Custom Policy SMS Message - azure-ad-b2c

I have a custom policy with MFA using PhoneFactor, it works however, the SMS sent says
Use this code for Custom Policy Manage verification
Is there anyway to change the
Use this code for Custom Policy Manage verification
to be different text? Say
Use this code for X Application verification

Currently it is not possible to customize the SMS content.
You can raise user voice for your request in Azure feedback portal or vote for the existing one


Send azure monitor alert to slack not working

I am sure this has been asked many times but am unable to find relevant answer. Is there any way to send Azure monitor alerts to slack via Logic apps or some other way. I have found this template - and integrated it into my azure system but it is not working.
Have tried some work around mentioned at - but all in vain
Direct Webhook from action group using slack incoming webhook is not supported , as azure sends alert using its own schema.
Any input is highly appreciated ...
Azure Logic Apps is definitely an option, but if you are not needing complicated workflows, just send the alert directly from Azure Monitor to a Slack channel. You can do this by generating a unique email for the Slack channel and using that email in your Azure Monitor alert action group settings. Another option would be to send the alert to your company alert email inbox and have it automatically forwarded to that Slack channel email address. With this approach you completely remove the dependency and complexity of Azure Logic Apps.

How to use Azure ADB2C signup flow with custom subscription plans options?

I have a scenario and for what I believe is a common scenario for many websites :)
I have a website that uses Nextjs for frontend and core as backend. It uses Azure ADB2C for managing its users.
Now When the user is registering, I will collect some basic details which would be done through the userflows in Azure ADB2C.
Before the user creation is completed, I want to come back to my website to allow the user to select the subscription option and let the user click on subscribe button.
Based on this, there will be a call to third party payment gateway service like stripe/RazorPay... which takes over and allows the user to complete payment.
The payment gateway would send the success/failure notification back to my website which I will use to decide to proceed to complete user creation or discard the creation process.
Using ADB2C seems to be quite a big task with custom policies :)
Need help/suggestions/links
Is it possible for us to come back to my website from ADB2C in between the registering process? I see an option using Custom policies with REST call, but will that really help? This is not just a REST call.
Is it possible for me to let the user first choose the subscription option and then pass on that data to the ADB2C userflow. Not sure if we can pass data that way to the signup userflow. if you have any link that does that please share it with me.
The second option seems to be more easy if I have a way to send some input to the signup flow.
With custom policies, it is possible to extend the signup screen by adding subscription options.
Then call a REST API to the payment gateway.
This will return to B2C.
If all is good, write the user data to B2C.
If not, display an error message and discard the data.

Unable to receive callback from DocuSign for failed email delivery

We are trying to get a callback from DocuSign to our application when an email failed to be delivered to a signer.
So far, we have set up an ‘AutoResponded’ listener, but did not manage to get a callback.
In our developer account admin settings, we have also enabled following settings:
Account > Updates: Send Individual Messages [Switched status to
See screenshot
Integrations > Connect: In our custom configuration, under
Trigger Events, we have enabled Recipient Delivery Failed See screenshot
Any advise if we need to enable any other setting? Thanks!
There is a setting which needs to be enabled and it is available only in back-end in DocuSign. You need to create a ticket through our support center provide your account number and ask support to enable it.
You need to be admin on the account to request this change

How to make User silent Activation in DocuSign?

I need some guidelines or documents to make User silent Activation(directly activate the User without sending the email) through API or UI in DocuSign.
Silent Activation using API is deprecated now and DocuSign does not allow any DS Accounts to use this in their DS plan. There are two ways to activate the user without send the email, and both ways need that you should claim emaildomain in DocuSign and all the users should belong to this claimed email domain:
a. Using SSO, you claim your email domain in the DocuSign and configure your Identity provider with DocuSign, and once SSO is correctly configured then you can activate the user without any emails.
b. A new feature added recently, with this feature You need to claim your domain, create an Organization, then there is setting at the domain level (see below snapshot) which you can select to add a user within the claimed email domain without sending an email.

How can I use cognito to create user accounts, but a different service for verification?

I am building an app that will be using Plivo or Twilio for user interaction and input.
I wanted to use AWS Cognito for user management, but for verification, they say a user must verify email or phone number.
I wanted to have the user interaction and verification come from the same phone number, so is there a way to set this up in Node.js somehow, where a text to a Plivo/Twilio number reroutes to AWS Cognito for verification?
Looking at the document, it seems that it is now possible to send emails and SMS using a third party.
It is unknown when it was released.
Custom Sender Lambda Trigger
Custom SMS Sender Lambda Trigger
Custom Email Lambda Trigger
You can leverage the custom auth flow to achieve this. Take a look on a example article we have here:
The idea is that you will explicitly do the calls you want to Twilio/Plivo from the lambda function.
Cognito UserPools does not intergrade out of the box with a third party.
And offers its own notification mechanism through SNS and SES services.
I would consider this option as well in your position.
