Google Plus not reading from meta tags - meta-tags

Below are the meta tags I am using for Google plus
<html itemscope itemtype=" Movies Online">
<meta itemprop="name" content="Watch Movies"/>
<meta itemprop="description" content="Watch Movies Online">
<meta itemprop="image" content="" />
I see them in view source of the page. when I actually click G+ button, it is not reading the values from here. Not able to figure out what I am missing.. Pls suggest me...

The itemtype that you've specified does not appear to be a valid one. Please note that you can only use types specified by Please change the type to a valid one and try again.
Apart from that, it would be good if you can specify the URL of your site where it's not working. Furthermore, you can use the Google Rich Snippets testing tool to test your site. This might help tracking down the problem you're having.

You have to add the following snippet at the top of the document or add to your definition:
<html itemscope itemtype="**yourschematypegoeshere**">
Where you replace "yourschematypegoeshere" with one of these,


Is there anyway to make web app's components do not look so small on mobile

I've made a website. It looks nice when using PC, but not good when using smartphone (Too small). Is there anyway to fix that?
Here is my website:
Did you try to add the responsive meta tag in the head element?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
Here is the background docs
I tested by open the url you provided, setting the same device size with developer tools, and adding that meta tag in the head element editing the html by hand.
Beffore adding meta tag
After adding meta tag

Chunks not saving self-closing tags. Any way to fix?

I've set up a brand new site on 2.6.5.
As per my usual practice, I set up a head chunk. However I noticed it was not saving. On experimentation I see that it is not saving self-closing tags.
For example
<title>My test page</title>
Saves fine.
<base href="[[++site_url]]">
<title>My test page</title>
Will not save.
There are no errors. I have manually cleared the cache.
I have also tried:
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
and I have tried using both a mark up plugin (Ace) and without.
Would anyone know what's going on here?
Usually it is because of mod_security. Kindly check with hosting support.
Another resource to consult, it is for MODX Revolution but server side situation would be similar and gives you clues:

Kentico meta data information

Using a Head HTML code webpart, i'm adding OG meta data:
<meta property="og:title" content="{% CurrentDocument.DocumentName #%}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="{% CurrentDocument.AbsoluteURL #%}" />
<meta property="og:description" content="{% StripTags(CurrentDocument.Summary) #%}" />
How would i then change the current title and standard description tag?
On your parent page for example /blog set the page title and description under Properties>Metadata using a macro. Then on the sub-pages let it automatically inherit that content. Take a look at this macro for the page description:
{% if(CurrentDocument.ClassName == "cms.blogpost"){BlogPostSummary}else{"Kentico MVP Brenden Kehren talks about Kentico how tos, provides code samples and education and just life in general."} #%}
What's happening here is the macro is checking the current page's class and if it's a blog post, then it uses the BlogPostSummary field and sets the description using that, otherwise if it's a blog or blog month, it uses the other text.
There should be no need to manually set those on each page unless you really have crazy SEO requirements. Even if so, you can create fields in your page type for those and still dynamically set them vs. manually set each one under metadata.
Are you looking for changing title and description HTML tags by a web part or just configuring it for some page?
If you just want to configure title and description of the HTML page then you can just select the document in the Pages application and then go to Properties -> Metadata. Documentation for that is here
If you are looking to somehow change the title and description by a web part then you would actually need to develop a custom web part and access the current page title of the page in code behind. Something like this works.
Even using the selected item transformation, transformatted item is a page from your content tree and as such has the Properties -> Metadata section. Moreover, titles and descriptions are inherited by default so you can just change or odd macros to their parent and it changes the title and description for pages in your selected transformation.

Google to find my page in english and another language

It is a little nooby question but i cannot find anywhere a good simple explanation to my question.
So Google inter alia finds your page based on the keywords and description of the page. right?
My firm is located in Italy and have clients all over the world.
So we would like that the page is more visible on google by updating the description and keywords.
Right now, the description of the page is in english. I would like to write two description (italian and english). I was thinking to use something like that:
<meta name="Description" lang="ENG" content="content" />
<meta name="Description" lang="ITA" content="contenuto" />
I read that this practice is not the best. Is there a better way to do it, or, it doesn't have any importance to have two description of the page?
Also the keywords are in english and italian. Is important that the keywords are in both languages or does google (when searching for your page) use some kind of translate function where searching?
Thanks for any explanation..
You can add several meta-description elements with content in different languages by using the lang attribute. The value of the lang attribute must be a BCP 47 language tag.
For English, it is "en" (not "ENG"), and for Italian it is "it" (not "ITA").
<meta name="description" lang="en" content="">
<meta name="description" lang="it" content="">
(Asking how search engine services handle this is off-topic on Stack Overflow. You might ask it on Webmasters SE.)

Thumbnail with the like button in my website

I used the iframe to add the like button to my website
and after read many questions/answer related with my issue I add to the HEAD:
<meta property="og:image"
<meta property="og:title" content="EL SUR TAMBIEN ES AMERICA"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://elsuresamerica.weebly.COM/"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
I debugged it and get:
"More Than One OG URL Specified:
Object at URL (my web site) of type 'website' is invalid because it specifies multiple 'og:url' values: (my web site), (my web site)"
I don't understand what that means. I am not a developer, just a writer and I'm getting crazy with this. Please I need help to show a thumbnail in FB when the like button is clicked.
If that is the original code, I'd first see if it is because the 1st meta tag is not closed ;-) Try adding /> to the end of the 1st line
