Override base query in child graph is not calling - acumatica

I am trying to override the Base DataView (bql) in my child Dac, but doesn't look like it doesn't override by child graph.
public class BaseBLC : PXGraph<BaseBLC, DAC>
public PXSelect<DAC> Objects;
public class BaseBLCExt : PXGraphExtension<BaseBLC>
// Overriding using this, but look like it doesn't
public PXSelectOrderBy<DAC,
OrderBy<Asc<DAC.field>>> Objects;
I am referring below link, am i doing anything wrong, I am trying to override shipment graph query and want append my own condition, how may i do this, One point is BaseData view is using current in query for filtering record.
Any help?

Below code help to override the base DataView.
public class BaseBLCExt : PXGraphExtension<BaseBLC>
public PXSelectOrderBy<DAC,
OrderBy<Asc<DAC.field>>> Objects;
public class BaseBLCExtOnExt : PXGraphExtension<BaseBLCExt, BaseBLC>
protected IEnumerable objects()
return PXSelect<DAC>.Select(Base);


Mapping "long" to create an object

iam trying to map just a long field coming from my url route to create a Query Object from my controller, can i use auto mapper
Source :-long id
public class GetPlanQuery : IRequest<PlanDto>
public long Id { get; }
public GetPlanQuery(long id)
Id = id;
internal sealed class GetPlanQueryHandler : IRequestHandler<GetPlanQuery, PlanDto>
//Logic will go here
Map i am using is as below
CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>(MemberList.None);
i am getting an exception while executing as
needs to have a constructor with 0 args or only optional args.'
As Lucian correctly suggested you can achieve this kind of custom mapping by implementing ITypeConverter:
public class LongToGetPlanQueryTypeConverter : ITypeConverter<long, GetPlanQuery>
public GetPlanQuery Convert(long source, GetPlanQuery destination, ResolutionContext context)
return new GetPlanQuery(source);
then specify it's usage in AutoMapper configuration:
configuration.CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>()
Alternatively, you can just use a Func:
configuration.CreateMap<long, GetPlanQuery>()
.ConvertUsing(id => new GetPlanQuery(id));

Binding a button to a different view model

I have a button in View "A" which already has a bindingSet attached to it (it binds to ViewModel "A"). I have button though which needs to be bound to ViewModel "B".
What is the best way to do this?
Your ViewModel is your Model for your View.
If that ViewModel is made up of parts, then that can be done by aggregation - by having your ViewModel made up of lots of sub-models - e.g:
// simplified pseudo-code (add INPC to taste)
public class MyViewModel
public MainPartViewModel A {get;set;}
public SubPartViewModel B {get;set;}
public string Direct {get;set;}
With this done, then a view component can be bound to direct sub properties as well as sub properties of sub view models:
set.Bind(button).For("Title").To(vm => vm.Direct);
set.Bind(button).For("TouchUpInside").To(vm => vm.A.GoCommand);
set.Bind(button).For("Hidden").To(vm => vm.B.ShouldHideThings);
As long as each part supports INotifyPropertyChanged then data-binding should "just work" in this situation.
If that approach doesn't work for you... In mvvmcross, you could set up a nested class within the View that implemented IMvxBindingContextOwner and which provided a secondary binding context for your View... something like:
public sealed class Nested : IMvxBindingContextOwner, IDisposable {
public Nested() { _bindingContext = new MvxBindingContext(); }
public void Dispose() {
private MvxBindingContext _bindingContext;
public IMvxBindingContext BindingContext { get { return _bindingContext; } }
public Thing ViewModel {
get { return (Thing)_bindingContext.DataContext; }
set { _bindingContext.DataContext = value; }
This could then be used as something like:
_myNested = new Nested();
_myNested.ViewModel = /* set the "B" ViewModel here */
var set2 = _myNested.CreateBindingSet<Nested, Thing>();
// make calls to set2.Bind() here
I've not run this pseudo-code, but it feels like it should work...
to get this fully working, you will also want to call Dispose on the Nested when Dispose is fired on your View
given that Views and ViewModels are normally written 1:1 I think this approach is probably going to be harder to code and to understand later.

Make property in parent object visible to any of its contained objects

I have a class CalculationManager which is instantiated by a BackgroundWorker and as such has a CancellationRequested property.
This CalculationManager has an Execute() method which instantiates some different Calculation private classes with their own Execute() methods which by their turn might or might not instantiate some SubCalculation private classes, in sort of a "work breakdown structure" fashion where each subclass implements a part of a sequential calculation.
What I need to do is to make every of these classes to check, inside the loops of their Execute() methods (which are different from one another) if some "global" CancellationRequested has been set to true. I put "global" in quotes because this property would be in the scope of the topmost CalculationManager class.
So, question is:
How can I make a property in a class visible to every (possibly nested) of its children?
or put down another way:
How can I make a class check for a property in the "root object" of its parent hierarchy? (well, not quite, since CalculationManager will also have a parent, but you got the general idea.
I would like to use some sort of AttachedProperty, but these classes are domain objects inside a class library, having nothing to do with WPF or XAML and such.
Something like this ?
public interface IInjectable {
ICancelStatus Status { get; }
public interface ICancelStatus {
bool CancellationRequested { get; }
public class CalculationManager {
private IInjectable _injectable;
private SubCalculation _sub;
public CalculationManager(IInjectable injectable) {
_injectable = injectable;
_sub = new SubCalculation(injectable);
public void Execute() {}
public class SubCalculation {
private IInjectable _injectable;
public SubCalculation(IInjectable injectable) {
_injectable = injectable;
private class CancelStatus : ICancelStatus {
public bool CancellationRequested { get; set;}
var status = new CancelStatus();
var manager = new CalculationManager(status);
// once you set status.CancellationRequested it will be immediatly visible to all
// classes into which you've injected the IInjectable instance

Xamarin.ios initialize UIView

I am using Xamarin.iOS. I have created UIView with a few UITextFields. I am looking for best way to initialize text value in these textfields from code.
I can pass text data in the constructor of UIViewContoller, but I don't have access to textFields inside it (they are null). I can change text value of textFields in viewDidLoad method.
I don't want to create additional fields in controller class to store data passed by constructor and use them in viewDidLoad. Do you know better solution ?
I don't want to create additional fields in controller class to store
data passed by constructor and use them in viewDidLoad.
But that's how it's meant to be done.
Alternatively, you can create less fields/properties in your viewcontroller if you use a MVVM pattern:
public class UserViewModel {
public string Name { get; set;}
public string Title { get; set;}
public class UserViewController : UIViewController
UserViewModel viewModel;
public UserViewController (UserViewModel viewModel) : base (...)
this.viewModel = viewModel;
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
userName.Text = viewModel.Name;
userTitle.Text = viewModel.Title;
That's the kind of pattern which gives you a lot of code reuse accross platforms (android, WP, ...) and clearly separate concerns. It's a (very) little bit of extra code, but it's worth every byte.

Do Azure table services entities have an equivalent of NonSerializedAttribute?

If I'm trying to serialize a normal CLR object, and I do not want a particular member variable to be serialized, I can tag it with the
attribute. If I am creating a table services entity, is there an equivalent attribute I can use to tell Azure table services to ignore this property?
For Version 2.1 there is a new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.IgnoreProperty attribute. See the 2.1 release notes for more information: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazurestorage/archive/2013/09/07/announcing-storage-client-library-2-1-rtm.aspx.
There's no equivalent I know of.
This post says how you can achieve the desired effect - http://blogs.msdn.com/b/phaniraj/archive/2008/12/11/customizing-serialization-of-entities-in-the-ado-net-data-services-client-library.aspx
Alternatively, if you can get away with using "internal" rather than "public" on your property then it will not get persisted with the current SDK (but this might change in the future).
For version 2.0 of the Table Storage SDK there is a new way to achieve this.
You can now override the WriteEntity method on TableEntity and remove any entity properties that have an attribute on them. I derive from a class that does this for all my entities, like:
public class CustomSerializationTableEntity : TableEntity
public CustomSerializationTableEntity()
public CustomSerializationTableEntity(string partitionKey, string rowKey)
: base(partitionKey, rowKey)
public override IDictionary<string, EntityProperty> WriteEntity(Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.OperationContext operationContext)
var entityProperties = base.WriteEntity(operationContext);
var objectProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in objectProperties)
// see if the property has the attribute to not serialization, and if it does remove it from the entities to send to write
object[] notSerializedAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotSerializedAttribute), false);
if (notSerializedAttributes.Length > 0)
return entityProperties;
public class NotSerializedAttribute : Attribute
Then you can make use of this class for your entities like
public class MyEntity : CustomSerializationTableEntity
public MyEntity()
public string MySerializedProperty { get; set; }
public List<string> MyNotSerializedProperty { get; set; }
