Reactjs Redux Optimization Best Practices - node.js

My question may seem dumb to the experienced but hey, I am just trying to learn. In a react-redux-thunk setup or for that matter any similar setup, should I use complex joins at backend or return normalized values to the front end as much as possible and use something like redux selectors to perform something similar to joins.
The second approach it feels will let me keep the state light but at the same time without proper algorithms, things can get messy. Like running three nested loops increasing time complexity etc.
Any thoughts or pointers to articles on best practices in this regard?

Should I use complex joins at backend?
Yes. In case if you have complex logic/data structure and need more computational power to do calculation/mutation with the data.
Try avoiding too many computation at UI for better user experience.
Server side languages Java, C# etc... shine well for this use case.
Return normalized values to the front end as much as possible and use something like redux selectors to perform something similar to joins?
Yes. In case if you have plain data structures and you are not performing too many manipulations of any nested structure at UI.
Check this for the ways to normalise your redux store data.
As a normal user, I am ok to wait a fraction of second more for server response whereas any lag in using my application after loading is not better experience (Clicking/Navigate to other tabs etc...).
To answer your question in one word: It depends.
Remember only user experience matters at the end.


How do you save a List<> as a column in a table in room?

I am building an app in which I have a Room entity that one of its columns is supposed to hold a List.
What is the best approach for doing this in an app that uses Flow, Coroutines and Room?
I tried serializing with Jackson (turning the List to a long json String and then bring it back to a List when fetched) but I am not sure if this is the correct approach.
Thank you,
What is the best approach for doing this in an app that uses Flow, Coroutines and Room?
This is very much open to opinion.
From a database perspective the approach would be to have any list as a table and thus
reducing the JSON bloat and thus reducing efficiency,
reduce duplication and thus be more likely to conform to normalisation
not potentially introducing complexities and even greater inefficiencies (e.g. not mentioned in the answer below but wild-character as the first character must do a full table scan)
perhaps consider this question and answer matching multiple title in single query using like keyword where if the table per list approach were taken then a simple SELECT * FROM task WHERE task_tags IN(:taglist) could do the same
From a coding point of view at first the coding is simpler when embedding JSON as the complex code is within the JSON libraries.

MongoDB most efficient Query Strategy

I state that I have already tried to look in the Mongo documentation, but I have not found what I am looking for. I've also read similar questions, but they always talk about very simple queries. I'm working with the Node's Mongo native driver. This is a scalability problem, so the collections I am talking about can have millions of records or some dozen.
Basically I have a query and I need to validate all results (which have a complex structure). Two possible solutions come to mind:
I create a query as specific as possible and try to validate the result directly on the server
I use the cursor to go through the documents one by one from the client (this would also allow me to stop if I am looking for only one result)
Here is the question: what is the most efficient way, in terms of latency, overall time, bandwidth use and computational weight server/client? There is probably no single answer, in fact I'd like to understand the pros and cons of the different approaches (and whichever approach you recommend). I know the solution should be determined on a case-by-case basis, however I am trying to figure out what could best cover most of the cases.
Also, to be more specific:
A) Being a complex query (several nested objects with ranges of values ​​and lists of values ​​allowed), performing the validation from the server would certainly save bandwidth, but is it always possible? And in terms of computation could it be more efficient to do it on the client?
B) I don't understand the cursor behavior: is it a continuously open stream until it is closed by server/client? In addition, does the next() result already take up resources on the server/client or does it happen to the call?
If anyone knows, I'd also like to know how Mongoose solved these "problems", for example in the case of custom validators.

What (in_memory) graph DB if modeling data is focused

I am out of ideas and hope to get some useful input. I am using this question to compress my experiences and share them, hoping to inspire some distributors to go the next step with modeling graph databases as a first class question/way.
I've been validating some graph database solutions usable by node.js for a few weeks. My use case is to save interactions of different social user network accounts. The need is to use CPU and memory in the most efficient way.
My most important requirements are:
in_memory (at least for indexing)
open source (and free to use)
same JavaScript/Node.js performance as first class citizen
comfortable query and modeling language
I really like cypher so my best choice would be Neo4j.
But the major issue about Neo4j is the JavaScript access is non-native. It uses the REST-API which is about ten times (10x) slower than direct Java access. So I took a look at node-neo4j-embedded, but it has been inactive for more than two years. It looks like its author isn't active at all (bad sign).
The really nice core developers of ArangoDB answered to my question about internals. Finally it means JavaScript is first class citizen because native queries can be pushed out of JS. Looking at the open source benchmarks, I think it is fair. But I am afraid they didn't use node-neo4j-embedded for their benchmark. The benchmarks compare the REST-APIs (Edited because of #weinberger comment). I wished they compare the native APIs (maybe someone is snoopy enough and give it a try! - let us know!). Update: As I noticed now, OrientDB has answered the benchmark with a new node.js driver (using Command Cache by starting the server with -Dcommand.cache.enabled=true -Dcommand.cache.minExecutionTime=3, what isn't fair, because it wasn't a query caches benchmark!)
Because I like to use ArangoDB as a graph database I would have 3 choices (source: FAQ):
traverse JS objects
using AQLs graph functions
using the REST API
In general it isn't comfortable like cypher. And I am not sure how to compare and what is the right way modeling data (like Neo4J explains very well). I'd love to have something like this for ArangoDB Graphs. It feels like ArangoDB is focused on graph operations and Neo4J fits more the needs of using graphs if you have more relations than rows (the reason to use graphs instead of relations with joins).
The document based MongoDB isn't optimized for graph operations but latterly has gotten an experimental in_memory storage engine. Also there are some projects either in_memory or graph related but nothing is really compelling. And at this discussion it looks like MongoDB isn't what I like to use.
Because there is a comparison about OrientDB vs. MongoDB available (from OrientDB) I though about to use this one. "OrientDB has a hybrid Document-Graph engine" using SQL. I am a former PHP/MySQL expert. But where is the modeling part ? Their chapter working with graphs is not cypher like. It is like using SQL for Graphs. There is nothing wrong with that, but using cypher before I miss the modeling like feeling.
If someone did a modeling process with OrientDB and Graphs maybe you could write a tutorial like Neo4J had done.
Update: About JavaScript access like first citizen there are news:
"In the next release the speed of this driver will be comparable to the native Java one" The forked node.js driver had bin fixed last days.
Update: Before choosing OrientDB one might want to read article about some issues and discussions linked from there. The article is touching a sensitive issue and should be approached with critical mind. Note from author of this update: I'm new to editing SO and don't have enough reputation to put this to comments. I believe this information is a valid point to discussion, not sure how to place it here according to SO rules.
Before I was looking at Neo4J, ArangoDB and MongoDB, I played around with that JavaScript based in_memory database called LokiJS, what seams to follow the strategy to ignore everything what slows down performance and efficiency. LokiJS is trying to complete the Mongo-Style (RoadMap). The major issue is the bad ability to scale. Of cause it isn't a graph database but it was an interesting solution while the beginning of my project. Also it wasn't a perfect feeling to find all the distributed documentation (maybe they should reboot with GitBook).
Finally LokiJS is a very interesting project at all and I hope they will go forward!
Previously when I wrote my degree paper I was looking at levelDB. Remembering this while writing this post, I searched for LevelDB in_memory and got a promising result called MemDown (see also). I haven't tested this find, but maybe someone has experiences working and modeling for this solution. Maybe it would be the most efficient way if all the others will not fit because I would simply write a lightweight cypher clone with the goal to stay much lightweight as I can do.
Edit: Due to comment, here is a link to LevelGraph. As an idea to implement a CYPHER parser for LevelGraph/LevelDB your starting point would be to compare
RETURN, subject, predicate, object
var RETURN = { SUBJECT: "a", PREDICATE: "b", OBJECT: "c" };
db.put(RETURN, function(err) {
// ..
As you likely noticed I am not the super hero about graphs. But this is my initial dive into this and I'm trying to get an overview. I assume there are a lot people out there who want to ask the same questions as me but haven't the time. I hope this post will help a lot people and will change by comments and answers to become a well done overview how to modeling data for graphs.
#editors: You are welcome.
#commenters: This is the result of my personal research - if you also have done a journey like me, please answer with a short summary like I have done for each DB I've evaluated (don't forget to target my 4 goals).
The idea to combine node-style performance through any of the native features (e.g. streams) and a high level query language like CYPHER is actually quite neat.
What you likely won't get is any kind of low level API, since this is rather rare with DB authors and, supposedly, not wanted in their design patterns. So, long running tcp connections shall just serve fine.
cypher-stream since to incorporate all of this, while (superficially judged) maintaining a good style.
Since you likely won't get any further with the search, I'd suggest sending him a pull request if any other features are needed :)
You should take a look at Gundb
It's open source and has a very active and helpfull lead developer.
Join us at

In CouchDB, are there ways to improve performance of the View index process?

I have some basic views and some map/reduce views with logic. Nothing too complex. Not too many documents. I've tried with 250k, 75k, and 10k documents. Seems like I'm always waiting for view indexing.
Does better, more efficient code in the view help? I'm assuming it's basically processing the view at all levels of aggregation. So there must be some improvement there.
Does emit()-ing less data help? emit(, doc) vs specifying fewer fields?
Do more or less complex keys impact view indexing?
Or is it all about memory, CPU cores, and processor speed?
There must be some documentation out there, but I can't find anything referencing ways to improve performance.
I would take a deeper look into the reduce function. Try to use the built-in Erlang functions like _sum, _count, instead of writing Javascript.
Complex views can take hours and more, that's normal.
Maybe post such not too complex map/reduce.
And don't forget: indexing all docs is only done once after changing the view (or pushing a whole bunch of new docs). Subsequent new docs are indexed incrementally.
Use a view with &stale=ok to retrieve the "old" data instantly, so you don't have to wait. (But pay attention: you always have to call a view without stale=ok at least once to trigger the indexing process). Or better: use stale=update_after.
The code you write in views is more like CREATE INDEX than SELECT. It should be irrelevant how long it takes, as long as the view builds keep up with the document change rate. Building a view is a sunk (one-time) cost.
When you query the view, that is always a binary tree scan, which operates against a static data set in logarithmic time. That is usually the performance people care about more (in production.)
If you are not seeing behavior like I describe, perhaps we could discuss your view functions and your general approach to your problem. CouchDB is very different from relational databases. In the latter, you have highly structured data and free-form queries. In CouchDB, you have free-form data but highly structured index definitions (views). Except during development, changing and rebuilding views should be rare.
not emitting anything will help, but doing the view creation in smaller batches ( there are scripts that do this automagically ) helps more than anything other than not emitting anything at all, which can't be helped sometimes.

Transform MongoDB Data on Find

Is it possible to transform the returned data from a Find query in MongoDB?
As an example, I have a first and last field to store a user's first and last name. In certain queries, I wish to return the first name and last initial only (e.g. 'Joe Smith' returned as 'Joe S'). In MySQL a SUBSTRING() function could be used on the field in the SELECT statement.
Are there data transformations or string functions in Mongo like there are in SQL? If so can you please provide an example of usage. If not, is there a proposed method of transforming the data aside from looping through the returned object?
It is possible to do just about anything server-side with mongodb. The reason you will usually hear "no" is you sacrifice too much speed for it to make sense under ordinary circumstances. One of the main forces behind PyMongo, Mike Dirolf with 10gen, has a good blog post on using server-side javascript with pymongo here: His example is for storing a javascript function to return the sum of two fields. But you could easily modify to return the first letter of your user name field. The gist would be something like:
db.system_js.first_letter = "function (x) { return x.charAt(0); }"
Understand first, though, that mongodb is made to be really good at retrieving your data, not really good at processing it. The recommendation (see for example 50 tips and tricks for mongodb developers from Kristina Chodorow by Oreilly) is to do what Andrew tersely alluded to doing above: make a first letter column and return that instead. Any processing can be more efficiently done in the application.
But if you feel that even querying for the fullname before returning fullname[0] from your 'view' is too much of a security risk, you don't need to do everything the fastest possible way. I'd avoided map-reduce in mongodb for awhile because of all the public concerns about speed. Then I ran my first map reduce and twiddled my thumbs for .1 seconds as it processed 80,000 10k documents. I realize in the scheme of things, that's tiny. But it illustrates that just because it's bad for a massive website to take a performance hit on some server side processing, doesn't mean it would matter to you. In my case, I imagine it would take me slightly longer to migrate to Hadoop than to just eat that .1 seconds every now and then. Good luck with your site
The question you should ask yourself is why you need that data. If you need it for display purposes, do that in your view code. If you need it for query purposes, then do as Andrew suggested, and store it as an extra field on the object. Mongo doesn't provide server-side transformations (usually, and where it does, you usually don't want to use them); the answer is usually to not treat your data as you would in a relational DB, but to use the more flexible nature of the data store to pre-bake your data into the formats that you're going to be using.
If you can provide more information on how this data should be used, then we might be able to answer a little more usefully.
