Echo to all files found from GREP - linux

I'm having a trouble with my code.
grep looks for files that doesn't have a word 'code'
and I need to add 'doesn't have' as a last line in those files
By logic
echo 'doesnt have' >> grep -ril 'code' file/file
I'm using -ril to ignore the cases and get file names
Does anyone know how to append a text to each .txt files found from grep searches?

How's this for a novel alternative?
echo "doesn't have" |
tee -a $(grep -riL 'code' file/file)
I switched to the -L option to list the files which do not contain the search string.
This is unfortunately rather brittle in that it assumes your file names do not contain whitespace or other shell metacharacters. This can be fixed at the expense of some complexity (briefly, have grep output zero-terminated matches, and read them into an array with readarray -d ''. This requires a reasonably recent Bash, and probably GNU grep.)

The 'echo' command can append output to a single file, which must be specified by redirecting the standard output. To update multiple files, a loop is needed. The loop iterated over all the files found with 'grep'
for file in $(grep -ril 'code' file/file) ; do
echo 'doesnt have' >> $file

Using a while read loop and Process Substitution.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"
done < <(grep -ril 'code' file/file)
As mentioned by #dibery
grep -ril 'code' file/file | {
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"


How to use line that read from file in grep command

I'm sorry for my poor English, first.
I want to read a file (tel.txt) that contains many tel numbers (a number per line) and use that line to grep command to search about the specific number in the source file (another file)!
I wrote this code :
while IFS= read -r line
echo `grep -F $current "$datafile" >> output.txt`
done < $file
the tel file sample :
but that code returns nothing!
when I declare 'current' variable with literals it works correctly!
what happened?!
Your grep command is redirected to write its output to a file, so you don't see it on the terminal.
Anyway, you should probably be using the much simpler and faster
grep -Ff "$file" "$datafile"
Add | tee -a output.txt if you want to save the output to a file and see it at the same time.
echo `command` is a buggy and inefficient way to write command. (echo "`command`" would merely be inefficient.) There is no reason to capture standard output into a string just so that you can echo that string to standard output.
Why don't you search for the line var directly? I've done some tests, this script works on my linux (CentOS 7.x) with bash shell:
while IFS= read -r line
echo `grep "$line" /home/mujan/Desktop/data/ADSL_CDR_Text_Parts_A/ADSL_CDR_Like_Tct4_From_960501_to_97501_Part0.tx >> output.txt`
done < $file
Give it a try... It shows nothing on the screen since you're redirecting the output to the file output.txt so the matching results are saved there.
You should use file descriptors when reading with while loop.instead use for loop to avoid false re-directions
for line in `cat $file`
echo `grep -F $current "$datafile" >> output.txt`

Create file with egrep matches and file names

I need some help...
I'm creating a script of unit tests using shellscripts. That script, stores all the beeline calls from all files inside a directory.
The script is doing it's purpose, but I don't wanna append the file name if grep does not return results.
That's my code:
for file in $(ls)
cat $file | egrep -on '^( +)?\bbeeline.*password=;"?' >>
echo $file >>
How can I do that?
grep returns a falsy exit status (1) if it doesn't find any matching lines, so you can put in an if statement to test if it matched anything. Inverted with ! here:
for file in ./*; do
if ! egrep -on '...' "$file" >> somefile; then
echo 'grep did not match anything'
(I don't think there's any need for the ls instead of just a shell glob here.)

Rename file by swaping text

I need to rename files by swaping some text.
I had for example :
and I want them
I came up with this bash version :
ls *.pdf | while read i
new_name=$(echo $i |sed -e 's/\(.*\)_\(.*\)\.pdf/\2_\1\.pdf/')
mv $i $new_name
echo "---"
It is efficient but seems quite clumsy to me. Does anyone have a smarter solution, for example with rename ?
Using rename you can do the renaming like this:
rename -n 's/([^_]+)_([^.]+).pdf/$2_$1.pdf/g' *.pdf
The option -n does nothing, it just prints what would happen. If you are satisfied, remove the -n option.
I use [^_]+ and [^.]+ to capture the part of the filename before and after the the _. The syntax [^_] means everything but a _.
One way:
ls *.pdf | awk -F"[_.]" '{print "mv "$0" "$2"_"$1"."$3}' | sh
Using awk, swap the positions and form the mv command and pass it to shell.
Using only bash:
for file in *_*.pdf; do
mv -- "$file" "$new_name"

Extract part of a file name in bash

I have a folder with lots of files having a pattern, which is some string followed by a date and time:
BOS_CRM_SUS_20130101_10-00-10.csv (3 strings before date)
SEL_DMD_20141224_10-00-11.csv (2 strings before date)
SEL_DMD_SOUS_20141224_10-00-10.csv (3 strings before date)
I want to loop through the folder and extract only the part before the date and output into a file.
This is my script but it is not working
# script variables
echo "Starting the programme at: $(date)" >> $LOG_FILE
# Getting part of the file name from FOLDER
for file in `ls $FOLDER/*.csv`
mv "${file}" "${file/date +%Y%m%d HH:MM:SS}" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
done #> $LOG_FILE
Use sed with extended-regex and groups to achieve this.
cat filelist | sed -r 's/(.*)[0-9]{8}_[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].csv/\1/'
where filelist is a file with all the names you care about. Of course, this is just a placeholder because I don't know how you are going to list all eligible files. If a glob will do, for example, you can do
ls mydir/*.csv | sed -r 's/(.*)[0-9]{8}_[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].csv/\1/'
Assuming you wont have numbers in the first part, you could use:
$ for i in *csv;do str=$(echo $i|sed -r 's/[0-9]+.*//'); echo $str; done
Or with parameter substitution:
$ for i in *csv;do echo ${i%_*_*}_; done
When you use ${var/pattern/replace}, the pattern must be a filename glob, not command to execute.
Instead of using the substitution operator, use the pattern removal operator
mv "${file}" "${file%_*-*-*.csv}.csv"
% finds the shortest match of the pattern at the end of the variable, so this pattern will just match the date and time part of the filename.
The substitution:
"${file/date +%Y%m%d HH:MM:SS}"
is unlikely to do anything, because it doesn't execute date +%Y%m%d HH:MM:SS. It just treats it as a pattern to search for, and it's not going to be found.
If you did execute the command, though, you would get the current date and time, which is also (apparently) not what you find in the filename.
If that pattern is precise, then you can do the following:
echo "${file%????????_??-??-??.csv}" >> "$LOG_FILE"
using grep:
ls *.csv | grep -Po "\K^([A-Za-z]+_)+"

Find string inside pdf with shell

I'd like to know if there is any way to check if there is a string inside a pdf file using a shell script? I was looking for something like:
if [search(string,pdf_file)] > 0 then
echo "exist"
This approach converts the .pdf files page-wise, so the occurences of the search string $query can be located more specifically.
# search for query string in available pdf files pagewise
for i in *.pdf; do
pagenr=$(pdfinfo "$i" | grep "Pages" | grep -o "[0-9][0-9]*")
for (( p=1; p<=pagenr; p++ )); do
matches=$(pdftotext -q -f $p -l $p "$i" - | grep --color=always -in "$query")
if [ -n "$matches" ]; then
echo -e "${fileid}PAGE: $p"
echo "$matches"
pdftotext -f $p -l $p limits the range to be converted to only one page identified by the number $p. grep --color=always allows for protecting match highlights in the subsequent echo. fileid="" just makes sure the file name of the .pdf document is only printed once for multiple matches.
As nicely pointed by Simon, you can simply convert the pdf to plain text using pdftotext, and then, just search for what you're looking for.
After conversion, you may use grep, bash regex, or any variation you want:
while read line; do
if [[ ${line} =~ [0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2} ]]; then
echo ">>> Found date;";
done < <(pdftotext infile.pdf -)
Each letter within a PDF doc is typically set individually. Therefore, you have to convert the .pdf to text, which will reduce the text to a simple stream.
I would try this:
grep -q 'a \+string' <(pdf2text some.pdf - | tr '\n' ' ') && echo exists
The tr joins line breaks. The \+ allows for 1 or more space chars between words. Finally, grep -q only returns exit status 0/1 based on a match. It does not print matching lines.
