Text in Bash terminal getting overwritten! Using JS, Node.js (npms are: inquirer, console.table, and mysql) - node.js

Short 10sec video of what is happening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZccegry36sZIPxTawGjaQ4Sexw5zGpZ/view
I have a CLI app that asks a user for a selection, then returns a response from a mysql database. The CLI app is run in node.js and prompts questions with Inquirer.
However, after returning the table of information, the next prompt overwrites the table data, making it mostly unreadable. It should appear on its own lines beneath the rest of the data, not overlap. The functions that gather and return the data are asynchronous (they must be in order to loop), but I have tried it with just a short list of standard synchronous functions for testing purposes, and the same problem exists. I have tried it with and without console.table, and the prompt still overwrites the response, as a console table or object list.
I have enabled checkwinsize in Bash with
shopt -s checkwinsize
And it still persists.
Is it Bash? Is it a problem with Inquirer?

I was having this issue as well. In my .then method of my prompt I was using switch and case to determine what to console log depending on the users selection. Then at the bottom I had an if statement checking to if they selected 'Finish' if they didn't I called the prompt function again, which I named 'questionUser'.
That's where I was having the issue, calling questionUser again was overriding my console logs.
What I did was I wrapped the questionUser call in a setTimeout like this:
if(data.option !== 'Finish'){
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
This worked for me and allowed my console log data to not get deleted.
Hopefully if anyone else is having this issue this helps, I couldn't find an answer to this specific question anywhere.


how to suppress output of a function in node/typescript

I have a typescript/node application where I am calling a 3rd-party function from a package that will output a string to the console. However, I want to know if it is possible to somehow suppress any kind of output (to the console/terminal) that this function will produce. I know that adding console.log = () => {} at the top of the file can do the job, but the linting rules (which I cannot change) of my group project state that calls to console.log are not allowed. Would anyone know of a more effective way of disabling output to console, without actually making reference to console?

Issues regarding calling a custom function in a Netsuite CS script on button click

I added a button to my employee form via a UE script to which I bound the 'createDebtor' function, which I made in the CS script which I attached to my UE script.
I am not really familiar with this method yet and run into some errors in my CS script. The following is the start of my CS script:
I added both console and script logging, because the script logging did not work. Note that the alert function works, so the initialization of the code and binding of the function works correctly. I have the following questions regarding my code:
*Why does log.debug not work (I am owner of the script and the script deployment has debug log level and testing status)
*Trying to console.log the 'employee' variable returns a readOnly object with the methods like 'getvalue', but no properties containing data. Is there an easy way to obtain and log all the properties of this object?
*As a followup to the previous question I tried to use the 'getValue' function to obtain data, but this returns 'undefined' for the 'subsidiary' field. (the field ID should be correct, as I got it from the employee form itself). Could someone advice what I am doing wrong here?
Suite Answers 68476, 74121, and 10564 suggest that you try/confirm the following:
In the User Event script, call form.setScript() before form.addButton().
Check the execution log of the User Event script, not the Client Script.
Confirm that the Log Level is set correctly, I assume on the User Event script and the Client Script.

Problems using Tail (Node.js module) to read file as it is updated

I'm trying to use Tail (https://www.npmjs.com/package/tail) to export Minecraft server log data to Discord (The discord bot part works, so I have excluded it from here).
If I say something in the game and then check "latest.log", it has been changed accordingly. However, using this script, the bot only sees a change if I open "latest.log" in notepad, it doesn't work otherwise. The bot will recognize changes as long as "latest.log" is open in the background, which is an annoyance but not too big of a deal.
However, my friend is the one who I was making this for, and for him Tail only updates the moment he opens "latest.log". Which means he would need to keep opening up that file for Tail to see it, instead of just letting it run in the background.
Tail = require('tail').Tail;
var fileToTail = "C:/Users/user/Downloads/logs/latest.log";
tail = new Tail(fileToTail);
tail.on("line", function(data) {
//Working code that sends data
tail.on("error", function(error) {
console.log('ERROR: ', error);
What could be causing the discrepancy between the two of us, and what can I do so that the bot can see the file changes without the user opening the file? Thanks in advance!
If you are using chokidar, you should pay attention to whether you are using fs.watch Vs. fs.watchFile. If using fs.watch you not successfully catch changes (which might be what you are experiencing).
See below from official docs for chokidar options:
usePolling (default: false). Whether to use fs.watchFile (backed by
polling), or fs.watch. If polling leads to high CPU utilization,
consider setting this to false. It is typically necessary to set this
to true to successfully watch files over a network, and it may be
necessary to successfully watch files in other non-standard
situations. Setting to true explicitly on MacOS overrides the
useFsEvents default. You may also set the CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING env
variable to true (1) or false (0) in order to override this option.

How to navigate Edge extension local storage callback requirements

I'm trying to access the local storage data in Edge set by my options page, using my popup script. Is there a current, working example of this available?
I was using localStorage, but it would only update the popup if I reloaded the extension after saving changes in my options page. I want to make it easier on the user by allowing the popup to access it immediately after saving, without reloading. I found the browser.storage.local.get(), but documentation conflicts everywhere I look, and I can't find viable working examples.
I have used, per Edge documentation:
But it throws an error requiring a callback function. So then I used:
let sample = browser.storage.local.get("example");
sample.then(ifGood, ifBad);
I get an error regarding property "then".
Then I simply tried adding a callback to the action itself:
sample = browser.storage.local.get("example", callbackFunction);
function callbackFunction(data){
The end alert should display a string, but it just displays an empty Object. How do I access the data returned in the callback? I tried callbackFunction(this) as an argument in the get, but it throws an error about the syntax of the get.
I found a work-around using browser.runtime.reload() in the Options page when saving the changes. It still reloads the extension, but it does it without requiring the user to do it manually.
You should use this syntax:
browser.storage.local.get(propertyName | null, callbackFn)
callbackFn = function fn(resultObject) {...}
When you pass null you will get whole storage object.
Look for example 1 or example 2 in my Edge extension.

nightwatch - check for popup window, after each click event

Is there a way in nightwatch to check whether a popup window appears after each click event?
I have a problem that randomly an error message appear and I don't want to write for each click event the same callback function.
I have already tried out the after and afterEach commands in the Global.js but then the commands will only run after the whole test suite.
I also have tried it local within a test file, although it also does not cover all single click events, even though the official website writes "... while beforeEach and afterEach are ran before and after each testcase (test step)"?
Solution I'm looking for:
Solution I have come up with so far:
.click('selector', isPresent)
.click('selector', isPresent)
isPresent as a callback function, which does the checking and close the popup window if it appears.
Is there another way to write a function (with or without after and/or forEach), so that it will be called after each click event or after each command. Thus, I don't have to write the isPresent repetitive code?
You can insert something like this in your page object file:
var popupCommand = {
return this.waitForElementVisible('selector', 5000)
.click('selector', isPresent)
.click('selector', isPresent)
module.exports = {
firstElement: {selector: 'xpath',locateStrategy: 'xpath'},
secondElement: {selector: 'css'},
Where 'popupCommand' will be the name of your page object file, for example 'Popup'. And also you will have to insert your isPresent callback function here so you can use it.
I did my best to explain you as much as possible what and how to do that :)
you should yse .switchWindow() method.
Why don't you write your own custom command specific for that case, so that way you will avoid repetitive code?
