Winginx Faild to start on Windows 10 - windows-10

I just installed Winginx on fresh Windows 10 and nginx never start.
In log I have found:
CreateFile() "C:\Winginx/temp/" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified)
Has anyone met with such problem before?

I found my solution by giving up and used WampDeveloper Pro Trial. Their installation goes through a check list of items to see if it will cause any problem. And the main problem that came out is the Host file is read only. Which is caused by many Firewall or Antispyware software. In my case it was Spybot.
I simply disabled the read only on my host file, and ran it again and it worked.
Although I got Winginx to work, it may not only be the host file causing the issue. It could be many more, but my WampDeveloper Pro Trial helped fix things I guess, it even check if there are other services uses Port 80 and 443 and disabled them for example. So now, my Winginx is working, that I can turn on and off and so is my WampDeveloper Pro trial, that I turn on and off. So I simply turn one of them on when I need it.


Timeout: WebException when trying to access/debug LocalHost of Azure Functions [Unity] [PlayFab]

I'm trying to debug Azure Function scripts locally, in conjunction with Unity, but getting Timeout errors every time.
I have a few things here, and I'm not sure which one is actually causing the problem... It might be a settings on Windows, as oppose to one of the softwares.
I'm building in Unity 2019.4, and and using PlayFab and it's ability to use Azure Functions. When I try to execute scripts from the Azure servers, it functions correctly. But when I try to run it with Local Debugging, I get WebException: The request timed out System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream (See full error below).
Here's what I'm doing to setup:
Set PlayFab to Local Debugging (via VS Code Extension)(and confirming the json file is made in the temp folder)
Install Azure Functions Core Tools from Here
Start Azure Functions debugging from VS Code (terminal output shows that the the localhost is running it correctly)
Timeout error references the correct address http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction as confirmed in the VS Code Terminal when the AzFunc debugging is started.
When I clone the project to my MacBook Pro, everything runs smoothly in local debugging.
So, because of this, I've tried checking to make sure ports aren't blocked via PowerShell: netsh firewall show state,and told Windows Defender to not block anything from Unity or Code. When I run Netstat -ab in PowerShell/CMD, I do get:
Can not obtain ownership information
I don't know if this is a problem, or normal...
I don't even know what else to check for. This problem is beyond me. If anyone knows the solution, or can point me in right direction, I'd be very grateful!
Below are the two errors from the Unity log whenever I execute an Azure Function script through PlayFab while local debugging:
WebException: The request timed out
System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream () (at <14e3453b740b4bd690e8d4e5a013a715>:0)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest.Post (PlayFab.Internal.CallRequestContainer reqContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:319)
Rethrow as WebException: Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Post(CallRequestContainer) (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:332)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:WorkerThreadMainLoop() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:252)
Timeout: WebException making http request to: http://localhost:7071/api/CloudScript/ExecuteFunction
DemoScript:onPlayFabError(PlayFabError) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Examples/DemoScript.cs:264)
PlayFab.Internal.<>c__DisplayClass30_0:<QueueRequestError>b__0() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:395)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabWebRequest:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabWebRequest.cs:480)
PlayFab.Internal.PlayFabHttp:Update() (at Assets/PlayFabSDK/Shared/Internal/PlayFabHttp/PlayFabHTTP.cs:364)
Okay, TLDR: The answer to the problem is that not everything was updated. So, update everything if you're experiencing the same problem.
More specifically in my case, the "Visual Studio Code Editor" asset in Unity's Package Manager.
I just wanted throw this out there in case anyone has a problem like this in the future. It may not be the same specific thing that needs upgrading, but search around for everything involved and make sure it's updated. Not just the big, obvious things (like Unity or your IDE). Thankfully for me in this case, the update was starting to cause other problems, and after much headbanging trying to solve those, I came across it.
Good luck, future fellow idiots!

How to disable IIS localhost

I'm trying to disable the IIS localhost from Windows, without success. The only thing I'm finding is, that you have to disable the IIS option that's found in the Windows-Features. I disabled it and restarted my computer multiple times, but each time the localhost is still the default IIS...
Is there anything else I can do? I'm a complete newbie on this topic, so please tell me if there's information missing in my question.
Also tried the advice in this article, without success. The terminal does say, that the service has stopped, but localhost is still the Windows IIS.
Seems clearing the browser cache solved the problem.

System crashes while using clearcase 8.0.1.x /9.0.1.x (checking out files) on windows 10 (1803) platform

After upgrading system to Windows 10 - os 1803 we are getting below issues while working with ClearCase 8.0.1.x/9.0.1.x
Unable to checkin/checkout.
Not able to create views.
Not able to add any file to source control.
The system hangs & crashes while performing any ClearCase operation.
There is no error message, but I have attached screenshot for reference.
Please let us know if there is any issue with the Windows 10 ver(1803), any security system enabled?
Or has ClearCase provided any fix?
We have tried and issue still persists.
This is what we got from windows event log.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.
The bugcheck was:
0x000000c2 (0x0000000000000004, 0x00000000535be990, 0x000000000004efd3, 0xfffff803e01848b1)
for most of them whoever has upgraded to windows 1803 ver :( for people who are still using ver1709 it is working perfectly fine
Then I would recommand contacting IBM support: only them can update their ClearCase 9/Windows 10 compatibility matrix and confirm if MVFS is supported on a more recent (1803) Windows 10 edition.
We also facing same problem and I have raised the case with IBM. Still not yet resolved. As IBM said there are some limitations to work ClearCase with windows 10 and windows 2016.
We tried all the options except Secure boot disable. If possible please do disable secure boot option in Windows 10 and try to checkin/checkout code from CleraCase
Note : It works for Snapshot views. That means the issue related to MVFS
I'm seconding #VonC's recommendation to open a ticket with IBM. When you do that, save a step and collect a clearbug2 and a kernel memory dump to send in as soon as the case is opened. It will save the turn-around time of us asking you for it. If the installed programs list doesn't list installed security software (DLP, Privilege management sw like Avecto, other endpoint security tools), please list those separately as well.
I would also love to know who # IBM told you there are "limitations" with Win10-1803.
There are a few issues with Windows 10 "version upgrades" breaking things, but they generally don't cause system crashes. Windows 10 upgrades are actually full OS installs that then (imperfectly) migrate application settings. Anything that uses custom network providers (ClearCase is one example) will find that the network providers will be broken or partially broken. Reinstalling is usually required. Again, that has not yet been reported as a cause of a BSOD.
If the upgrade/reinstall didn't fix view creation, please post a separate question on the view creation issue. There may be things we can do to the SMB 2 caches to allow view creation to work in cases where the view storage is not on the client host.
I noticed that the screen shot you posted is a Terminal Services disconnect screenshot. Does the issue only occur over a Terminal Services client connection or does it also happen on a local connection?

node.js Setup Wizard ended prematurely in windows 10 64bit

For the last 3 days I have been trying to figure out how to install node.js. I tried every solution that I found on the internet, like disabling certain components during installation, installing both x86 and x64 etc, none of them worked.
My OS is Windows 10 x64. I tried different versions of node.js and they all return the same error shown in the screenshot below.
I tried installing through the command line and got the log. But I could not find anything useful from the log either. Please help.
The log can be found here: this path :
MSI (s) (74:88) [20:49:45:955]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterEventManifest,,)
MSI (s) (74:88) [20:49:45:961]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=RegisterEventManifest,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=CAQuietExec,CustomActionData="wevtutil.exe" im "C:\Program Files\nodejs\")
MSI (s) (74:A0) [20:49:45:969]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI33C1.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
CAQuietExec: Error 0xc0000409: Command line returned an error.
This is the relevant part of the log and where the install keels over, noise removed. 0xc0000409 is very, very nasty. STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN is a stack corruption error, triggered by code that protects against viral attacks.
Searching for "nodejs install 0xc0000409" takes you to this bug report, notable from December 2015. This issue has been dogging users for a long time, but they are having trouble finding the root cause. The generic workaround is to disable this install step by disabling the installation of the ETW performance counters.
Which works, but is but a band-aid. I think macario1983's comment points at the real troublemaker. It got a lot of helpful votes in just two days. And points at the kind of viral rootkit that programmer's voluntarily install, the kind that can so easily cause a STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN error with no decent way to identify the code that causes it. Anti-malware has become a cure that is worse than the disease, Avast in particular is a truly awful product and does not belong on a programmer's machine.
So decent advice is to 1: disable the anti-malware product before installing Node. 2: get rid of completely if it is Avast. 3: disable the performance counter registration. 4: try the updated installer, patched 4 days ago.
I disabled the AVG antivirus(version 18.4.3056) but not windows firewall and then i was able to install nodejs.
Possible options to solve this:
1. Removing previous installations traces
If you have previous installations, make sure that they were uninstaled completely. If HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\_V2Providers\{1e2e15d7-3760-470e-8699-b9db5248edd5} record exist in your register, remove it.
2. Disabling Performance Counters
If you don't need Performance counters feature, try to install without it (or maybe even without Event Tracing).
3. Disabling security and giving the full permissions
Clean Temp Folder
Disable your antivirus/firewall for the period of installation.
C:/users/$user/AppData/Local/Temp- Right Click on Temp and go to Properties > select Security Tab > give the user permissions by checking Full Control on permission
Install Node.js
I had today the same problem with Windows 10 64 bit and Node.js 8.11.2: disabling completly Avast just for the time of the installation solved the issue.
I was trying to install Node.js through node-v8.11.2-x64.exe, but it was rolling back every time at the end. The error in the event log was about wevtutil.exe, version 10.0.17134.1
I had the same issue on a Windows 2012R2 server installing node-v8.11.2-x64, and disabled the McAfee anti-virus to no avail. When I went to clean out the TEMP folder as suggested in this thread, I noticed that several files and folders were locked and could not be deleted, so I rebooted the machine (with the anti-virus disabled). After the reboot, I noticed that the locked temp files had been deleted, and I was able to install node.js, including the Performance Counters and Event Tracking options.
I spent one day for that ....Best solutions is download zip example

Forgerock - emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure Error when creating the Default Configuration

I did install AM-5.1.1 and embed it on apache-tomcat-8.5.15 port:9595… looks good. I can start it.
The issue I face is regarding the Configuration Options –> Create Default Configuration.
After entering different passwords for the default OpenAM administrator, and default Policy Agent users, I get the following error:
emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure, refer to install.log under /Users/myUserName/openam for more information.
The install.log file didn’t help that much. Any idea how to solve this?
I got this error message and it was due to the iptables service not allowing the connection. Try turning off the iptables service (if you are running Linux) quickly and trying to run the configurator again. If this solves the problem, turn them back on and add a rule to allow your openam traffic.
Fixed... I had to do with OpenDj which was not installed. Did install and works fine now.
For anyone else that may come across this issue, I received this error because I had XAMPP running. Once I quit XAMPP everything was fine.
