Update targets in classification images - pytorch

Why are we updating targets in the implementation of bayesian cnn with mc dropout here?
def update_target(target, original, update_rate):
for target_param, param in zip(target.parameters(), original.parameters()):
target_param.data.copy_((1.0 - update_rate) * target_param.data + update_rate*param.data)

The implementation you have referred to is a data parallel one.
Which means, the author intends to train multiple networks with the same architecture but different hyper-parameters.
Although in an unconventional way, this is what update_target does:
update_target(net_test, net, 0.001)
It updates the net_test with a lower learning rate compared to net, but with the exact same parameter changes applied to original net, that is actually being trained. Only the change scales is different.
I am assuming that this is found to be useful in terms of computational efficiency, since only one of the networks are actually being "trained" during main training phase:
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = CE(outputs, labels)
One less forward pass and one less backprop per step.


what does model.eval() do for batch normalization layer?

Why does the testing data use the mean and variance of the all training data? To keep the distribution consistent? What is the difference between the BN layer using model.train compared to model.val
It fixes the mean and var computed in the training phase by keeping estimates of it in running_mean and running_var. See PyTorch Documentation.
As noted there the implementation is based on the description in the paper Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift. As one tries to use the whole training data one can get (given similar data train/test data) a better estimate of the mean/var for the (unseen) test set.
Also similar questions have been asked here: What does model.eval() do?

Can I use BERT as a feature extractor without any finetuning on my specific data set?

I'm trying to solve a multilabel classification task of 10 classes with a relatively balanced training set consists of ~25K samples and an evaluation set consists of ~5K samples.
I'm using the huggingface:
model = transformers.BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(...
and obtain quite nice results (ROC AUC = 0.98).
However, I'm witnessing some odd behavior which I don't seem to make sense of -
I add the following lines of code:
for param in model.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
while making sure that the other layers of the model are learned, that is:
[param[0] for param in model.named_parameters() if param[1].requires_grad == True]
['classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias']
Training the model when configured like so, yields some embarrassingly poor results (ROC AUC = 0.59).
I was working under the assumption that an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers. So, where do I got it wrong?
From my experience, you are going wrong in your assumption
an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers.
I have noticed similar experiences when trying to use BERT's output layer as a word embedding value with little-to-no fine-tuning, which also gave very poor results; and this also makes sense, since you effectively have 768*num_classes connections in the simplest form of output layer. Compared to the millions of parameters of BERT, this gives you an almost negligible amount of control over intense model complexity. However, I also want to cautiously point to overfitted results when training your full model, although I'm sure you are aware of that.
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers. The one instance in which it can be helpful to disable at least partial layers would be the embedding component, depending on the model's vocabulary size (~30k for BERT-base).
I think the following will help in demystifying the odd behavior I reported here earlier –
First, as it turned out, when freezing the BERT layers (and using an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model without any fine-tuning), the number of training epochs required for the classification layer is far greater than that needed when allowing all layers to be learned.
For example,
Without freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.98, train loss = 0.0988, validation loss = 0.0501 # end of epoch 1
ROC AUC = 0.99, train loss = 0.0484, validation loss = 0.0433 # end of epoch 2
Overfitting, train loss = 0.0270, validation loss = 0.0423 # end of epoch 3
Whereas, when freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.77, train loss = 0.2509, validation loss = 0.2491 # end of epoch 10
ROC AUC = 0.89, train loss = 0.1743, validation loss = 0.1722 # end of epoch 100
ROC AUC = 0.93, train loss = 0.1452, validation loss = 0.1363 # end of epoch 1000
The (probable) conclusion that arises from these results is that working with an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model as a feature extractor (that is, freezing its layers) while learning only the classification layer suffers from underfitting.
This is demonstrated in two ways:
First, after running 1000 epochs, the model still hasn’t finished learning (the training loss is still higher than the validation loss).
Second, after running 1000 epochs, the loss values are still higher than the values achieved with the non-freeze version as early as the 1’st epoch.
To sum it up, #dennlinger, I think I completely agree with you on this:
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers.

PyTorch training with dropout and/or batch-normalization

A model should be set in the evaluation mode for inference by calling model.eval().
Do we need to also do this during training before getting the model outputs? Like within a training epoch if the network contains one or more dropout and/or batch-normalization layers.
If this is not done then the output of the forward pass in the training epoch might be affected by the randomness in the dropout?
Many example codes do not do this and something along these lines is the common approach:
for t in range(num_epochs):
# forward pass
yhat = model(x)
# get the loss
loss = criterion(yhat , y)
# backward pass, optimizer step
For example here is an example code to look at : convolutional_neural_network/main.py
Should this instead be?
for t in range(num_epochs):
# forward pass
model.eval() # disable dropout etc
yhat = model(x)
# get the loss
loss = criterion(yhat , y)
# backward pass, optimizer step
Should this instead be?
More explanation:
Different Modules behave differently depending on whether they are in training or evaluation/test mode.
BatchNorm and Dropout are only two examples of such modules, basically any module that has a training phase follows this rule.
When you do .eval(), you are signaling all modules in the model to shift operations accordingly.
The answer is during training you should not use eval mode and yes, as long as you have not set the eval mode, the dropout will be active and act randomly in each forward passes. Similarly all other modules that have two phases, will perform accordingly. That is BN will always update the mean/var for each pass, and also if you use batch_size of 1, it will error out as it can not do BN with batch of 1
As it was pointed out in comments, it should be noted that during training, you should not do eval() before the forward pass, as it effectively disables all modules that has different phases for train/test mode such as BN and Dropout (basically any module that has updateable/learnable parameters, or impacts network topology like dropout) will be disabled and you will not see them contributing to your network learning. So don't code like that!
Let me explain a bit what happens during training:
When you are in training mode, all of your modules that make up your model may have two modes, training and test mode. These modules either have learnable parameters that need to be updated during training, like BN, or affect network topology in a sense like Dropout (by disabling some features during forward pass). some modules such as ReLU() only operate in one mode and thus do not have any change when modes change.
When you are in training mode, you feed an image, it passes trough layers until it faces a dropout and here, some features are disabled, thus theri responses to the next layer is omitted, the output goes to other layers until it reaches the end of the network and you get a prediction.
the network may have correct or wrong predictions, which will accordingly update the weights. if the answer was right, the features/combinations of features that resulted in the correct answer will be positively affected and vice versa.
So during training you do not need and should not disable dropout, as it affects the output and should be affecting it so that the model learns a better set of features.
I hope this makes it a bit more clear for you. if you still feel you need more, say so in the comments.

Beginner: loss.backwards() doesn't work if input had no impact on output

I am a beginner with pytorch and have the following problem.
I want to optimize a complex problem that uses torch.min() multiple times, but even with a simple toy example I can't get it to work. My code has these lines:
output = net(input)
loss = g(output)
loss = torch.min(loss, torch.ones(1))
To minimize this loss the net should ascertain that the output minimizes g:R^2->R. Here g is a very simple function that has a zero at {-1,-2} and if I delete the third line the neural network finds the solution just fine. However with the posted code and bad initial weights the minimum is attained by 1. This leads to the backward() function not updating the weights and no learning happening at all over arbitrary many epochs.
Is there a way to detect/fix this behaviour in more complex cases? My task uses the minimum function multiple times and in more complex ways, so I think it would be quite hard to track every single one and ascertain that learning actually takes place.
Edit: If I start the optimizer multiple times it rarely happens that the optimization works just fine (e.g. converges to {-1,-2}). My interpretation is that in those cases the inital weights randomly lead to the minimum beeing attained in the first component.
Rewrite your code:
output = net(input)
loss_fn = torch.min
y_hat = g(output)
y = torch.ones(1)
loss = loss_fn(y_hat, y)
You wrote:
This leads to the backward() function not updating the weights and no learning happening at all over arbitrary many epochs.
Once we calculate the loss we call loss.backward(). The loss.backward() will calculate the gradients automatically. Gradients are needed in the next phase, when we use the optimizer.step() function to improve our model parameters (weights).
You need to have the optimizer something like this:
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
Since PyTorch training loop can be 100 lines of code, I will just reference some material in here perfect for beginners.

Best Way to Overcome Early Convergence for Machine Learning Model

I have a machine learning model built that tries to predict weather data, and in this case I am doing a prediction on whether or not it will rain tomorrow (a binary prediction of Yes/No).
In the dataset there is about 50 input variables, and I have 65,000 entries in the dataset.
I am currently running a RNN with a single hidden layer, with 35 nodes in the hidden layer. I am using PyTorch's NLLLoss as my loss function, and Adaboost for the optimization function. I've tried many different learning rates, and 0.01 seems to be working fairly well.
After running for 150 epochs, I notice that I start to converge around .80 accuracy for my test data. However, I would wish for this to be even higher. However, it seems like the model is stuck oscillating around some sort of saddle or local minimum. (A graph of this is below)
What are the most effective ways to get out of this "valley" that the model seems to be stuck in?
Not sure why exactly you are using only one hidden layer and what is the shape of your history data but here are the things you can try:
Try more than one hidden layer
Experiment with LSTM and GRU layer and combination of these layers together with RNN.
Shape of your data i.e. the history you look at to predict the weather.
Make sure your features are scaled properly since you have about 50 input variables.
Your question is little ambiguous as you mentioned RNN with a single hidden layer. Also without knowing the entire neural network architecture, it is tough to say how can you bring in improvements. So, I would like to add a few points.
You mentioned that you are using "Adaboost" as the optimization function but PyTorch doesn't have any such optimizer. Did you try using SGD or Adam optimizers which are very useful?
Do you have any regularization term in the loss function? Are you familiar with dropout? Did you check the training performance? Does your model overfit?
Do you have a baseline model/algorithm so that you can compare whether 80% accuracy is good or not?
150 epochs just for a binary classification task looks too much. Why don't you start from an off-the-shelf classifier model? You can find several examples of regression, classification in this tutorial.
