Rename file by swaping text - linux

I need to rename files by swaping some text.
I had for example :
and I want them
I came up with this bash version :
ls *.pdf | while read i
new_name=$(echo $i |sed -e 's/\(.*\)_\(.*\)\.pdf/\2_\1\.pdf/')
mv $i $new_name
echo "---"
It is efficient but seems quite clumsy to me. Does anyone have a smarter solution, for example with rename ?

Using rename you can do the renaming like this:
rename -n 's/([^_]+)_([^.]+).pdf/$2_$1.pdf/g' *.pdf
The option -n does nothing, it just prints what would happen. If you are satisfied, remove the -n option.
I use [^_]+ and [^.]+ to capture the part of the filename before and after the the _. The syntax [^_] means everything but a _.

One way:
ls *.pdf | awk -F"[_.]" '{print "mv "$0" "$2"_"$1"."$3}' | sh
Using awk, swap the positions and form the mv command and pass it to shell.

Using only bash:
for file in *_*.pdf; do
mv -- "$file" "$new_name"


One liner terminal command for renaming all files in directory to their hash values

I am new to bash loops and trying to rename all files in a directory to their appropriate md5 values.
There are 5 sample files in the directory.
For testing purpose, I am trying to first just print md5 hashes of all files in the directory using below command and it is working fine.
for i in `ls`; do md5sum $i; done
edc47be8af3a7d4d55402ebae9f04f0a file1
72cf1321d5f3d2e9e1be8abd971f42f5 file2
4b7b590d6d522f6da7e3a9d12d622a07 file3
357af1e7f8141581361ac5d39efa4d89 file4
1445c4c1fb27abd9061ada3b30a18b44 file5
Now I am trying to rename each file with its appropriate md5 hashes by following command:
for i in `ls`; do mv $i md5sum $i; done
Failed Output:
mv: target 'file1' is not a directory
mv: target 'file2' is not a directory
mv: target 'file3' is not a directory
mv: target 'file4' is not a directory
mv: target 'file5' is not a directory
What am I missing here?
Your command is expanded to
mv file1 edc47be8af3a7d4d55402ebae9f04f0a file1
When mv has more than two non-option arguments, it understands the last argument to be the target directory to which all the preceding files should be moved. But there's no directory file1.
You can use parameter expansion to remove the filename from the string.
Parameter expansion is usually faster then running an external command like cut or sed, but if you aren't renaming thousands of files, it probably doesn't matter.
for f in *; do
m=$(md5sum "$f")
mv "$f" ${m%% *} # Remove everything after the first space
Also note that I don't parse the output of ls, but let the shell expand the glob. It's safer and works (with proper quoting) for filenames containing whitespace.
Syntax. Yes I was giving wrong syntax.
With some trial and errors with the command, I finally came up with the correct syntax.
I noticed that md5sum $i was giving me 2 column-ed output.
edc47be8af3a7d4d55402ebae9f04f0a file1
72cf1321d5f3d2e9e1be8abd971f42f5 file2
4b7b590d6d522f6da7e3a9d12d622a07 file3
357af1e7f8141581361ac5d39efa4d89 file4
1445c4c1fb27abd9061ada3b30a18b44 file5
By firing second command for i in ls; do mv $i md5sum $i; done, I was basically telling terminal to do something like :
mv $i md5sum $i
which, upto my knowledge, turns out to be
mv file1 <md5 value> file1 <-- this was the issue.
How I resolved the issue?
I used cut command to filter out required value and made new one-liner as below:
for i in `ls`; do mv $i "$(md5sum $i | cut -d " " -f 1)"; done
According to another answer and comment by #stark, #choroba and #tripleee, it is better to use * instead of ls.
for i in *; do mv $i "$(md5sum $i | cut -d " " -f 1)"; done
#choroba's answer is also a good addition here. Turning it into one-liner requirement, below is his solution:
for i in *; do m=$(md5sum $i); mv "$i" ${m%% *};done

Echo to all files found from GREP

I'm having a trouble with my code.
grep looks for files that doesn't have a word 'code'
and I need to add 'doesn't have' as a last line in those files
By logic
echo 'doesnt have' >> grep -ril 'code' file/file
I'm using -ril to ignore the cases and get file names
Does anyone know how to append a text to each .txt files found from grep searches?
How's this for a novel alternative?
echo "doesn't have" |
tee -a $(grep -riL 'code' file/file)
I switched to the -L option to list the files which do not contain the search string.
This is unfortunately rather brittle in that it assumes your file names do not contain whitespace or other shell metacharacters. This can be fixed at the expense of some complexity (briefly, have grep output zero-terminated matches, and read them into an array with readarray -d ''. This requires a reasonably recent Bash, and probably GNU grep.)
The 'echo' command can append output to a single file, which must be specified by redirecting the standard output. To update multiple files, a loop is needed. The loop iterated over all the files found with 'grep'
for file in $(grep -ril 'code' file/file) ; do
echo 'doesnt have' >> $file
Using a while read loop and Process Substitution.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"
done < <(grep -ril 'code' file/file)
As mentioned by #dibery
grep -ril 'code' file/file | {
while IFS= read -r files; do
echo "doesn't have" >> "$files"

linux shell command mv many files

I have many files like 1a1, 2a2, 3a3 and I want to mv the file names to 1b1, 2b2, 3b3. That means to replace 'a' to 'b' in these file names.
I have tried the command like:
for f in */*; do
mv "$f" "${f/a/b}"
ls | xargs -i mv {} ${{}/a/b}
ls | xargs -i mv {} \`echo {}|tr -t 'a' 'b'\`
but none works.
I know a command
rename 'a' 'b' *
can work.
But I still want to figure out how to use for, xargs involved with other cmds to do this work. After all, in every day use, they are much general than simple rename command.
Please help me, thanks.
for old in *
do new=$(echo "$old" | sed -e 's/a/b/')
echo mv "$old" "$new" &>2
mv "$old" "$new"
This example will allow you to guess more complex name transformations as you learn how to use sed(1) command to do the name transformations.
The program walks all the command line parameters to the for loop, in each loop, the program gets a new variable new with the transformation of the original $old name. Then you only have to execute the command with the old and new values.
Just in case you want to know with rename:
rename 's/(.*)a(.*)/$1b$2/' *

Removing part of a filename for multiple files on Linux

I want to remove test.extra from all of my file names in current directory
for filename in *.fasta;do
echo $filename | sed \e 's/test.extra//g'
but it complains about not founding file.echo is to be sure it list correctly.
First of all use 'sed -e' instead of '\e'
And I would suggest you do it this way in bash
for filename in *.fasta; do
[ -f "$filename" ] || continue
mv "$filename" "${filename//test.extra/}"
Try rename "extra.test" "" *
Or rename 's/extra.test//;' *
$ find
$ rename "extra.test" "" *
$ find
I know this thread is old, but the following oneliner, inspired from the validated answer, helped me a lot ;)
for filename in ./*; do mv "./$filename" "./$(echo "$filename" | sed -e 's/test.extra//g')"; done
Try the rename command:
rename 's/test.extra//g' *.fasta
$ mmv '*test.extra*.fasta' '#1#2.fasta'
This is safe in the sense that mmv will not do anything at all if it would otherwise overwrite existing files (there are command-line options to turn this off).
// EXTENSION - File extension of files
// STRING - String to be Replace
for filename in *.EXTENSION;
do [ -f "$filename" ] || continue;
mv "$filename" "${filename//STRING/}";
In Kali linux rename command is rename.ul
rename.ul 'string-to-remove' 'string-to-replace-with' *.jpg
example: rename.ul 'useless-string' '' *.jpg
This will delete useless-string from all the jpg image's filname.

Script for renaming files with logical

Someone has very kindly help get me started on a mass rename script for renaming PDF files.
As you can see I need to add a bit of logical to stop the below happening - so something like add a unique number to a duplicate file name?
rename 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/' *
rename -n 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/' *
Annexes 123114345234525.pdf renamed as Annex.pdf
Annexes 123114432452352.pdf renamed as Annex.pdf
Hope this makes sense?
for i in *
x='' # counter
j="${i:0:2}" # new name
e="${i##*.}" # ext
while [ -e "$j$x" ] # try to find other name
((x++)) # inc counter
mv "$i" "$j$x" # rename
$ ls
he.pdf hejjj.pdf hello.pdf wo.pdf workd.pdf world.pdf
$ ls
he.pdf he1.pdf he2.pdf wo.pdf wo1.pdf wo2.pdf
This should check whether there will be any duplicates:
rename -n [...] | grep -o ' renamed as .*' | sort | uniq -d
If you get any output of the form renamed as [...], then you have a collision.
Of course, this won't work in a couple corner cases - If your files contain newlines or the literal string renamed as, for example.
As noted in my answer on your previous question:
for f in *.pdf; do
tmp=`echo $f | sed -r 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/'`
mv -b ./"$f" ./"$tmp"
That will make backups of deleted or overwritten files. A better alternative would be this script:
for f in $*; do
tar -rvf /tmp/backup.tar $f
tmp=`echo $f | sed -r 's/^(.{5}).*(\..*)$/$1$2/'`
while [ -e tmp ]; do
tmp=`echo $tmp | sed "s/\./-$i/"`
mv -b ./"$f" ./"$tmp"
Run the script like this:
find . -exec thescript '{}' \;
The find command gives you lots of options for specifing which files to run on, works recursively, and passes all the filenames in to the script. The script backs all file up with tar (uncompressed) and then renames them.
This isn't the best script, since it isn't smart enough to avoid the manual loop and check for identical file names.
