How to disable IIS localhost - iis

I'm trying to disable the IIS localhost from Windows, without success. The only thing I'm finding is, that you have to disable the IIS option that's found in the Windows-Features. I disabled it and restarted my computer multiple times, but each time the localhost is still the default IIS...
Is there anything else I can do? I'm a complete newbie on this topic, so please tell me if there's information missing in my question.
Also tried the advice in this article, without success. The terminal does say, that the service has stopped, but localhost is still the Windows IIS.

Seems clearing the browser cache solved the problem.


Forgerock - emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure Error when creating the Default Configuration

I did install AM-5.1.1 and embed it on apache-tomcat-8.5.15 port:9595… looks good. I can start it.
The issue I face is regarding the Configuration Options –> Create Default Configuration.
After entering different passwords for the default OpenAM administrator, and default Policy Agent users, I get the following error:
emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure, refer to install.log under /Users/myUserName/openam for more information.
The install.log file didn’t help that much. Any idea how to solve this?
I got this error message and it was due to the iptables service not allowing the connection. Try turning off the iptables service (if you are running Linux) quickly and trying to run the configurator again. If this solves the problem, turn them back on and add a rule to allow your openam traffic.
Fixed... I had to do with OpenDj which was not installed. Did install and works fine now.
For anyone else that may come across this issue, I received this error because I had XAMPP running. Once I quit XAMPP everything was fine.

Pages load issue on local IIS serv

I'm currently developing a web application running locally on IIS 10 with coldfusion 9.
I have a problem right now, caused by SSL I think. Since it's a backoffice, it has to be https, so I used our company certificate to install it locally on my computer and I linked it to the website I'm developing. The problem is whenever I use the https connection, all the pages are loaded twice (it isn't visible, but for instance when I submit a form, the data are inserted twice in the database).
I manage, with luck, to solve this issue by changing the SSL parameters "client certificates" from ignore to accept but when I do that, from time to time (like 1 out of 3) the page that I want to load takes forever (like 30s) and as I can see, uses 100% of the CPU.
It doesn't come from my code (I think) because when I navigate with http, I have none of the problem listed above.
Does anyone have an idea with this is happening and how to solve it ?
Thanks in advance ! If you need any further information, ask and I'll try to give it to you !
I've now installed Coldfusion 11 and with that the issue is not happening anymore. So I'm pretty sure it's a compatibility answer.

Winginx Faild to start on Windows 10

I just installed Winginx on fresh Windows 10 and nginx never start.
In log I have found:
CreateFile() "C:\Winginx/temp/" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)
Has anyone met with such problem before?
I found my solution by giving up and used WampDeveloper Pro Trial. Their installation goes through a check list of items to see if it will cause any problem. And the main problem that came out is the Host file is read only. Which is caused by many Firewall or Antispyware software. In my case it was Spybot.
I simply disabled the read only on my host file, and ran it again and it worked.
Although I got Winginx to work, it may not only be the host file causing the issue. It could be many more, but my WampDeveloper Pro Trial helped fix things I guess, it even check if there are other services uses Port 80 and 443 and disabled them for example. So now, my Winginx is working, that I can turn on and off and so is my WampDeveloper Pro trial, that I turn on and off. So I simply turn one of them on when I need it.

Drupal menu items and blog entries disappeared for anonymous users

I've been struggling with a problem now for a few hour and I cannot find any answers or anyone with the same problem -
Some menu items are missing on my site (Drupal 6.22) and when viewing the blog it shows "No blog entries have been created". When I log in as admin everything works fine, so this problem only occurs for anonymous/guest users.
I've changed nothing on the site which may have caused this problem and here comes the really strange part - When viewing a copy of the site locally everything works 100% even for anonymous/guest users.
I've tried:
flushing caches
rebuilding permissions
checked if the "anonymous" user is present in the database
viewing on different browsers
None of these yielded any results.
Because the problem doesn't occur locally I'm starting to believe this could be a problem on the server the site is hosted on (Linux with PHP5.2), but the admins had a look and couldn't find anything.
Any help/insight would be highly appreciated.
I am not allowed to answer my own question and it was suggested that I edit the question to include my answer so here goes:
Firstly, thanks for all the responses.
I disabled the "ACL" module ( and the problem was solved. It was previously used for our forum which was also disabled a few months back, so it's not needed any more.
I still have no idea why this module caused the site to work locally but not on the server. I will be in contact with the server admins to find out if they changed/updated anything on the server which may have caused this module to cause a malfunction.
Any insight could still be helpful top prevent this from happening again.
Check your Drupal config:
Are you using node_access, content_access, or any other permissions-related addon mods? Disable them and see if the problem persists. If that doesn't work, disable all non-core mods and re-enable them one-at-a-time until you find the offender.
Compare your hosting configs:
If it's not related to Drupal, compare the local and remote server configurations. Do both use the same versions of php, apache, apc, cgi, etc.? A phpinfo(); on both servers should give you the most important details for comparison. Do a similar comparison of the MySQL setup and content. Finally, check for differences in your .htaccess files (if any) between the two locations.
Test another hosting enviornment:
Download a virtual appliance like QuickStart which is already configured to host Drupal sites for development and non-production purposes, and see if the site works correctly in that. If it does, you could do an additional validation by porting to a new host who offers a trial/money-back-guarantee and see if it works correctly there.
If your site works fine elsewhere, give your current host a good thrashing for making you go through all of this to figure out the problem lies on their end.

Flush cache in iis6

For some magical reason ii6 started to cache pages on the server. Even if I remove the page, it is still displayed. I tried to follow couple suggestions but no luck.
That's what I did so far:
Deleted \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
Unchecked 'cache ISAPI extensions' in the IIS configuration.
Added 'Cache-Control no-cache' to HTTP headers in properties.
Tried to create the page that clear the cache
Update: also tried to disable asp cache
IIS ASP Caching
But the files in v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files are still created
If anybody has other suggestions, please share.
Please give the delete permission for IIS user on below folder. these files will be deleted automatically by IIS
For 64 bit OS folder path:
\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files
My classic ASP pages WOULD NOT refresh from any browser. Finally, stopping and starting the IIS service (IIS6) fixed the problem.
You, too, can go bonkers, just like me. Simply have IIS start giving out stale pages! A bargain at half the price!
Did you try restarting the IIS server to see if that stops it from displaying? If it doesn't, then it might not be a caching issue.
I believe restarting the server is supposed to clear the cache.
Maybe the problem isn't the IIS, but a web proxy between your browser and your web server caching the page?
Or a wrong DNS settings pointing to another server which holds a copy of that web/page? You could also look on the same IIS if there is another web configured and host headers got mixed up, making you test on the wrong web.
I might just say the obvious here but have you tried recycling the application pool?
Thanks for replies guys.
I figured out that it wasn't the caching issue. I didn't cleared out Bin folder and the compiled version of the page with extension .compiled was seating there all the time. I don't what changed this time, but I followed the same process like 100 times before and copied files on top without clearing Bin.
I should be more accurate with such things.
