Im trying to wrap my head around Haskell and I'm having trouble trying to implement the following signature as a function. Could you guys give me an example using lambda expressions?
(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
Try with simpler examples first. For example,
f :: a -> a
f = ...
Since f is a function of one argument, we can extend this without thinking much into:
f :: a -> a
f = \x -> ...
Picking a return value for this function, we have exactly one good candidate, x, so:
f :: a -> a
f = \x -> x
although we could also have picked undefined or error "meh", or f x, which are less useful.
Here's another simple example:
g :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
g = ...
The only pattern that matches the function's input is a pair, so:
g :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
g = \(x, y) -> ...
This doesn't have to be equivalent to swap, but it's a good candidate because it terminates.
A last example that is more complicated:
h :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
h = ...
This is a function of three arguments of types (a, b) -> c, a and b, so without thinking much we can extend the answer partially:
h :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
h = \f -> \x -> \y -> ...
h = \f x y -> ...
(The lower line is just a convenient way to stack curried arguments.)
Now, I gave them names f, x and y because I think f is a good, generic name for a value that contains an ->, and x and y are good, generic names for arbitrary values. I could also have picked a and b to strengthen the connection between the types of the same name, but it'd also be a little confusing. So here, x :: a and y :: b.
As for filling out the function body, I can either go by asking "How do I apply the things I've got so the types align", or I can look at the return type, c, and look at what I have available to make a value of type c. f returns c if I feed it a pair of type (a, b). I have an x :: a and a y :: b, so (x, y) :: (a, b):
h :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
h = \f x y -> f (x, y)
This is incidentally curry. I don't think you can find any other solution that terminates?
For simple functions there is often only one good candidate. When you have type signatures with multiple values of the same type, you have to consider what happens if you pick one over the other. The first case I can think of is when you implement the >>= operator for the state monad.
Let's rename our type variables:
a becomes oil
b becomes petrol
c becomes co₂
Now, you already recognised what the arguments to your function are:
implementation (x :: petrol -> co₂)
(y :: oil -> petrol)
(z :: oil)
= (? :: co₂)
It's sort of conventional to name functions f, g... and values a, b... _if we know nothing about the underlying types. Ok, but after we named the types, let's pick appropriate names accordingly:
implementation (car :: petrol -> co₂)
(refinery :: oil -> petrol)
(tankship :: oil)
= (? :: co₂)
Or, in lambda form without the local signatures:
implementation = \car refinery tankship -> ?
I'll leave the rest to you.
Propositions (P -> Q) -> Q and P \/ Q are equivalent.
Is there a way to witness this equivalence in Haskell:
from :: Either a b -> ((a -> b) -> b)
from x = case x of
Left a -> \f -> f a
Right b -> \f -> b
to :: ((a -> b) -> b) -> Either a b
to = ???
such that
from . to = id and to . from = id?
Propositions (P -> Q) -> Q and P \/ Q are equivalent.
This is true in classical logic, but not in the constructive logic.
In constructive logic we don't have law of excluded middle, i.e. we cannot start our thinking with "either P is true or P is not true".
Classically we reason like:
if P is true (i.e we have (x :: P)) then return Left x.
if P is false, then in Haskell speak we'd have nx :: P -> Void function. Then absurd . nx :: P -> Q (we can peak any type, we take Q) and call given f :: (P -> Q) -> Q) with absurd . nx to get value of type Q.
The problem, that there aren't general function of a type:
lem :: forall p. Either p (p -> Void)
For some concrete types there are, e.g. Bool is inhabited so we can write
lemBool :: Either Bool (Bool -> Void)
lemBool = Left True -- arbitrary choice
but again, in general we cannot.
No, it is impossible. Consider the special case where Q = Void.
Either P Q is then Either P Void, which is isomorphic to P.
iso :: P -> Either P Void
iso = Left
iso_inv :: Either P Void -> P
iso_inv (Left p) = p
iso_inv (Right q) = absurd q
Hence, if we had a function term
impossible :: ((P -> Void) -> Void) -> Either P Void
we could also have a term
impossible2 :: ((P -> Void) -> Void) -> P
impossible2 = iso_inv . impossible
According to the Curry-Howard correspondence, this would be a tautology in intuitionistic logic:
((P -> False) -> False) -> P
But the above is double negation elimination, which is well known to be impossible to prove in intuitionistic logic -- hence a contradiction. (The fact that we could prove it in classical logic is not relevant.)
(Final note: this assumes that out Haskell program terminate. Of course, using infinite recursion, undefined, and similar ways to actually avoid to return a result, we can inhabit any type in Haskell.)
No, it's not possible, but it's a bit subtle. The problem is that the type variables a and b are universally quantified.
to :: ((a -> b) -> b) -> Either a b
to f = ...
a and b are universally quantified. The caller chooses what type they are, so you can't just create a value of either type. This implies you can't just create a value of type Either a b while ignoring the argument f. But using f is also impossible. Without knowing what types a and b are, you can't create a value of type a -> b to pass to f. There's just not enough information available when the types are universally quantified.
As far as why the isomorphism doesn't work in Haskell - are you sure those propositions are equivalent in a constructive intuitionist logic? Haskell does not implement a classical deductive logic.
As others have pointed out, this is impossible because we don't have the law of the excluded middle. Let me go through that a bit more explicitly. Suppose we have
bogus :: ((a -> b) -> b) -> Either a b
and we set b ~ Void. Then we get
-- chi calls this `impossible2`.
double_neg_elim :: ((a -> Void) -> Void) -> a
bouble_neg_elim f = case bogus f of
Left a -> a
Right v -> absurd v
Now, let's prove the double negation of the law of the excluded middle as applied to a specific proposition.
nnlem :: forall a. (Either a (a -> Void) -> Void) -> Void
nnlem f = not_not_a not_a
not_a :: a -> Void
not_a = f . Left
not_not_a :: (a -> Void) -> Void
not_not_a = f . Right
So now
lem :: Either a (a -> Void)
lem = double_neg_elim nnlem
lem clearly cannot exist because a can encode the proposition that any Turing machine configuration I happen to pick will halt.
Let's verify that lem is sufficient:
bogus :: forall a b. ((a -> b) -> b) -> Either a b
bogus f = case lem #a of
Left a -> Left a
Right na -> Right $ f (absurd . na)
I have no idea what whether this is valid in terms of logic, or what it means for your equivalence, but yes it is possible to write such a function in Haskell.
To construct an Either a b, we need either an a or a b value. We don't have any way to construct an a value, but we do have a function that returns a b that we could call. To do that, we need to supply a function that converts an a into a b, but given the types are unknown we could at best make a function that returns a constant b. To get that b value, we can't construct it any other way than before, so this becomes circular reasoning - and we can solve that by simply creating a fixpoint:
to :: ((a -> b) -> b) -> Either a b
to f = let x = f (\_ -> x) in Right x
This is yet another Haskell-through-category-theory question.
Let's take something simple and well-known as an example. fmap?
So fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, omitting the fact that f is actually a Functor. As far as I understand, (a -> b) -> f a -> f b is nothing but a syntax sugar for the (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b); hence conclusion:
(1) fmap is a function producing a function.
Now, Hask contains functions as well, so (a -> b) and, in particular, (f a -> f b) is an object of the Hask (because objects of the Hask are well-defined Haskell types - a-ka mathematical sets - and there indeed exists set of type (a -> b) for each possible a, right?). So, once again:
(2) (a -> b) is an object of the Hask.
Now weird thing happens: fmap, obviously, is a morphism of the Hask, so it is a function, that takes another function and transform it to a yet another function; final function hasn't been applied yet.
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b. For each item i of type a there exists a morphism apply_i :: (f a -> f b) -> f b defined as \f -> f (lift i), where lift i is a way to build an f a with particular i inside.
The other way to see it is GHC-style: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. On the contrast with what I've written above, (a -> b) -> f a is mapping to the regular object of the Hask. But such a view contradicts fundamental Haskell's axiom - no multivariate functions, but applied (curried) alternatives.
I'd like to ask at this point: is (a -> b) -> f a -> f b suppose to be an (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) -> f b, sugared for simplicity, or am I missing something really, really important there?
is (a -> b) -> f a -> f b suppose to be an (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) -> f b, sugared for simplicity
No. I think what you're missing, and it's not really your fault, is that it's only a very special case that the middle arrow in (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) can be called morphism in the same way as the outer (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b) can. The general case of a Functor class would be (in pseudo-syntax)
class (Category (──>), Category (~>)) => Functor f (──>) (~>) where
fmap :: (a ──> b) -> f a ~> f b
So, it maps morphisms in the category whose arrows are denoted ──> to morphisms in the category ~>, but this morphism-mapping itself is just plainly a function. Your right, in Hask specifically function-arrows are the same sort of arrows as the morphism arrows, but this is mathematically speaking a rather degenerate scenario.
fmap is actually an entire family of morphisms. A morphism in Hask is always from a concrete type to another concrete type. You can think of a function as a morphism if the function has a concrete argument type and a concrete return type. A function of type Int -> Int represents a morphism (an endomorphism, really) from Int to Int in Hask. fmap, however has type Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Not a concrete type in sight! We just have type variables and a quasi-operator => to deal with.
Consider the following set of concrete function types.
Int -> Int
Char -> Int
Int -> Char
Char -> Char
Further, consider the following type constructors
[] applied to Int returns a type we could call List-of-Ints, but we usually just call [Int]. (One of the most confusing things about functors when I started out was that we just don't have separate names to refer to the types that various type constructors produce; the output is just named by the expression that evaluates to it.) Maybe Int returns the type we just call, well, Maybe Int.
Now, we can define a bunch of functions like the following
fmap_int_int_list :: (Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> [Int]
fmap_int_char_list :: (Int -> Char) -> [Int] -> [Char]
fmap_char_int_list :: (Char -> Int) -> [Char] -> [Int]
fmap_char_char_list :: (Char -> Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]
fmap_int_int_maybe :: (Int -> Int) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
fmap_int_char_maybe :: (Int -> Char) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Char
fmap_char_int_maybe:: (Char -> Int) -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Int
fmap_char_char_maybe :: (Char -> Char) -> Maybe Char -> Maybe Char
Each of these is a distinct morphism in Hask, but when we define them in Haskell, there's a lot of repetition.
fmap_int_int_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_int_char_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_char_int_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_char_char_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_int_int_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_int_char_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_char_int_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
fmap_char_char_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
The definitions don't differ when the type of f differs, only when the type of x/xs differs. That means we can define the following polymorphic functions
fmap_a_b_list f xs = map f xs
fmap_a_b_maybe f x = case x of Nothing -> Nothing; Just y -> Just (f y)
each of which represents a set of morphisms in Hask.
fmap itself is an umbrella term we use to refer to constructor-specific morphisms referred to by all the polymorphic functions.
With that out of the way, we can better understand fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b.
Given fmap f, we first look at the type of f. We might find out, for example, that f :: Int -> Int, which means fmap f has to return one of fmap_int_int_list or fmap_int_int_maybe, but we're not sure which yet. So instead, it returns a constrained function of type Functor f => (Int -> Int) -> f Int -> f Int. Once that function is applied to a value of type [Int] or Maybe Int, we'll finally have enough information to know which morphism is actually meant.
Now weird thing happens: fmap, obviously, is a morphism of the Hask, so it is a function, that takes another function and transform it to a yet another function; final function hasn't been applied yet.
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b. For each item i of type a there exists a morphism apply_i :: (f a -> f b) -> f b defined as \f -> f (lift i), where lift i is a way to build an f a with particular i inside.
The notion of application in category theory is modelled in the form of CCC's - Cartesian Closed Categories. A category 𝓒 is a CCC if you have a natural bijection 𝓒(X×Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(X,Y⇒Z).
In particular this implies that there exists a natural transformation 𝜺 (the evaluation), where 𝜺[Y,Z]:(Y⇒Z)×Y→Z, such that for every g:X×Y→Z there exists a 𝝀g:X→(Y⇒Z) such that, g = 𝝀g×id;𝜺[Y,Z]. So when you say,
Hence, one needs one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b.
The way you go from (f a -> f b) to the f b, or using the notation above, from (f a ⇒ f b) is via 𝜺[f a,f b]:(f a ⇒ f b) × f a → f b.
The other important point to keep in mind is that in Category Theory "elements" are not primitive concepts. Rather an element is an arrow of the form 𝟏→X,where 𝟏 is the terminal object. If you take X=𝟏 you have that 𝓒(Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(𝟏×Y,Z) ≅ 𝓒(𝟏,Y⇒Z). That is, the morphisms g:Y→Z are in bijection to elements 𝝀g:𝟏→(Y⇒Z).
In Haskell this means functions are precisely the "elements" of arrow types. So in Haskell an application h y would be modelled via the evaluation of 𝝀h:𝟏→(Y⇒Z) on y:𝟏→Y. That is, the evaluation of (𝝀h)×y:𝟏→(Y⇒Z)×Y, which is given by the composition (𝝀h)×y;𝜺[Y,Z]:𝟏→Z.
For the sake of completeness, this answer focuses on a point that was addressed in various comments, but not by the the other answers.
The other way to see it is GHC-style: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. On the contrast with what I've written above, (a -> b) -> f a is mapping to the regular object of the Hask.
-> in type signatures is right-associative. That being so, (a -> b) -> f a -> f b is really the same as (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b), and seeing (a -> b) -> f a in it would be a syntactic mix-up. It is no different from how...
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
... doesn't mean that partially applying (++) will give us an [a] list (rather, it gives us a function that prepends some list).
From this point of view, the category theory questions you raise (for instance, on "need[ing] one more Hask's morphism to get from the (f a -> f b) to the f b") are a separate matter, addressed well by Jorge Adriano's answer.
I have the following type signature in Haskell:
hi :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
I want to write a concrete implementation of it but I'm really struggling to understand where to start. I understand that hi takes a function (b -> c) which returns a function (a ->b) which finally returns a function (a -> c).
Can anyone show me an example of a concrete implementation? How do I know where to start with something like this and what goes on the left side of the definition?
One way to think of this is as a function that takes a (b -> c) and an (a -> b) and returns another function (a -> c). So let's start with that
hi f g = undefined -- f :: b -> c, g :: a -> b
We know that the return type has to be a function (a -> c) -
hi f g = \a -> undefined -- f :: b -> c, g :: a -> b
We now have something of type a on the right hand side, and we have a function g :: a -> b so a sensible thing to do (in fact, the only thing we can do) is to apply g to a
hi f g = \a -> g a -- ok, this fails to typecheck...
The expression g a has type b, and f :: b -> c, and we want to end up with a c. So again, there's only one thing we can do -
hi f g = \a -> f (g a)
And this type checks! We now start the process of cleaning up. We could move the a to the left of the equality sign
hi f g a = f (g a)
And, if you happen to know about the composition operator . you could notice that it can be used here
hi f g a = (f . g) a
Now the a is redundant on both sides (this is called eta reduction)
hi f g = f . g
and we can pull the . operator to the front of the expression by using its function form (.)
hi f g = (.) f g
Now the g and the f are both redundant (two more applications of eta reduction)
hi = (.)
So your function hi is nothing more than function composition.
You read it wrong: The -> operator is right-associative. Thus, your signature is: (b->c) -> ((a->b) -> (a->c)). So you can read it as : given a function from b to c, it returns a function that takes a function from a to b to finally returns a function from a to c.
From there, you should be able to resolve the exercise by yourself.
Having troubles with manually calculating types of given functions in Haskell for an exam at the weekend.
I understand the basics such as:
i x = x :: t -> t
k x y = x :: t -> t1 -> t
But having trouble on more complicated questions such as:
two f x = f (f x)
s x y z = x z (y z)
Any explanations would be much appreciated!
In those two examples the only hints you have as to the types of the functions come from observing the application going on. In Haskell application hardly has any syntax, so I'll rewrite them a bit more obviously.
two f x = f(f(x))
s x y z = x(z)(y(z))
We'll now discover the types of these functions through gradual refinement. For instance, beginning with two we know that it takes in two arguments and thus must have a type which agrees with the (more general) type
two :: a -> b -> c
We also know that the a type variable above actually corresponds to a function because f is being applied to both x and f(x).
two :: (a -> b) -> c -> d
Since f is applied to x we know that here a and c must be the same.
two :: (a -> b) -> a -> d
and since we apply f again to its result f(x) we know that the result type must be the same as the input type
two :: (a -> a) -> a -> b
And finally, the result of calling f is the total result of two so d must also equal a
two :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
This uses all of the information we have in the definition and is the most general type that is compatible with the definition of two.
We can do basically the same process for s. We know it has 3 arguments
s :: a -> b -> c -> d
We know that the first and second arguments are functions of some kind. We see the second argument applied to a single value and the first applied to two values.
s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> e) -> f -> g
We also know that the first input to both functions are the same (namely, it's z each time). This lets us infer that a, d, and f are the same type
s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> d) -> a -> e
We also know that the result of calling the second function is the second argument to the first function, so b and d must be the same.
s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> e
Finally, the result of fully applying the first function is the final result of s so c and e are the same
s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
While that might be a lot to digest and kind of a blur, the thing to emphasize is that the tools I've used to solve this problem are all primitive. Effectively, I introduce arrows (->) when I see that the type got applied to some values and thus must be a function of a certain number of arguments and I unify type variables by following the values through their expression. These are sufficient tools for inferring the types of simple functions like two and s.
Your two and s are what as known as higher level functions, because they take functions as arguments. You already have the tools to discern their types, you just have to be willing to be a bit more abstract about it.
If you're given the expression
f x
You know the type of f is a -> b with x :: a and f x :: b. If you see
f (f x)
Then you can deduce that the output type of (f x) is the same as the input type for f. This means that a ~ b, so f :: a -> a and x :: a. If we look at the type of two, we can deduce that it follows the pattern
two :: s -> t -> u
but the first argument to two is f, which has the type a -> a, so we can plug that in as
two :: (a -> a) -> t -> u
And x is the second argument with type a, so we can plug that in
two :: (a -> a) -> a -> u
And the return type is the same as the return type of f (f x), which has the return type of f, which has the return type of a, so if we plug that in we get the final type
two :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
For s, we can do similarly. We start off by saying s follows the form
s :: s -> t -> u -> v
since it has 3 arguments. The expression (y z) is function application, so y must have the type y :: a -> b, with z :: a. Plugging that in to s:
s :: s -> (a -> b) -> a -> v
Then we look at x z (y z). Since y z :: b and z :: a, x is a function of two arguments, the first of type a and the second of type b, with some unknown return type c, so we can plug that in as
s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
Let's look at
two f x = f (f x)
We will proceed by writing down what we know, using variables for anything we don't. Some of the things we know will be equations, and like in math, we will substitute around in the equations until we get something that we can't do anything else with.
Starting with the expression f x. f is a function, and its argument type is whatever x's type is, so:
x :: a -- a is a new variable
f :: a -> b -- b is a new variable
These two equations say exactly what I just said in the previous sentence. Also, we created the variable b which is the type of the result of the application:
f x :: b
Now let's move on to f (f x). So the argument type of f has to be the type of f x, which we know is b, so:
f :: b -> c -- c is a new variable
f (f x) :: c
But, of course, a function can only have one type, and we already have a type for f:
f :: a -> b -- from above
That means that
a = b
b = c
We've reached the top level expression now. So now let's look at the types of the input variables we've found together with the expression:
f :: a -> b
x :: a
f (f x) :: c
Now we go substituting around as much as we can, expressing it with as few variables as possible (but only using equalities that we have deduced). We'll try to do it all in terms of a.
f :: a -> b
= a -> a -- because b = a
x :: a
f (f x) :: c
= b -- because c = b
= a -- because b = a
And there we have it:
two :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
type of f type of x type of result
This is more verbose than necessary, because I repeated myself a lot, so that you could see the reasoning involved. There is a methodical way to do this, but I prefer to do it more like math, going along and discovering what I can. The methodical way usually gets me lost in a sea of variables (which is easy enough for a computer, but hard for my mortal human brain).
I hope this helped.
I'm doing some excersises where I have to add a function's type and explain what it does. I'm stuck with this:
phy = uncurry ($)
The type, according to GHCi is phy :: (a -> b, a) -> b. My haskell knowledge is basic so I really have no idea what it does.
Let's spell out the type part systematically. We'll start with the types of uncurry and ($):
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
Since the target expression has ($) as the argument of uncurry, let's line up their types to reflect this:
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
The whole type of ($) lines up with the first argument type of uncurry, and the argument and result types of ($) line up with those of uncurry's first argument as shown. This is the correspondence:
uncurry's a <==> ($)'s a -> b
uncurry's b <==> ($)'s a
uncurry's c <==> ($)'s b
This is kinda confusing, because the a and b type variables in one type are not the same as in the other (just like the x in plusTwo x = x + 2 is not the same as the x in timesTwo x = x * 2). But we can rewrite the types to help up reason about this. In simple Haskell type signatures like this, any time you see a type variable you can replace all of its occurrences with any other type get a valid type as well. If you pick fresh type variables (type variables that don't appear anywhere in the original), you get an equivalent type (one that can be converted back to the original); if you pick a non-fresh type you get a specialized version of the original that works with a narrower range of types.
But anyway, let's apply this to the type of uncurry::
-- Substitute a ==> x, b ==> y, c ==> z:
uncurry :: (x -> y -> z) -> (x, y) -> z
Let's redo the "line up" using the rewritten type:
uncurry :: (x -> y -> z) -> (x, y) -> z
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
Now it's obvious: x <==> a -> b, y <==> a and z <==> b. Now, substituting uncurry's type variables for their counterpart types in ($), we get:
uncurry :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> (a -> b, a) -> b
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
And finally:
uncurry ($) :: (a -> b, a) -> b
So that's how you figure out the type. How about what it does? Well, the best way to do that in this case is to look at the type and think about it carefully, figuring out what we'd have to write to get a function of that type. Let's rewrite it this way to make it more mysterious:
mystery :: (a -> b, a) -> b
mystery = ...
Since we know mystery is a function of one argument, we can expand this definition to reflect that:
mystery x = ...
We also know that its argument is a pair, so we can expand a bit more:
mystery (x, y) = ...
Since we know that x is a function and y :: a, I like to use f to mean "function" and to name variables the same as their type—it helps me reason about the functions, so let's do that:
mystery (f, a) = ...
Now, what do we put in the right hand side? We know it must be of type b, but we don't know what type b is (it's actually whatever the caller chooses, so we can't know). So we must somehow make a b using our function f :: a -> b and value a :: a. Aha! We can just call the function with the value:
mystery (f, a) = f a
We wrote this function without looking at uncurry ($), but it turns out that it does the same thing as uncurry ($) does, and we can prove it. Let's start with the definitions of uncurry and ($):
uncurry f (a, b) = f a b
f $ a = f a
Now, substituting equals for equals:
uncurry ($) (f, a) = ($) f a -- definition of uncurry, left to right
= f $ a -- Haskell syntax rule
= f a -- definition of ($), left to right
= mystery (f, a) -- definition of mystery, right to left
So one way to attack a type that you don't understand in Haskell is to just try and write some code that has that type. Haskell is different from other languages in that very often this is a better strategy than trying to read the code.
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
uncurry ($) :: (a -> b, a) -> b
If you inspect types of uncurry and $ and its description:
uncurry converts a curried function to a function on pairs.
All it does is it takes a function (a -> b -> c) and returns a function that takes the parameters as a tuple.
So phy does the same thing as $, but instead of f $ x or ($) f x you call it like phy (f, x).
The other two answers are fine. I just have a slightly different take on it.
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
Since the "->" in type signatures associates to the right, I can equivalently write these two type signatures like this:
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
($) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
uncurry takes an arbitrary function of two inputs and changes it into a funciton of one argument where that argument is a tuple of the original two arguments.
($) takes a simple one-argument function and turns it into...itself. Its only effect is syntactical. f $ is equivalent to f.
(Make sure you understand higher-order functions and currying, read Learn You a Haskell chapter on higher-order functions, then read difference between . (dot) and $ (dollar sign) and function composition (.) and function application ($) idioms)
($) is just a function application, f $ x is equivalent to f x. But that's good, because we can use explicit function application, for example:
map ($2) $ map ($3) [(+), (-), (*), (**)] -- returns [5.0,1.0,6.0,9.0]
which is equivalent to:
map (($2) . ($3)) [(+), (-), (*), (**)] -- returns [5.0,1.0,6.0,9.0]
Check the type of ($): ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b. You know that type declarations are right-associative, therfore the type of ($) can also be written as (a -> b) -> (a -> b). Wait a second, what's that? A function that receives an unary function and returns an unary function of the same type? This looks like a particular version of an identity function id :: a -> a. Ok, some types first:
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
id :: a -> a
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry ($) :: (b -> c, b) -> c
uncurry id :: (b -> c, b) -> c
When coding Haskell, always look at types, they give you lots of information before you even look at the code. So, what's a ($)? It's a function of 2 arguments. What's an uncurry? It's a function of 2 arguments too, the first being a function of 2 arguments. So uncurry ($) should typecheck, because 1st argument of uncurry should be a function of 2 arguments, which ($) is. Now try to guess the type of uncurry ($). If ($)'s type is (a -> b) -> a -> b, substitute it for (a -> b -> c): a becomes (a -> b), b becomes a, c becomes b, therefore, uncurry ($) returns a function of type ((a -> b), a) -> b. Or (b -> c, b) -> c as above, which is the same thing. So what does that type tells us? uncurry ($) accepts a tuple (function, value). Now try to guess what's it do from the type alone.
Now, before the answer, an interlude. Haskell is so strongly typed, that it forbids to return a value of a concrete type, if the type declaration has a type variable as a return value type. So if you have a function with a type a -> b, you can't return String. This makes sense, because if your function's type was a -> a and you always returned String, how would user be able to pass a value of any other type? You should either have a type String -> String or have a type a -> a and return a value that depends solely on an input variable. But this restriction also means that it is impossible to write a function for certain types. There is no function with type a -> b, because no one knows, what concrete type should be instead of b. Or [a] -> a, you know that this function can't be total, because user can pass an empty list, and what would the function return in that case? Type a should depend on a type inside the list, but the list has no “inside”, its empty, so you don't know what is the type of elements inside empty list. This restriction allows only for a very narrow elbow room for possible functions under a certain type, and this is why you get so much information about a function's possible behavior just by reading the type.
uncurry ($) returns something of type c, but it's a type variable, not a concrete type, so its value depends on something that is also of type c. And we see from type declaration that the function in the tuple returns values of type c. And the same function asks for a value of type b, which can only be found in the same tuple. There are no concrete types nor typeclasses, so the only thing uncurry ($) can do is to take the snd of a tuple, put it as an argument in function in fst of a tuple, return whatever it returns:
uncurry ($) ((+2), 2) -- 4
uncurry ($) (head, [1,2,3]) -- 1
uncurry ($) (map (+1), [1,2,3]) -- [2,3,4]
There is a cute program djinn that generates Haskell programs based on types. Play with it to see that our type guesses of uncurry ($)'s functionality is correct:
Djinn> f ? a -> a
f :: a -> a
f a = a
Djinn> f ? a -> b
-- f cannot be realized.
Djinn> f ? (b -> c, b) -> c
f :: (b -> c, b) -> c
f (a, b) = a b
This shows, also, that fst and snd are the only functions that can have their respective types:
Djinn> f ? (a, b) -> a
f :: (a, b) -> a
f (a, _) = a
Djinn> f ? (a, b) -> b
f :: (a, b) -> b
f (_, a) = a