Multi threaded AForge.NET training - multithreading

I am using AForge.NET ANN and training it on my training set. Because the training is single threaded and the process can take ages, I wondered if it's possible to run a multi threaded training.
Because it is a problem to use threads while training a Resilient Backpropagation network I thought about splitting my training set between different networks and once every N epoch's, combine the weights of all networks in to one, Then, duplicate it to all threads (so the next epoch will start with the new weights).
I can't seem to find a method in the AForge.NET that combines two (or more) networks. Looking for some help on how to get started with the implementation process.

Combining the neural networks every N number of iterations won't work really well. It can be very tricky to just take the weights and combine them. In some ways this is how the crossover operation of a Genetic Algorithm works.
Really the only way you are going to be able to do this is modify AForge's training to support multiple threads. Basically to do this you need to map the gradient calculation and then do a reduce-sum on the gradients. Then use the reduced gradients to update the network.
I've implemented this exact thing in the Encog Framework, it supports multi-threaded (RPROP), and has a C# version.


BERT Ensemble shared linear layer worse than individual model

I fine-tuned two bert-base models, initialized with different weights, on the same dataset. I then attempted to combine my pretrained models via a shared linear layer. Supposed there is no problem in my code, is there a possibility that this combination performs worse during training and hence on a test set than the individual models? - This is my situation.
No. The shared linear layer is essentially an ensemble machine learning method, which combines two "weak" models into a single stronger model. The parameters for this combination are learned to optimize performance on the training set, so unless the shared layer is designed in such a way that it doesn't actually utilize the input features, its performance should always be at least as good as the worse of the two ensembled models on the training set. This is because at a minimum, the shared layer should be able to learn to output exactly the result of the better model and ignore the other model. Of course, it would be reasonable to achieve worse testing performance as the distribution of the data may differ.
Some causes of your issue may be:
Initializing in a local optimum
Different activation function in shared layer
Other parameter settings

When and Whether should we normalize the ground-truth labels in the multi-task regression models?

I am trying a multi-task regression model. However, the ground-truth labels of different tasks are on different scales. Therefore, I wonder whether it is necessary to normalize the targets. Otherwise, the MSE of some large-scale tasks will be extremely bigger. The figure below is part of my overall targets. You can certainly find that columns like ASA_m2_c have much higher values than some others.
First, I have already tried some weighted loss techniques to balance the concentration of my model when it does gradient backpropagation. The result shows it didn't perform well.
Secondly, I have seen tremendous discussions regarding normalizing the input data, but hardly discovered any particular talking about normalizing the labels. It's partly because most of the people's problems are classification type and a single task. I do know pytorch provides a convenient approach to normalize the vision dataset by transform.normalize, which is still operated on the input rather than the labels.
Similar questions:
PyTorch - How should you normalize individual instances
Moreover, I think it might be helpful to provide some details of my model architecture. The input is first fed into a feature extractor and then several generators use the shared output representation from that extractor to predict different targets.
I've been working on a Multi-Task Learning problem where one head has an output of ~500 and another between 0 and 1.
I've tried Uncertainty Weighting but in vain. So I'd be grateful if you could give me a little clue about your studies.(If there is any progress)

How to prioritize few Neural Network inputs?

I have a Neural Network with five inputs for a classification task. Two inputs out of those five are very important and have a direct relationship to the classification task. Therefore, I need to prioritize those two inputs within the network and give less priority to the other three. Is there a way in the neural network to facilitate my requirement?
If training works well, the NN should automatically pick up what's most important for your classification. That's the entire point of a NN (or ML in general); so that you don't have to manually tell it what's more important and what's not. After learning, you can verify that the model indeed does learn the correct order of importance between the features.
You can use any model explanation technique for this. ELI5, SHAP or LIME are some examples. All these will tell you if your model did indeed learn that the features that you know are important is actually important to the network.
You probably shouldn't try to manually incorporate such biases into the network (unless you have a very good reason for doing so, like incorporating spatial information of images via CNNs). Trust the learning xD

How does pytorch's parallel method and distributed method work?

I'm not an expert in distributed system and CUDA. But there is one really interesting feature that PyTorch support which is nn.DataParallel and nn.DistributedDataParallel. How are they actually implemented? How do they separate common embeddings and synchronize data?
Here is a basic example of DataParallel.
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd.variable import Variable
import numpy as np
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
embedding=nn.Embedding(1000, 10),
rnn=nn.Linear(10, 10),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.embedding(x)
x = self.rnn(x)
return x
model = nn.DataParallel(Model())
model.forward(Variable.from_numpy(np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6], dtype=np.int64)).cuda()).cpu()
PyTorch can split the input and send them to many GPUs and merge the results back.
How does it manage embeddings and synchronization for a parallel model or a distributed model?
I wandered around PyTorch's code but it's very hard to know how the fundamentals work.
That's a great question.
PyTorch DataParallel paradigm is actually quite simple and the implementation is open-sourced here . Note that his paradigm is not recommended today as it bottlenecks at the master GPU and not efficient in data transfer.
This container parallelizes the application of the given :attr:module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension (other objects will be copied once per device). In the forward
pass, the module is replicated on each device, and each replica handles a
portion of the input. During the backwards pass, gradients from each replica
are summed into the original module.
As of DistributedDataParallel, thats more tricky. This is currently the more advanced approach and it is quite efficient (see here).
This container parallelizes the application of the given module by
splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch
dimension. The module is replicated on each machine and each device, and
each such replica handles a portion of the input. During the backwards
pass, gradients from each node are averaged.
There are several approaches towards how to average the gradients from each node. I would recommend this paper to get a real sense how things work. Generally speaking, there is a trade-off between transferring the data from one GPU to another, regarding bandwidth and speed, and we want that part to be really efficient. So one possible approach is to connect each pairs of GPUs with a really fast protocol in a circle, and to pass only part of gradients from one to another, s.t. in total, we transfer less data, more efficiently, and all the nodes get all the gradients (or their average at least). There will still be a master GPU in that situation, or at least a process, but now there is no bottleneck on any GPU, they all share the same amount of data (up to...).
Now this can be further optimized if we don't wait for all the batches to finish compute and start do a time-sharing thing where each node sends his portion when he's ready. Don't take me on the details, but it turns out that if we don't wait for everything to end, and do the averaging as soon as we can, it might also speed up the gradient averaging.
Please refer to literature for more information about that area as it is still developing (as of today).
PS 1: Usually these distributed training work better on machines that are set for that task, e.g. AWS deep learning instances that implement those protocols in HW.
PS 2: Disclaimer: I really don't know what protocol PyTorch devs chose to implement and what is chosen according to what. I work with distributed training and prefer to follow PyTorch best practices without trying to outsmart them. I recommend for you to do the same unless you are really into researching this area.
[1] Distributed Training of Deep Learning Models: A Taxonomic Perspective
Approach to ml parallelism with Pytorch
DataParallel & DistributedDataParallel
Model parallel
See Will switching GPU device affect the gradient in PyTorch back propagation?

Pruning in Keras

I'm trying to design a neural network using Keras with priority on prediction performance, and I cannot get sufficiently high accuracy by further reducing the number of layers and nodes per layer. I have noticed that very large portion of my weights are effectively zero (>95%). Is there a way to prune dense layers in hope of reducing prediction time?
Not a dedicated way :(
There's currently no easy (dedicated) way of doing this with Keras.
A discussion is ongoing at!topic/keras-users/oEecCWayJrM.
You may also be interested in this paper:
Take a look at Keras Surgeon:
I have not tried it myself, but the documentation claims that it has functions to remove or insert nodes.
Also, after looking at some papers on pruning, it seems that many researchers create a new model with less channels (or less layers), and then copy the weights from the original model to the new model.
See this dedicated tooling for tf.keras.
As the overview suggests, support for latency improvements is a work in progress
Edit: Keras -> tf.keras based on LucG's suggestion.
If you set an individual weight to zero won't that prevent it from being updated during back propagation? Shouldn't thatv weight remain zero from one epoch to the next? That's why you set the initial weights to nonzero values before training. If you want to "remove" an entire node, just set all of the weights on that node's output to zero and that will prevent that nodes from having any affect on the output throughout training.
