How to navigate Edge extension local storage callback requirements - object

I'm trying to access the local storage data in Edge set by my options page, using my popup script. Is there a current, working example of this available?
I was using localStorage, but it would only update the popup if I reloaded the extension after saving changes in my options page. I want to make it easier on the user by allowing the popup to access it immediately after saving, without reloading. I found the, but documentation conflicts everywhere I look, and I can't find viable working examples.
I have used, per Edge documentation:"sample");
But it throws an error requiring a callback function. So then I used:
let sample ="example");
sample.then(ifGood, ifBad);
I get an error regarding property "then".
Then I simply tried adding a callback to the action itself:
sample ="example", callbackFunction);
function callbackFunction(data){
The end alert should display a string, but it just displays an empty Object. How do I access the data returned in the callback? I tried callbackFunction(this) as an argument in the get, but it throws an error about the syntax of the get.

I found a work-around using browser.runtime.reload() in the Options page when saving the changes. It still reloads the extension, but it does it without requiring the user to do it manually.

You should use this syntax: | null, callbackFn)
callbackFn = function fn(resultObject) {...}
When you pass null you will get whole storage object.
Look for example 1 or example 2 in my Edge extension.


Text in Bash terminal getting overwritten! Using JS, Node.js (npms are: inquirer, console.table, and mysql)

Short 10sec video of what is happening:
I have a CLI app that asks a user for a selection, then returns a response from a mysql database. The CLI app is run in node.js and prompts questions with Inquirer.
However, after returning the table of information, the next prompt overwrites the table data, making it mostly unreadable. It should appear on its own lines beneath the rest of the data, not overlap. The functions that gather and return the data are asynchronous (they must be in order to loop), but I have tried it with just a short list of standard synchronous functions for testing purposes, and the same problem exists. I have tried it with and without console.table, and the prompt still overwrites the response, as a console table or object list.
I have enabled checkwinsize in Bash with
shopt -s checkwinsize
And it still persists.
Is it Bash? Is it a problem with Inquirer?
I was having this issue as well. In my .then method of my prompt I was using switch and case to determine what to console log depending on the users selection. Then at the bottom I had an if statement checking to if they selected 'Finish' if they didn't I called the prompt function again, which I named 'questionUser'.
That's where I was having the issue, calling questionUser again was overriding my console logs.
What I did was I wrapped the questionUser call in a setTimeout like this:
if(data.option !== 'Finish'){
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
This worked for me and allowed my console log data to not get deleted.
Hopefully if anyone else is having this issue this helps, I couldn't find an answer to this specific question anywhere.

nightwatch - check for popup window, after each click event

Is there a way in nightwatch to check whether a popup window appears after each click event?
I have a problem that randomly an error message appear and I don't want to write for each click event the same callback function.
I have already tried out the after and afterEach commands in the Global.js but then the commands will only run after the whole test suite.
I also have tried it local within a test file, although it also does not cover all single click events, even though the official website writes "... while beforeEach and afterEach are ran before and after each testcase (test step)"?
Solution I'm looking for:
Solution I have come up with so far:
.click('selector', isPresent)
.click('selector', isPresent)
isPresent as a callback function, which does the checking and close the popup window if it appears.
Is there another way to write a function (with or without after and/or forEach), so that it will be called after each click event or after each command. Thus, I don't have to write the isPresent repetitive code?
You can insert something like this in your page object file:
var popupCommand = {
return this.waitForElementVisible('selector', 5000)
.click('selector', isPresent)
.click('selector', isPresent)
module.exports = {
firstElement: {selector: 'xpath',locateStrategy: 'xpath'},
secondElement: {selector: 'css'},
Where 'popupCommand' will be the name of your page object file, for example 'Popup'. And also you will have to insert your isPresent callback function here so you can use it.
I did my best to explain you as much as possible what and how to do that :)
you should yse .switchWindow() method.
Why don't you write your own custom command specific for that case, so that way you will avoid repetitive code?

localstorage undefined on ie11 (windows 10) what is the solution? [duplicate]

The localStorage object in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7 build) contains string representations of certain functions instead of native calls as you would expect.
This only breaks with vanilla JavaScript and sites like JSFiddle have no problem with this code but I suspect it's because there are localStorage polyfills in place that correct it.
Take this HTML page code for example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
localStorage.setItem('test', '12345');
This works perfectly well in all my installed browsers except for IE11. An error occurs on the first line 'SCRIPT5002: Function expected'.
Taking a look at what type the setItem function actually is in the IE developer tools console, states that it's a string...?
typeof localStorage.setItem === 'string' // true
Printing out the string for setItem displays the following:
"function() {
var result;
callBeforeHooks(hookSite, this, arguments);
try {
result = func.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
callExceptHooks(hookSite, this, arguments, e);
throw e;
} finally {
callAfterHooks(hookSite, this, arguments, result);
return result;
Oddly enough, not all functions have been replaced with strings, for example, the corresponding getItem function is indeed a function and works as expected.
typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function' // true
Changing the document mode (emulation) to 10 or 9 still doesn't resolve the problem and both result in the same error. Changing the document mode to 8 gives the following error 'Object doesn't support this property or method' which is expected since IE8 doesn't support localStorage.
Is anyone else having the same issue with IE11 on Windows 7 where the localStorage object seems 'broken/corrupt'?
Turns out this is a problem in the base version of IE11 (11.0.9600.16428) for Windows 7 SP1.
After installing a patch to update to 11.0.9600.16476 (update version 11.0.2 - KB2898785) the issue gets resolved. Links to other versions of Windows (32-bit etc.) can be found at the bottom of the patch download page.
It's not just IE11's fault.
Probably WEINRE is injected into the page. It hooks into several system functions to provide Developer Tools functionality, but IE11 interprets assignments to the localStorage and sessionStorage properties wrong, and converts the hook functions into strings, as if they were the data that is going to be stored.
There's a comment in the apache/cordova-weinre repo which says:
#In IE we should not override standard storage functions because IE does it incorrectly - all values that set as
# storage properties (e.g. localStorage.setItem = function()[...]) are cast to String.
# That leads to "Function expected" exception when any of overridden function is called.
object[property] = hookedFunction unless navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) and (object is localStorage or object is sessionStorage)
Looks like it's either an old version of WEINRE being used, or this change hasn't been officially released (it's been there since 2013).
My localStorage returned undefined and I couldn't figure out why - until I realized that it was because I was running the HTML-page (with the localStorage script) directly from my computer (file:///C:/Users/...). When I accessed the page from a server/localhost instead it localStorage was indeed defined and worked.
In addition to the already excellent answers here, I'd like to add another observation. In my case, the NTFS permissions on the Windows %LOCALAPPDATA% directory structure were somehow broken.
To diagnose this issue. I created a new Windows account (profile), which worked fine with the localStorage,so then I painstakingly traversed the respective %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer trees looking for discrepancies.
I found this gem:
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft>icacls "Internet Explorer"
Internet Explorer Everyone:(F)
I have NO idea how the permissions were set wide open!
Worse, all of the subdirectories has all permissions off. No wonder the DOMStore was inaccessible!
The working permissions from the other account were:
Which matched the permissions of the parent directory.
So, in a fit of laziness, I fixed the problem by having all directories "Internet Explorer" and under inherit the permissions. The RIGHT thing to do would be to manually apply each permission and not rely on the inherit function. But one thing to check is the NTFS permissions of %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer if you experience this issue. If DOMStore has broken permissions, all attempts to access localStorage will be met with Access Denied.

Updating a Contentful entry

I've hit a brick wall whilst attempting to update a Contentful entry using a typical http request in Javascript; I receive the error code "VersionMismatch" which, according to the documentation, means:
This error occurs when you're trying to update an existing asset,
entry or content type, and you didn't specify the current version of
the object or specify an outdated version.
However, I have specified the current version of the entry using the 'X-Contentful-Version' header parameter as per the documentation, and have used the dynamic property value from 'entry.sys.revision' as the parameter value (as well as hardcoding the current version, plus a bunch of different numbers, but I always receive the same error). This post reported the exact same issue, but was seemingly resolved by adding this header parameter.
Here's my current code, that is also using the Contentful API to retrieve entries from my Contentful space, but I'm having to use plain Javascript to put the data back due to specific requirements:
var client = contentful.createClient(
space: space_id,
accessToken: client_token
client.getEntry(entry_id).then((entry) => entry).then(function(entry) {
// update values of entry
entry.fields.title = "Testing";
// post data to contentful API
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', '' + space_id + '/entries/' + entry_id);
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer my_access_token');
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/');
// setting the 'X-Contentful-Version' header with current/soon to be old version
request.setRequestHeader('X-Contentful-Version', entry.sys.revision);
// convert entry object to JSON before sending
var body = JSON.stringify({fields: entry.fields});
Contentful developer here.
It looks like you get your content with the Contentful Delivery SDK and then try yo use that data to update content. That will not work. Instead I recommend using the Contentful Management SDK which will take care of all the versioning header for you.
I know its too late to answer here, but I am also facing same issue while doing this process.
So I asked this question and got the answer how we can achieve this without using Contentful-management sdk. My intention is not to suppress this sdk but we should be go to perform operation without it. I am trying to do it via postman but facing issue.
So I just post it and got the answer but understand the problem why I am not able to update the content because of two things
URL ( is the correct url if we are trying to update the content)
access_token (if we are using which means we have to generate our personal token (management token) in the contentful, we cannot use preview/delivery tokens)
These are the highlighted point which we need to consider while doing update. I posted the link below may be it help someone in future.
Updating entry of Contentful using postman

How to use the experimental offscreenTab API?

I've been searching for examples and reference and have come up with nothing. I found a note in offscreenTab source code mentioning it cannot be instantiated from a background page (it doesn't have a tab for the offscreenTab to relate to). Elsewhere I found mention that popup also has no tie to a tab.
How do you successfully create an offscreenTab in a Chrome extension?
According to the documentation, offscreenTabs.create won't function in a background page. Although not explicitly mentioned, the API cannot be used in a Content script either. Through a simple test, it seems that the popup has the same limitation as a background page.
The only leftover option is a tab which runs in the context of a Chrome extension. The easiest way to do that is by using the following code in the background/popup:
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('ost.htm'), active:false});
// active:false, so that the window do not jump to the front
ost.htm is a helper page, which creates the tab:
chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.create({url: '...'}, function(offscreenTab) {
// Do something with !
To change the URL, use chrome.experimental.offscreenTabs.update. is a tabId, which ought to be used with the chrome.tabs API. However, at least in Chrome 20.0.1130.1, this is not the case. All methods of the tabs API do not recognise the returned tabID.
A work-around is to inject a content script using a manifest file, eg:
{"content_scripts": {"js":["contentscript.js"], "matches":["<all_urls>"]}}
// contentscript.js:
chrome.extension.sendMessage({ .. any request .. }, function(response) {
// Do something with response.
Appendum to the background page:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
// Instead of checking for index == -1, you can also see if the ID matches
// the ID of a previously created offscreenTab
if ( && === -1) {
// index is negative if the tab is invisible
// ... do something (logic) ...
sendResponse( /* .. some response .. */ );
With content scripts, you've got full access to a page's DOM. But not to the global object. You'll have to inject scripts (see this answer) if you want to run code in the context of the page.
Another API which might be useful is the chrome.webRequest API. It can be used to modify headers/abort/redirect requests. Note: It cannot be used to read or modify the response.
Currently, the offscreenTabs API is experimental. To play with it, you have to enable the experimental APIs via chrome://flags, and add "permissions":["experimental"] to your manifest file. Once it's not experimental any more, use "permissions":["offscreenTabs"].
