What is the place where we write code and the right menu called in Brackets? - menu

I use brackets but I don't know the names of the place where you write code
and the right bar that contains some buttons (e.g Live Preview and Extension Manager) menus.

The red thing you marked is called editor. The left menu and right panel are called toolbars or sidebars.
Honestly you don't even need to know these menu names (maybe except the editor).


How to restore VBA Editor to its initial settings?

How to restore the VBA Editor to its intial settings ? I have some troubles with macro and projects explorer windows settings, after some bad manipulations.
The only way I know how to accomplish this is to edit the registry.
Close All Office programs
Open a command prompt and type regedit
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\6.0\Common
Right click on Common and Export to save the *.reg file somewhere safe. This is your back up. Double clicking this file will restore your current settings.
Right click on Common and Delete it. Doing this will remove all of
its subkeys that hold your personal settings.
The "Common" key will be recreated the next time you close the VBA Editor along with any changes to the settings you may make.
I have the same issue, it's simple:
Then select Object Browser, Project Explorer and that's all.
I had the same problem and realised that if I double click the blue heading of a minimal floating menu, such as the Project-VBAProject menu, it would resize and fit in with the other menus that are expanded. With a bit of moving around and double clicking the headers of the menus that I had selected from the VIEW option, I could get the screen back to the way it originally looked at the default setting of the VBA editor.
Solution Using a Mac and Excel 2016.
I found that I could drag the, e.g., project explorer (pe) window toward the edge of the vb window and the outline of the pe window moves and adjusts once you get close enough to the edge. This also works with the other windows as you bring them into view.
My default view is project explorer upper left, properties lower left. To return these to be in that order, drag the one to that location (which will fill that whole area) then drag the other one right on top of that one. That stacks them in the same column and then you can adjust their size within those locations.
I had this same issue and fought with it for literally 2 days. Finally figured it out!!!
xD First close the Project Explorer and the Properties windows using the X at the top right. Then go to Options under the Docking tab. Uncheck all boxes. Close the options window and if desired check to see that everything is undocked. Now go back to Options>Docking and check all the boxes you had checked (default is all but object browser). Your windows should have returned to default.
This may not solve the OPs original question of "default" for all, but in my case and possibly others I was looking to re-dock the "Project Explorer" and have modules pop up next to it like default. I'm not sure about other settings, but this is how I restored the above behavior.
In the project explorer right click and select "Dockable". Then insert a module and maximize it. This should restore what I consider default behavior.
Actually, it is very easy. You just have to go to View Tab then Click on the Project Explorer & Properties Window. It worked for me because I lost these two and now I got it by doing this. I hope so you will get the same result as well. View the image for more clarity.
Simple steps. Works for Mac , maybe windows too
Close all the tabs in the VBE
View --> Code . This will occupy entire space
After that ,view --> project explorer. this will pop up a tab, drag that tab to the top left corner. It auto fills into a small column which you can drag according to your preference .
Now select view --> properties window and drag the tab to bottom left.
Additional step ( if you use locals window )
Select locals window from view and drag it to the bottom.
Right click any of the window you want to move and click "Dockable". This should allow you to move all the windows as you want and place them as you wish.
I had all menus and windows missing, like no "File", no "Edit", no "View", etc.
Here's what I did:
Closed Excel
Opened the Registry Editor
Navigated to HKEY_CURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\VBA
Right clicked on VBA and renamed to VBA_old
Closed the Registry Editor
Opened Excel
Opened Visual Basic
…and voila, VBA was back to normal!
After that, I:
Reopened the Registry Editor and saw that VBA had been recreated
Deleted VBA_old
I'm not aware of a 'reset' command but the starting point would be to go to the View menu and start by setting the Code, Project Explorer and Properties windows and then the Toolbars>Standard (toolbar) perhaps?

System wide right click context hook

i am creating English To Gujarati Dictionary WinForm Application.
I need to set a system wide hook to the right click context menu on for text selection.
it means when this application is running,and if user selects word from any program and right click on it gujarati meaning of that word should be displayed as menu item.
How to do this?
or any other options like Registery Programming,shell extentions etc...?
i have to do this,even if you say its not possible.
so please help me.**
Hooking the mouse activity is the easy part. See SetWindowsHookEx, and lots of questions regarding hooking in SO. This way, you can tell when the mouse is right-clicked.
Getting the selected text is the harder part. See WindowFromPoint, for starters. You'd have to recognize the control, and if appropriate get the selected text from it. This will not always be possible using simple Win32 functions, if the control is complex.
Adding the translation to the right-click menu is probably the impossible part. Adding stuff to explorer context menu is not a problem, because explorer provides that possibility. But various applications will have various right-click menus, without a way to extend them. They might not even use Win32 for the menus, for whatever reason. A better option, IMO, would be one of the following:
Forget about changing the right-click menu. Open a window next to the point of selection with whatever content you want, and let the application show its own right-click menu.
If the user right-clicks while, say, pressing shift, show your own right-click menu, and don't pass the message to the application. So the user will see only one menu, which is yours. The user must of course be aware of this combination.

Visual C++ ListBox as Preference Chooser

So I'm building a tool that allows a user to edit a whole bunch of preferences for various things. There are several groups of settings, too many to use a TabControl without creating arrow sliders to view all of the tabs, so I decided I would try and use a ListBox to list the groups of preferences, and then when they click on them, the settings that they can change show up to the right of the box.
I'm just not sure how to do this. Obviously it would invoke something in the OnSelectionChanged function of the ListBox, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Surely a dialog can have dynamic design, right? Would I mimic the creation of a tabbed-dialog where I create my designs and then bind them to the TabControl, and just do something similar for the ListBox? Again, it's not the ListBox itself that is dynamic. The user will click on "Settings A" from the ListBox, and to the right of the ListBox will be settings 1, 2, and 3 that each have textboxs/radios/checks.
Any hints on how I can accomplish this? I just think it looks nicer than having a whole bunch of tabs lined up across the top of the box. Thanks in advance to any brilliant minds who can help me out. I'm versed in C++, but I'm very much a beginner at VC++.
You can a vertical splitter with two panes:
one which contains the list
another one which contains the configuration dialogs you would normally use in a tab control
Each time the list selection changes you can load the appropriate dialog in the right pane. You can find a splitter tutorial here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/wtl/wtl4mfc7.aspx

left and right command menus in LWUIT form

Using LWUIT framework to develop mobile application.
In LWUIT by default first command is placed in the left and subsequent commands will be placed in the right menu of the form including the command which is already placed in form left.I need to add two menus to form.Left menu contains general application specific commands such as "Minimize","Back" and "Exit". Right Menu contains screen specific commands such as "Play Audio","Play Video" etc... Initially left softbutton of the form contains the text "Options" and the right softbutton of the form contains the text "Menu". When user selects "Options", a menu will be displayed with the following commands:
When user selects right soft button "Menu", a menu will be displayed with screen specific commands:
Play Audio
Play Video etc...
Commands of the right menu keeps changing from one form to another form, whereas the commands of left menu remains the same for all screens(forms). I know command menu can be customized by overriding "Form.createCommandList(Vector)" which returns a list. But here in my case I need two lists(menus). One at the left of the form and the other one at the right of the form.Please do help me in resolving this issue.
A LWUIT menu is just a dialog containing a List (or buttons for touch menu or pretty much anything you want), so to implement this just create a Command called options and place it in the left soft button. When options is pressed just show the dialog with your "additional commands". Since a List can accept a command array or vector doing something like this can be really easy.
You can look at the code for MenuBar which is pretty simple, you can also replace the menu bar component in the latest version LWUIT (SVN at the moment) but that seems redundant for this particular use case.

SharePoint 2007 navigation and removing its delay

In SharePoint 2007, there's a top nav that the user can hover over, which reveals a dropdown menu of subitems. When they remove their mouse from the dropdown, it disappears, but only after a short delay. This can cause problems, as if people are trying to click a link on the page somewhere, but the nav menu hasn't hidden itself yet, they'll accidentally click it instead. This is compounded with the fact that the menu appearing in the first place is delayed as well, so right before they mouse over the link on the page they actually want to click, the menu will suddenly appear and intercept their click when they weren't meaning to.
I've poked at core.js at some suspect areas, but can't seem to nail it down. Any thoughts?
This is the normal behaviour of SharePoint. This control is the asp:Menu control of ASP.Net 2.0 and the only thing you can do is customized the MasterPage or the DefaultPage of your Site.
If you change the core.js file of "layouts" folder you'll lose Microsoft support, so take care about change any of the file from this folder.
I recommend that you modify the existent control or create a new one and put it in this position of the MasterPage.
This bit of CSS will fix it. I just had the same thing in sharepoint 2010 and this was all that was required to make the list disappear as soon as you roll off:
The way it works is when you hover over an item in the nav it adds a css class called "hover" and as soon as your mouse leaves the area it changes the class to "hover-off" for 1 second before removing it completely. This CSS will hide the unordered list directly below the list item that has the class "hover-off" thus hiding the flyout as soon as your mouse leaves the parent.
