CRM 2011 - setting a default value with JScript - dynamics-crm-2011

We have CRM 2011 on premise. The Contact entity was customized to use a lookup to a custom entity Country instead of just a text field. When creating a new Contact we would like the country field to be set to Canada by default. I have the following function that does that:
function SetDefaultCountryCode(countryFieldId) {
var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}";
var countryControl = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldId);
// only attempt the code if the control exists on the form
if (countryControl != null) {
var currentCountry = countryControl.getValue();
// if country is not specified, then set it to the default one (Canada)
if (currentCountry == null) {
var defaultCountry = new Object();
defaultCountry.entityType = "cga_country"; = _canadaId; = "Canada";
var countryLookupValue = new Array();
countryLookupValue[0] = defaultCountry;
On the form OnLoad I invoke the function like that:
// set Country fields to Canada if not set
We have two servers - DEV and TEST. This JScript works fine in DEV. When I run it in TEST it does not work because the Canada in TEST has different id (GUID) - when I create it manually. I was hoping I could export the Country entity values from DEV and import them in TEST preserving their GUIDs. Unfortunately this did not work. I export the data to Excel file and it has the GUIDs of the countries. I also delete any existing Country records in TEST before importing. When I try to import it the import succeeds but does not create any records. If I add a new row in the excel file without specifing a Guid it will import it. It seems to me the import functionality was not meant to preserve the GUIDs of the records. But this also means my script will not work because it depends on the GUIDs.
I have two questions here:
Is it possible to export / import entity data preserving the GUIDs ?
If I cannot have the same GUIDs in DEV and TEST how I can make the JScript to work properly?
Thank you in advance for any help / feedback.

It's very bad practice to hard code your GUIDs and you discovered the problems of it.
As you stated above, we cannot have the same GUIDs but we have the same name. So, we have to query the name of the country using JScript and jQuery to retrieve the GUID.
In order to retireve information from client-side (or Entity Form):
We will use/consume REST Endpoint (testing in browser).
Upload jQuery lib.
Upload Json2 lib.
Use the AJAX function from the jQuery library.
Define your entity, columns and criteria.
Lets, look for querying REST Endpoint.
http://yourHostName/yourOrg/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/new_CountrytSet?$select=new_Name,new_CountryId&$filter=new_Name eq 'Canada'
Take this URL, subsitute your actual values and paste it into your browser, you'll find that the response is returned in XML format. If there is any error, please ensure that the Entity name and its attribute are case senisitve.
After seeing your your results, we are going to call this URL using an AJAX call.
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
url: 'http://yourHostName/yourOrg/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/new_CountrytSet?$select=new_Name,new_CountryId&$filter=new_Name eq 'Canada'',
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
//Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
success: function (data) {
if (data.d && data.d.results) {
//var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}"; no longer be used
var _canadaId = data.d.results[0].ContactId;
// now we have the GUID of Canada, now I can continue my process
error: function (XmlHttpRequest) {
alert("Error : " + XmlHttpRequest.status + ": " + XmlHttpRequest.statusText + ": " + JSON.parse(XmlHttpRequest.responseText).error.message.value);
But before you copy the code to your form, you have to download the jQuery lib from here
Then upload it as a Web resource, add this web resource to the Form load libs.
Here is the complete code to be put in the form load event handler:
var context = GetGlobalContext();
// retireve the invoice record id (Opened Form)
var invoiceId = context.getQueryStringParameters().id;
var customerId;
//Retrieve the server url, which differs on-premise from on-line and
//shouldn't be hard-coded.
// this will return something like http://yourHostName/yourOrg
var serverUrl = context.getServerUrl();
//The XRM OData end-point
var ODATA_ENDPOINT = "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
var odataUri = serverUrl + ODATA_ENDPOINT;
function SetDefaultCountryCode(countryFieldId, odataUri) {
odataUri = odataUri + '/ContactSet?$select=ContactId,FullName&$filter=FullName eq \'Ahmed Shawki\'';
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
url: odataUri,
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
//Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
success: function (data) {
if (data.d && data.d.results) {
//var _canadaId = "{FC167B4D-1C3B-E111-8904-F2EA3FE25706}"; no longer be used
var _canadaId = data.d.results[0].ContactId;
var countryControl = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countryFieldId);
// only attempt the code if the control exists on the form
if (countryControl != null) {
var currentCountry = countryControl.getValue();
// if country is not specified, then set it to the default one (Canada)
if (currentCountry == null) {
var defaultCountry = new Object();
defaultCountry.entityType = "cga_country"; = _canadaId; = "Canada";
var countryLookupValue = new Array();
countryLookupValue[0] = defaultCountry;
error: function (XmlHttpRequest) {
alert("Error : " + XmlHttpRequest.status + ": " + XmlHttpRequest.statusText + ": " + JSON.parse(XmlHttpRequest.responseText).error.message.value);
One more thing, don't forget to check "Pass execution context as first parameter" box on the form properties.
EDIT: Beside adding the jQuery library into the form load event handler, add the Json2 lib as a web resource.
For more information about the REST Endpoint.

It is indeed possible to export and import records along with their guids, just not natively. You'd have to build an app that would export the data for you, then create identical records through the CRM API in the target environment. You just have to clear out fields that aren't valid for create (createdon, statecode, etc.) and just specify the same Guid. CRM will then create the record with that Guid.
The old 4.0 Configuration Data Tool does this. I can't recall if it works against a 2011 org, but it could be a starting point.


How to get a list of internal id in netsuite

Is there a proper way to get a list of all internal id in a Netsuite Record?
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 1249);
var string = JSON.stringify(record);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'string ', string );
I can get most of the id using json string but i am looking for a proper way. It prints all the data including internal id. Is there any Api or any other way ?
I actually developed a Chrome extension that displays this information in a convenient pop-up.
I ran into the same issue of nlobjRecord not stringifying properly, and what I ended up doing was manually requesting and parsing the same AJAX page NS uses internally when you call nlapiLoadRecord()
var id = nlapiGetRecordId();
var type = nlapiGetRecordType();
var url = '/app/common/scripting/';
var payload = '<nlapiRequest type="nlapiLoadRecord" id="' + id + '" recordType="' + type + '"/>';
var response = nlapiRequestURL(url, payload);
nlapiLogExecution('debug', response.getBody());
You can have a look at the full source code on GitHub
The getAllFields() function will return an array of all field names, standard and custom, for a given record.
var customer = nlapiLoadRecord('customer', 5069);
var fields = customer.getAllFields();
fields.forEach(function(field) {
nlapiLogExecution('debug', field);

UI Router query parameters and multiple states

I've been trying to get my head around query parameters with UI Router and think I have finally figured out why I'm having such a hard time with it. I'm building a small search app that has 2 states:
.state('home', {
url: '/',
.state('search', {
url: '/search',
The home state has its own template (view) and so does the search state. They share the same controller. Basically all home state does is provide a search box to enter your search query or choose from autocomplete.
Once you have submitted your search query it goes to the search state via
I've tried many ways to get the user's search term(s) in the url on the search page using UI Router's query parameter syntax in the url: '/search?q' combined with $stateParams in the controller set as
vm.searchTerms = $stateParams.q || '';
I had switched it to $state.params.q but that didn't fix it.
I have successfully been able to get the query parameters in the url, however, when I do, it breaks search functionality. The autocomplete and query parameters work and display, but search function stops.
However, I think I finally understand why its not working the way I'd like it to. I believe it has to do with the fact that I'm using 2 states and not one parent state with a nested child state and that the templates are not nested - so $scope doesn't inherit. I'm getting close to this working... it transitions from the home state to the search state displaying query parameters in the search state's url... its simply that search breaks, but autocomplete and query parameters are working.
What I'm trying to achieve is to have the user enter search terms from the home state and then have results display in the search state along with query parameters in the url. Is there anything I need to do with home state or search state that I'm not doing?
Is there anything in my search() in my controller that could be the problem
//search() = function() {
//$state.go('search', {q: vm.searchTerms});
console.log('success - search');
vm.currentPage = 1;
vm.results.documents = [];
vm.isSearching = true;
return, vm.currentPage)
.then(function(es_return) {
console.log('success - return');
var totalItems =;
var totalTime = es_return.took;
var numPages = Math.ceil( / vm.itemsPerPage);
vm.results.pagination = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
console.log('success - for');
vm.results.totalItems = totalItems;
vm.results.queryTime = totalTime;
vm.results.pagination = coreService.formatResults(es_return.hits.hits);
vm.results.documents = vm.results.pagination.slice(vm.currentPage, vm.itemsPerPage);
console.log('success - documents');
vm.noResults = true;
console.log('ERROR: ', error.message);
vm.isSearching = false;
console.log('success - captureQuery');
You can add a parameter to your URL in two ways, use colon:
'url': '/search/:query'
or curly braces:
'url': '/search/{query}'
Then you can use the go method of $state with parameter to transition:
$state.go('search', {'query', 'foobar'});
You can access the parameter's value from your controller by using the params member of your $state object:
or directly from the $stateParams object:

Reconstructing an ODataQueryOptions object and GetInlineCount returning null

In an odata webapi call which returns a PageResult I extract the requestUri from the method parameter, manipulate the filter terms and then construct a new ODataQueryOptions object using the new uri.
(The PageResult methodology is based on this post: )
Here is the raw inbound uri which includes %24inlinecount=allpages
Everything works fine in terms of the data returned except Request.GetInLineCount returns null.
This 'kills' paging on the client side as the client ui elements don't know the total number of records.
There must be something wrong with how I'm constructing the new ODataQueryOptions object.
Please see my code below. Any help would be appreciated.
I suspect this post may contain some clues but I'm stumped.
public PageResult<OrderVm> Get(ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm> options)
var incomingUri = options.Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri;
//manipulate the uri here to suit the entity model
//(related to a transformation needed for enumerable type OrderStatusId )
//e.g. the query string may include %24filter=OrderStatusName+eq+'Started'
//I manipulate this to %24filter=OrderStatusId+eq+'Started'
ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm> options2;
var newUri = incomingUri; //pretend it was manipulated as above
//Reconstruct the ODataQueryOptions with the modified Uri
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, newUri);
//construct a new options object using the new request object
options2 = new ODataQueryOptions<OrderVm>(options.Context, request);
//Extract a queryable from the repository. contents is an IQueryable<Order>
var contents = _unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(null, o => o.OrderByDescending(c => c.OrderId), "");
//project it onto the view model to be used in a grid for display purposes
//the following projections etc work fine and do not interfere with GetInlineCount if
//I avoid the step of constructing and using a new options object
var ds = contents.Select(o => new OrderVm
OrderId = o.OrderId,
OrderCode = o.OrderCode,
CustomerId = o.CustomerId,
AmountCharged = o.AmountCharged,
CustomerName = o.Customer.FirstName + " " + o.Customer.LastName,
Donation = o.Donation,
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
OrderStatusId = o.StatusId,
OrderStatusName = ""
//note the use of 'options2' here replacing the original 'options'
var settings = new ODataQuerySettings()
PageSize = options2.Top != null ? options2.Top.Value : 5
//apply the odata transformation
//note the use of 'options2' here replacing the original 'options'
IQueryable results = options2.ApplyTo(ds, settings);
//Update the field containing the string representation of the enum
foreach (OrderVm row in results)
row.OrderStatusName = row.OrderStatusId.ToString();
//get the total number of records in the result set
var count = Request.GetInlineCount();
//create the PageResult object
var pr = new PageResult<OrderVm>(
results as IEnumerable<OrderVm>,
return pr;
So the corrected code should read
//create the PageResult object
var pr = new PageResult<OrderVm>(
results as IEnumerable<OrderVm>,
return pr;
Avoided the need for a string transformation of the enum in the controller method by applying a Json transformation to the OrderStatusId property (an enum) of the OrderVm class
public OrderStatus OrderStatusId { get; set; }
This does away with the foreach loop.
InlineCount would be present only when the client asks for it through the $inlinecount query option.
In your modify uri logic add the query option $inlinecount=allpages if it is not already present.
Also, there is a minor bug in your code. The new ODataQueryOptions you are creating uses a new request where as in the GetInlineCount call, you are using the old Request. They are not the same.
It should be,
var count = request.GetInlineCount(); // use the new request that your created, as that is what you applied the query to.

Sharepoint 2010 list creation using ecmascript

i am new to ECMAScript and share point development, i have small requirement i need to create one list using ECMAScript and while creation it has to check whether the list already exists in the site ,if list doesn't exist new list has to create.
You can use SPServices with "GetListCollection" to find all the lists in a Sharepoint, and then use "AddList" to create it.
Something like:
var myList="My List Test"; // the name of your list
var listExists=false;
operation: "GetListCollection",
async: true,
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
// go through the result
$(xData.responseXML).find('List').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr("Title") == myList) { listExists=true; return false }
// if the list doesn't exist
if (!listExists) {
// see the MSDN documentation available from the SPService website
operation: "AddList",
async: true,
description:"My description",
Make sure to read the website correctly, and especially the FAQ. You'll need to include jQuery and then SPServices in your code.
You could utilize JSOM or SOAP Services for that purpose, below is demonstrated JSOM solution.
How to create a List using JSOM in SharePoint 2010
function createList(siteUrl,listTitle,listTemplateType,success,error) {
var context = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
var web = context.get_web();
var listCreationInfo = new SP.ListCreationInformation();
var list = web.get_lists().add(listCreationInfo);
How to determine whether list exists in Web
Unfortunately JSOM API does not contains any "built-in" methods to determine whether list exists or not, but you could use the following approach.
One solution would be to load Web object with lists collection and then iterate through list collection to find a specific list:
context.load(web, 'Lists');
The following example demonstrates how to determine whether List exist via JSOM:
function listExists(siteUrl,listTitle,success,error) {
var context = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
var web = context.get_web();
var lists = web.get_lists();
var listExists = false;
var e = lists.getEnumerator();
while (e.moveNext()) {
var list = e.get_current();
if(list.get_title() == listTitle) {
listExists = true;
var webUrl = '';
var listTitle = 'Toolbox Links';
function(listFound) {
console.log('List ' + list.get_title() + ' has been created succesfully');
function(sender, args) {
console.log('Error:' + args.get_message());
else {
console.log('List with title ' + listTitle + ' already exists');
How to: Complete basic operations using JavaScript library code in SharePoint 2013

Retrieving all Documents from couchdb using Node.js

I am writing a simple test app to experiment with the functionality of node.js and couchdb, so far i am loving it, but i ran in a snag. i have looked for and wide but can't seem to find an answer. My test server(a simple address book) does 2 things:
if the user goes to localhost:8000/{id} then my app returns the name and address of the user with that id.
if the user goes to localhost:8000/ then my app needs to return a list a names that are hyperlinks and takes them to the page localhost:8000/{id}.
I was able to get the first requirement working. i cant not seem to find how to retrieve a list of all names from my couchdb. that is what i need help with. here is my code:
var http = require('http');
var cradle = require('cradle');
var conn = new(cradle.Connection)();
var db = conn.database('users');
function getUserByID(id) {
var rv = "";
db.get(id, function(err,doc) {
rv =;
rv += " lives at " + doc.Address;
return rv;
function GetAllUsers() {
var rv = ""
return rv;
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/plain'});
var rv = "" ;
var id = req.url.substr(1);
if (id != "")
rv = getUserByID(id);
rv = GetAllUsers();
console.log("server is runnig");
As you can see, I need to fill in the GetAllUsers() function. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I would expect you to be doing something like (using nano, which is a library I authored):
var db = require('nano')('http://localhost:5984/my_db')
, per_page = 10
, params = {include_docs: true, limit: per_page, descending: true}
db.list(params, function(error,body,headers) {
I'm not pretty sure what you are trying to accomplish with http over there but feel free to head to my blog if you are looking for some more examples. Just wrote a blog post for people getting started with node and couch
As said above it will come a time when you will need to create your own view. Check up the CouchDB API Wiki, then scan thru the book, check what are design documents, then if you like you can go and check the test code I have for view generation and querying.
You can create a CouchDB view which will list the users. Here are several resources on CouchDB views which you should read in order to get a bigger picture on this topic:
Introduction to CouchDB Views
Finding Your Data with Views
View Cookbook for SQL Jockeys
So let's say you have documents structured like this:
"_id": generated by CouchDB,
"_rev": generated by CouchDB,
"type": "user",
"name": "Johny Bravo",
"isHyperlink": true
Then you can create a CouchDB view (the map part) which would look like this:
// view map function definition
function(doc) {
// first check if the doc has type and isHyperlink fields
if(doc.type && doc.isHyperlink) {
// now check if the type is user and isHyperlink is true (this can also inclided in the statement above)
if((doc.type === "user") && (doc.isHyperlink === true)) {
// if the above statements are correct then emit name as it's key and document as value (you can change what is emitted to whatever you want, this is just for example)
emit(, doc);
When a view is created you can query it from your node.js application:
// query a view
db.view('location of your view', function (err, res) {
// loop through each row returned by the view
res.forEach(function (row) {
// print out to console it's name and isHyperlink flag
console.log( + " - " + row.isHyperlink);
This is just an example. First I would recommend to go through the resources above and learn the basics of CouchDB views and it's capabilities.
