[AWS][Amplify] Invoke function locally crashs with no error - node.js

I have just joined a developpment team, and the project should run in the cloud using amplify. I have a function called usershandler that i want to run locally. For that, i used :
amplify invoke function usershandler
This is the output i get :
Starting execution...
EVENT: {"httpMethod":"GET","body":"{\"name\": \"Amplify\"}","path":"/users","resource":"/{proxy+}","queryStringParameters":{}}
App started
get All VSM called
Connection to database was a success
{"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"success\":true,\"results\":[]}","headers":{"x-powered-by":"Express","access-control-allow-origin":"*","access-control-allow-headers":"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","content-length":"29","etag":"W/\"1d-4wD7ChrrlHssGyekznKfKxR7ImE\"","date":"Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:32:36 GMT","connection":"close"},"isBase64Encoded":false}
Finished execution.
EDIT : Also, when running the invoke command, amplify asks me for a src/event.json while i've seen it looking for the index.js for some ??
EDIT 2 [SOLVED] : downgrading #aws-amplify/cli to 4.14.1 seems to solve this :)
Expected behavior : The server should continue running so i can use it ..
Actual behavior : It always stops after the finished execution message.
The connection to the db works fine, the config.json contains correct values. Don't know why it is acting like this. Have anybody had the same problem?
Have a nice day.

Short answer: You are running the invoke command which is doing just what it is supposed to be doing - invoking the lambda function.
If you are looking to get a local API up, then run the following command:
sam local start-api
This will read your template and based on the endpoints you have setup, run them locally essentially mocking API Gateway locally. Read more about it in the official docs here.
This command comes is one of offering of AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). A tool to develop serverless application. It is essentially an abstraction of AWS Cloufdformation. Similarly Amplify is an abstraction that makes it simple to not only develop and manage the backend but also brings that power to frontend.
As both of them essentially use Cloudformation templates underneeth, you can leverage the capabilities of one tool with another.
SAM provides a robust set of tools for local development invcluding running a local lambda mocking server, in case you are not using API Gateway.
I use this combination to develop and test my frontend along with backend which is in golang, a language which is not as mature as javascript as a backend language with Amplify as of now.


sam local invoke timeout on newly created project (created via sam init)

I create a new project via sam init and I select the options:
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
1 - nodejs14.x
8 - Quick Start: Web Backend
Then from inside the project root, I run sam local invoke -e ./events/event-get-all-items.json getAllItemsFunction, which returns:
Invoking src/handlers/get-all-items.getAllItemsHandler (nodejs14.x)
Skip pulling image and use local one: public.ecr.aws/sam/emulation-nodejs14.x:rapid-1.32.0.
Mounting /home/rob/code/sam-app-2/.aws-sam/build/getAllItemsFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
Function 'getAllItemsFunction' timed out after 100 seconds
No response from invoke container for getAllItemsFunction
Any idea what could be going on or how to debug this? Thanks.
Any chance the image/lambda make a call to a database someplace? and does the container running the lambda have the right connection string and/or access? To me sounds like your function is getting called and then function is trying to reach something that it can't reach.
As far as debugging - lots of console.log() statements to narrow down how far your code is getting before it runs into trouble.

Unable to deploy/update google cloud function

I have a Firebase project with 29 functions 2 with python and 27 with nodejs.
Modified 2 of them and now I can't deploy properly. I get an error log that send me to the logviewer and one of the errors is:
ERROR: build step 3
failed: step exited with non-zero status: 46
The functions keep on working, but I can't update/deploy properly. When I try to deploy them individually I get that error for both functions, but when I try to deploy ALL the functions I only get the error with those 2 functions the rest of the functions, that don't have any modification have no problem redeploying.
I checked the source code in the Cloud console and they have a warning icon saying that:
Function is active, but last deployment failed
The source code in the Cloud console is the same as the one I'm trying to deploy but the functions has the same functionality that before when I made the changes, the functions still works but can't update.
These are javascript functions that I deployed using the Firebase Node Sdk.
Any help?
I reverted the changes on one of the functions that's been there for over 2 years and still have the same issue, can't update/deploy, that function triggers on storage.onFinalize().
The other function on firestore.onCreate()
The newest function that I created is not in use, is part of a new feature in my android application, so I duplicated it, gave it different name and deployed without issues. In that case I could delete the original function without any issue as is not being used. But I can't do the same for the other function, the other function is constantly in use.

How to set ssm param locally for serverless offline

I recently starting working on serverless architecture. Here is example of serverless.xml for the same.
name: test
handler: handler.lambda_handler
timeout: 6
APP_ID: ${ssm:/path/to/ssm/test~true}
Now when I am trying to run serverless offline command then it complains about ssm variable.
Following is the error that coming on console.
I want to run everything on my locally machine for development. Can someone help on this how I can solve this problem.
ServerlessError: Trying to populate non string value into a string for variable ${ssm:/path/to/ssm/test~true}. Please make sure the value of the property is a string.
at Variables.populateVariable (C:\Users\kumarn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\serverless\lib\classes\Variables.js:464:13)
at Variables.renderMatches (C:\Users\kumarn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\serverless\lib\classes\Variables.js:386:21)
at C:\Users\kumarn\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\serverless\lib\classes\Variables.js:406:29
From previous event:
you can solve this by adding the plugin:
if you're feeling more adventurous you can also use localstack https://github.com/localstack/localstack
note that free version does not support everything

Stackdriver-trace on Google Cloud Run failing, while working fine on localhost

I have a node server running on Google Cloud Run. Now I want to enable stackdriver tracing. When I run the service locally, I am able to get the traces in the GCP. However, when I run the service as Google Cloud Run, I am getting an an error:
"#google-cloud/trace-agent ERROR TraceWriter#publish: Received error with status code 403 while publishing traces to cloudtrace.googleapis.com: Error: The request is missing a valid API key."
I made sure that the service account has tracing agent role.
First line in my app.js
running locally I am using .env file containing
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path to credentials.json>
According to https://github.com/googleapis/cloud-trace-nodejs These values are auto-detected if the application is running on Google Cloud Platform so, I don't have this credentials on the gcp image
There are two challenges to using this library with Cloud Run:
Despite the note about auto-detection, Cloud Run is an exception. It is not yet autodetected. This can be addressed for now with some explicit configuration.
Because Cloud Run services only have resources until they respond to a request, queued up trace data may not be sent before CPU resources are withdrawn. This can be addressed for now by configuring the trace agent to flush ASAP
const tracer = require('#google-cloud/trace-agent').start({
serviceContext: {
service: process.env.K_SERVICE || "unknown-service",
version: process.env.K_REVISION || "unknown-revision"
flushDelaySeconds: 1,
On a quick review I couldn't see how to trigger the trace flush, but the shorter timeout should help avoid some delays in seeing the trace data appear in Stackdriver.
EDIT: While nice in theory, in practice there's still significant race conditions with CPU withdrawal. Filed https://github.com/googleapis/cloud-trace-nodejs/issues/1161 to see if we can find a more consistent solution.

paytm - payment gateway integration using python as backend language

I have to put the python code on server as mentioned "Copy the pythonKit folder(according to your python version) into the root folder of your server (like /var/www/html)".
can you please guide how to execute it in aws. i am new with python and aws.
i had tried running it on local server but got response as 501.
This is the code to be executed.
This is the link for steps.
i am not able to execute step 2.
I have to know the steps to execute it on aws. shall i use a lambda function or put this code onto ec2 root directory.
