Migrating MongoDB from localhost to server - node.js

I completed development of a web application for my university doing everything on localhost. Now I want to migrate the backend and the MongoDB to the stakeholder's (my university) server environment. I tried finding different ways to do so but I haven't found a solution. Please help me in resolving this. Any links and working examples or videos would help a lot.
Tech stack used for backend:
1. NodeJS
2. MongoDB
3. google maps client api

I would suggest using a database software interface like
Studio 3T, Robot3T or any others that have a backup and/or export and/or import feature.
If you have access to the machine and can install tools for MongoDB there are some terminal tools to do this.
Mongo Import
Mongo Export


How to connect Meteor Js application with mongoDB

I start work on fresh application of MeteorJs and facing problem with mongoDB connection with application and have research a lot regarding this but not get any proper solution.
I need to connect my MeteorJs Application with MongoDB and research about this issue but didn't get any solution.
If you are using Meteor Cloud then you should stick to the official docs: https://galaxy-guide.meteor.com/mongodb.html#authentication
If you are using Meteor-Up (MUP) then you should check out the Mongo configuration: https://meteor-up.com/docs.html#mongodb
If you want to connect to a MongoDb with a custom deployment or your local development setup then you need to properly configure the MONGO_URL: https://docs.meteor.com/environment-variables.html#MONGO-URL
Don't forget to configure MONGO_OPLOG_URL as well: https://docs.meteor.com/environment-variables.html#MONGO-OPLOG-URL

How to connect Mongo database to node in MacOs

I was uploading material for a website on mongo by node previously on my windows pc. Now, I don't have much idea about the technicality of it but all I used to do was open postman, open cmd, type "node index.js", cmd would show "connected to port 3000" and when I used to upload them through postman I could see the changes in Mongo.
Now that I have switched to mac, I don't have much idea how to go about this. I installed mongo, node, and npm using homebrew but I don't know how to set up a local connection between node and mongo to upload to the database.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
ok...I am actually building a APP with MERN stack on Mongodb.
A mac is not much different...sorry a mac is way different-
Postman doesn't work well with mac at all-
Infact I can't even find anything to test a backend with on a mac using Postman from their own official page.
I found this helpful for testing an app with Postman-
It's hard to find sources on Google because it has become a capitalist pig for corporations to sell on....I feel you.
When I started looking for help, I ran into more buy this product than actual tech help.
You can also pull from github repositories...because mac's provide additional security for the users, it's almost guaranteed 20 additional steps in development than a windows.

Azure web app - extension, push and MySQL button cannot click/disabled

I created a web app using Linux and PHP 7.2, build in East Asia.
I want to install Laravel and connect MySQL DB but it's disabling me to click in extension and other button.
I have searched but I can't find a solution to this problem, can someone help me?
Extension option is not supported on Linux app.
About connect to Azure SQL DB, here is the official tutorial you could follow: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/tutorial-php-mysql-app?pivots=platform-linux
About install some module, the best way is writing the install command in workflow or package.json for installing automatically.

Is there a way to self-host mongoose databases?

I am getting started with writing an API for a project and the tutorial I am following suggests I sign up for a hosted solution. I think that is ridiculous. My project is simple and I do not feel the need to be locked in to a service. If it helps, I am using Express.
Mongoose is a node.js module (library) which is used to interact with a database, called MongoDB.
There are some websites like mongolab.com which offer plans for development for free, so you would jsut need to sign up and you will get a database without installink anything in your computer/server etc. This is why they say it is easier.
You can install MongoDB in your local computer to test (I think most of us have it) and use just that one for developing and testing.
To install MongoDB it all depends which Operating System you are using at the moment. But you can look up on google: "Install MongoDB MacOSX/Window/Ubuntu/etc.." and normally is just one simple command. To connect to it in your local you don't need a user or anything I guess.

How Do I Set Up The MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular & Node) stack on Nitrous.IO

I using the upcoming weekend to check two things off of my 2013 project list:
Give Cloud Development A Try
My game plan is to set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO and then use the stack to complete one of the many Angularjs tutorial projects available online.
I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has set up the MEAN stack on Nitrous or otherwise or if anyone is aware of any good blog post that go through the process for someone with little to no javascript development experience.
Also, if you have setup a MEAN stack are there any things you would do differently or are there any invaluable resources I should be aware of.
Some Resources I Found Useful:
I've been researching online for the past week and have uncovered some great resources, but it would be great to see what others have found or can suggest. Below are some links to some resources that I have come across that may be helpful to others:
Building Angular Start-up Stack - Toronto Meetup Stream
Egghead.io Offers some great Video tutorials on Angular
Google's Angular site has a wealth of info.
USC Linux User Group Youtube video on MEAN on Amazon AWS
Thanks in advance for any resources, insights or guidance.
Since you are starting on JavaScript I would suggest that you start simple. For example
Build a simple web site with Node.js and Express (no Angular, no Mongo).
Deploy it to the cloud.
Then add Angular and see how the structure changes when you use an MVC framework on the client side (e.g. your backend becomes a plain REST API).
Then, play with Node.js and Mongo probably outside your simple Node/Express/Angular app to get the hand of a NoSQL database and database access from Node.js (the fact that everything is async brings some interesting challenges for beginners)
Then integrate Mongo into your app.
Ok, here's how I successfully set-up the MEAN stack on Nitrous.IO.
First, many thanks to Valeri V. Karpov and his The Code Barbarian blog. In July he had a blog post titled Introduction to the MEAN Stack, Part One: Setting Up Your Tools. I primarily followed his article, only making adjustment dictated by the Nitrous cloud platform.
So here are the steps:
Create A Nitrous Box: Go to the Nitrous site and sign-up for an account. Please note the free account does not provide enough storage to accommodate the full MEAN Stack. You'll need at least a "Start" pricing plan - at $9.99 per month.
Create A Nodejs Box: Once you complete your registration and select a pricing plan, its time to create a Nodejs box. Follow the instructions on the Nitrous site. The box comes preconfigured Nodejs.
Install Mongodb: To install Mongodb on your box, go to the shell prompt and type: parts install mongodb You can confirm the installation was successful by typing parts start mongodb. To stop the mongodb server you type parts stop mongodb.
Confirm your Node & NPM Installations: Type node at the command prompt. You should see a > sign if node is installed correctly. You are now in the node shell. Type control-c to exit the shell. Type NPM at the prompt and you should see some usage information
Install Express: type npm install express -g The -g flag means the package will be installed so you can run it from the terminal. Note, if you are using the free box you will likely encounter errors during the Express installation as a result of you exceeded the allocated storage.
From here on you can follow Valeri's article at Step 4 Creating an ExpressJS application..
Good luck and enjoy.
Use Bitnami https://bitnami.com/stack/mean. I like it a lot, pretty simple and concise. In my case it was for Windows and it was a seamless experience
