Sequelize upsert or create without PK - node.js

I'm unable to perform any kind of upsert or create within Sequelize (v: 6.9.0, PostGres dialect).
Using out-of-the-box id as PK, with a unique constraint on the name field. I've disabled timestamps because I don't need them, and upsert was complaining about them. I've tried manually defining the PK id, and allowing Sequelize to magically create it. Here's the current definition:
const schema = {
name: {
unique: true,
allowNull: false,
type: DataTypes.STRING,
class Pet extends Model { }
Pet.define = () => Pet.init(schema, { sequelize }, { timestamps: false });
Pet.buildCreate = (params) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let options = {
defaults: params
, where: {
, returning: true
.then((instance) => {
.catch(e => {
// message:'Cannot read property 'createdAt' of undefined'
console.log(`ERROR: ${e.message || e}`);
module.exports = Pet;
Upsert code:
// handled in separate async method, including here for clarity
// later in code, after db sync
Pet.buildCreate({ name: 'Fido' });
In debugging, the options appear correct:
defaults: {
name: 'Fido'
where: {
name: 'Fido'
I've also tried findOrCreate and findCreateFind, they all return errors with variations of Cannot convert undefined or null to object.
I've tried including id: null with the params, exact same results.
The only way I've succeeded is by providing PK in the params, but that is clearly not scalable.
How can I upsert a Model instance without providing a PK id in params?

class Pet extends Model { }
// might have the id for the pet from other it petId
const aPet = Pet.findCreateFind({where: {id: petId}});
aPet.attribute1 = 'xyz';
aPet.attribute2 = 42;;


Node.JS TypeError: result.setPet is not a function

So, I'm new to Node.JS, and this project is a simple petshop, with pets table, services offered, and appointments (when a certain service is applied to a certain pet in a certain date in the future).
Appointments have a petId and serviceId, each appointment must have only one of those, but pets and services can be referenced in multiple appointments.
This project was originally made with pure MySql, with separate repositories to handle queries, later I changed it to use sequelize ORM.
I've made the basics crud operations using the rest architecture, everything ok with the services and pets methods (post, get, patch, delete), but the problem began when trying to make post method with appointments, since appointments have serviceId and petId.
const customExpress = require('./config/customExpress');
const connection = require('./infrastructure/database/connection');
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully connected to database')
const app = customExpress()
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running at port 3000'))
.catch(erro => console.log('Something went wrong while trying to synchronize to database'))
here is where the associations between tables and models are made, I think the error might be here, but can't figure out where
const Sequelize = require('sequelize')
const config = require('config')
const { applyExtraSetup } = require('../../models/extraSetup')
const sequelize = new Sequelize(
const modelDefiners = [
// it gets the models definitions and pass the above instance of sequelize to them
for (const modelDefiner of modelDefiners){
// and then make their relations with extra setup
.then(module.exports = sequelize)
the extraSetup.js, makes the relations
// it exports the things the sequelize instance must do
async function applyExtraSetup(sequelize){
const { appointments, services, pets } = sequelize.models
await appointments.belongsTo(services)
await appointments.belongsTo(pets)
await services.hasMany(appointments)
await pets.hasMany(appointments)
module.exports = { applyExtraSetup }
and this is appointment.js, a controller that handles the /appointments route and call the sequelize methods'/appointment', async (req, res) => {
const data = req.body
const pet = await Pets.findAll({ where : { name : req.body.petId }})
const service = await Service.findAll({ where : { name : req.body.serviceId }})
const appointment = Appointment.create(data)
.then(result => {
reading sequelize documentation, I saw that with this type of association, you get magic methods to handle data from the related tables, which you call from an instance of a model (setPet, getPet, and so on).
Can anyone help me?
edit, models definitions (they're together since I'm refactoring the code, but originally each one was in a separate module):
exports.appointment = (sequelize) => {
const now = new Date()
const Appointment = sequelize.define('appointments', {
client: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
creationDate: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: now
date: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
isBefore: now
status: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
observations: {
type: DataTypes.STRING
return Appointment
exports.pets = (sequelize) => {
const Pets = sequelize.define('pets', {
name : {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
image: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
return Pets
exports.service = (sequelize) => {
const Service = sequelize.define('services', {
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
price: {
type: DataTypes.FLOAT,
allowNull: false
return Service

How to access a different schema in a virtual method?

I want to write a virtual (get) method for my MongoDb collection (Parts) which needs to access a different schema: I want it to assert if a document is 'obsolete' according to a timestamp available in a different (Globals) collection:
const partsSchema = new Schema({
updatedAt: {
type: Date,
}, {
toObject: { virtuals: true },
toJSON: { virtuals: true },
partsSchema.virtual('obsolete').get(async function() {
const timestamp = await Globals.findOne({ key: 'obsolescenceTimestamp' }).exec();
return this.updatedAt < timestamp.value;
But when I do a find, I always get a {} in the obsolete field, and not a boolean value...
const p = await parts.find();
"obsolete": {},
Is there some way to accomplish my goal?
You can do this, but there are a few obstacles you need to hurdle. As #Mohammad Yaser Ahmadi points out, these getters are best suited for synchronous operations, but you can use them in the way you're using them in your example.
So let's consider what's happening here:
partsSchema.virtual('obsolete').get(async function() {
const timestamp = await Globals.findOne({ key: 'obsolescenceTimestamp' }).exec();
return this.updatedAt < timestamp.value;
Since the obsolete getter is an async function, you will always get a Promise in the obsolete field when you query your parts collection. In other words, when you do this:
const p = await parts.find();
You will get this:
"obsolete": Promise { <pending> },
So besides getting the query results for parts.find(), you also need to resolve the obsolete field to get that true or false result.
Here is how I would write your code:
partsSchema.virtual('obsolete').get(async function() {
const Globals = mongoose.model('name_of_globals_schema');
const timestamp = await Globals.findOne({ key: 'obsolescenceTimestamp' });
return this.updatedAt < timestamp.value;
Then when querying it...
parts.findOne({_id: '5f76aee6d1922877dd769da9'})
.then(async part => {
const obsolete = await part.obsolete;
console.log("If obsolete:", obsolete);

SUM column in bookshelfjs relationship

I want to sum a column in a Bookshelfjs relationship. I have my query set up as
return this.hasMany('MutualFundPortfolio').query().sum('balance');
But I am having this error TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentFk' of undefined any body has any clue how solve this? It seems Bookshelf doesn't support sum
const moment = require('moment');
const Bookshelf = require('../bookshelf');
const User = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'users',
hasTimestamps: true,
hidden: ['code', 'password'],
toJSON(...args) {
const attrs = Bookshelf.Model.prototype.toJSON.apply(this, args);
attrs.created_at = moment(this.get('created_at')).add(1, 'hour').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
attrs.updated_at = moment(this.get('updated_at')).add(1, 'hour').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
return attrs;
local_wallet() {
return this.hasMany('LocalWallet').query((qb) => {
qb.orderBy('id', 'DESC').limit(1);
mutual_fund_portfolio() {
return this.hasMany('MutualFundPortfolio').query().sum('balance');
global_wallet() {
return this.hasMany('GlobalWallet').query((qb) => {
qb.orderBy('id', 'DESC').limit(1);
local_gift_card_wallet() {
return this.hasMany('LocalGiftCardWallet').query((qb) => {
qb.orderBy('id', 'DESC').limit(1);
global_gift_card_wallet() {
return this.hasMany('GlobalGiftCardWallet').query((qb) => {
qb.orderBy('id', 'DESC').limit(1);
module.exports = Bookshelf.model('User', User);
Above is the full user model. I am then getting the value as
return User.where({ id })
.orderBy('id', 'DESC')
withRelated: [
The mutual_fund_portfolio comes out as an empty array.
hasMany performs a simple SQL join on a key. I believe the TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentFk' of undefined error refers to the fact that the table you are referencing here MutualFundPortfolio does not share a key with the table in the model you are using here.
It's not visible above sample but I'm assuming it's something like:
const User = bookshelf.model('User', {
tableName: 'users',
books() {
return this.hasMany('MutualFundPortfolio').query().sum('balance');
In my hypothetical example the users table has a primary key id column userId that is also in MutualFundPortfolio as a foreign key. My guess is that the error is because MutualFundPortfolio does not have that column/foreign key.

Rolling back resolve function from GraphQLObjectType to another

I'm currently studying GraphQL and as part of the developing process, i'm interested with modularization of my code - i do understand how to write query, but fail to understand how to correctly implement query of queries.
That is the rootQuery.js
const {
} = require("graphql");
const bankRootQuery = require('../graphql/queries/bank.queries')
const rootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "rootQuery",
fields: {
bankRootQuery: { type: bankRootQuery, resolve: () => { console.log(bankRootQuery.resolve) } }
module.exports = new GraphQLSchema({
query: rootQuery
And here is the bankRootQuery.js:
const { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInt, GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLID, GraphQLList } = require("graphql");
const BankType = require('../types/bank.type');
const models = require('../../models/models_handler');
module.exports = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "bankRootQuery",
fields: {
getbanks: {
type: new GraphQLList(BankType),
resolve: () => {
return models.getBanks()
getbankByID: {
type: BankType,
args: {
bankID: { name: "bankID", type: GraphQLInt }
resolve: (_, args) => {
if (!models.getBanks().has(args.bankID))
throw new Error(`Bank with ID ${args.bankID} doesn't exists`);
return models.getBank(args.bankID);}
Assining bankRootQuery to the scheme object instead of rootQuery works perfectly fine, but using the rootQuery yields with null result when querying using GraphiQL - The Documentation Explorer structure seems to be in proper manner, so i'm guessing the problem is with the resolve function, which i don't understand how to define correctly.
Here is the result when querying using GraphQL:
"data": {
"bankRootQuery": null
If a field resolves to null, then execution for that "branch" of the graph ends. Even if the field's type is an object type, none of the resolvers for its "children" fields will be called. Imagine if you had a field like user -- if the field resolves to null, then it makes no sense to try to resolve the user's name or email.
Your resolver for the bankRootQuery field just logs to the console. Because it doesn't have a return statement, its return value is undefined. A value of undefined is coerced into a null. Since the field resolved to null, execution halts.
If you want to return something other than null, then your resolver needs to return something -- even if it's just an empty object ({}). Then the resolvers for any "child" fields will work as expected.
In general, I would advise against nesting your queries like this -- just keep them at the root level. For additional details around how field resolution works, check out this post.

Dynamic default scopes in sequelize.js

I am building kind of multitenancy using sequelize.js. Technically I need to filter all queries by predefined column and dynamic value of the current context. General idea was to use defaultScope to filter out other contexts, something like:
var context = () => { return "some current context id"; }
connection.define('kid', {
firstName: Sequelize.STRING,
photoUrl: Sequelize.STRING,
context: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
defaultValue: context // this part works, it accepts function
}, {
defaultScope: {
where: {
context: context // this does not work, it does not accept function and values is defined only once
However this does not work because defaultScope is defined on the application start.
What is the right way to do this?
The problem is that Sequelize scopes are defined on the model but you need to apply the scope just before the query because that's when you have context such as the user and role.
Here's a slightly modified copy of the scope merge function from Sequelize which you can use in your hooks such as beforeFind()
// Feel free to write a more fp version; mutations stink.
const {assign, assignWith} = require('lodash')
const applyScope = ({scope, options}) => {
if (!scope) {
throw new Error('Invalid scope.')
if (!options) {
throw new Error('Invalid options.')
assignWith(options, scope, (objectValue, sourceValue, key) => {
if (key === 'where') {
if (Array.isArray(sourceValue)) {
return sourceValue
return assign(objectValue || {}, sourceValue)
else if (['attributes', 'include'].indexOf(key) >= 0
&& Array.isArray(objectValue)
&& Array.isArray(sourceValue)
) {
return objectValue.concat(sourceValue)
return objectValue ? objectValue : sourceValue
In your model:
hooks: {
beforeFind(options) {
// Mutates options...
scope: this.options.scopes.user(options.user)
, options
return options
, scopes: {
user(user) {
// Set the scope based on user/role.
return {
where: {
Finally in your query, set an option with the context that you need.
const user = {id: 12, role: 'admin'}
attributes: [
, where: {
status: 'enabled'
, user
I'm not sure it will help, but you can override a model default scope anytime.
let defaultScope = {
where: {
context: ""
defaultScope.where.context = context();
model.addScope('defaultScope',defaultScope,{override: true});
Maybe too late here but scopes can take arguments if defined as functions. From documentation Sequelize scope docs if the scope is defined as
scopes: {
accessLevel (value) {
return {
where: {
accessLevel: {
[Op.gte]: value
modelName: 'project'
you can use it like: Project.scope({ method: ['accessLevel', 19]}).findAll(); where 19 is the dynamic value the scope will use.
As per defaultScope I'm not sure it can be defined as a function
