paytm - payment gateway integration using python as backend language - python-3.x

I have to put the python code on server as mentioned "Copy the pythonKit folder(according to your python version) into the root folder of your server (like /var/www/html)".
can you please guide how to execute it in aws. i am new with python and aws.
i had tried running it on local server but got response as 501.
This is the code to be executed.
This is the link for steps.
i am not able to execute step 2.
I have to know the steps to execute it on aws. shall i use a lambda function or put this code onto ec2 root directory.


sam local invoke timeout on newly created project (created via sam init)

I create a new project via sam init and I select the options:
1 - AWS Quick Start Templates
1 - nodejs14.x
8 - Quick Start: Web Backend
Then from inside the project root, I run sam local invoke -e ./events/event-get-all-items.json getAllItemsFunction, which returns:
Invoking src/handlers/get-all-items.getAllItemsHandler (nodejs14.x)
Skip pulling image and use local one:
Mounting /home/rob/code/sam-app-2/.aws-sam/build/getAllItemsFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
Function 'getAllItemsFunction' timed out after 100 seconds
No response from invoke container for getAllItemsFunction
Any idea what could be going on or how to debug this? Thanks.
Any chance the image/lambda make a call to a database someplace? and does the container running the lambda have the right connection string and/or access? To me sounds like your function is getting called and then function is trying to reach something that it can't reach.
As far as debugging - lots of console.log() statements to narrow down how far your code is getting before it runs into trouble.

[AWS][Amplify] Invoke function locally crashs with no error

I have just joined a developpment team, and the project should run in the cloud using amplify. I have a function called usershandler that i want to run locally. For that, i used :
amplify invoke function usershandler
This is the output i get :
Starting execution...
EVENT: {"httpMethod":"GET","body":"{\"name\": \"Amplify\"}","path":"/users","resource":"/{proxy+}","queryStringParameters":{}}
App started
get All VSM called
Connection to database was a success
{"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"success\":true,\"results\":[]}","headers":{"x-powered-by":"Express","access-control-allow-origin":"*","access-control-allow-headers":"Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","content-length":"29","etag":"W/\"1d-4wD7ChrrlHssGyekznKfKxR7ImE\"","date":"Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:32:36 GMT","connection":"close"},"isBase64Encoded":false}
Finished execution.
EDIT : Also, when running the invoke command, amplify asks me for a src/event.json while i've seen it looking for the index.js for some ??
EDIT 2 [SOLVED] : downgrading #aws-amplify/cli to 4.14.1 seems to solve this :)
Expected behavior : The server should continue running so i can use it ..
Actual behavior : It always stops after the finished execution message.
The connection to the db works fine, the config.json contains correct values. Don't know why it is acting like this. Have anybody had the same problem?
Have a nice day.
Short answer: You are running the invoke command which is doing just what it is supposed to be doing - invoking the lambda function.
If you are looking to get a local API up, then run the following command:
sam local start-api
This will read your template and based on the endpoints you have setup, run them locally essentially mocking API Gateway locally. Read more about it in the official docs here.
This command comes is one of offering of AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM). A tool to develop serverless application. It is essentially an abstraction of AWS Cloufdformation. Similarly Amplify is an abstraction that makes it simple to not only develop and manage the backend but also brings that power to frontend.
As both of them essentially use Cloudformation templates underneeth, you can leverage the capabilities of one tool with another.
SAM provides a robust set of tools for local development invcluding running a local lambda mocking server, in case you are not using API Gateway.
I use this combination to develop and test my frontend along with backend which is in golang, a language which is not as mature as javascript as a backend language with Amplify as of now.

Is it possible to update only part of a Glue Job using AWS CLI?

I am trying to include in my CI/CD development the update of the script_location and only this parameter. AWS is asking me to include the required parameters such as RoleArn. How can I only update the part of the job configuration I want to change ?
This is what I am trying to use
aws glue update-job --job-name <job_name> --job-update Command="{ScriptLocation=s3://<s3_path_to_script>}
This is what happens :
An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the UpdateJob operation: Command name should not be null or empty.
If I add the default Command Name glueetl, this is what happens :
An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the UpdateJob operation: Role should not be null or empty.
An easy way to update via CLI a glue-job or a glue-trigger is using --cli-input-json option. In order to use correct json you could use aws glue update-job --generate-cli-skeleton what returns a complete structure to insert your changes.
Well here just fill the name of the job and change the options.
After this you have to transform your json into a one-line json and send into the command using ' '
aws glue update-job --cli-input-json '<one-line-json>'
I hope help someone with this problem too.
I don't know whether you've solved this problem, but I managed using this command:
aws glue update-job --job-name <gluejobname> --job-update Role=myRoleNameBB,Command="{Name=<someupdatename>,ScriptLocation=<>}"
You don't need the the ARN of the role, rather the role name. The example above assumes that you have a role with the name myRoleNameBB and it has access to AWS Glue.
Note: I used a local file on my laptop. Also, the "Name" in "Command" part is also compulsory.
When I run it I go this output:
"JobName": "<gluejobname>"
Based on what I have found, there is no way to update just part of the job using the update-job API.
I ran into the same issue and I provided the role to get past this error. The command worked but the update-job API actually resets other parameters to defaults such as Type of application, Job Language,Class, Timeout, Max Capacity, etc.
So if your pre-existing job is a Spark Application in scala, it will fail as AWS defaults to Python Shell and python as job language as part of the update-job API. And this API provides no way to set job Language type to scala and set a main class (required in case of scala). It provides a way to set the application type to Spark application.
If you do not want to specify the Role to the update-job API. One approach is to copy the new script with the same name and same location that your pre-existing ETL job uses and then trigger your ETL using start-job API as part of the CI process.
Second approach is to run your ETL directly and force it to use the latest script in the start-job API call:
aws glue start-job-run --job-name <job-name> --arguments=scriptLocation="<path to your latest script>"
The only caveat with the second approach is when you look in the console the ETL job will still be referencing the old script Location. The above command just forces this run of the job to use the latest script which you can confirm by looking in the History tab on the Glue ETL console.

How can file writes with NodeJS on Docker be inconsistent?

A while back I've created some feed fetching & processing scripts with NodeJS for an application I'm working on. I've been running this script on my local machine (OSX) manually for a while and momentarily I'm working on having a job do this. I figured I'd go with a Docker droplet ($5/mo) on Digital ocean. I've created a Dockerfile with NodeJS (9), cron and everything I think I need. Everything works fine on my local machine when I build and run the docker container.
However, when I deploy it to Digital Ocean there seems to be different behaviour from running it locally. Exactly the thing I wanted to prevent using Docker. I have a main shell script that calls 8 different node scripts sequentially. On Digital Ocean it seems that some NodeJS-scripts exit prematurely. So they haven't finished yet but the mail shell script continues with the next NodeJS script. An example:
execute() {
const outputPath = path.join(this._feedDir, this._outputFile);
return createDirIfNotExists(this._feedDir, this._log)
.then(() => this._doRequests())
.then(requestData => this._writeFile(outputPath, JSON.stringify({requests: => JSON.parse(data))}), this._log))
When running the code:
Script does create the dir
Script does do all the requests to external sources (and accumulates the data)
Script sometimes write the data to file, and sometimes not. Without any error code.
Main (shell) script always picks up after that.
Any thoughts?

AWS Request Expired Error

I'm trying to execute a script in which an AWS security group is created using NodeJS. When I try and run the script I get an error saying:
Error { RequestExpired: Request has expired.
Has anyone seen this? What does it mean? I thought the time between my local machine and the AWS Host might be off so I set a new timezone in my script to make up for the difference but still same error.
