Loading Images In reactjs using nodejs - node.js

I'm trying to load images stored in my database folder using this code:
<Carousel autoplay>
{props.images.map((image, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<img style={{ width: '100%', maxHeight: '150px' }}
src={`http://localhost:5000/${image}`} alt="productImage" />
But I'm Getting this error:
Images stored in database are like this:
"images": [
"categories": 3,
"_id": "5f298a8f205d0e109c896979",
"productname": "Justchecking",
"price": "444",
"shopadress": "Checking",
"contactdetails": "9999999",
"createdAt": "2020-08-04T16:19:27.168Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-08-04T16:19:27.168Z",
"__v": 0

if you use folder on Node.js backend, you should set up serve static
If the serve static have been set up, check if the link to the static is correct.
Also, check if the links in images array is correct (especially the two backward slashes)
Finally, the error tells that the images not found, so before you will paste it to react, try to paste the absolute image URL to browser and check it. If you will fix the problems mentioned above, it should work

I have tried your code in editor and the urls which are getting formed are shown in output. Please try to open the image in the browser and if that is not working, then correct the path and try.
The error that is coming is because your image path is not correct.
["uploads\\1596557942509_discount.png", "uploads\\1596557942509_discount.png"].map((image, index) => (
console.log("http://localhost:5000/" + image)
Output of your images are:

My guess is you use Webpack for bundling. Webpack needs to "require" dynamics paths for image source due to its internal module management flows. Here is a good sample of a similar implementation. And I think this and this will help you to get closer to the root of the problem.
There is another point worth noticing. Using an array index as "key" for child components is an anti-pattern as explained here. You can reuse component ids for keys.

I don't get how your image is stored? Is only the name being stored and you are saving it to your server?
Perhaps try multer and sharp to convert image to buffer and then retrieve it .
<img src={bufferImage!=''?`data:image/jpeg;base64,${bufferImage}`:"https://reactbootstrap.netlify.app/logo.svg"} />
user multer and sharp at the backend.
so perhaps rather than saving
uploads\\1596557942509_discount.png it would be better to have something like { uploads\\1596557942509_discount.png : daskdas... }


Get image from server side folder and display image in Vue

I'm trying to display image from public folder of my node api directory. I want to display image in front end vue file. I don't know how to give source of image.
This is the directory. I want to display image nodelogin.png
I want to display these images.
<img :src="myimage" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80" />
This is my template code.
async created() {
this.myimage = await this.getImage();
methods: {
async getImage(){
return await 'http://localhost:4000/api/public/nodelogin.png';
But this code gives an error response.
Cannot GET /api/public/nodelogin.png
Actually I'm new to node and Vue So I'm not sure whether my logic is correct or not.
Do I need to do something from my backend side?
Just use the url '/nodelogin.png'
Thanks for your question posting.
If you want see png, you should input url :
Good luck for your business.

Local images no loading on React

When i'm trying to display an image <img src = {require(path)}/> I dont know why, i dont get that images when i start the react app, althogh my partner on his computer can see the images. And I have deleted and installed all from his files.
The images on browser appears as <img src = [Object Module]/>. I've done some research, and it seems to be some problem with webpack or url-loader, but i dont understand why on my computers isnt working and in my parnert is.
If someone have an idea. Please help.
Thank you.
Try to import the image first like this:
import image from '../image.jpg'
const App = () => {
return (
<img src={image} alt='image' />
You might wanna wrap the src value in braces
<img src={require(path)} />

Load images from local directory in Fabric

I am trying to load images from a local folder using fabric.js in node.
There seems to be very little up to date documentation on how to do this.
Most example use fabric.Image.fromURL(imageurl)
As far as I'm aware, this only works for web urls, not local paths.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have tried
fabric.Image.fromURL(imgpath, (img) => {
which throws the error Coul not load img: /image/path/img.jpg
fs.readFile(imagepath, (err, i) => {
will successfully read the file, i will be a buffer.
What is the correct way to load a local image.
I know there is a fabric.Image.fromObject but I have no idea what type of object it wants.
I am currently loading the image into a 2d canvas object, converting it with canvas.toDataURL() and putting that url into fabric.Image.fromURL() which works but converting the image to a url is very slow due to large images. There must be a way to load the image directly and avoid this problem.
If you are using fabricjs 3+, that uses the new jsdom, you can use the file urls!
Check here on the fabricJS codebase how they handle reading files in browser and node for the visual test images
try this one:
fabric.Image.fromURL(require("../../assets/mockup/100.png"), (img) => {...}

Using 3rd party jquery plugins in Apostrophe cms

In my Apostrophe cms I have a portion in the header like this (in the outerLayout.html file):
<div id="sticky-header">
In the footer I have done the following:
<script src="/thirdparty/jquery/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/thirdparty/sticky/jquery.sticky.js"></script>
I understand that apostrophe somehow includes jQuery, but if I do not include it myself I get an error in the console:
jquery.sticky.js:22 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at jquery.sticky.js:22
at jquery.sticky.js:24
I also have the following in one of the always.js files
And that generates the error:
always.js:109 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).sticky is not a function
at always.js:109
How can I solve this?
In your case, the reason you need to push your own copy of jQuery is that including files from outerLayout is running front-end javascript OUTSIDE of Apostrophe's front-end asset pipeline.
To include your 3rd party / custom javascript INSIDE Apostrophe's asset pipeline (which is recommended and where jQuery is initially run) you need to push the javascript files from an Apostrophe module.
The quickest path forward is to push the asset from the apostrophe-assets module which should already be in your project.
in app.js
'apostrophe-assets': {
scripts: [
name: 'yourFile'
This will load lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/js/yourFile.js
More on pushing assets to the browser here http://apostrophecms.org/docs/tutorials/getting-started/pushing-assets.html
Down the road you may want to organize front-end assets by their appropriate module instead of pushing them all in a heap, this would be a good reference
Also, what you can expect to be there when you do push javascript
Thanx a lot Stuart - that definitely pushed me in the right direction :)
However what I ended up doing to make it work was to first put the files in lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/js/ like you suggested, and then edit the lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/index.js file:
module.exports = {
stylesheets: [
name: 'site'
scripts: [
name: 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min'
name: 'sticky/jquery.sticky'
name: 'scrollto/jquery.scrollTo.min'

Question on using mustache partials with couchapp and evently

I have been evaluating couchdb for a project and am using couchapp to develop the prototype. So far all I can only say it that it is an awesome tool. I have however run across a problem (which is surely caused by ignorance of the tool) that I cannot seem to get mustache partials to work and the reason for that I believe is that evently can't find the definitions of the partials I am using.
example out of a message queue evently template (evently/queues/_change/mustache.html)
<div class="queue">{{>queue_info}}</div>
and I have a queue_info.html with something like
where do I place the "queue_info.html" so that evently would find it and insert it properly? If I put it in the same directory as mustache.html it doesn't work.
Best regards,
ok i have figured this out so I am writing to help anyone who might run into the same issue in the future:
if you have data:
{ "queue_info": { "name": "queuename", "owner": "user1" }, "messages": [...] }
and you want to render the "queue_info" part using a partial you will need to create the partial called "queue_info" (it is important that the partial is called the same as the field) and place it in a file "queue_info.html" located in the subdirectory "partials" of the evently directory you are working in).
so we have evently/queues/_change/mustache.html
<div class="queue">
<div class="message">
author: {{author}}
message: {{text}}
and evently/queues/_change/partials/queue_info.html
Queue: {{name}}
Owner: {{owner}}
when we push this couchapp to the server we get a result which cascades as expected.
Hope this helps someone :-)
