Match" and "Index" Method to do the "linear interpolation" for myself. However, I wonder whether there is any existing function for that?
My current formula for L parameters is below:
If we assume that months increment always by 1 (no gap in month data), you can use something like this formula to interpolate between the two values surrounding the give non-integer value:
=(1-MOD(2.3, 1))*VLOOKUP(2.3,A:S,2)+MOD(2.3, 1)*VLOOKUP(2.3+1,A:S, 2)
Which interpolates L(2.3) from data of L(2) = .197 and L(3) = .1738, resulting in .19004.
You can replace 2.3 by any cell reference. You can also change the lookup column 2 for L into 3 for M, 4 for S etc.
To answer the question whether there is some direct "interpolate" function in Excel, not that I know about, although there is good artillery for statistical estimation.

Finding the next result from a MATCH

I am trying to produce a sorted table in excel, which depend on the selected year and category.
My methodology has been to sequentially find largest values in order, within the selected year and category parameters, doing the following:
Column E
{=LARGE(IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500), $B10)}
This works fine, $B$1$ is where I store the year, $B$2 is where I store the category, $B10 references a hard coded 1-25 in column B.
Column F
{=MATCH(E10,IF(('Master Data'!A$1:A$500 = $B$1) * ('Master Data'!B$1:B$500 = $B$2),'Master Data'!C$1:C$500),FALSE)}
This returns the row number of the result I need, which I then use in conjunction with INDEX to find related data.
The problem with this is that Match only returns the first row number, and if you have two results with the same value this clearly becomes an issue.
Column G
To resolve this I used an example from dailydoseofexcel which looks like this:
=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500"),0))
This works to a limited extent, for my purposes, as it is unable to take into account the year and category filter I need to apply, so I tried:
{=IF(F10<>F11, F11, G10+MATCH(E11,IF((INDIRECT("'Master Data'!A"&(G10+1)&":A500") = $C$2) * (INDIRECT("'Master Data'!B"&(G10+1)&":B500") = $C$3), INDIRECT("'Master Data'!C"&(G10+1)&":C500")),0))}
But I am just getting #N/A as a result.
I think SUMPRODUCT may be what you are looking for:
Charley Kyd XL Legend: Use SUMPRODUCT to get the Last item in a list
