Using 3rd party jquery plugins in Apostrophe cms - node.js

In my Apostrophe cms I have a portion in the header like this (in the outerLayout.html file):
<div id="sticky-header">
In the footer I have done the following:
<script src="/thirdparty/jquery/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/thirdparty/sticky/jquery.sticky.js"></script>
I understand that apostrophe somehow includes jQuery, but if I do not include it myself I get an error in the console:
jquery.sticky.js:22 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at jquery.sticky.js:22
at jquery.sticky.js:24
I also have the following in one of the always.js files
And that generates the error:
always.js:109 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).sticky is not a function
at always.js:109
How can I solve this?

In your case, the reason you need to push your own copy of jQuery is that including files from outerLayout is running front-end javascript OUTSIDE of Apostrophe's front-end asset pipeline.
To include your 3rd party / custom javascript INSIDE Apostrophe's asset pipeline (which is recommended and where jQuery is initially run) you need to push the javascript files from an Apostrophe module.
The quickest path forward is to push the asset from the apostrophe-assets module which should already be in your project.
in app.js
'apostrophe-assets': {
scripts: [
name: 'yourFile'
This will load lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/js/yourFile.js
More on pushing assets to the browser here
Down the road you may want to organize front-end assets by their appropriate module instead of pushing them all in a heap, this would be a good reference
Also, what you can expect to be there when you do push javascript

Thanx a lot Stuart - that definitely pushed me in the right direction :)
However what I ended up doing to make it work was to first put the files in lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/js/ like you suggested, and then edit the lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/index.js file:
module.exports = {
stylesheets: [
name: 'site'
scripts: [
name: 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min'
name: 'sticky/jquery.sticky'
name: 'scrollto/jquery.scrollTo.min'


Typesetting MathJax in a string of HTML server-side

I was pretty easily able to get npm's mathjax-full working, for parsing TeX to CommonHTML:
const MathJax = await require("mathjax-full").init({
options: {
enableAssistiveMml: true
loader: {
source: {},
load: ["adaptors/liteDOM", "tex-chtml"]
tex: {
packages: ["base", "ams", "newcommand"]
chtml: {
fontURL: ""
startup: {
typeset: false
MathJax.tex2chtmlPromise("x^2-2x+1", {
display: true,
em: 16,
ex: 8
}).then((node) => {
var adaptor = MathJax.startup.adaptor;
However, unlike typeset/typesetPromise, rather than a DOM node or string of HTML, this works with the TeX directly. Of course I could parse the page myself, finding MathJax delimiters (outside of code blocks) and passing the contents to tex2chtmlPromise, but this would have the potential of bugs or differences in behavior between a client-side preview using MathJax's typeset and the server-side rendered version.
I've looked around in the internals of the liteDOM adaptor quite a bit, but can't seem to find any way of setting the innerHTML of its body, if that would be the correct approach (which would allow me to just use typesetPromise normally).
Is there a recommended way to do what I'm trying to do, namely, take some HTML, and typeset it with MathJax without parsing for the delimiters myself?
The MathJax node demos repository includes examples of how to process an HTML page that should give you what you need. There are several different ways to load and call mathJax, so there are separate directories that illustrate each of them. You are using the "simple" approach, but may also want to look at the "component" and "direct" approaches. Look for files that end in -page.
The main idea for the simple case is to use the document option in the startup section of your MathJax configuration. This allows you to provide a serialized HTML string to be used as the document to be processed. So in your case, you could change
startup: {
typeset: false
startup: {
typeset: false,
document: html
where html is the HTML string to be processed. E.g.,
html = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Document</title>
Some math: \(E = mc^2\).
If you want the same invocation of your node app to be able to process multiple pages, then you will need to use the "direct" approach, as illustrated in direct/tex2chtml-page, and do these lines for each html file you want to process. You can reuse the same output jax, but should create a new InputJax and MathDocument for each page you process.

How does the text! plugin use the baseUrl?

I'm having an issue getting the text! plugin to work in my requirejs site. It's always including lib/ in the request url, however all of the other files (not using text!) are being successfully found and loaded. Here is my directory structure:
|--Bunch of folders and files
my index.html file is:
<div id="siteLayoutContainer"></div>
<script data-main='config/config' src="lib/require.js"></script>
The config file is:
baseUrl: './',
paths: {
jquery: 'lib/jquery.js',
backbone: 'lib/backbone.js',
text: 'lib/text',
application: 'backbone/application'
text: {
env: 'xhr'
require(['application'], function(App) {
I'm using the text! plugin like so:
], function(jQuery, NotFoundHtml) {
//Some code here
So, in the above script, the url being used for the template is:
and I am expecting it to be:
I've tried the following:
Moving the text.js and require.js files out into the WebContent
directory but I get the same results. Also something interesting is
if I put a space after text! and then the path, that works fine and
doesn't include the lib/ directory in the request to get the html
template. However the optimizer includes the space and can't find the
Not defining a baseUrl - same results.
Moved the
require config.js content into index.html in it's own script tag that runs
before the require.js script tag - same results.
Getting rid of the the text options in the config file
Oh yeah, forgot I've also tried 'text!../backbone/templates/SomeTemplate.html - same results
So I'm stuck and can't figure out what I'm missing. I'm obviously not understanding how the text! plugin uses the baseUrl or how it determines the url it's going to use to fetch the defined file.
After your edits to your question, it now contains all the information to diagnose the problem. As you guessed in one of your comments, the issue is indeed that this path:
backbone: 'lib/backbone.js',
is throwing off the resolution of the template you give to the text plugin. When the text plugin loads what you give to it, it takes the path after the ! symbol and treats it as if it were a module name, and it goes through the module resolution process. The way module resolution works is that it checks if there is a prefix that matches any of the keys in paths and will change the prefix with the value associated with the key, which gives the result you obtained. One way to fix the issue would be to add this to your paths configuration:
"backbone/templates": "backbone/templates"
This will make it so that anything you request under backbone/templates won't get messed up by the backbone path.
Note: it is preferable to avoid putting extensions in module names so you should remove it from the values you have for jQuery and Backbone.

sails.js use different layout with different js libraries

I'm creating my first nodejs/sails.js project, I want to use 3 different layout for 3 different occasions:
In frontend_layout.ejs, I want to load bootstrap.css, jquery.js and
In admin_layout.ejs, I want to load bootstrap.css, angular.js and
ui-bootstrap-tpls.js(angular-ui js library).
In mobile_layout.ejs, I want to load ionic.css and ionic.bundle.js
I have created 3 folders in sailsProject/views/ which are admin_pages, mobile_pages and frontend_pages, the 3 layout.ejs files reside in each of these folders respectively, but no matter which layout I load, it always include all the css/js files in assets/js and assets/styles. I know I need to do something to pipeline.js, but how exactly? I'm not efficient at grunt, so I would really appreciate if anyone could point me which config files need to be modified and how... Thanks!
I wanted something very similar in my project, except I also wanted to take advantage of Sail's cool built-in ability to auto minimize/uglify javascript files for "sails lift --prod" in various layouts with different sets of javascript files. This answer only deals with the JS files, but you can make similar changes to support the same concept with your CSS files.
In my project I had 2 different layouts -- layout.ejs and layoutadmin.ejs. I created a new /assets/jsadmin folder which holds my admin javascript files. I left the sails existing /assets/js folder as-is to hold the javascript files for the public web pages.
My goal was for the /assets/js folder contents to be inserted between these tags (sails does this by default and these tags are used in the layout.ejs file):
While the /assets/jsadmin folder contents was to be inserted between these tags (I made up these "custom" tag names and they are used in the layoutadmin.ejs file. I will add add support for this new tag in the rest of this answer):
I created a full code sample demo of this here.
For development...
(sails lift), I modified so sails would populate my custom tags with the assets/jsadmin js files upon lifting.
I modified tasks/pipeline.js by adding a new variable called jsAdminFilesToInject which is very similar to the existing jsFilesToInject except it collects the js files from the jsAdmin folder.
var jsAdminFilesToInject = [
// Load before everything else
// Dependencies like jQuery, or Angular are brought in here
// All of the rest of your client-side js files
// will be injected here in no particular order.
Note: I also had to export this new variable at the bottom of the pipeline.js file.
module.exports.jsAdminFilesToInject = {
return '.tmp/public/' + path;
I modified tasks/config/sails-linker.js by adding a new devJsAdmin task where it looks for tags and calls the new .jsAdminFilesToInject added in the pipeline.js file above.
devJsAdmin: {
options: {
startTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN-->',
endTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN END-->',
fileTmpl: '<script src="%s"></script>',
appRoot: '.tmp/public'
files: {
'.tmp/public/**/*.html': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
'views/**/*.html': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
'views/**/*.ejs': require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject
I Added a new task step to the tasks/register/linkAssets.js file which calls the devJsAdmin added above.
To test, run sails in demo mode:
sails lift
Browse to http://localhost:1337/home - you will see it is using the layout.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom (files pulled from js folder):
<script src="/js/dependencies/"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
Browse to http://localhost:1337/admin - you will see it is using the layoutadmin.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom of the source (files pulled from jsAdmin folder):
<script src="/jsAdmin/dependencies/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="/jsAdmin/knockout-3.3.0.debug.js"></script>
For production...
(sails lift --prod), I wanted to do the same as development except I first wanted to concat and uglify the production javascript that goes in my new SCRIPTS_ADMIN tags.
I added a new jsAdmin section in the grunt tasks/config/concat.js file which pulls in the files from the previously added jsAdminFilesToInject in the pipeline.js to produce a concat/productionAdmin.js output file.
jsAdmin: {
src: require('../pipeline').jsAdminFilesToInject,
dest: '.tmp/public/concat/productionAdmin.js'
I added a new distAdmin section in the grunt tasks/config/uglify.js file which makes the concat/productionAdmin.js "ugly" by producing a new min/productionAdmin.min.js file.
distAdmin: {
src: ['.tmp/public/concat/productionAdmin.js'],
dest: '.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'
I added a new prodJSAdmin section in the tasks/config/sails-linker.js file which adds the min/productionAdmin.min.js file between the SCRIPTS_ADMIN tags.
prodJsAdmin: {
options: {
startTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN-->',
endTag: '<!--SCRIPTS_ADMIN END-->',
fileTmpl: '<script src="%s"></script>',
appRoot: '.tmp/public'
files: {
'.tmp/public/**/*.html': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'],
'views/**/*.html': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js'],
'views/**/*.ejs': ['.tmp/public/min/productionAdmin.min.js']
Finally, I called this new prodJSAdmin from the prod grunt task by adding a line in the prod.js file.
Run sails in production mode:
sails lift --prod
Browse to http://localhost:1337/home - you will see it is using the layout template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom (using production.min.js):
<script src="/min/production.min.js"></script>
Browse to http://localhost:1337/admin - you will see it is using the layoutadmin.ejs template and viewing the source will show the following at the bottom of the source (using productionAdmin.min.js):
<script src="/min/productionAdmin.min.js"></script>
By default, Sails automatically insert all your css files (assets/styles) into tags between STYLES and STYLES END and js files (assets/js) into tags between SCRIPTS and SCRIPTS END.
This is set in pipeline.js file. By default it has set to get all css files from assets/styles. You can find it in cssFilesToInject section.
You can change it as you wish. you can comment or delete it simply. (keep in mind if you want to put some css files common to every layout you can put them in here.)
Same for the js files. By default it has set to get all js files from assets/js. You can find it in jsFilesToInject section. Remove or add js files according to your requirement. You can find more information about grunt globbing patterns in here which helps to understand filtering pattern.
So easiest thing you can do now is put your layout specific files out side those tags(STYLES and SCRIPTS)
For example look following code sample,
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/some_layout_specific.css">

using EJS with requirejs

I had a problem include ejs into requirejs. I put <script data-main="js/app" src="js/require.js"></script> in my and inside of body create EJS object.
In my app.js,
paths: {
jquery: 'lib/jquery-1.11.1.min',
jquerymobile: "lib/",
text: 'text',
ejs: 'ejs_0.9_alpha_1_production'
shim: {
"ejs": {
exports: 'ejs'
require(['jquery', 'jquerymobile','text','ejs'], function ($, mobile) {
console.log('jQuery version:', $.fn.jquery); // 1.9.0
when it is running, it throws EJS is not defined error. However, if I include
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ejs_0.9_alpha_1_production.js"></script>
in the head, everything goes well.
Lately I just get through similar trouble using ejs from the browser. I post the answer as it could save somebody's time.
I suggest you double check your ejs library is indeed coming from There is quite some tuned version of ejs around right now because it is becoming very popular. Unfortunatly most of thoses versions target specific needs and return different object to the window (eg. EJS instead of ejs) or don't even return anything usefull for requirejs.
=> In both case this would expalin why your shim exports return undefined.
Once you get it to load properly, let me also spot on an awesome requirejs-ejs plugin at . It could help you preload and render your template in a nice requirejs way.

MEAN stack using jade, where to put page specific JS?

I have an app running on the MEAN stack. I am using jade for templates and was wondering where to put page specific javascript. Right now my directory looks like:
|- public
| |- js
| |- css
|- views
|- routes
|- schemas
One of my views, signup.jade, I need to include some javascript:
$(function() {
$.validator.addMethod("passwordStrength", function( value, element ) {
var result = this.optional(element) ||
/^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/.test(value) &&
/\d/.test(value) &&
if (!result) {
var validator = this;
return result;
}, "Your password must contain at least one number and one special character.");
rules: {
email: {
required: true
password: {
required: true,
passwordStrength: true,
minlength: 6
"repeat-password": {
required: true,
passwordStrength: true,
minlength: 6
Where is the best place to put this? Do I create a javascript file for each page inside of app/public/js?
If anyone has any good articles on MEAN file structure best practices as a whole those would be appreciated as well, thanks!
From my experience it is completely fine to keep script in the corresponding jade view if such script is used only once.
You can however create directory with helpers and move this script to this directory (just create a plain js file) and then add it on the page by adding a variable and set its value to the file content. It may look a little bit more clean (and allows you to apply js lint to helpers, etc) but requires a bit more work.
Here is how my code is organized. We are using angular fullstack generator by yeoman. In the image i provided, home.html is the partial view whose controller is home.js. I suggest you create a separate file for every html partial page you create. As a matter of fact, a good angular page should have user defined directives, and respective Controllers hooking scope into the directives and the directives managing the scope that has been provided. It keeps it neat/simple/beautiful. If you get a chance and can afford it, buy the ng-book. It is beautiful, else even angular's guide is amazing.
