Connect to SQL Server Express in Node.js - node.js

According to the below link, We can connect to SQL Server host in Node.js
connect to msserver in Node.js
But in this SQL Server version, it's necessary to install software and set some the setting for it.
The easy way to SQL Server database is an express version
In this version, We can connect to the SQL server database directly and without install any software
Actually, like Sqlite that no need to install any software
Unfortunately, I cannot find node.js npm for use express version
Can you help me with how do use it?

Finally, I found a solution for stand-alone database :)
You can use mini server MySQL
It's lightweight, high speed
Only run start_server.bat and use client MySQL to connect to it
Download from:


How to connect Meteor Js application with mongoDB

I start work on fresh application of MeteorJs and facing problem with mongoDB connection with application and have research a lot regarding this but not get any proper solution.
I need to connect my MeteorJs Application with MongoDB and research about this issue but didn't get any solution.
If you are using Meteor Cloud then you should stick to the official docs:
If you are using Meteor-Up (MUP) then you should check out the Mongo configuration:
If you want to connect to a MongoDb with a custom deployment or your local development setup then you need to properly configure the MONGO_URL:
Don't forget to configure MONGO_OPLOG_URL as well:

Connecting to external database using React, Nodejs, Express, and PostgreSQL

I created a course management system using PHP and HTML. I use PostgreSQL to store data. I use my school's server and database where I could put my files on there with WinSCP and can connect to the database with putty via SSH where I can run queries. Everything works fine.
I am trying to do the exact same project using React, Nodejs, Express, and PostgreSQL. All the tutorials I see online show how to connect to a local database. I want to eventually publish this project and for it to communicate with the same database as my PHP project. Is that possible? So far, I was able to build the client-side of the application(react) but have not been able to communicate with the database (server-side). Any tips?

Querying data from Microsoft SQL Server using GraphQL in a Node.js app

I have a node app (using express) that I built which can query my MS SQL server via the mssql npm package. I want to be able to use something like the express-graphql package to handle those queries. I have done this before with a Mongo DB and mongoose but I am having difficulty fitting these things together now. Does anyone know where I might find a tutorial ? I googled around and everything seemed to be for different SQL dbs. Alternatively, is there a better package I should be using?

Migrating MongoDB from localhost to server

I completed development of a web application for my university doing everything on localhost. Now I want to migrate the backend and the MongoDB to the stakeholder's (my university) server environment. I tried finding different ways to do so but I haven't found a solution. Please help me in resolving this. Any links and working examples or videos would help a lot.
Tech stack used for backend:
1. NodeJS
2. MongoDB
3. google maps client api
I would suggest using a database software interface like
Studio 3T, Robot3T or any others that have a backup and/or export and/or import feature.
If you have access to the machine and can install tools for MongoDB there are some terminal tools to do this.
Mongo Import
Mongo Export

Developing locally using express, mongodb and mongoose

I'm currently making an app using express, mongodb and mongoose, and I'm running it locally on my machine. My problem is that if I'm not connected to the internet the app won't run at all due to the app not being able to connect to mongodb server.
I thought that if I ran the mongodb server locally on my computer along with the app then I wouldn't need an internet connection, or is my understanding wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The answer is: yes.
If you install MongoDB locally then you won't need internet connection to access it.
Make sure that your connection string contains "localhost".
Also, make sure that you don't need anything else on the internet, and that you run npm install while you are connected to the internet, or otherwise your dependencies (like mongoose) won't get installed. After they are installed they can work without the internet connection just fine - if your database is on localhost.
Also, make sure that your local MongoDB server is running. You can run:
mongo test
in the command line to see if you can connect to a local database.
You're in the right path !
Here's the thing, you need to get yourself a copy of MongoDB, you can download and install the suitable version to your system from here.
Now you need to configure MongoDB in your in your path so you can launch it when you is or simply add it a process that will launch when your system starts.
In order to configure please choose the suitable conf to your system :
Then, before running your application, make sure MongoDB is running in the background ad service or daemon and then simply launch your application.
