I want to get job status information of CSV imports in NetSuite by using SuiteScript. for this I used
type: search.Type.JOB_STATUS,
filters: null,
columns: ['internalid']
But I think I am using wrong search.
You need the csv import ID,
If you are using suitecript
create your import
var scriptTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.CSV_IMPORT});
scriptTask.mappingId = 201; //Id for you saved import for example
var file = file.load({id: fileId});
scriptTask.importFile = file;
var csvImportTaskId = scriptTask.submit(); //Here you get de CSV Import Id
After you get the csvimport id you can query the status:
var csvTaskStatus = task.checkStatus({
taskId: csvImportTaskId
if (csvTaskStatus.status === task.TaskStatus.FAILED) // you code goes here
This is the status that you will get
If you query the status right after you submit the csv Import you will always get pending status, you shoud wait some time csv import gets into a queue and it takes time to start processi
I am trying to get readable date from Timestamp data type in my firestore database.
for (var ticketDoc of ticketsSnapshot.docs) {
var timeStamp = await ticketDoc.data().TimePreferred;
var time = new Date(timeStamp).toDate();
ticketDoc.data().TimePreferred = time;
I read the question about a similar problem at :
How do I convert a Firestore date/Timestamp to a JS Date()?
so, i tried to do same and i expect the output of readable date, although it gives me the correct result in
but also it gives me an error. Console output as follow :-
TypeError: (intermediate value).toDate is not a function
Not : I am trying to get readable date in postman
I don't know why this timestamp object doesn't have the .toDate() extension, but if it has the 'seconds' and 'nanoseconds' properties, you can turn it to a JS Data with
Change the following line:
var time = new Date(timeStamp).toDate();
into this:
var time = new Date(timeStamp).toDateString();
From the docs:
A string representing the date portion of the given Date object in human readable form in American English.
You can try in the following way
{{ formatDate(new Date(data.seconds*1000)) }}
You can use the format date function to display in desired format.
import moment from "moment";
format_date(value) {
if (value) {
return moment(String(value)).format("DD/MM/YYYY");
Have you tried changing this to
var time = (new Date(timeStamp)).toDateString();
If the TimePreferred field in your document is a Timestamp, you can get a valid Date object from it by simply calling toDate() on it.
for (var ticketDoc of ticketsSnapshot.docs) {
var date = ticketDoc.data().TimePreferred.toDate();
None of these calls are asynchronous or returning a promise, so you don't need await.
From reasons that I don't know, it doesn't work at times, so a safer option would be to use the seconds and nanoseconds attributes found in the timestamp to convert it to date as follows:
const date = new Date(timestamp.seconds*1000 + timestamp.nanoseconds/100000)
// construct the date from the absolute time in milliseconds
1 second = 1000 ms
1 nanosecond = 10^-6 ms
You have to first make sure that the timestamp object is truly of type Timestamp.
to do this, after you get the Timestamp from Firebase, create the Timestamp object:
const timestampObject: Timestamp = !!timeStamp
? new Timestamp(timeStamp.seconds, timeStamp.nanoseconds)
: null;
For Angular
import { Location, DatePipe } from '#angular/common';
public datepipe: DatePipe
) { }
const dayAsTimestamp = your_Timestamp_value;
const dayAsDate = new Date(dayAsTimestamp.seconds * 1000);
const dayAsString = this.datepipe.transform(dayAsDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy');
I am using azure search in my project.I just want to show only starts with query data in my autocomplete field.Example ; when user writes 'advert' on the autocomplete field it also shows 'Addresable Advertising' as suggestion.Here is my code below :
var response = await indexClient.Documents.SearchAsync<Model>
(s+"*", new SearchParameters() { Top = size, Skip = page * size, Filter = "IsVerified eq true" });
I have a userevent script to change the Field in Contract record from PO record. The Script is running fine. But whenever I edit a contract record and try to submit it : It throws the error "Another user has updated this record since you began editing it. Please close the record and open it again to make your changes".
May I know the reason behind this ?
Description : Whenever the PO vendor is changed(due to Split vendor) that should replace the same in Contract page record automatically.
Script type : User Event Script
Script id : customscript452
Version : 1.0
Applied to : Contract
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
if(stRecordid== undefined || stRecordid== null || stRecordid==' ')
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); //returns the contract record type = jobs
var stRecord = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid);
nlapiLogExecution('debug','Load Object',stRecord);
var stContractID = stRecord.getFieldValue('entityid'); //returns the value of the field contractid whose fieldid is = entityid
var stCompanyName = stRecord.getFieldValue('companyname'); //returns the value of the field company name whose fieldid is = companyname
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
var arrFilters = new Array(); // This is Array Filters all the Purchase Order Record Search
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); //This is to exclude line level results
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stRecordid)); //This is Filters in Contracts Search
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('entity')); //This is Search Column Field in Records
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('purchaseorder', null, arrFilters, arrColumns); //This is Filters in Search Result Purchase Order
if(arrSearchresults== undefined || arrSearchresults== null || arrSearchresults==' ')
var length = arrSearchresults.length;
if(length== undefined || length== null || length==' ')
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('entity'); //This is Value are Get Purchase Order Records and Field for Vendor = entity
//var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid, stCntrctName);
if (stCntrctName =='custentityranking_vendor_name')
var stChangeName = stRecord.setFieldValue('custentityranking_vendor_name', stCntrctName); //This is Value are the Set in Main Vendor Field = custentityranking_vendor_name
nlapiSubmitRecord(stRecord, null, null); // Submit the Field Value in Record Type
The User Event script executes as the Contract record is being saved to the database. At the same time, you are loading a second copy of the record from the database and trying to submit the copy as well. This is causing the error you're seeing.
You fix this by just using nlapiSetFieldValue to set the appropriate field on the Contract.
I might also recommend getting more familiar with JavaScript by going through the JavaScript Guide over at MDN. In particular, take a look at the Boolean description so that you know how JavaScript evaluates Boolean expressions. This will help you greatly reduce the amount of code you've written here, as many of your conditionals are unnecessary.
What userevent do you have? It is happening depending on what type of user event and API you are using. Looking at your code, you are trying to load contract record that is already updated at the database. So you might consider below to address your issue. Hope, it helps.
If it is a before submit, you don't need to load the record where the script is deployed.
Just use nlapiGet* and nlapiSet* to get and set values. You also don't need to use nlapiSubmitRecord to reflect the change. With before submit, it executes before the record is being saved to the database. So your changes will still be reflected.
Then if it is after submit, it will be executed after the record has been saved to the database, Thus you might use the following API depending on your needs. Actually, this is the best practice to make sure the solution .
nlapiGetNewRecord - only use this if the script only needs to retrieve info from header and sublists. And nothing to set.
nlapiLookupField - use this if the script only needs to get value/s at the header and nothing from the line.
nlapiSubmitField - the script don't need to load and submit record if the changes only on header. Just use this API.
nlapiLoadRecord and nlapiSubmitRecord- use the former if the script will have changes at the line and then use the latter api to commit it on the database.
Being a user event script code, The code you showed is very not good considering performance.
Here is the sample you can merge
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
// Every record has an internal id associated with it. No need to add condition explicitly to check if its null
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType();
var fields = ['entityid','companyname'];
var columns = nlapiLookupField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, fields);
var stContractID = columns.entityid;
var stCompanyName = columns.companyname;
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
//your code of search
//you can improve that code also by using nlapilook up
nlapiSubmitField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, 'custentityranking_vendor_name', 'name to be updated');
I want to do incremental search using lucene.I have got white space inbetween words.
Say "India today" .My search query returns
India today
Today india time
Today time India
I want the search to result such as "India today%" in sql.
But this is not happening. I tried using phrase query but that works for exact search.My stored data is NOT_ANALYZED so that i can search with space.
KeywordAnalyzer analyzer = new KeywordAnalyzer ();
PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery();
pq.add(new Term("name", "MR DANIEL KELLEHER"));
int hitsPerPage = 1000;
IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(index);
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(hitsPerPage, true);
searcher.search(pq, collector);
I am not able to get like query which has space inbetween.I have referred many articles on net and stackoverflow as well but not getting solution.
package org.lucenesample;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Query;
import org.apache.lucene.*;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.*;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.*;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.std31.*;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.*;
import org.apache.lucene.collation.*;
import org.apache.lucene.document.*;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store;
import org.apache.lucene.index.*;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength;
import org.apache.lucene.messages.*;
import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.function.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.payloads.*;
import org.apache.lucene.search.spans.*;
import org.apache.lucene.store.*;
import org.apache.lucene.util.*;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.*;
import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class ExactPhrasesearchUsingStandardAnalyser {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Directory directory = new RAMDirectory();
StandardAnalyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_35);
MaxFieldLength mlf = MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED;
IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true, mlf);
writer.addDocument(createDocument1("1", "foo bar baz blue"));
writer.addDocument(createDocument1("2", "red green blue"));
writer.addDocument(createDocument1("3", "test panda foo & bar testt"));
writer.addDocument(createDocument1("4", " bar test test foo in panda red blue "));
writer.addDocument(createDocument1("4", "test"));
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
PhraseQuery query = new PhraseQuery();
QueryParser qp2 = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_35, "contents", analyzer);
Query queryx2 =qp2.parse("test foo in panda re*");//contains query
Query queryx23 =qp2.parse("+red +green +blu*" );//exact phrase match query.Make last word as followed by star
Query queryx234 =qp2.parse("(+red +green +blu*)& (\"red* green\") " );
/*String term = "new york";
// id and location are the fields in which i want to search the "term"
MultiFieldQueryParser queryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(
{ "contents"},
new KeywordAnalyzer());
Query query = queryParser.parse(term);
QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_35, "contents", analyzer);
Query queryx =qp.parse("\"air quality\"~10");
System.out.println("******************Searching Code starts******************");
TopDocs topDocs = searcher.search(queryx2, 10);
for (ScoreDoc scoreDoc : topDocs.scoreDocs) {
Document doc = searcher.doc(scoreDoc.doc);
private static Document createDocument1(String id, String content) {
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new Field("id", id, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED));
doc.add(new Field("contents", content, Store.YES, Index.ANALYZED,
return doc;
I tried this way.I can search for contains format .But i am not able to get the starts with option so that when user presses "India to" then "India tomorrow" and "india today" results also appear.I am able to get near to it when i do "+india* +to*" But this results "Indians today" as well .I am not able to get search results till user types complete "today" .Basically i want phrase query "\"india today\" to work.
For an analyzed field, one way is to use a MultiPhraseQuery with the prefix terms already enumerated:
<MultiPhraseQuery: field:"india (today todays)">
Alternatively a SpanQuery could be used, the advantage being it will handle the term expansion.
<SpanNearQuery: spanNear([field:india, SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper(field:today*)], 0, true)>
We have CRM 2011 on premise. The Contact entity was customized to use a lookup to a custom entity Country instead of just a text field. When creating a new Contact we would like the country field to be set to Canada by default. I have the following function that does that:
function SetDefaultCountryCode(countryFieldId) {
var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}";
var countryControl = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldId);
// only attempt the code if the control exists on the form
if (countryControl != null) {
var currentCountry = countryControl.getValue();
// if country is not specified, then set it to the default one (Canada)
if (currentCountry == null) {
var defaultCountry = new Object();
defaultCountry.entityType = "cga_country";
defaultCountry.id = _canadaId;
defaultCountry.name = "Canada";
var countryLookupValue = new Array();
countryLookupValue[0] = defaultCountry;
On the form OnLoad I invoke the function like that:
// set Country fields to Canada if not set
We have two servers - DEV and TEST. This JScript works fine in DEV. When I run it in TEST it does not work because the Canada in TEST has different id (GUID) - when I create it manually. I was hoping I could export the Country entity values from DEV and import them in TEST preserving their GUIDs. Unfortunately this did not work. I export the data to Excel file and it has the GUIDs of the countries. I also delete any existing Country records in TEST before importing. When I try to import it the import succeeds but does not create any records. If I add a new row in the excel file without specifing a Guid it will import it. It seems to me the import functionality was not meant to preserve the GUIDs of the records. But this also means my script will not work because it depends on the GUIDs.
I have two questions here:
Is it possible to export / import entity data preserving the GUIDs ?
If I cannot have the same GUIDs in DEV and TEST how I can make the JScript to work properly?
Thank you in advance for any help / feedback.
It's very bad practice to hard code your GUIDs and you discovered the problems of it.
As you stated above, we cannot have the same GUIDs but we have the same name. So, we have to query the name of the country using JScript and jQuery to retrieve the GUID.
In order to retireve information from client-side (or Entity Form):
We will use/consume REST Endpoint (testing in browser).
Upload jQuery lib.
Upload Json2 lib.
Use the AJAX function from the jQuery library.
Define your entity, columns and criteria.
Lets, look for querying REST Endpoint.
http://yourHostName/yourOrg/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/new_CountrytSet?$select=new_Name,new_CountryId&$filter=new_Name eq 'Canada'
Take this URL, subsitute your actual values and paste it into your browser, you'll find that the response is returned in XML format. If there is any error, please ensure that the Entity name and its attribute are case senisitve.
After seeing your your results, we are going to call this URL using an AJAX call.
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
url: 'http://yourHostName/yourOrg/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/new_CountrytSet?$select=new_Name,new_CountryId&$filter=new_Name eq 'Canada'',
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
//Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
success: function (data) {
if (data.d && data.d.results) {
//var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}"; no longer be used
var _canadaId = data.d.results[0].ContactId;
// now we have the GUID of Canada, now I can continue my process
error: function (XmlHttpRequest) {
alert("Error : " + XmlHttpRequest.status + ": " + XmlHttpRequest.statusText + ": " + JSON.parse(XmlHttpRequest.responseText).error.message.value);
But before you copy the code to your form, you have to download the jQuery lib from here
Then upload it as a Web resource, add this web resource to the Form load libs.
Here is the complete code to be put in the form load event handler:
var context = GetGlobalContext();
// retireve the invoice record id (Opened Form)
var invoiceId = context.getQueryStringParameters().id;
var customerId;
//Retrieve the server url, which differs on-premise from on-line and
//shouldn't be hard-coded.
// this will return something like http://yourHostName/yourOrg
var serverUrl = context.getServerUrl();
//The XRM OData end-point
var ODATA_ENDPOINT = "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
var odataUri = serverUrl + ODATA_ENDPOINT;
function SetDefaultCountryCode(countryFieldId, odataUri) {
odataUri = odataUri + '/ContactSet?$select=ContactId,FullName&$filter=FullName eq \'Ahmed Shawki\'';
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
url: odataUri,
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
//Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
success: function (data) {
if (data.d && data.d.results) {
//var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}"; no longer be used
var _canadaId = data.d.results[0].ContactId;
var countryControl = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldId);
// only attempt the code if the control exists on the form
if (countryControl != null) {
var currentCountry = countryControl.getValue();
// if country is not specified, then set it to the default one (Canada)
if (currentCountry == null) {
var defaultCountry = new Object();
defaultCountry.entityType = "cga_country";
defaultCountry.id = _canadaId;
defaultCountry.name = "Canada";
var countryLookupValue = new Array();
countryLookupValue[0] = defaultCountry;
error: function (XmlHttpRequest) {
alert("Error : " + XmlHttpRequest.status + ": " + XmlHttpRequest.statusText + ": " + JSON.parse(XmlHttpRequest.responseText).error.message.value);
One more thing, don't forget to check "Pass execution context as first parameter" box on the form properties.
EDIT: Beside adding the jQuery library into the form load event handler, add the Json2 lib as a web resource.
For more information about the REST Endpoint.
It is indeed possible to export and import records along with their guids, just not natively. You'd have to build an app that would export the data for you, then create identical records through the CRM API in the target environment. You just have to clear out fields that aren't valid for create (createdon, statecode, etc.) and just specify the same Guid. CRM will then create the record with that Guid.
The old 4.0 Configuration Data Tool does this. I can't recall if it works against a 2011 org, but it could be a starting point.