Android studio sdk does not contain any platforms - android-studio

I downloaded Android studio from their website for windows. It contained 790 Mb. But there is a message shown like
SDK is missing
I followed answers for this issue of missing android studio SDK in here. But my problem is not solved yet.
I have another problem. There is a message shown
SDK does not contain any platforms
when I chose the SDK location by going to configure > project defaults > project structure.

May be some files are not downloaded,try again with your internet connection.It will ask to download some additional files, press allow.

this problem faced by almost everyone due to network problem .
You can easily resolve this error. I suggest you ,if any of your friends already installed android studio then copy sdk from him/her and paste into your sdk path and don't forget to delete sdk.
In this process ,your internet should work so that rest of the things it can download .
this is the best and easy way to resolve sdk error.After that you can download platform tools easily by going to settings>>Android sdk>> sdk tools.

Open the SDK Manager to download the NDK bundle.When your download completed, maybe there'r two different folders you have. One is ndk-bundle the other is ndk/22.0.7026061(the version you choose to download). And just use the behind one
As the log said before. Make sure you have config the ndk.dir in or the system global path variable.Or you also can open the project structure dialog to choose the Ndk location.Still use the behind folder( ndk/22.0.7026061).
If you have config it and still have the same can use the SDK Manager to download the NDK lower version one(like 21.0.6113669).Cause it may not match to your AS version
Then repeat the step two
That's work nice for me


cordova integrate files into the prject

Good day everyone; having project and must update to cordova 9.0.0 and at least to android 8.0.0 to publish in google play, when i try to build the build fail because (Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'), the most likely cause is connections errors the question is
can i set a proxy program (say for example tor) through the node.js command prompt (and not through android studio because it doesn't work)
if that not possible, if i manged to download the required files manually (example bundletool-0.13.2.jar is there a way to integrate them somehow to the project as a work around
Thanks in advance

Getting "Gradle sync failed: Please use JDK 8 or newer" under version 3.3

I checked every thread related to that error. But I couldn't find the appropriate answer. I have additional error too. Check out the screenshots.
Posts I came across recommending fixing JDK pathing issues through "Switch IDE book JDK..." or "Project Structure".
For me, in Android Studio 3.0, "Project Structure" would no longer open, so I upgraded to 3.1. Afterwards, it still had the JDK version error, but now it let me open "Project Structure" from the "File" menu, where I was able to correct the JDK, SDK, and NDK locations and versions.
There were still several build errors after that, but clicking the recommended fix in the build output window eventually installed everything I needed. Once it managed to synchronize correctly, it also upgraded Gradle to version 4.4. That then required new build tools and so forth.
Though instructions directly, may not help everyone, but it points to configuration corruption. So, if you cannot just upgrade to get around it, I recommend making backup copies of your Android Studio settings (generally in your user's home directory like ~/.AndroidStudioX.Y), as well as your project .idea (generally in the root of your project), then deleting the originals. If that is still not enough, purge the configurations again and reinstall Android Studio.
Note: I was going back into an old project so several warnings about deprecated features being removed in 2018 had to be dealt with.
error window
Here's what worked for me!
1. First verify that your JDK is indeed higher than JDK8
jdk version
2. Press "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S" to open project structure
enter image description here
3. Then I selected "Use the embedded JDK"
4. Click OK and retry it.
That should solve it.
I was facing same problem, getting these two kinda errors:
SDK path should not contain white space.
Gradle sync failed. Please use JDK 8 or newer.
Solution for me was to set proper SDK path with no white space in path first and than choose JDK path. After setting path I've synced the project and tada it worked...

Universal Windows Plateform And Live SDK

I have a problem. I recently installed VS 2015 and Windows 10 on my computer.
Having Universal Apps are amazing and I plan to convert some of my programs on UWP.
But I have a problem. In one of my programs, I allow the user to save its datas on its OneDrive. And if OneDrive is unavailable, the datas are stored on local devices.
And when OneDrive is available, the newly stored datas are pushed to OneDrive. Synchronisation in fact.
So it is the problem. In the UWP dll named Universal.Live I have installed Live SDK 6 with Nuget. During the package installation, there is some work done to see if the Live SDK is compatible with UWP.
Great ! It's compatible and successfully installed.
But when I wrote
using Microsoft.Live;
The name is not recognized. And if I use the class LiveAuthClient which is in the namespace, it isn't recognized too...
This is a real problem :( Any ideas ?
I had the same issue adding the Live SDK to my app. For some reason the Package.JSON isn't correctly resolving and downloading the package (or recognizing it).
Either way, just add the DLL to your references the old fashioned way. Personally, I'd just add it to a console app (not using the new Project.json package), get it from NUGET, and grab the DLL from the Packages.
After you have the DLL:
Right click on References
Add Reference -> Browse...
Find the DLL and add it. ("...\\packages[LiveSdk]...")
It works!
Download it from here, Compile it, and grab the desktop SDK:
You can also download the msi, install it, figure out where the DLL is installed to and grab it from there:
According to this GitHub issue, LiveSDK isn't supposed to be used for Universal Windows Platform apps:
Instead we should use these SDKs that cover the same functionality:

Integrate linkedin sdk and android studio

I'm trying to integrate the sdk of linkedin into an existing android studio project, but i could not understand how to do it.
Can anyone help me?
Now we can start integrating the SDK, which can be downloaded from This SDK contains the Java libraries that do the heavy lifting of OAuth as well as the REST calls for each social provider. Extract the contents and we are all set.
Copy the libs/socialauth-android-2.5.jar and libs/socialauth4.2 jar into the libs folder of your application. If you have the latest Android Development Tools (ADT), jars will be automatically added to your build path. If not, you will need to manually add the jar files in build path. We recommend you upgrade to the latest ADT.
Copy the assets/ file to the assets folder of your application. The file is used by the SDK for the API and secret keys. Replace the default entries with the keys generated by following the above steps.
Add android.permission.INTERNET and android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE in manifest.
That is all you need to get started. The SDK .zip file also contains code samples which can help you go ahead with the coding.
Please see this link : enter link description here

Project is targeting frameworks not installed or are included as part of future updates to Visual Studio

I am attempting to convert the Microsoft.Health C# class library that is installed as part of the HealthVault SDK, using instructions provided here. After following these instructions, I get the following error when attempting to load the project into Visual Studio 2013.
"The project is targeting frameworks hat are either not installed or
are included as part of future updates to Visual Studio. See"
Visiting the link takes me to .NET SDKs and Downloads. Once there, I have no clue on what needs to be done.
I do realize that one will have to leverage the Portable Class Library Contrib project to fill in some missing bits, especially code related to System.Security. This, I will deal with later.
Any one run into a similar problem?
Maybe so late but for those who have the same problem.
I had the same error in a project which was working perfect before updating VS2013 and finally after 3 hours looking for the source of the error I found that the error is about TargetFrameworkProfile.
In my case I sloved it like so:
Right click in the unloaded project in your solution and click Edit.
Find the TargetFrameworkProfile tag and set it as below:
At a guess, this is because you need to specify the TargetFrameworkVersion and TargetFrameworkProfile properties in the project file. Compare the .csproj you are trying to create to a newly created PCL project file, and make sure that everything that's not specific to your project matches.
I ran into the same issue and got it resolved by installing the latest Visual Studio Update
