cordova integrate files into the prject - node.js

Good day everyone; having project and must update to cordova 9.0.0 and at least to android 8.0.0 to publish in google play, when i try to build the build fail because (Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'), the most likely cause is connections errors the question is
can i set a proxy program (say for example tor) through the node.js command prompt (and not through android studio because it doesn't work)
if that not possible, if i manged to download the required files manually (example bundletool-0.13.2.jar is there a way to integrate them somehow to the project as a work around
Thanks in advance


Why are my gradle dependencies in Android Studio not being cached?

I downloaded Google's Android Sceneform example project, solarsystem, under the samples folder in the hyperlink. I intend to use it as a base for an AR Application I need to create. However, I need to take the project to an offline environment.
While I am connected to the internet, the project builds without issue. However, when I go offline, I end up with a
No cached version of available for offline mode.
I have no problem syncing the project, but I am unable to build anything. I have tried downloading the appt2 dependency from Google's Maven Repository directly and including it in my project's dependencies in the build.gradle folder but I still get the same error. My project MUST be built offline.
I have also searched online for a few solutions, but none have worked for me so far. I found out that Google did remove the version of aapt2 that I am using, but I was still able to download it from their repository. As I understand, Android should be able to build my project so long as the dependencies have been cached. I am just trying to identify the problem at this point. Why has this one dependency not been cached and why despite including it's jar directly have I not been able to run it?

How can I uninstall a package that was installed by Nuxeo Studio?

I used Nuxeo Studio for research purposes and created a Schema and added it to my local server using the Nuxeo Chrome Extension is hot deploy.
Now, what if I need to uninstall the package?
I tried to use the ./nuxeoctl mp-uninstall <package-name-installer-by-studio> to achieve that. Apparently, it worked. However, my local server fails to start again and, when the hot reload is called again, it hangs up saying:
data/ not found in <path>/nuxeo-server-10.10-tomcat/nxserver/bundles/<package>.jar
also:] org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoException: Failed to invoke operation: Service.HotReloadStudioSnapshot
I am led to think that this is badly done/programmed: there should be an error proof way to uninstall the packages installed by Studio, since Studio won't be the only tool to be used in a big project.
I managed to install/uninstall the package with another strategy: I didn't hot reload it with Nuxeo Chrome Extension. I just downloaded the package and installed it using Nuxeo-CLI. Then, I was able to uninstall it without any issues.
I noticed that this gives me more control since I can keep the package that was generated, I can inspect what changes were made (and understand what happened in a more open way), and then install/uninstall it manually.
Since I didn't figure out the problem that is with Nuxeo Chrome Extension, I chose not to use it for a while.

Android studio sdk does not contain any platforms

I downloaded Android studio from their website for windows. It contained 790 Mb. But there is a message shown like
SDK is missing
I followed answers for this issue of missing android studio SDK in here. But my problem is not solved yet.
I have another problem. There is a message shown
SDK does not contain any platforms
when I chose the SDK location by going to configure > project defaults > project structure.
May be some files are not downloaded,try again with your internet connection.It will ask to download some additional files, press allow.
this problem faced by almost everyone due to network problem .
You can easily resolve this error. I suggest you ,if any of your friends already installed android studio then copy sdk from him/her and paste into your sdk path and don't forget to delete sdk.
In this process ,your internet should work so that rest of the things it can download .
this is the best and easy way to resolve sdk error.After that you can download platform tools easily by going to settings>>Android sdk>> sdk tools.
Open the SDK Manager to download the NDK bundle.When your download completed, maybe there'r two different folders you have. One is ndk-bundle the other is ndk/22.0.7026061(the version you choose to download). And just use the behind one
As the log said before. Make sure you have config the ndk.dir in or the system global path variable.Or you also can open the project structure dialog to choose the Ndk location.Still use the behind folder( ndk/22.0.7026061).
If you have config it and still have the same can use the SDK Manager to download the NDK lower version one(like 21.0.6113669).Cause it may not match to your AS version
Then repeat the step two
That's work nice for me

Compiler Error: Failed to read file attributes for .../Resources/Images.xcassets

I recently updated to the latest version of XCode and Xamarin Xamarin.iOS (29910bb) running Visual Studio Professional 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3. Both my Mac (build machine) and PC are fully up to date. Now that i have update i am no longer able to compile/build for anything but the simulator.
Compiler Error.
> C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(1028,3): error :
> Failed to read file attributes for
> "/Users/mod/Library/Caches/Xamarin/Resources/Images.xcassets"
As a test i copied the solutions file over to the build machine and with no modifications it compiles and runs any of the targets.
I have also tried deleting the builds directory on the build machine and no help.
Anyone know what the work around is for this?
I have come across is this issue and what seems to possibly be related to on Xamarin Forums. The thing I found in my case was related to image assets within a library I was trying to use. I was able to remove the image assets and relocate to main project and that seemed to resolve the build issue.
This problem, like you have found is very recent. For what's it worth, I have also found that command line tools have numerous issues as they seem to lag behind the GUI provided in either Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio.
Good luck
As mentioned here I had to delete the folder ~/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds on the Mac used for the builds.
After a rebuild it worked again.

Android Studio with Jenkins Integration

I guess many of you have performed here continuous integration of Jenkins with Android Studio.
I have performed the following steps:
Created a project from Android Studio.
Created a repository in GitHub.
Pushed the code base into the Github.
Configured Jenkins.
Now, my target is that whenever I perform some checkin operation of the Android code into the Github, then automatically Jenkins will create a build on the latest codebase.
I already have downloaded the necessary plugins that are required for Jenkins.
Can anybody tell me step by step how can I achieve the same, since I am not sure, how Jenkins will get the apk file that is getting created once Jenkins performs the build operation on the new codebase?
It is an old question, and may of no use for questioner, but it may help others looking for solution.
If you are looking for apk file then it is available in build path of workspace.
It looks like you are interested in CD part, then you can use "Google Play Android Publisher". It enables Jenkins to manage and upload Android app files (AAB or APK) to Google Play. please refer to following doc help from Jenkins:
