Reduce Time complexity - python-3.x

Question at hand : Complete the function minimumSwaps in the editor below. It must return an integer representing the minimum number of swaps to sort the array.
My Approach:
def minimumSwaps(arr):
count = 0
temp = [None]*len(arr)
for i in range(int(len(arr))):
arr[y] , arr[i]=arr[i] , arr[y]
count = count +1
return count
The code does give the required op for majority of the cases , but fails a few due to time limit exceeds error. Could someone suggest a few changes to reduce the time complexity issues and make the code more efficient. If Possible please try not to change the code in its entirety , I want to learn to make codes more efficient rather than trying a whole new approach altogether.
Link to one of the huge test case

To me, this is a graph problem. Maybe it's possible with a more simple solution, but I don't think so.
You can observe that to get the minimum swaps necessary, you'd just have to move every element into its sorted position. You can figure out where they're supposed to be by sorting and having an array indexed by element (or dictionary, for that matter) to the index.
Now, build a graph by making each item its own node, and connecting with a directed edge to the place it needs to be. We can observe that for a cycle of length k, we will need k-1 swaps to solve it. This is because we just need to swap each item forward, but the last swap actually solves two items rather than one. Thus, the answer is the sum of k-1 for each cycle, which can be reduced to n-c where c is the number of cycles.
To see why this works, consider the case of [2,3,1]. The sorted version of this array is [1,2,3]. Now, build the graph, where index 0 points to index 1 (since 2 needs to be in index 1), index 1 points to index 2, and index 2 points to index 0. We can run a search algorithm through the graph and find the number of cycles or components, and find that there is 1 cycle of length 3. So, the answer we produce is 3-1 = 2. As we can observe, this is indeed correct.
The problem gets a little more complicated if the array can contain duplicates, but it's not so bad, you'd just have to think a little harder. Maybe this isn't the intended solution, but it'll certainly work in O(n). Best of luck!


Looping through a string to find the first index of a particular character

for i in reversed(bin(n|(n+1))[2:]):#loops through representation of
# integer n, converted to binary, and flips first 0 bit
if i == '0':
count +=1
If n is an integer, the above sample code flips the first zero bit, then finds and prints the index of what was the second zero bit.
I'm working on CodeFights, to practice my skills and can't seem to figure out how to format an algorithm that accomplishes basically what this one does.
I'm supposed to find the appropriate index and raise 2 to that power, in one line. I'm looked into using generators and llambdas... not sure what to do.
So, specifically how can I can I get
2**index of second zero in integer n
#in one line of code?
def secondRightmostZeroBit(n):
return 2**bin(n|(n+1))[::-1].index('0')
Researched this for days, stumbled upon the answer five minutes after asking on here.
'.replace(0,1,1)' and
'.find(0)' would also have been useful.
The above is what I ended up submitting. As explained in the question n|(n=1), serves to flip the rightmost zero in the binary representation of n. From there I reversed the order of the string/binary representation of that result, and used '.index' to retrieve the first '0' to be found.
Another way to do it has more to do with manipulation of binary numbers than with the way I phrased the original question.
def secondRightmostZeroBit(n):
return ~n & (~n-1) & -(~n & (~n-1))
I haven't found much reason to do this sort of bit manipulation in the past, so I'm always looking at a reference when I interpret code like this. If you want to understand it, I suggest plugging in a specific number for n, convert to binary, and work it through. Do that a couple of times and it should become clear what's going on. You can also plug individual peices of it into your interactive pain, but that won't do you much good unless you're looking at the binary. bin(n) and format(n, "8b") are good for that.

Bitwise operations Python

This is a first run-in with not only bitwise ops in python, but also strange (to me) syntax.
for i in range(2**len(set_)//2):
parts = [set(), set()]
for item in set_:
i >>= 1
For context, set_ is just a list of 4 letters.
There's a bit to unpack here. First, I've never seen [set(), set()]. I must be using the wrong keywords, as I couldn't find it in the docs. It looks like it creates a matrix in pythontutor, but I cannot say for certain. Second, while parts[i&1] is a slicing operation, I'm not entirely sure why a bitwise operation is required. For example, 0&1 should be 1 and 1&1 should be 0 (carry the one), so binary 10 (or 2 in decimal)? Finally, the last bitwise operation is completely bewildering. I believe a right shift is the same as dividing by two (I hope), but why i>>=1? I don't know how to interpret that. Any guidance would be sincerely appreciated.
[set(), set()] creates a list consisting of two empty sets.
0&1 is 0, 1&1 is 1. There is no carry in bitwise operations. parts[i&1] therefore refers to the first set when i is even, the second when i is odd.
i >>= 1 shifts right by one bit (which is indeed the same as dividing by two), then assigns the result back to i. It's the same basic concept as using i += 1 to increment a variable.
The effect of the inner loop is to partition the elements of _set into two subsets, based on the bits of i. If the limit in the outer loop had been simply 2 ** len(_set), the code would generate every possible such partitioning. But since that limit was divided by two, only half of the possible partitions get generated - I couldn't guess what the point of that might be, without more context.
I've never seen [set(), set()]
This isn't anything interesting, just a list with two new sets in it. So you have seen it, because it's not new syntax. Just a list and constructors.
This tests the least significant bit of i and selects either parts[0] (if the lsb was 0) or parts[1] (if the lsb was 1). Nothing fancy like slicing, just plain old indexing into a list. The thing you get out is a set, .add(item) does the obvious thing: adds something to whichever set was selected.
but why i>>=1? I don't know how to interpret that
Take the bits in i and move them one position to the right, dropping the old lsb, and keeping the sign. Sort of like this
Except of course that in Python you have arbitrary-precision integers, so it's however long it needs to be instead of 8 bits.
For positive numbers, the part about copying the sign is irrelevant.
You can think of right shift by 1 as a flooring division by 2 (this is different from truncation, negative numbers are rounded towards negative infinity, eg -1 >> 1 = -1), but that interpretation is usually more complicated to reason about.
Anyway, the way it is used here is just a way to loop through the bits of i, testing them one by one from low to high, but instead of changing which bit it tests it moves the bit it wants to test into the same position every time.

Do you need to sort inputs for dynamic programming knapsack

In every single example I've found for a 1/0 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming where the items have weights(costs) and profits, it never explicitly says to sort the items list, but in all the examples they are sorted by increasing both weight and profit (higher weights have higher profits in the examples). So my question is when adding items in the matrix from the item array/list, can I add them in any order, or do I add the one with the smallest weight or profit? Because from multiple examples I found I'm not sure if its just a coincidence or you do in fact need to put the smallest weight/profit into the matrix each time
The dynamic programming solution is nothing but choosing all the possibilities (using brute force) in an efficient way (just by saving the values for future reference).
Note: We consider all the subsets. Even if the list is sorted or not the total number of subsets will be the same. So in the end all the subsets will get considered.
No, you don't need to sort the weights because every row gives the maximum possible value under the weight limit of that row. The maximum will come in the last column of that row.
Maybe you are looking at bottom-up Dynamic solutions. And there is one characteristic in Dynamic solution when you solve using the bottom-up method.
The second approach is the bottom-up method. This approach typically depends
on some natural notion of the “size” of a subproblem, such that solving any particular
subproblem depends only on solving “smaller” subproblems. We sort the
subproblems by size and solve them in size order, smallest first. When solving a
particular subproblem, we have already solved all of the smaller subproblems its
solution depends upon, and we have saved their solutions. We solve each subproblem
only once, and when we first see it, we have already solved all of its
prerequisite subproblems.
From: Introduction to Algorithm, CORMEN (3rd edition)
The "smaller problem" in this case is just smaller in terms of the number of available items to choose, not about the profits or weights of these items. If given a 3 item list, the sub-problems will be 2 items, and 1 item to choose from.
The smallest problem is first hardcoded (base case), then at each stage of moving from a smaller to bigger problem, the best profit is enumerated, and the max is chosen. At the end, all 2^n combinations would have been considered and the various stages of repeated max will bubble up the largest solution.
Changing the input order, or putting dominated items into the input (like higher weight and lower profit) may just change which argument of max() won at each stage, but the final max result will come from the same selection of items, albeit being selected at different stages in the algorithm for different sort orders or input characteristics.
The answer could be found by some random shuffle experiments.
which I found is: better in ascending order. correct me if i'm wrong.
Problem described in "Algorithm Design", ISBN: 9780321295354, chapter 6.4.
Two methods could be used:
as the chapter used, a M cache to pre-calculated, in which not sub answer is needed.
recursive function, which is simple to understand and test. I found functools.cache of python3.5+ could be use to check how many sub caculation is need, as my gist show: ascending order of test_random() is the smallest in currsize, So it's most efficient, and could extend to float value.
results for 10 random weights(1~100) and 200 knapack:
[(13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286)]: reverse: False
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=832, maxsize=None, currsize=832)
[(86.49436333909377, 208.06767811169286), (67.98836121062645, 63.47478755362385), (60.38456825749498, 10.721915577913244), (56.56103181962746, 460.9161412820592), (55.279973594800225, 377.3715225559507), (49.12968642850187, 22.037638580809592), (33.28606671929836, 298.8676699147799), (20.14117982372607, 81.52793937986635), (16.18632175987168, 206.88043031085252), (13.527716157276256, 18.371888775465692)]: reverse: True
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1120, maxsize=None, currsize=1120)
Note for method2:
if capacity is much larger, all random orders have equal currsize.
callstack overflow should be avoided for large N, so recurse method should be transformed. Generally a two step method could be used, first map subproblem dependency, and calc. I'ill try later in gist.
I guess, sorting might be required in certain types of knapsack problem. For example consider the problem "Maximum Earnings From Taxi". Here, the input has to be sorted by the starting point of the riders, else we won't get the optimal result.
For example, consider the below input for the above problem:-
[[2,3,1],[2,9,2], [3,6,7],[2,3,6]]
If you apply a typical knapsack implementation in recursive approach, without sorting the input we won't get the optimal solution.

Looking for ideas: lexicographically sorted suffix array of many different strings compute efficiently an LCP array

I don't want a direct solution to the problem that's the source of this question but it's this one link:
So I take in the strings and add them to a suffix array which is implemented as a sorted set internally, what I obtain then is a lexicographically sorted list of the two given strings.
S1 = "banana"
S2 = "panama"
SuffixArray.add S1, S2
To make searching for the k-th smallest substring efficient I preprocess this sorted set to add in information about the longest common prefix between a suffix and it's predecessor as well as keeping tabs on a cumulative substrings count. So I know that for a given k greater than the cumulative substrings count of the last item, it's an invalid query.
This works really well for small inputs as well as random large inputs of the constraints given in the problem definition, which is at most 50 strings of length 2000. I am able to pass the 4 out of 7 cases and was pretty surprised I didn't get them all.
So I went searching for the bottleneck and it hit me. Given large number of inputs like these
The queries for k-th smallest substrings are still fast as expected but not the way I preprocess the sorted set... The way I calculate the longest common prefix between the elements of the set is not efficient and linear O(m), like this, I did the most naïve thing expecting it to be good enough:
m = anananan
n = anananana
Start at 0 and find the point where `m[i] != n[i]`
It is like this because a suffix and his predecessor might no be related (i.e. coming from different input strings) and so I thought I couldn't help but using brute force.
Here is the question then and where I ended up reducing the problem as. Given a list of lexicographically sorted suffix like in the manner I described above (made up of multiple strings):
What is an efficient way of computing the longest common prefix array?.
The subquestion would then be, am I completely off the mark in my approach? Please propose further avenues of investigation if that's the case.
Foot note, I do not want to be shown implemented algorithm and I don't mind to be told to go read so and so book or resource on the subject as that is what I do anyway while attempting these challenges.
Accepted answer will be something that guides me on the right path or in the case that that fails; something that teaches me how to solve these types of problem in a broader sense, a book or something
I would recommend this tutorial pdf from Stanford.
This tutorial explains a simple O(nlog^2n) algorithm with O(nlogn) space to compute suffix array and a matrix of intermediate results. The matrix of intermediate results can be used to compute the longest common prefix between two suffixes in O(logn).
If you wish to try to develop the algorithm yourself, the key is to sort the strings based on their 2^k long prefixes.
From the tutorial:
Let's denote by A(i,k) be the subsequence of A of length 2^k starting at position i.
The position of A(i,k) in the sorted array of A(j,k) subsequences (j=1,n) is kept in P(k,i).
Using matrix P, one can iterate descending from the biggest k down to 0 and check whether A(i,k) = A(j,k). If the two prefixes are equal, a common prefix of length 2^k had been found. We only have left to update i and j, increasing them both by 2^k and check again if there are any more common prefixes.

hashmap remove complexity

So a lot of sources say the hashmap remove function is O(1), but I don't see how this could be unless a hashmap were backed by a linkedlist because list removals are O(n). Could someone explain?
You can view a Hasmap as an array. Imagine, you want to store objects of all humans on earth somewhere. You could just get an unique number for everyone and use an array with a dimension of 10*10^20.
If someone is born, she/he gets the next free number and is added to the end. If someone dies, her/his number is used and the array entry is set to null.
You can easily see, to add some or to remove someone, you need only constant time. calculate array address, done (if you have random access memory).
What is added by the Hashmap? There are 2 motivations. On the one side, you do not want to have such a big array. If you only want to store 10 people from all over the world, nearly all entries of the array are free. On the other side, not all data you want to store somewhere have an unique number. Sometimes there are multiple times the same number, some numbers do now show overall and sometimes you do not have any number. Therefore, you define a function, which uses the big numbers from the input and reduce them to numbers in a smaller range. This reduction should be in a way, that the resulting number is most likely unique for different inputs.
Example: Lets say you want to store 10 numbers from 1 to 100000000. You could use an array with 100000000 indices. Or you could use an array with 100 indices and the function f(x) = x % 100. If you have the number 1234, f(1234) = 34. Mark 34 as assigned.
Now you could ask, what happens if you have the number 2234? We have a collision then. You need some strategy then to handle this, there are several. Study some literature or ask specific questions for this.
If you want to store a string, you could imagine to use the length or the sum of the ascii value from every characters.
As you see, we can easily store something, and easily access it again. What we have to do? Calculate the hash from the function (constant time for a good function), access the array (constant time), store or remove (constant time).
In real world, a good hash function is not that easy. Try to stick with the included ones in java.
If you want to read more details, the wikipedia article about hash table is a good starting point:
I don't think the remove(key) complexity is O(1). If we have a big hash table with many collisions, then it would be O(n) in worst case. It very rare to get the worst case but we can't neglect the fact that O(1) is not guaranteed.
If your HashMap is backed by a LinkedList buckets array
The worst case of the remove function will be O(n)
If your HashMap is backed by a Balanced Binary Tree buckets array
The worst case of the remove function will be O(log n)
The best case and the average case (amortized complexity) of the remove function is O(1)
