How to use Create react app to install React - node.js

Hi I'm really new to react and I can't figure out how to actually install it or whatever it is I need to do to write code in it. I downloaded node.js and I have v12.18.3 installed as well as NPM 6.14.6 installed as well, but every time I try to type in the commands in the create-react-app installation method mentioned on many websites I get an error message saying: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token. Am I supposed to be typing directly into node? I have Visual code studio installed am I supposed to use that in some way? I see there’s a github repository for create-react-app, does this mean I have to download it to my pc to run it? Does React just have a CDN I can use to skip all this?

create-react-app is the command to create the react app.
But it is not necessary to install it to create-react-app.
Best thing you have to do is,
npx create-react-app <app-name-here>
This makes install create-react-app install in the runtime of the command with using npx.
As an example,
npx create-react-app my_app
Try this.
Best regards.

Use following command and let's get start:
npx create-react-app <app-name>
npx create-react-app demo-app

npx create-react-app name-of-app
then press "Enter" and let the magic begins

you can create a react project by simply typing
npx create-react-app on cmd on the path that you need to create react app.


Create React App Stuck after a point "added 1416 packages in 2m"

My terminal window
Help! I've been trying to create a react app on my machine. With the npx create-react-app my-app not working I have tried several commands, finally this command npx create-react-app#latest-version my-app is starting the installation but never goes further this point. Commands like npm start aren't working.
How do i solve this?
I've tried the command npx create-react-app#5.0.1 my-app
I expected react app to be created and it being able to run commands like npm start
i had the same problem and i did 2 things:
used npm i react#latest then npx create-react-app app-name.
changed internet service provider.
if that doesn't work, i suggest using a different pc/laptop and test it again.

How to install svelte, i seem to have issues with it

So I am new to javascript frameworks, and I want to start using svelte. So I went to svelte website and start the installing process, and I am already getting errors. I will keep communicating if you have any questions about my problem. Here Is my terminal:
coolstuff#srimaans-air svelte % npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-demo
! could not fetch remote
! could not find commit hash for HEAD
coolstuff#srimaans-air svelte %
If you can't fetch the github page you might first have to install degit. You can do so with this command:
npm install -g degit
If npx isn't working you can run this:
npm install -g npx
Edit: if that didn't solve it, then it's probably that git isn't installed yet. Try what was posted here:
Install git and run the commands from the git terminal instead of the regular one.
Before you begin i strongly suggest you to learn how to create development environment for frameworks. There are tools such as vite, webpack.
you can easily start with vite
npm create vite#latest
or you can go with the sveltekit which also using vite
npm create svelte#latest my-app
after you set, you able to edit configuration files (vite.config.js, svelte.config.js etc) to specify output options of the pages you made.
you can find much more in here

error found when we install npx create-react-app

enter image description here
I don't know why these error come when we simply write command create-react-app so please solve this error I want to made my project as soon as possible.
Follow this steps and see.
Install Node (
npm i -g
create-react-app your-app-name
Follow Steps: -
Install Node.js in your machine (
create folder with your project name
Right click on folder open VS-CODE
open VS-Code's terminal
cd projectname
npx create-react-app .

Facing error while installing npm in react

I want to make a react project but when I execute npx create-react-app, it doesn't respond. Can anyone tell me what the issue I am facing here is? Screenshot.
make an empty folder then drag it over VSC, and type in terminal: npx create-react-app . (dot means in the current folder) also make sure u have node installed, type: node -v (to check what version u have)
From the official ReactJS Docs:
You’ll need to have Node >= 14.0.0 and npm >= 5.6 on your machine. To create a project, run:
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
In the screenshot you provided, you indeed ran the command; but, it doesn’t show that you checked that the directory, visual, was created within your working directory, New folder. In addition, no error message was output; so as it stands, we know the npx command exists; and can only assume that, the command executed without error.
When using create-react-app:
A new directory will be created in the working directory (in your case, New folder) you run the command within.
This new directory will have the name of the argument you provided to create-react-app (in your case, visual).
So your directory structure you look like this:
New folder/
└─ visual/
The issue I see is that, the general output normally seen when running create-react-app (as shown here) did not appear in your screenshot; however, I’ve never ran it from MS PowerShell, as you appear to be. So you’ll want to check:
That you’re not overthinking this, and ensure that the, my-app, folder really wasn’t created;
And that your NodeJS version is either 14.0.0 or higher:
node -v
And that create-react-app was not installed globally:
To check this, run:
npm list -g
If you see create-react-app in the list, run:
npm uninstall -g create-react-app
npm install create-react-app
Or that running it from cmd (or cygwin) instead of powershell is maybe the better option.

why i am not able to install all the dependencies in react?

enter image description hereI tried running all the commands including npx create-react-app npm create-react-app npm install npm clear cache --f everything.
still i am not able to install all the dependencies in my package json
The fact that a package is asking for funding should not affect your installation. It simply means that the author(s) is/are looking for financial support to continue their work.
To create a new installation and avoid possible issues - go to a new directory and type the following on your command prompt:-
npx create-react-app todo1
Then, you need to navigate to the folder of your newly created app, "todo1" by running the following:
cd todo1
Finally to run the app, type the following:
npm start
First I want to say your commands are not clear and those are not separated. I assume you need to create react app with npm package manager.
If you run npx create-react-app todo1 you will create a react app with yarn dependency manager.
If you need to use npm dependency manager use the following command
npx create-react-app todo1 --use-npm
Then check the root directory. it should have the package.json file with necessary initial dependencies.
