How is a minibatch processed by the GPU in PyTorch? - pytorch

I am trying to understand how PyTorch actually performs a forward pass over a minibatch. When a minibatch is processed by a network, is each example in the minibatch (e.g. each image) sent forwards individually, one after the other? Or are all examples in the minibatch sent forwards at the same time?
When an example is sent forwards through a network, the additional memory requirement is the activations at each layer. And as long as the network does not take up the entire GPU, then it seems that multiple instantiations of these activations could be stored at the same time. Each instantiation could then be used to store the activations for one example in the minibatch. And therefore, multiple examples could be sent through the network simultaneously. However, I'm unsure whether this is actually done in practice.
I have done some simple experiments, and the time for a forward pass is roughly proportional to the minibatch size. This suggests that the examples are sent through one after the other. If so, then why is it that people say that training is faster when the minibatch size is larger? It seems that the processing time for an entire epoch would not be dependent on the minibatch size.

I am trying to understand how PyTorch actually performs a forward pass over a minibatch. When a minibatch is processed by a network, is each example in the minibatch (e.g. each image) sent forwards individually, one after the other? Or are all examples in the minibatch sent forwards at the same time?
All at the same time. To do so, it relies on batch processing, broadcasting, element-wise vectorization for non-linear operations (basically, a highly optimized for-loop, sometimes in parrallel) and matrix linear algebra. The later is much more efficient than a for-loop, since it can leverage dedicated hardware component designed for parallel linear algebra (this is true for both cpu and gpu, but gpu are especially well suited for this).
Each instantiation could then be used to store the activations for one example in the minibatch. And therefore, multiple examples could be sent through the network simultaneously. However, I'm unsure whether this is actually done in practice.
This is not how it works, torch is keeping track of "operations", each of them having a backward used computing the gradient of the inputs wrt to the outputs. It is designed to support batch processing and vectorization, such that processing a bunch of samples is done at once as in single backward pass.
I have done some simple experiments, and the time for a forward pass is roughly proportional to the minibatch size.
This is not true. It may be because you are already eating up 100% of the available resources (cpu or gpu), or because you are not doing the profiling properly (which is not so easy to do). If you post an example, one you try to help you on this point.


How do I prevent a lack of VRAM halfway through training a Huggingface Transformers (Pegasus) model?

I'm taking a pre-trained pegasus model through Huggingface transformers, (specifically, google/pegasus-cnn_dailymail, and I'm using Huggingface transformers through Pytorch) and I want to finetune it on my own data. This is however quite a large dataset and I've run into the problem of running out of VRAM halfway through training, which because of the size of the dataset can be a few days after training even started, which makes a trial-and-error approach very inefficient.
I'm wondering how I can make sure ahead of time that it doesn't run out of memory. I would think that the memory usage of the model is in some way proportional to the size of the input, so I've passed truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=1024 to my tokenizer, which if my understanding is correct should make all the outputs of the tokenizer of the same size per line. Considering that the batch size is also a constant, I would think that the amount of VRAM in use should be stable. So I should just be able to cut up the dataset into managable parts, just looking at the ram/vram use of the first run, and infer that it will run smoothly from start to finish.
However, the opposite seems to be true. I've been observing the amount of VRAM used at any time and it can vary wildly, from ~12GB at one time to suddenly requiring more than 24GB and crashing (because I don't have more than 24GB).
So, how do I make sure that the amount of vram in use will stay within reasonable bounds for the full duration of the training process, and avoid it crashing due to a lack of vram when I'm already days into the training process?
padding=True actually doesn't pad to max_length, but to the longest sample in the list you pass to the tokenizer. To pad to max_length you need to set padding='max_length'.

PyTorch training with Batches of different lenghts?

Is it possible to train model with batches that have unequal lenght during an epoch? I am new to pytorch.
If you take a look at the dataloader documentation, you'll see a drop_last parameter, which explains that sometimes when the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size, then you get a last batch of different size. So basically the answer is yes, it is possible, it happens often and it does not affect (too much) the training of a neural network.
However you must a bit careful, some pytorch layers deal poorly with very small batch sizes. For example if you happen to have Batchnorm layers, and if you get a batch of size 1, you'll get errors due to the fact that batchnorm at some point divides by len(batch)-1. More generally, training a network that has batchnorms generally require batches of significant sizes, say at least 16 (literature generally aims for 32 or 64). So if you happen to have variable size batches, take the time to check whether your layers have requirement in terms of batch size for optimal training and convergence. But except in particular cases, your network will train anyway, no worries.
As for how to make your batches with custom sizes, I suggest you look at and take inspiration from the pytorch implementation of dataloader and sampler. You may want to implement something similar to BatchSampler and use the batch_sampler argument of Dataloader

Accuracy graph for neural network is fluctuating a lot

I've made a neural network and it's architecture is as follows:
It has two two branches that are merged. One branch takes matrices as an input to a convolutional network and other branch is a fully connected layer that takes a vector as an input. These two branches are merged and send to a fully connected layer followed by a output layer. My network runs, however, I get the following graphs:
For accuracy:
For Loss:
I think my loss graph is alright. But the accuracy fun is fluctuating a lot. My overall accuracy is 60%. Do you think these graphs suggests under-fitting or it's normal? Insights would be appreciated.
It is a common behaviour to have fluctuations due to batch training. A perfect smooth loss graph/increase in accuracy would be obtained if and only if the neural network would be fed the entire dataset (this is impossible from a computational viewpoint).
When your training loss increases, the validation accuracy decreases, which is a good sign. The last graph together with my previous observation eliminates the possibility of overfitting(at least on the development set).
The graphs do not look out of the ordinary (except for those spikes that I have already mentioned, it is normal to have them during batch training)
It may or may not be the case of underfitting. If using more complex neural networks on both branches(on even on one of the branch) gives you a better result, then this means that it is a case of underfitting.
However, this underfitting phenomenon has nothing to do with the spikes that you see on the graphs.
Hope this helps you with your problem :)

How does pytorch's parallel method and distributed method work?

I'm not an expert in distributed system and CUDA. But there is one really interesting feature that PyTorch support which is nn.DataParallel and nn.DistributedDataParallel. How are they actually implemented? How do they separate common embeddings and synchronize data?
Here is a basic example of DataParallel.
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd.variable import Variable
import numpy as np
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
embedding=nn.Embedding(1000, 10),
rnn=nn.Linear(10, 10),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.rnn(x)
return x
model = nn.DataParallel(Model())
model.forward(Variable.from_numpy(np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6], dtype=np.int64)).cuda()).cpu()
PyTorch can split the input and send them to many GPUs and merge the results back.
How does it manage embeddings and synchronization for a parallel model or a distributed model?
I wandered around PyTorch's code but it's very hard to know how the fundamentals work.
That's a great question.
PyTorch DataParallel paradigm is actually quite simple and the implementation is open-sourced here . Note that his paradigm is not recommended today as it bottlenecks at the master GPU and not efficient in data transfer.
This container parallelizes the application of the given :attr:module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension (other objects will be copied once per device). In the forward
pass, the module is replicated on each device, and each replica handles a
portion of the input. During the backwards pass, gradients from each replica
are summed into the original module.
As of DistributedDataParallel, thats more tricky. This is currently the more advanced approach and it is quite efficient (see here).
This container parallelizes the application of the given module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension. The module is replicated on each machine and each device, and
each such replica handles a portion of the input. During the backwards
pass, gradients from each node are averaged.
There are several approaches towards how to average the gradients from each node. I would recommend this paper to get a real sense how things work. Generally speaking, there is a trade-off between transferring the data from one GPU to another, regarding bandwidth and speed, and we want that part to be really efficient. So one possible approach is to connect each pairs of GPUs with a really fast protocol in a circle, and to pass only part of gradients from one to another, s.t. in total, we transfer less data, more efficiently, and all the nodes get all the gradients (or their average at least). There will still be a master GPU in that situation, or at least a process, but now there is no bottleneck on any GPU, they all share the same amount of data (up to...).
Now this can be further optimized if we don't wait for all the batches to finish compute and start do a time-sharing thing where each node sends his portion when he's ready. Don't take me on the details, but it turns out that if we don't wait for everything to end, and do the averaging as soon as we can, it might also speed up the gradient averaging.
Please refer to literature for more information about that area as it is still developing (as of today).
PS 1: Usually these distributed training work better on machines that are set for that task, e.g. AWS deep learning instances that implement those protocols in HW.
PS 2: Disclaimer: I really don't know what protocol PyTorch devs chose to implement and what is chosen according to what. I work with distributed training and prefer to follow PyTorch best practices without trying to outsmart them. I recommend for you to do the same unless you are really into researching this area.
[1] Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models: A Taxonomic Perspective
Approach to ml parallelism with Pytorch
DataParallel & DistributedDataParallel
Model parallel
See Will switching GPU device affect the gradient in PyTorch back propagation?

Multi threaded AForge.NET training

I am using AForge.NET ANN and training it on my training set. Because the training is single threaded and the process can take ages, I wondered if it's possible to run a multi threaded training.
Because it is a problem to use threads while training a Resilient Backpropagation network I thought about splitting my training set between different networks and once every N epoch's, combine the weights of all networks in to one, Then, duplicate it to all threads (so the next epoch will start with the new weights).
I can't seem to find a method in the AForge.NET that combines two (or more) networks. Looking for some help on how to get started with the implementation process.
Combining the neural networks every N number of iterations won't work really well. It can be very tricky to just take the weights and combine them. In some ways this is how the crossover operation of a Genetic Algorithm works.
Really the only way you are going to be able to do this is modify AForge's training to support multiple threads. Basically to do this you need to map the gradient calculation and then do a reduce-sum on the gradients. Then use the reduced gradients to update the network.
I've implemented this exact thing in the Encog Framework, it supports multi-threaded (RPROP), and has a C# version.
