Bitwise operations Python - python-3.x

This is a first run-in with not only bitwise ops in python, but also strange (to me) syntax.
for i in range(2**len(set_)//2):
parts = [set(), set()]
for item in set_:
i >>= 1
For context, set_ is just a list of 4 letters.
There's a bit to unpack here. First, I've never seen [set(), set()]. I must be using the wrong keywords, as I couldn't find it in the docs. It looks like it creates a matrix in pythontutor, but I cannot say for certain. Second, while parts[i&1] is a slicing operation, I'm not entirely sure why a bitwise operation is required. For example, 0&1 should be 1 and 1&1 should be 0 (carry the one), so binary 10 (or 2 in decimal)? Finally, the last bitwise operation is completely bewildering. I believe a right shift is the same as dividing by two (I hope), but why i>>=1? I don't know how to interpret that. Any guidance would be sincerely appreciated.

[set(), set()] creates a list consisting of two empty sets.
0&1 is 0, 1&1 is 1. There is no carry in bitwise operations. parts[i&1] therefore refers to the first set when i is even, the second when i is odd.
i >>= 1 shifts right by one bit (which is indeed the same as dividing by two), then assigns the result back to i. It's the same basic concept as using i += 1 to increment a variable.
The effect of the inner loop is to partition the elements of _set into two subsets, based on the bits of i. If the limit in the outer loop had been simply 2 ** len(_set), the code would generate every possible such partitioning. But since that limit was divided by two, only half of the possible partitions get generated - I couldn't guess what the point of that might be, without more context.

I've never seen [set(), set()]
This isn't anything interesting, just a list with two new sets in it. So you have seen it, because it's not new syntax. Just a list and constructors.
This tests the least significant bit of i and selects either parts[0] (if the lsb was 0) or parts[1] (if the lsb was 1). Nothing fancy like slicing, just plain old indexing into a list. The thing you get out is a set, .add(item) does the obvious thing: adds something to whichever set was selected.
but why i>>=1? I don't know how to interpret that
Take the bits in i and move them one position to the right, dropping the old lsb, and keeping the sign. Sort of like this
Except of course that in Python you have arbitrary-precision integers, so it's however long it needs to be instead of 8 bits.
For positive numbers, the part about copying the sign is irrelevant.
You can think of right shift by 1 as a flooring division by 2 (this is different from truncation, negative numbers are rounded towards negative infinity, eg -1 >> 1 = -1), but that interpretation is usually more complicated to reason about.
Anyway, the way it is used here is just a way to loop through the bits of i, testing them one by one from low to high, but instead of changing which bit it tests it moves the bit it wants to test into the same position every time.


Reduce Time complexity

Question at hand : Complete the function minimumSwaps in the editor below. It must return an integer representing the minimum number of swaps to sort the array.
My Approach:
def minimumSwaps(arr):
count = 0
temp = [None]*len(arr)
for i in range(int(len(arr))):
arr[y] , arr[i]=arr[i] , arr[y]
count = count +1
return count
The code does give the required op for majority of the cases , but fails a few due to time limit exceeds error. Could someone suggest a few changes to reduce the time complexity issues and make the code more efficient. If Possible please try not to change the code in its entirety , I want to learn to make codes more efficient rather than trying a whole new approach altogether.
Link to one of the huge test case
To me, this is a graph problem. Maybe it's possible with a more simple solution, but I don't think so.
You can observe that to get the minimum swaps necessary, you'd just have to move every element into its sorted position. You can figure out where they're supposed to be by sorting and having an array indexed by element (or dictionary, for that matter) to the index.
Now, build a graph by making each item its own node, and connecting with a directed edge to the place it needs to be. We can observe that for a cycle of length k, we will need k-1 swaps to solve it. This is because we just need to swap each item forward, but the last swap actually solves two items rather than one. Thus, the answer is the sum of k-1 for each cycle, which can be reduced to n-c where c is the number of cycles.
To see why this works, consider the case of [2,3,1]. The sorted version of this array is [1,2,3]. Now, build the graph, where index 0 points to index 1 (since 2 needs to be in index 1), index 1 points to index 2, and index 2 points to index 0. We can run a search algorithm through the graph and find the number of cycles or components, and find that there is 1 cycle of length 3. So, the answer we produce is 3-1 = 2. As we can observe, this is indeed correct.
The problem gets a little more complicated if the array can contain duplicates, but it's not so bad, you'd just have to think a little harder. Maybe this isn't the intended solution, but it'll certainly work in O(n). Best of luck!

Looping through a string to find the first index of a particular character

for i in reversed(bin(n|(n+1))[2:]):#loops through representation of
# integer n, converted to binary, and flips first 0 bit
if i == '0':
count +=1
If n is an integer, the above sample code flips the first zero bit, then finds and prints the index of what was the second zero bit.
I'm working on CodeFights, to practice my skills and can't seem to figure out how to format an algorithm that accomplishes basically what this one does.
I'm supposed to find the appropriate index and raise 2 to that power, in one line. I'm looked into using generators and llambdas... not sure what to do.
So, specifically how can I can I get
2**index of second zero in integer n
#in one line of code?
def secondRightmostZeroBit(n):
return 2**bin(n|(n+1))[::-1].index('0')
Researched this for days, stumbled upon the answer five minutes after asking on here.
'.replace(0,1,1)' and
'.find(0)' would also have been useful.
The above is what I ended up submitting. As explained in the question n|(n=1), serves to flip the rightmost zero in the binary representation of n. From there I reversed the order of the string/binary representation of that result, and used '.index' to retrieve the first '0' to be found.
Another way to do it has more to do with manipulation of binary numbers than with the way I phrased the original question.
def secondRightmostZeroBit(n):
return ~n & (~n-1) & -(~n & (~n-1))
I haven't found much reason to do this sort of bit manipulation in the past, so I'm always looking at a reference when I interpret code like this. If you want to understand it, I suggest plugging in a specific number for n, convert to binary, and work it through. Do that a couple of times and it should become clear what's going on. You can also plug individual peices of it into your interactive pain, but that won't do you much good unless you're looking at the binary. bin(n) and format(n, "8b") are good for that.

Need to construct DFA (deterministic finite automaton)

I need to construct a DFA which recognises all the strings made solely from 0s and 1s, so that thay have an even number of zeros and number of ones divisible by 3. I found an automaton for the case of even number of 0s and even number of 1s:
I tried going from here by adding some states, changing branches, etc.. However I remained unsuccessful usually losing track of what's the automaton doing beacuse of branches and states I'd add. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need states which record the divisibility by 2 and by 3, which means you need 6 states. Just call them 0|0, 1|0, 0|1, 1|1, 0|2, 1|2. The first digit tells you that when you reach the state, you have an even or odd number of zeros, the 2nd digit tells you that when you reach the state, you have a number of 1s that, when divided by 3, give the given modulus.
Your state diagram contains:
0|x --0--> 1|x
1|x --0--> 0|x
y|0 --1--> y|1
y|1 --1--> y|2
y|2 --1--> y|0
The start state is 0|0, which is also the only stop state.
The important bit to understand is that each state records the the modulus of the number of zeros or ones read when divided by 2, respectively 3. The 0|0 is then modulus 0 in both cases, which is the accepting criteria. This all works, because the number of different states to keep track of is finite. The name DFA tells us already that it would not work for an infinite number of states to track.
One way to view it is that the problem asks for the intersection of 2 languages: one containing an even number of zeroes and another having the number of ones divisible by 3. A way to approach this is to make DFAs for both the languages and then make another DFA which keeps track of the pair of states in each DFA when an input symbol is read.
I have used 'e' and 'o' to denote that the number of zeroes is even or odd respectively. The second digit in each of the states defines the remainder obtained by dividing the number of ones by 3.

constraint to avoid generating duplicates in this search task

I have to solve the following optimization problem:
Given a set of elements (E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6) create an arbitrary set of sequences e.g.
and given a function f that gives a value for every pair of elements e.g.
f(E1,E4) = 5
f(E4,E3) = 2
f(E6,E5) = 3
in addition it also gives a value for the pair of an element combined with some special element T, e.g.
f(T,E2) = 10
f(E2,T) = 3
f(E5,T) = 1
f(T,E6) = 2
f(T,E1) = 4
f(E3,T) = 2
The utility function that must be optimized is the following:
The utility of a sequence set is the sum of the utility of all sequences.
The utility of a sequence A1,A2,A3,...,AN is equal to
for our example set of sequences above this leads to
seq1: f(T,E1)+f(E1,E4)+f(E4,E3)+f(E3,T) = 4+5+2+2=13
seq2: f(T,E2)+f(E2,T) =10+3=13
seq3: f(T,E6)+f(E6,E5)+f(E5,T) =2+3+1=6
Utility(set) = 13+13+6=32
I try to solve a larger version (more elements than 6, rather 1000) of this problem using A* and some heuristic. Starting from zero sequences and stepwise adding elements either to existing sequences or as a new sequence, until we obtain a set of sequences containing all elements.
The problem I run into is the fact that while generating possible solutions I end up with duplicates, for example in above example all the following combinations are generated:
which all have equal utility, since the order of the sequences does not matter.
These are all permutations of the 3 sequences, since the number of sequences is arbitrairy there can be as much sequences as elements and a faculty(!) amount of duplicates generated...
One way to solve such a problem is keeping already visited states and don't revisit them. However since storing all visited states requires a huge amount of memory and the fact that comparing two states can be a quite expensive operation, I was wondering whether there wasn't a way I could avoid generating these in the first place.
Is there a way to stepwise construct all these sequence constraining the adding of elements in a way that only combinations of sequences are generated rather than all variations of sequences.(or limit the number of duplicates)
As an example, I only found a way to limit the amount of 'duplicates' generated by stating that an element Ei should always be in a seqj with j<=i, therefore if you had two elements E1,E2 only
would be generated, and not
I was wondering whether there was any such constraint that would prevent duplicates from being generated at all, without failing to generate all combinations of sets.
Well, it is simple. Allow generation of only such sequences that are sorted according to first member, that is, from the above example, only
would be correct. And this you can guard very easily: never allow additional sequence that has its first member less than the first member of its predecessor.

Why do most programming languages only give one answer to square root of 4?

Most programming languages give 2 as the answer to square root of 4. However, there are two answers: 2 and -2. Is there any particular reason, historical or otherwise, why only one answer is usually given?
In mathematics, √x commonly, unless otherwise specified, refers to the principal (i.e. positive) root of x [].
Some languages don't have the ability to return more than one value.
Since you can just apply negation, returning both would be redundant.
If the square root method returned two values, then one of those two would practically always be discarded. In addition to wasting memory and complexity on the extra return value, it would be little used. Everyone knows that you can multiple the answer returned by -1 and get the other root.
I expect that only mathematical languages would return multiple values here, perhaps as an array or matrix. But for most general-purpose programming languages, there is negligible gain and non-negligible cost to doing as you suggest.
Some thoughts:
Historically, functions were defined as procedures which returned a single value.
It would have been fiddly (using primitive programming constructs) to define a clean function which returned multiple values like this.
There are always exceptions to the rule:
0 for example only has a single root (0).
You cannot take the square root of a negative number (unless the language supports complex numbers). This could be treated as an exception (like "divide by 0") in languages which don't support imaginary numbers or the complex number system.
It is usually simple to deduce the 2 square roots (simply negate the value returned by the function). This was probably left as an exercise by the caller of the sqrt() function, if their domain depended on dealing with both the positive (+) and negative (-) roots.
It's easier to return one number than to return two. Most engineering decisions are made in this manner.
There are many functions which only return 1 answer from 2 or more possibilities. Arc tangent for example. The arc tangent of 1 is returned as 45 degrees, but it could also be 225 or even 405. As with many things in life and programming there is a convention we know and can rely on. Square root functions return positive values is one of them. It is up to us, the programmers, to keep in mind there are other solutions and to act on them if needed in code.
By the way this is a common issue in robotics when dealing with kinematics and inverse kinematics equations where there are multiple solutions of links positions corresponding to Cartesian positions.
In mathematics, by convention it's always assumed that you want the positive square root of something unless you explicitly say otherwise. The square root of four really is two. If you want the negative answer, put a negative sign in front. If you want both, put the plus-or-minus sign. Without this convention it would be impossible to write equations; you would never know what the person intended even if they did put a sign in front (because it could be the negative of the negative square root, for example). Also, how exactly would you write any kind of computer code involving mathematics if operators started returning two values? It would break everything.
The unfortunate exception to this convention is when solving for variables. In the following equation:
x^2 = 4
You have no choice but to consider both possible values for X. if you take the square root of both sides, you get x = 2 but now you must put in the plus or minus sign to make sure you aren't missing any possible solutions. Also, remember that in this case it's technically X that can be either plus or minus, not the square root of four.
Because multiple return types are annoying to implement. If you really need the other result, isn't it easy enough to just multiple the result by -1?
Because most programmers only want one answer.
It's easy enough to generate the negative value from the positive value if the caller wants it. For most code the caller only uses the positive value.
However, nowadays it's easy to return two values in many languages. In JavaScript:
var sqrts=function(x) {
var s=Math.sqrt(x);
if (s>0) {
return [s,-s];
} else {
return [0];
As long as the caller knows to iterate through the array that comes back, you're gold.
[1.4142135623730951, -1.4142135623730951]
I think because the function is called "sqrt", and if you wanted multiple roots, you would have to call the function "sqrts", which doesn't exist, so you can't do it.
The more serious answer is that you're suggesting a specific instance of a larger issue. Many equations, and commonly inverse functions (including sqrt) have multiple possible solutions, such as arcsin, etc, and these are, in general, an issue. With arcsin, for example, should one return an infinite number of answers? See, for example, discussions about branch cuts.
Because it was historically defined{{citation needed}} as the function which gives the side length of a square of known surface. And length is positive in that context.
you can always tell what is the other number, so maybe it's not necessary to return both of them.
It's likely because when people use a calculator to figure out a square root, they only want the positive value.
Go one step further and ask why your calculator won't let you take the square root of a negative number. It's possible, using imaginary numbers, but the average user has absolutely zero use for this.
On imaginary numbers.
