Is there anyway to make web app's components do not look so small on mobile - frontend

I've made a website. It looks nice when using PC, but not good when using smartphone (Too small). Is there anyway to fix that?
Here is my website:

Did you try to add the responsive meta tag in the head element?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
Here is the background docs
I tested by open the url you provided, setting the same device size with developer tools, and adding that meta tag in the head element editing the html by hand.
Beffore adding meta tag
After adding meta tag


Chunks not saving self-closing tags. Any way to fix?

I've set up a brand new site on 2.6.5.
As per my usual practice, I set up a head chunk. However I noticed it was not saving. On experimentation I see that it is not saving self-closing tags.
For example
<title>My test page</title>
Saves fine.
<base href="[[++site_url]]">
<title>My test page</title>
Will not save.
There are no errors. I have manually cleared the cache.
I have also tried:
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
and I have tried using both a mark up plugin (Ace) and without.
Would anyone know what's going on here?
Usually it is because of mod_security. Kindly check with hosting support.
Another resource to consult, it is for MODX Revolution but server side situation would be similar and gives you clues:

Set Windows Timeline Card for Website

Is it possible for Websites to define the Image/Title - or even the whole Aadaptive Card - to be shown in the Windows Timeline when they are added by Edge.
Yes, it looks like. Not sure about all the rules - but just by reverse engineering a bit on an image I saw on my Timeline history contributed from Edge for a random page like
If you inspect the source code for that page you'll see:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:title" content="metabase/metabase" />
That corresponds to what I get rendered as background image and title on the Timeline card. The og:<something> meta properties are defined by the Open Graph protocol:

Should Partial Views contain <head> element

I encounter in some web app that some partial view that is used has head element (it loads some Jquery things).
The thing is that with that and the _layout.xml I get this wierd HTML page structure
doesn't feel right..
What's the best practice to load some .css.js to particular page? is it all done by _layout.xml and bundles?
and in general - only _layout.xml should contain head element? no other view in my solution?
You want only one head. Use layout with sections and add MVC sections in normal pages to add CSS or JScript. See here on basic section usage If you want to use partial create a helper to render section from partial see this answer Using sections in Editor/Display templates

How to “disable” zoom on a mobile web page?

I know this question has been asked many times and has different solutions, but I have a different problem.
<meta content='True' name='HandheldFriendly' />
<meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;' name='viewport' />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
If i add the above code to my aspx page, the page zooms automatically to max size. How do I fix this? With out the above code, the web page zooms only on text box focus. I have used a liquid CSS layout for my web page.
i want to answer the question but need more information.
do you want to disable zoom?
if so do you want it default zoomed in OR default zoomed out.
mobile doc type helps :
if you do not want to disable zoom let me know what you are trying to do or please link to your url.

Google Plus not reading from meta tags

Below are the meta tags I am using for Google plus
<html itemscope itemtype=" Movies Online">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Watch Movies"/>
<meta itemprop="description" content="Watch Movies Online">
<meta itemprop="image" content="" />
I see them in view source of the page. when I actually click G+ button, it is not reading the values from here. Not able to figure out what I am missing.. Pls suggest me...
The itemtype that you've specified does not appear to be a valid one. Please note that you can only use types specified by Please change the type to a valid one and try again.
Apart from that, it would be good if you can specify the URL of your site where it's not working. Furthermore, you can use the Google Rich Snippets testing tool to test your site. This might help tracking down the problem you're having.
You have to add the following snippet at the top of the document or add to your definition:
<html itemscope itemtype="**yourschematypegoeshere**">
Where you replace "yourschematypegoeshere" with one of these,
